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// * *
// * Module: *
// * NsClump *
// * Description: *
// * Holds Clump data & draws it. *
// * Written by: *
// * Paul Robinson *
// * Copyright: *
// * 2001 Neversoft Entertainment - All rights reserved. *
// * *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Includes. *
// ********************************************************************************/
//#include <math.h>
//#include <string.h>
//#include "p_clump.h"
//#include "p_file.h"
//#include "p_prim.h"
//#include <sk/engine/bsputils.h>
//#include "p_display.h"
//#include "p_assert.h"
// * Defines. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// mTWO_SIDED = 0x01,
// mINVISIBLE = 0x02,
// mFRONT_FACING = 0x04,
// mTRANSPARENT = 0x08,
// mDECAL = 0x10,
// mUV_WIBBLE_SUPPORT = 0x20, // If these two values change, notify Steve as Rw references
// mVC_WIBBLE_SUPPORT = 0x40, // these two flags by value.
//enum RpWorldFlag
// rpWORLDTRISTRIP = 0x01, /**<This world's meshes can be rendered
// as tri strips */
// rpWORLDTEXTURED = 0x04, /**<This world has one set of texture coordinates */
// rpWORLDPRELIT = 0x08, /**<This world has luminance values */
// rpWORLDNORMALS = 0x10, /**<This world has normals */
// rpWORLDLIGHT = 0x20, /**<This world will be lit */
// rpWORLDMODULATEMATERIALCOLOR = 0x40, /**<Modulate material color with
// vertex colors (pre-lit + lit) */
// rpWORLDTEXTURED2 = 0x80, /**<This world has 2 set of texture coordinates */
// /*
// * These flags are stored in the flags field in an RwObject, the flag field is 8bit.
// */
// rpWORLDSECTORSOVERLAP = 0x40000000,
//typedef enum RpWorldFlag RpWorldFlag;
// * Structures. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Local variables. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Forward references. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * Externs. *
// ********************************************************************************/
// * *
// * Method: *
// * NsClump *
// * Inputs: *
// * <none> *
// * Output: *
// * <none> *
// * Description: *
// * Declares a clump object. *
// * *
// ********************************************************************************/
// m_pAtomicHead = NULL;
// m_numAtomic = 0;
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// m_pAnim[i] = NULL;
// m_AnimWeights[i] = ( i == 0 ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// }
// m_AnimFlipped = false;
// m_pFrameList = NULL;
// m_pBoneMat = NULL;
// m_pBoneData = NULL;
// m_pWorld = NULL;
// m_pUserData = NULL;
// m_pTexMan = NULL;
//NsClump::NsClump( NsModel * pModelData )
// m_pAtomicHead = NULL;
// m_numAtomic = 0;
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// m_pAnim[i] = NULL;
// m_AnimWeights[i] = ( i == 0 ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// }
// m_AnimFlipped = false;
// m_pFrameList = NULL;
// m_pBoneMat = NULL;
// m_pBoneData = NULL;
// m_pWorld = NULL;
// m_pUserData = NULL;
// m_pTexMan = NULL;
// setModel( pModelData );
//NsClump::NsClump( unsigned int * pDFF )
// m_pAtomicHead = NULL;
// m_numAtomic = 0;
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// m_pAnim[i] = NULL;
// m_AnimWeights[i] = ( i == 0 ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
// }
// m_AnimFlipped = false;
// m_pFrameList = NULL;
// m_pBoneMat = NULL;
// m_pBoneData = NULL;
// m_pWorld = NULL;
// m_pUserData = NULL;
// m_pTexMan = NULL;
// setAtomics( pDFF );
//// OSReport( "Deleting clump:\n" );
// NsDisplay::flush();
// NsAtomic * pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// NsAtomic * pDelete = pAtomic;
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
//// OSReport( "...pAtomic 0x%08x\n", pDelete );
// delete pDelete;
// }
//// OSReport( "m_pFrame 0x%08x\n", m_pFrame );
//// OSReport( "m_pBoneMat 0x%08x\n", m_pBoneMat );
//// OSReport( "m_pBoneData 0x%08x\n", m_pBoneData );
// if ( m_pFrameList ) delete m_pFrameList;
// if ( m_pBoneMat ) delete m_pBoneMat;
// for ( int lp = 0; lp < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; lp++ ) {
//// OSReport( "m_pAnim[%d] 0x%08x\n", lp, m_pAnim[lp] );
// if ( m_pAnim[lp] ) delete m_pAnim[lp];
// }
// // Multi-reference stuff.
// if ( m_pBoneData ) {
// if ( m_pBoneData->totalReferences() == 0 ) {
// delete m_pBoneData;
// } else {
// m_pBoneData->removeReference();
// }
// }
//NsClump& NsClump::clone ( void )
// int lp;
// NsClump * pClonedClump;
// NsAnim * pClonedAnim;
// NsAtomic * pClonedAtomic;
// NsAtomic * pAtomic;
// // Create a new clump.
// pClonedClump = new NsClump;
// memcpy( pClonedClump, this, sizeof( NsClump ) );
// pClonedClump->m_pAtomicHead = NULL;
// pClonedClump->m_numAtomic = 0;
// // Create new anim structure.
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// if ( m_pAnim[i] ) {
// pClonedAnim = &m_pAnim[i]->clone();
//// memcpy( pClonedAnim, m_pAnim, sizeof( NsAnim ) );
// pClonedClump->m_pAnim[i] = pClonedAnim;
// }
// }
// // Copy the bone data.
//// if ( m_pBoneData ) {
//// pClonedClump->m_pBoneData = new NsAnim_BoneData[m_numBones];
//// memcpy ( pClonedClump->m_pBoneData, m_pBoneData, sizeof ( NsAnim_BoneData ) * m_numBones );
//// }
//// if ( m_pFrame ) {
//// pClonedClump->m_pFrame = new NsFrame;
//// memcpy ( pClonedClump->m_pFrame, m_pFrame, sizeof ( NsFrame ) );
//// }
// pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// // Copy the atomics over.
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numAtomic; lp++ ) {
// // Create a cloned atomic.
// pClonedAtomic = &pAtomic->clone();
// // Add it to the cloned clump.
// pClonedClump->addAtomic( pClonedAtomic );
//// // If this is the head node, set up the frame for the clump.
//// if ( pAtomic->getFrame() == m_pFrame ) {
//// delete pClonedAtomic->getFrame();
//// pClonedAtomic->setFrame( pClonedClump->m_pFrame );
////// pClonedClump->m_pFrame = pClonedAtomic->getFrame();
//// }
// // Onto the next atomic.
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
//// if ( m_numAtomic ) pClonedClump->m_pFrame = pClonedClump->m_pAtomicHead->getFrame();
// // Copy the framelist.
// pClonedClump->m_pFrameList = new NsFrame[m_numFrames];
// memcpy ( pClonedClump->m_pFrameList, m_pFrameList, sizeof ( NsFrame ) * m_numFrames );
// pClonedClump->m_pFrame = &pClonedClump->m_pFrameList[0];
// // Copy the bone matrices if present.
// if( m_pBoneMat )
// {
// pClonedClump->m_pBoneMat = new ROMtx[m_numBones];
// memcpy( pClonedClump->m_pBoneMat, m_pBoneMat, sizeof( ROMtx ) * m_numBones );
// }
// // Search all atomics, and attach it the ones with this framenumber.
// pAtomic = pClonedClump->m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
//// delete pAtomic->getFrame();
// pAtomic->setFrame( &pClonedClump->m_pFrameList[pAtomic->m_frameNumber] );
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
// // Multi-reference counts.
// if ( m_pBoneData ) m_pBoneData->addReference();
// return *pClonedClump;
//NsModel * NsClump::setModel ( NsModel * pModelData )
// NsModel * m_pNextModel;
// // Create the atomic.
// NsAtomic * pAtomic = new NsAtomic;
// m_pNextModel = pAtomic->setModel( pModelData, m_pTexMan );
// addAtomic( pAtomic );
// // Set the frame.
// m_pFrame = new NsFrame;
// m_pAtomicHead->setFrame( m_pFrame );
// // Dummy up the framelist.
// m_numFrames = 1;
// m_pFrameList = m_pFrame;
// return m_pNextModel;
//void NsClump::setAtomics ( unsigned int * pDFF )
// NsFrame * pFrameList = (NsFrame *)&pDFF[8];
// NsModel * pModelData = (NsModel *)&pFrameList[pDFF[2]];
// NsModel * m_pNextModel;
// unsigned int lp;
// NsAtomic * pAtomic;
// // Note, these are added in reverse ( I believe Renderware does it like
// // that, as adding them forwards is bogus).
// m_pFrame = NULL;
// for ( lp = 0; lp < pDFF[0]; lp++ ) {
// pAtomic = new NsAtomic;
// m_pNextModel = pAtomic->setModel( pModelData, m_pTexMan );
// OSReport ( "Atomic %d: %d\n", lp, pModelData->m_frameNumber );
// addAtomic( pAtomic );
//// pAtomic->m_pNext = m_pAtomicHead;
//// m_pAtomicHead = pAtomic;
//// m_numAtomic++;
// pModelData = m_pNextModel;
// }
// // Turn the framelist into actual frames and attach to the atomics.
// m_numFrames = pDFF[2];
// m_pFrameList = new NsFrame[m_numFrames];
// memcpy ( m_pFrameList, pFrameList, sizeof ( NsFrame ) * m_numFrames );
// m_pFrame = &m_pFrameList[0];
// // Search all atomics, and attach it the ones with this framenumber.
// pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// pAtomic->setFrame( &m_pFrameList[pAtomic->m_frameNumber] );
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
// // If this clump has an animation hierarchy, set it up.
// if ( pDFF[1] ) {
// unsigned char * p8;
// NsAnim_BoneHeader * pBoneHeader;
// NsAnim_SkinHeader * pSkinHeader;
// NsAnim_BoneData * pTempBone;
//// NsWeightPair * pWeight;
//// float * pSingleWeight;
//// unsigned short * pIndices;
//// NsPosNormPair * pPosNormPair;
//// NsPosNormPair * pTransformedVertices;
//// NsPosNormPair * pCurrentVertexPool;
//// unsigned int * pCount;
//// unsigned int * pIndex;
//// unsigned char * p8;
//// unsigned int * vertexcount;
// // Skip the actual DFF data & point to the animation data.
// p8 = (unsigned char *)pDFF;
// pBoneHeader = (NsAnim_BoneHeader *)&p8[pDFF[1]];
// pTempBone = (NsAnim_BoneData *)&pBoneHeader[1];
// pSkinHeader = (NsAnim_SkinHeader *)&pTempBone[pBoneHeader->numBones];
// m_numBones = pBoneHeader->numBones;
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// m_pAnim[i] = new NsAnim( m_numBones );
// }
// // Copy the bone data.
// m_pBoneData = new NsRefBoneData( new NsAnim_BoneData[pBoneHeader->numBones] );
// memcpy ( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData, pTempBone, sizeof ( NsAnim_BoneData ) * pBoneHeader->numBones );
// // Create the bone display matrices.
// m_pBoneMat = new ROMtx[pBoneHeader->numBones];
// // Attach animation data to all atomics.
// pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// // The atomic will attach the animation data, and return a pointer past it.
// pSkinHeader = pAtomic->attachSkinData( pSkinHeader );
// // Next atomic.
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
//// for ( lp = 0; lp < pDFF[0]; lp++ ) {
//// pCount = (unsigned int *)&pSkinHeader[1];
//// // Scan to end of blended weights.
//// vertexcount = 0;
//// while ( pCount[0] ) {
//// pPosNormPair = (PosNormPair *)&pCount[2];
//// pWeight = (WeightPair *)&pPosNormPair[pCount[0]];
//// vertexcount += pCount[0];
//// pCount = (unsigned int *)&pWeight[pCount[0]];
//// }
//// pCount++;
//// // Now, we know how many vertices for this atomic, and how many
//// // pairs - attach them.
//// // Onto animation data for next atomic.
//// pTransformedVertices = pPool;
//// }
// }
//void NsClump::merge( NsClump& source )
// NsAtomic * pAtomic = source.m_pAtomicHead;
// // Merge in the materials.
// m_pTexMan->merge( *source.m_pTexMan );
// // Add all atomics from the source.
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// // Point to the clump's frame.
// pAtomic->m_pFrame = m_pFrame;
// // Delete the flippairs
// if ( pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs ) {
// if ( pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs->totalReferences() == 0 ) {
// delete pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs;
// pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs = NULL;
// pAtomic->m_numFlipPairs = 0;
// } else {
// pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs->removeReference();
// }
// }
// // Add this atomic to the clump.
// addAtomic( pAtomic );
// // Onto the next one, deleting as we go.
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
// source.m_pAtomicHead = NULL;
// source.m_numAtomic = 0;
//void NsClump::buildBoneMatrices( NsQFrame* p_q_frames, NsTFrame* p_t_frames )
// NsMatrix bts;
// unsigned int lp;
// int currentMatrix;
// NsMatrix parentMatrix;
// NsMatrix matrixStack[32];
// NsMatrix * pMatrixStackTop = matrixStack;
// NsMatrix boneMatrix;
// NsMatrix tempMatrix;
// // Point up what we need.
// currentMatrix = -1;
// // This is the root.
// parentMatrix.identity();
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numBones; lp++ ) {
// // Build bone to skin (bts) matrix.
// bts.setRight( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].rightx, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].upx, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].atx );
// bts.setUp( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].righty, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].upy, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].aty );
// bts.setAt( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].rightz, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].upz, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].atz );
// bts.setPos( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].posx, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].posy, m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].posz );
// // Push parent if required.
// if ( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].flags & rpSKINPUSHPARENTMATRIX ) {
// memcpy ( pMatrixStackTop, &parentMatrix, sizeof ( NsMatrix ) );
// pMatrixStackTop++;
// }
// boneMatrix.fromQuat( &p_q_frames[lp].q );
// boneMatrix.setPos( p_t_frames[lp].v.x, p_t_frames[lp].v.y, p_t_frames[lp].v.z );
// // Multiply this matrix by the parent.
// tempMatrix.cat( parentMatrix, boneMatrix );
// // Multiply this matrix by the parent.
// bts.cat( tempMatrix, bts );
// // Convert this matrix to the format required for fast transformation.
//// PSMTXReorder ( bts, pBoneMat[lp] );
// m_pBoneMat[lp][0][0] = bts.getRightX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][0][1] = bts.getUpX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][0][2] = bts.getAtX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][1][0] = bts.getRightY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][1][1] = bts.getUpY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][1][2] = bts.getAtY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][2][0] = bts.getRightZ();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][2][1] = bts.getUpZ();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][2][2] = bts.getAtZ();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][3][0] = bts.getPosX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][3][1] = bts.getPosY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][3][2] = bts.getPosZ();
// // Update parent (pop if required).
// if ( m_pBoneData->m_pBoneData[lp].flags & rpSKINPOPPARENTMATRIX) {
// pMatrixStackTop--;
// memcpy ( &parentMatrix, pMatrixStackTop, sizeof ( NsMatrix ) );
// } else {
// memcpy ( &parentMatrix, &tempMatrix, sizeof ( NsMatrix ) );
// }
// }
//void NsClump::flipBoneMatrices( void )
// NsAtomic * pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// if ( pAtomic->m_numFlipPairs > 0 ) {
// // Flips the ROMtx matrices (pre built fast-trasnformation format matrices).
// // To flip the hierarchy, simply negate the x axis components of the 'at' and 'up' vectors, Then rebuild
// // the right vector. (Negating the x component of the right vector will lead to matrix inversion, which will flip textures etc.)
// for( unsigned int i = 0;; i += 2 )
// {
// assertp(( i + 1 ) < ( pAtomic->m_numFlipPairs * 2 ));
// int matrix0 = pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs->m_pFlipPairs[i];
// if( matrix0 == -1 )
// {
// // Not interested.
// continue;
// }
// int matrix1 = pAtomic->m_pFlipPairs->m_pFlipPairs[i + 1];
// if(( matrix0 == 0 ) && ( matrix1 == 0 ))
// {
// // Terminator.
// break;
// }
// NsVector right, up, at, pos;
// if( matrix1 == -1 )
// {
// // Just a simple rotate.
// ROMtx* p_matrix0 = m_pBoneMat + matrix0;
// // Generate the right vector from up and at.
// up.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][1], p_matrix0[0][1][1], p_matrix0[0][2][1] );
// at.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][2], p_matrix0[0][1][2], p_matrix0[0][2][2] );
// right.cross( up, at );
// pos.set( -p_matrix0[0][3][0], p_matrix0[0][3][1], p_matrix0[0][3][2] );
// p_matrix0[0][0][0] = right.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][0] = right.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][0] = right.z;
// p_matrix0[0][0][1] = up.x;
// p_matrix0[0][0][2] = at.x;
// p_matrix0[0][3][0] = pos.x;
// }
// else
// {
// ROMtx* p_matrix0 = m_pBoneMat + matrix0;
// ROMtx* p_matrix1 = m_pBoneMat + matrix1;
// // Need to save matrix1 as it will now be written to.
// ROMtx m1;
// memcpy( &m1, p_matrix1, sizeof( ROMtx ));
// // Generate the right vector from up and at.
// up.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][1], p_matrix0[0][1][1], p_matrix0[0][2][1] );
// at.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][2], p_matrix0[0][1][2], p_matrix0[0][2][2] );
// right.cross( up, at );
// pos.set( -p_matrix0[0][3][0], p_matrix0[0][3][1], p_matrix0[0][3][2] );
// p_matrix1[0][0][0] = right.x;
// p_matrix1[0][1][0] = right.y;
// p_matrix1[0][2][0] = right.z;
// p_matrix1[0][0][1] = up.x;
// p_matrix1[0][1][1] = up.y;
// p_matrix1[0][2][1] = up.z;
// p_matrix1[0][0][2] = at.x;
// p_matrix1[0][1][2] = at.y;
// p_matrix1[0][2][2] = at.z;
// p_matrix1[0][3][0] = pos.x;
// p_matrix1[0][3][1] = pos.y;
// p_matrix1[0][3][2] = pos.z;
// // Generate the right vector from up and at.
// up.set( -m1[0][1], m1[1][1], m1[2][1] );
// at.set( -m1[0][2], m1[1][2], m1[2][2] );
// right.cross( up, at );
// pos.set( -m1[3][0], m1[3][1], m1[3][2] );
// p_matrix0[0][0][0] = right.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][0] = right.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][0] = right.z;
// p_matrix0[0][0][1] = up.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][1] = up.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][1] = up.z;
// p_matrix0[0][0][2] = at.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][2] = at.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][2] = at.z;
// p_matrix0[0][3][0] = pos.x;
// p_matrix0[0][3][1] = pos.y;
// p_matrix0[0][3][2] = pos.z;
// }
// }
// }
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
//void NsClump::processAnims( void )
// // Check there are valid animations attached.
// assertp( m_pAnim[0] );
// // Update the keyframes & buid the bone matrices if we're animated.
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// if( m_pAnim[i] && ( m_AnimWeights[i] > 0.0f ))
// {
// // Select the correct start and end keys for each bone.
// m_pAnim[i]->update();
// // Interpolate the intermediate key for time <t> for each bone.
// m_pAnim[i]->buildKeys();
// }
// }
// // We now have one or more animations with correct keys. If not currently blending, we can use the
// // keys from the first animation, otherwise, we have to build a weighted set of keys considering
// // all animations that are currently in the blend.
// if( m_AnimWeights[0] == 1.0f )
// {
// // No blending required.
// }
// else
// {
// // Scan through the sets of frames, interpolating between the 2 based on the blend values.
// float sum = 0.0f;
// for( int i1 = ( NUM_BLEND_ANIMS - 1 ); i1 > 0; --i1 )
// {
// float blend1 = m_AnimWeights[i1];
// if( blend1 > 0.0f )
// {
// blend1 += sum;
// int i0 = i1 - 1;
// while(( m_AnimWeights[i0] <= 0.0f ) && ( i0 > 0 ))
// {
// --i0;
// }
// float blend0 = m_AnimWeights[i0];
// sum += m_AnimWeights[i1];
// // Need to normalise blend0 and blend1 so they sum to 1.0.
// blend0 /= ( blend0 + blend1 );
// blend1 = 1.0f - blend0;
// for( unsigned int bone = 0; bone < m_numBones; ++bone )
// {
// // Linearly interpolate positions, SLERP the quaternions.
// m_pAnim[i0]->getTFrameNow()[bone].v.lerp( m_pAnim[i0]->getTFrameNow()[bone].v, m_pAnim[i1]->getTFrameNow()[bone].v, blend1 );
// m_pAnim[i0]->getQFrameNow()[bone].q.slerp( m_pAnim[i0]->getQFrameNow()[bone].q, m_pAnim[i1]->getQFrameNow()[bone].q, blend1 );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // Build the final bone matrices.
// buildBoneMatrices( m_pAnim[0]->getQFrameNow(), m_pAnim[0]->getTFrameNow());
// // If the animation is flipped, post-process the ROMtx bone matrix array.
// if( m_AnimFlipped && m_pAnim[0] )
// {
// flipBoneMatrices();
// }
//void NsClump::getHookPosition( NsVector& hook_in, unsigned int bone, NsVector& hook_out )
// NsMatrix bm;
// bm.setRightX( m_pBoneMat[bone][0][0] );
// bm.setUpX( m_pBoneMat[bone][0][1] );
// bm.setAtX( m_pBoneMat[bone][0][2] );
// bm.setRightY( m_pBoneMat[bone][1][0] );
// bm.setUpY( m_pBoneMat[bone][1][1] );
// bm.setAtY( m_pBoneMat[bone][1][2] );
// bm.setRightZ( m_pBoneMat[bone][2][0] );
// bm.setUpZ( m_pBoneMat[bone][2][1] );
// bm.setAtZ( m_pBoneMat[bone][2][2] );
// bm.setPosX( m_pBoneMat[bone][3][0] );
// bm.setPosY( m_pBoneMat[bone][3][1] );
// bm.setPosZ( m_pBoneMat[bone][3][2] );
// NsVector temp;
// bm.multiply( &hook_in, &temp );
// m_pFrame->getModelMatrix()->multiply( &temp, &hook_out );
//void NsClump::draw( NsCamera * camera, unsigned int transform )
// NsMatrix root;
// NsMatrix model_transform = *m_pFrame->getModelMatrix();
// NsMatrix m;
//// NsMatrix final;
// NsAtomic * pAtomic;
// unsigned int visible;
// // Cat the clump's frame with the camera view matrix.
// root.cat( *camera->getCurrent(), *m_pFrame->getModelMatrix() );
// // Do animation processing where appropriate.
// if( m_pAnim[0] )
// {
// processAnims();
// }
// // If you want to perform lighting, you must also set normal transformation matrix. In general case, such
// // matrix can be obtained as inverse-transpose of the position transform matrix.
// NsMatrix inverse_model_transform;
// pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// // Cat this matrix with the the parent matrix (unless it is the parent).
// if ( m_pFrame == pAtomic->getFrame() ) {
// GX::LoadPosMtxImm( root.m_matrix, GX_PNMTX0 );
// visible = pAtomic->getMaterials()->cull( &root );
// MTXInverse( model_transform.m_matrix, inverse_model_transform.m_matrix );
// } else {
// m.cat( root, *pAtomic->getFrame()->getModelMatrix() );
// GX::LoadPosMtxImm( m.m_matrix, GX_PNMTX0 );
// visible = pAtomic->getMaterials()->cull( &m );
// m.cat( model_transform, *pAtomic->getFrame()->getModelMatrix() );
// MTXInverse( m.m_matrix, inverse_model_transform.m_matrix );
// }
// if ( visible ) {
// NsMatrix normal_transform;
// MTXTranspose( inverse_model_transform.m_matrix, normal_transform.m_matrix );
// GXLoadNrmMtxImm( normal_transform.m_matrix, GX_PNMTX0 );
// // Draw it.
// if ( m_pAnim[0] ) {
// // Animated.
// pAtomic->draw( camera, m_pBoneMat, transform );
// } else {
// // Static.
// pAtomic->draw( camera );
// }
// }
// // Onto the next one.
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
////void NsClump::applyAnim( NsAnim * m_pAnim )
//// Mtx root;
//// Mtx m;
//// NsAtomic * pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
//// MTXConcat(camera->getCurrent(), m_pFrame->getModelMatrix(), root);
//// while ( pAtomic ) {
//// // Cat this matrix with the the parent matrix (unless it is the parent).
//// if ( m_pFrame == pAtomic->getFrame() ) {
//// GX::LoadPosMtxImm( root, GX_PNMTX0 );
//// } else {
//// MTXConcat(root, pAtomic->getFrame()->getModelMatrix(), m);
//// GX::LoadPosMtxImm( m, GX_PNMTX0 );
//// }
//// // Draw it.
//// pAtomic->draw( camera );
//// // Onto the next one.
//// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
//// }
// * *
// * Method: *
// * draw *
// * Inputs: *
// * pMaterialList The list of materials this model uses. *
// * Output: *
// * <none> *
// * Description: *
// * Draws the specified model. *
// * *
// ********************************************************************************/
////void NsClump::draw( NsCamera * camera, )
//// // Animated draw.
//// buildBoneMatrices( m_pAnim, pDFF, v, objMat, boneMat );
//// _drawSkinned ( pMaterialList, v, pDFF, objMat, m_pAnim, pPool, boneMat );
//// pModel = &pDFF[8];
//// p8 = (unsigned char *)pDFF;
//// pBoneHeader = (BoneHeader *)&p8[pDFF[1]];
//// m_pBoneData = (BoneData *)&pBoneHeader[1];
//// pSkinHeader = (SkinHeader *)&m_pBoneData[pBoneHeader->m_numBones];
//// pTransformedVertices = pPool;
//// // pTex = TexMan_Retrieve ( "SUB_AS_satellite_01.png" );
//// for ( chunk = 0; chunk < pDFF[0]; chunk++ ) {
//// // Point up stuff we're interested in.
//// pMaterial = (unsigned char *)&pModel[8];
//// pGeom = (unsigned int *)&pMaterial[pModel[0]*64];
//// pCount = (unsigned int *)&pSkinHeader[1];
//// // Transform paired vertices.
//// GQRSetup6 ( 0, GQR_TYPE_F32, 0, GQR_TYPE_F32 ); // Set read/write scale & type.
//// GQRSetup7 ( 0, GQR_TYPE_F32, 0, GQR_TYPE_F32 ); // Set read/write scale & type.
//// pCurrentVertexPool = pTransformedVertices;
//// vertexcount = 0;
//// while ( pCount[0] ) {
//// pPosNormPair = (PosNormPair *)&pCount[2];
//// pWeight = (WeightPair *)&pPosNormPair[pCount[0]];
//// if ( blendVtx ) {
//// BlendTransformFloat( pBoneMat[pCount[1]&255], pBoneMat[(pCount[1]>>8)&255], pWeight->w, pPosNormPair->pos, pTransformedVertices->pos, pCount[0] == 1 ? 2 : pCount[0] );
////// DCFlushRange(pTransformedVertices, sizeof ( PosNormPair ) * pCount[0]);
//// pTransformedVertices += pCount[0];
//// } else {
//// TransformFloat( pBoneMat[pCount[1]&255], pPosNormPair->pos, pTransformedVertices->pos, pCount[0] == 1 ? 2 : pCount[0] );
////// DCFlushRange(pTransformedVertices, sizeof ( PosNormPair ) * pCount[0]);
//// pTransformedVertices += pCount[0];
//// }
//// vertexcount += pCount[0];
//// pCount = (unsigned int *)&pWeight[pCount[0]];
//// }
//// pCount++;
//// // Transform accumulation vertices.
//// while ( pCount[0] ) {
//// pPosNormPair = (PosNormPair *)&pCount[2];
//// pSingleWeight = (float *)&pPosNormPair[pCount[0]];
//// pIndices = (unsigned short *)&pSingleWeight[pCount[0]];
//// if ( blendVtx ) {
//// AccTransformFloat ( pBoneMat[pCount[1]], pCount[0], pPosNormPair->pos, pCurrentVertexPool->pos, pIndices, pSingleWeight );
//// }
//// pCount = (unsigned int *)&pIndices[pCount[0]+(pCount[0]&1)];
//// }
//// pCount++;
//// DCFlushRange(pCurrentVertexPool, sizeof ( PosNormPair ) * vertexcount);
//// // Set format of position, color and tex coordinates.
//// GXSetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_POS, GX_POS_XYZ, GX_F32, 0);
//// if ( pGeom[3] & rpWORLDNORMALS ) GXSetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_NRM, GX_NRM_XYZ, GX_F32, 0);
//// if ( pGeom[3] & rpWORLDPRELIT ) GXSetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_CLR0, GX_CLR_RGBA, GX_RGBA8, 0);
//// if ( pGeom[3] & rpWORLDUVS ) GXSetVtxAttrFmt(GX_VTXFMT0, GX_VA_TEX0, GX_TEX_ST, GX_F32, 0);
//// GXSetNumTevStages(1);
//void NsClump::setAnimWeights( float* p_weights, int num_weights )
// assertp( num_weights <= NUM_BLEND_ANIMS );
// for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BLEND_ANIMS; ++i )
// {
// if( i < num_weights )
// {
// m_AnimWeights[i] = p_weights[i];
// }
// else
// {
// // Any weights not specified are assumed to be zero.
// m_AnimWeights[i] = 0.0f;
// }
// }
//void NsClump::forAllAtomics ( NsClump_Callback pCB, void * pData )
// NsAtomic * pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// if ( pCB ) pAtomic = pCB( pAtomic, pData );
// if ( !pAtomic ) break;
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
//void NsClump::addAtomic ( NsAtomic * pAtomic )
// NsAtomic * pSearchAtomic;
// if ( m_pAtomicHead == NULL ) {
// // First one, just add it.
// m_pAtomicHead = pAtomic;
// } else {
// // Find the last atomic in the list (must do this to keep the order the same).
// pSearchAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pSearchAtomic->m_pNext ) pSearchAtomic = pSearchAtomic->m_pNext;
// pSearchAtomic->m_pNext = pAtomic;
// }
// pAtomic->m_pNext = NULL;
// m_numAtomic++;
// pAtomic->m_pClump = this;
//void NsClump::removeAtomic ( NsAtomic * pAtomicToRemove )
// NsAtomic * pSearchAtomic;
// NsAtomic ** ppLastAtomic;
// pSearchAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// ppLastAtomic = &m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pSearchAtomic ) {
// // See if this is the one.
// if ( pSearchAtomic == pAtomicToRemove ) {
// // Link over this Atomic.
// *ppLastAtomic = pSearchAtomic->m_pNext;
// break;
// }
// // No match, point up the last Atomic pointer to pointer.
// ppLastAtomic = &pSearchAtomic->m_pNext;
// // Onto the next one.
// pSearchAtomic = pSearchAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
// m_numAtomic--;
//void NsClump::removeCASPolys( unsigned int flags )
// // Parse each atomic in turn.
// NsAtomic * pAtomic = m_pAtomicHead;
// while ( pAtomic ) {
// if ( pAtomic->m_numCAS32 > 0 ) {
// // Parse each material in turn.
// for ( int lp = 0; lp < pAtomic->m_pMaterial->m_materialListSize; lp++ ) {
// // Parse each DL in turn.
// NsDL * pDL = pAtomic->m_pMaterial->retrieve( lp )->headDL();
// while ( pDL ) {
// unsigned char * p8;
// unsigned char search[3];
// p8 = (unsigned char *)&pDL[1];
// search[0] = search[1] = search[2] = 0xff;
// for ( unsigned int ss = 0; ss < pDL->m_size; ss++ ) {
// search[0] = search[1];
// search[1] = search[2];
// search[2] = *p8++;
// if ( ( ( search[0] & 0xf8 ) == GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES ) &&
// ( ( ( search[1] << 8 ) | search[2] ) == (int)pDL->m_numIdx ) ) {
// // Found it!!! Now, kill all polys with matching flags.
// unsigned short * p16 = (unsigned short *)p8;
// int idxpervtx;
// // Calculate how many indices per vertex.
// idxpervtx = 1; // Always have pos.
// if ( pDL->m_flags & rpWORLDPRELIT ) idxpervtx++;
// if ( pDL->m_flags & rpWORLDNORMALS ) idxpervtx++;
// if ( pDL->m_flags & rpWORLDUVS ) idxpervtx++;
// // Kill all polys that have the specified bits set.
// for ( int ii = 0; ii < ( pDL->m_numIdx / 3 ); ii++ ) {
// if ( pAtomic->m_pCAS32->m_pCAS32[pDL->m_polyBase + ii] & flags ) {
// for ( int vv = 0; vv < (idxpervtx * 3); vv++ ) {
// p16[vv] = 0;
// }
// }
// p16 += idxpervtx * 3;
// }
//// OSReport( "Contents of DL: %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", p8[0], p8[1], p8[2], p8[3] );
// break;
// }
// }
// pDL = pDL->m_pNext;
// }
// }
// }
// pAtomic = pAtomic->m_pNext;
// }
//// int lp;
//// NsMaterialMan * pMat = atomic->getMaterials();
//// for ( lp = 0; lp < pMat->m_numTotal; lp++ ) {
//// pMat->retrieve( lp )->headDL()->removePoly(0);
//// }
//// unsigned char * p8;
//// unsigned char * pEnd;
// // We basically need to parse all display lists, and remove the polys with
// // matching flags.
//// // Parse the display list.
//// p8 = (unsigned char *)&this[1];
//// pEnd = &p8[m_size];
//// while ( p8 < pEnd ) {
//// switch ( *p8 & 0xf8 ) {
//// case GX_NOP:
//// p8++;
//// break;
//// case GX_LOAD_BP_REG:
//// p8+=4;
//// break;
//// case GX_DRAW_QUADS:
//// break;
//// break;
//// break;
//// break;
//// case GX_DRAW_LINES:
//// break;
//// break;
//// case GX_DRAW_POINTS:
//// break;
//// default:
//// p8++;
//// break;
//// }
//// }