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//#include <math.h>
//#include "p_anim.h"
//#include "p_file.h"
//#include "p_assert.h"
//#include "p_matrix.h"
//NsAnim::NsAnim ( unsigned int numBones )
// m_q0 = new NsQFrame[numBones];
// m_t0 = new NsTFrame[numBones];
// m_q1 = new NsQFrame[numBones];
// m_t1 = new NsTFrame[numBones];
// m_qnow = new NsQFrame[numBones];
// m_tnow = new NsTFrame[numBones];
//// m_pBoneMat = new ROMtx[numBones];
// m_pQ0 = NULL;
// m_pT0 = NULL;
// m_pQ1 = NULL;
// m_pT1 = NULL;
// m_pCurrentSequence = NULL;
// m_numCachedBones = numBones;
// m_duration = 0.0f;
// m_cachedTime = -1.0f;
// m_time = 0.0f;
//NsAnim::NsAnim ( NsAnim_Sequence * pAnim, unsigned int numBones )
// m_q0 = new NsQFrame[numBones];
// m_t0 = new NsTFrame[numBones];
// m_q1 = new NsQFrame[numBones];
// m_t1 = new NsTFrame[numBones];
// m_qnow = new NsQFrame[numBones];
// m_tnow = new NsTFrame[numBones];
//// m_pBoneMat = new ROMtx[numBones];
// m_numCachedBones = numBones;
// m_cachedTime = -1.0f;
// m_time = 0.0f;
// setCurrentSequence( pAnim );
//void NsAnim::setCurrentSequence ( NsAnim_Sequence * pSequence )
// if ( m_pCurrentSequence != pSequence ) {
// m_pCurrentSequence = pSequence;
// reset();
// }
//void NsAnim::reset ( void )
// if ( m_pCurrentSequence ) {
// NsQFrame * pQFrame;
// NsTFrame * pTFrame;
// int lp;
// // Set duration.
// m_duration = m_pCurrentSequence->duration;
// m_cachedTime = 0.0f;
// // Point to Q & T Frames.
// pQFrame = (NsQFrame *)&m_pCurrentSequence[1];
// pTFrame = (NsTFrame *)&pQFrame[m_pCurrentSequence->numQFrames];
// // Fill in key 0.
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// m_q0[lp].q.setX( -pQFrame->q.getX() );
// m_q0[lp].q.setY( -pQFrame->q.getY() );
// m_q0[lp].q.setZ( -pQFrame->q.getZ() );
// m_q0[lp].q.setW( pQFrame->q.getW() );
// m_q0[lp].time = pQFrame->time;
// m_t0[lp].v.copy( pTFrame->v );
// m_t0[lp].time = pTFrame->time;
// pQFrame++;
// pTFrame++;
// }
// m_pQ0 = pQFrame;
// m_pT0 = pTFrame;
// // Fill in key 1.
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// m_q1[lp].q.setX( -pQFrame->q.getX() );
// m_q1[lp].q.setY( -pQFrame->q.getY() );
// m_q1[lp].q.setZ( -pQFrame->q.getZ() );
// m_q1[lp].q.setW( pQFrame->q.getW() );
// m_q1[lp].time = pQFrame->time;
// m_t1[lp].v.copy( pTFrame->v );
// m_t1[lp].time = pTFrame->time;
// pQFrame++;
// pTFrame++;
// }
// m_pQ1 = pQFrame;
// m_pT1 = pTFrame;
// }
// if ( m_q0 ) delete m_q0;
// if ( m_t0 ) delete m_t0;
// if ( m_q1 ) delete m_q1;
// if ( m_t1 ) delete m_t1;
// if ( m_qnow ) delete m_qnow;
// if ( m_tnow ) delete m_tnow;
//// if ( m_pBoneMat ) delete m_pBoneMat;
//NsAnim& NsAnim::clone ( void )
// NsAnim * pClonedAnim;
// // Create a cloned anim.
// pClonedAnim = new NsAnim( m_pCurrentSequence, m_numCachedBones );
// return *pClonedAnim;
//void NsAnim::update ( void )
// NsQFrame * pLastQFrame;
// NsTFrame * pLastTFrame;
// int lp;
// unsigned int repeat;
// float lowesttime;
// if ( !m_pCurrentSequence ) return;
// assertp ( m_pQ0 );
// assertp ( m_pQ1 );
// assertp ( m_pT0 );
// assertp ( m_pT1 );
// // If the new time is less than the old time, re-init.
// if ( m_cachedTime > m_time ) {
// reset();
// }
// // If time is less than 0, reset and quit.
// if ( m_time < 0.0f ) {
// reset();
// m_time = 0.0f;
// m_cachedTime = m_time;
// return;
// }
// // Cache the new time.
// m_cachedTime = m_time;
//// // If the new time is past the end of the sequence, re-init.
//// if ( m_time > m_duration ) reset();
//// if ( m_time > m_duration ) m_time = m_duration;
//// // If the new time is before beginning of the sequence, re-init.
//// if ( m_time < 0.0f ) reset();
//// while ( m_time < 0.0f ) m_time += m_duration;
//// // Cache the new time.
//// m_cachedTime = m_time;
// // Go through each key and see if we need a new quat.
// // Do this on key1, and copy key1's old quat to key0 if a new key1 is required.
// repeat = 1;
// // Point to last Q & T Frames.
// pLastQFrame = (NsQFrame *)&m_pCurrentSequence[1];
// pLastQFrame = &pLastQFrame[m_pCurrentSequence->numQFrames];
// pLastTFrame = (NsTFrame *)pLastQFrame;
// pLastTFrame = &pLastTFrame[m_pCurrentSequence->numTFrames];
// // Update quats.
// while ( repeat ) {
// repeat = 0;
// // First, find the lowest q time.
// lowesttime = m_time;
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// if ( m_q1[lp].time <= lowesttime ) lowesttime = m_q1[lp].time;
// }
// // Now, update all keys with lowesttime.
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// // See if we need a new Q Frame.
// if ( !( m_q1[lp].time > lowesttime ) && ( m_pQ1 < pLastQFrame ) ) {
// m_q0[lp].q.setX( m_q1[lp].q.getX() );
// m_q0[lp].q.setY( m_q1[lp].q.getY() );
// m_q0[lp].q.setZ( m_q1[lp].q.getZ() );
// m_q0[lp].q.setW( m_q1[lp].q.getW() );
// m_q0[lp].time = m_q1[lp].time;
// m_q1[lp].q.setX( -m_pQ1->q.getX() );
// m_q1[lp].q.setY( -m_pQ1->q.getY() );
// m_q1[lp].q.setZ( -m_pQ1->q.getZ() );
// m_q1[lp].q.setW( m_pQ1->q.getW() );
// m_q1[lp].time = m_pQ1->time;
// m_pQ1++;
// repeat = 1; // Make this loop happen again as we may have passed more than 1 key.
// }
// }
// }
// // Update translations.
// repeat = 1;
// while ( repeat ) {
// repeat = 0;
// // Second, find the lowest t time.
// lowesttime = m_time;
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// if ( m_t1[lp].time <= lowesttime ) lowesttime = m_t1[lp].time;
// }
// // Now, update all keys with lowesttime.
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// // See if we need a new T Frame.
// if ( !( m_t1[lp].time > lowesttime ) && ( m_pT1 < pLastTFrame ) ) {
// m_t0[lp].v.copy( m_t1[lp].v );
// m_t0[lp].time = m_t1[lp].time;
// m_t1[lp].v.copy( m_pT1->v );
// m_t1[lp].time = m_pT1->time;
// m_pT1++;
// repeat = 1; // Make this loop happen again as we may have passed more than 1 key.
// }
// }
// }
//void NsAnim::buildKeys( void )
// for( int i = 0; i < m_numCachedBones; ++i )
// {
// getQuat ( i, &m_qnow[i].q );
// getTrans( i, &m_tnow[i].v.x, &m_tnow[i].v.y, &m_tnow[i].v.z );
// }
// * *
// * Method: *
// * load *
// * Inputs: *
// * pFilename The filename to load *
// * Output: *
// * <none> *
// * Description: *
// * Loads an animation sequence (allocates memory), and assigns it *
// * to the current animation object. Also caches time=0.0f. *
// * *
// ********************************************************************************/
//void NsAnim::load ( char * pFilename )
////static void LoadAnim ( void * pDest, int number )
// NsFile f;
// assertp ( pFilename );
// // Load the animation sequence.
// m_pCurrentSequence = (NsAnim_Sequence *)f.load ( pFilename );
// // Cache at time=0.0f.
// reset();
//#if 0 // This functionality moved to NsClump.
//void NsAnim::flipBoneMatrices( ROMtx* p_matrices, unsigned int num_flip_pairs, unsigned int* p_flip_pairs )
// // Remember the incoming matrices have already been converted to fast-trasnformation format...
// // To flip the anim, simply negate the x axis components of the 'at' and 'up' vectors, Tten rebuild
// // the right vector. (Negating the x component of the right vector will lead to matrix inversion, which will flip textures etc.)
// for( unsigned int i = 0;; i += 2 )
// {
// assertp(( i + 1 ) < ( num_flip_pairs * 2 ));
// int matrix0 = p_flip_pairs[i];
// if( matrix0 == -1 )
// {
// // Not interested.
// continue;
// }
// int matrix1 = p_flip_pairs[i + 1];
// if(( matrix0 == 0 ) && ( matrix1 == 0 ))
// {
// // Terminator.
// break;
// }
// NsVector right, up, at, pos;
// if( matrix1 == -1 )
// {
// // Just a simple rotate.
// ROMtx* p_matrix0 = p_matrices + matrix0;
// // Generate the right vector from up and at.
// up.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][1], p_matrix0[0][1][1], p_matrix0[0][2][1] );
// at.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][2], p_matrix0[0][1][2], p_matrix0[0][2][2] );
// right.cross( up, at );
// pos.set( -p_matrix0[0][3][0], p_matrix0[0][3][1], p_matrix0[0][3][2] );
// p_matrix0[0][0][0] = right.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][0] = right.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][0] = right.z;
// p_matrix0[0][0][1] = up.x;
// p_matrix0[0][0][2] = at.x;
// p_matrix0[0][3][0] = pos.x;
// }
// else
// {
// ROMtx* p_matrix0 = p_matrices + matrix0;
// ROMtx* p_matrix1 = p_matrices + matrix1;
// // Need to save matrix1 as it will now be written to.
// ROMtx m1;
// memcpy( &m1, p_matrix1, sizeof( ROMtx ));
// // Generate the right vector from up and at.
// up.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][1], p_matrix0[0][1][1], p_matrix0[0][2][1] );
// at.set( -p_matrix0[0][0][2], p_matrix0[0][1][2], p_matrix0[0][2][2] );
// right.cross( up, at );
// pos.set( -p_matrix0[0][3][0], p_matrix0[0][3][1], p_matrix0[0][3][2] );
// p_matrix1[0][0][0] = right.x;
// p_matrix1[0][1][0] = right.y;
// p_matrix1[0][2][0] = right.z;
// p_matrix1[0][0][1] = up.x;
// p_matrix1[0][1][1] = up.y;
// p_matrix1[0][2][1] = up.z;
// p_matrix1[0][0][2] = at.x;
// p_matrix1[0][1][2] = at.y;
// p_matrix1[0][2][2] = at.z;
// p_matrix1[0][3][0] = pos.x;
// p_matrix1[0][3][1] = pos.y;
// p_matrix1[0][3][2] = pos.z;
// // Generate the right vector from up and at.
// up.set( -m1[0][1], m1[1][1], m1[2][1] );
// at.set( -m1[0][2], m1[1][2], m1[2][2] );
// right.cross( up, at );
// pos.set( -m1[3][0], m1[3][1], m1[3][2] );
// p_matrix0[0][0][0] = right.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][0] = right.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][0] = right.z;
// p_matrix0[0][0][1] = up.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][1] = up.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][1] = up.z;
// p_matrix0[0][0][2] = at.x;
// p_matrix0[0][1][2] = at.y;
// p_matrix0[0][2][2] = at.z;
// p_matrix0[0][3][0] = pos.x;
// p_matrix0[0][3][1] = pos.y;
// p_matrix0[0][3][2] = pos.z;
// }
// }
//#if 0 // This functionality moved to NsClump.
//ROMtx * NsAnim::buildBoneMatrices ( NsAnim_BoneData * pBoneData )
// NsQuat quat;
// NsMatrix bts;
// int lp;
// int currentMatrix;
// NsMatrix parentMatrix;
// NsMatrix matrixStack[32];
// NsMatrix * pMatrixStackTop = matrixStack;
// float tx, ty, tz;
// NsMatrix boneMatrix;
// NsMatrix tempMatrix;
// // Point up what we need.
// currentMatrix = -1;
// // This is the root.
// parentMatrix.identity();
// for ( lp = 0; lp < m_numCachedBones; lp++ ) {
// // Build bone to skin (bts) matrix.
// bts.setRight( pBoneData[lp].rightx, pBoneData[lp].upx, pBoneData[lp].atx );
// bts.setUp( pBoneData[lp].righty, pBoneData[lp].upy, pBoneData[lp].aty );
// bts.setAt( pBoneData[lp].rightz, pBoneData[lp].upz, pBoneData[lp].atz );
// bts.setPos( pBoneData[lp].posx, pBoneData[lp].posy, pBoneData[lp].posz );
// // Push parent if required.
// if ( pBoneData[lp].flags & rpSKINPUSHPARENTMATRIX ) {
// memcpy ( pMatrixStackTop, &parentMatrix, sizeof ( NsMatrix ) );
// pMatrixStackTop++;
// }
// getQuat ( lp, &quat );
// getTrans( lp, &tx, &ty, &tz );
// boneMatrix.fromQuat( &quat );
// boneMatrix.setPos( tx, ty, tz );
// // Convert quaternion keyframe to matrix.
// // Note: imaginary part is negated to be Watt-style...
// quat0.x = -pQ[lp].q.x;
// quat0.y = -pQ[lp].q.y;
// quat0.z = -pQ[lp].q.z;
// quat0.w = pQ[lp].q.w;
// quat1.x = -pQ[lp+numBones].q.x;
// quat1.y = -pQ[lp+numBones].q.y;
// quat1.z = -pQ[lp+numBones].q.z;
// quat1.w = pQ[lp+numBones].q.w;
// quatSlerp ( &quat0, &quat1, time, &quat );
// MTXQuat ( boneMatrix, &quat );
// MTXRowCol(boneMatrix,0,3) = pT[lp].x;
// MTXRowCol(boneMatrix,1,3) = pT[lp].y;
// MTXRowCol(boneMatrix,2,3) = pT[lp].z;
// // Multiply this matrix by the parent.
// tempMatrix.cat( parentMatrix, boneMatrix );
// // Multiply this matrix by the parent.
// bts.cat( tempMatrix, bts );
// // Convert this matrix to the format required for fast transformation.
//// PSMTXReorder ( bts, pBoneMat[lp] );
// m_pBoneMat[lp][0][0] = bts.getRightX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][0][1] = bts.getUpX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][0][2] = bts.getAtX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][1][0] = bts.getRightY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][1][1] = bts.getUpY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][1][2] = bts.getAtY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][2][0] = bts.getRightZ();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][2][1] = bts.getUpZ();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][2][2] = bts.getAtZ();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][3][0] = bts.getPosX();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][3][1] = bts.getPosY();
// m_pBoneMat[lp][3][2] = bts.getPosZ();
// // view * model.
//// MTXConcat(v, objMat, pBoneMat[lp]); // Note: pMatrixList[0] really objMat.
//// // (view * model) * bts.
//// MTXConcat(pBoneMat[lp], bts, pBoneMat[lp]);
// // Calculate light matrix.
//// MTXInverse(pBoneMat[lp], mvi);
//// MTXTranspose(mvi, ipBoneMat[lp]);
// // Update parent (pop if required).
// if ( pBoneData[lp].flags & rpSKINPOPPARENTMATRIX) {
// pMatrixStackTop--;
// memcpy ( &parentMatrix, pMatrixStackTop, sizeof ( NsMatrix ) );
// } else {
// memcpy ( &parentMatrix, &tempMatrix, sizeof ( NsMatrix ) );
// }
// }
// return m_pBoneMat;
//void NsAnim::getQuat ( unsigned int bone, NsQuat * pQuat )
// float terp;
// float time;
// if ( m_time < 0.0f ) {
// time = 0.0f;
// } else if ( m_time > m_duration ) {
// time = m_duration;
// } else {
// time = m_time;
// }
// // Normalize Q time.
// terp = ( time - m_q0[bone].time ) / ( m_q1[bone].time - m_q0[bone].time );
// // Interpolate quaternion.
// pQuat->slerp( m_q0[bone].q, m_q1[bone].q, terp );
//// memcpy( (void *)pQuat, (void *)&q0[bone].q, sizeof ( NsQuat ) );
//void NsAnim::getTrans ( unsigned int bone, float * pX, float * pY, float * pZ )
// float terp;
// float time;
// if ( m_time < 0.0f ) {
// time = 0.0f;
// } else if ( m_time > m_duration ) {
// time = m_duration;
// } else {
// time = m_time;
// }
// // Normalize T time.
// terp = ( time - m_t0[bone].time ) / ( m_t1[bone].time - m_t0[bone].time );
// // Interpolate translation.
// *pX = ( ( m_t1[bone].v.x - m_t0[bone].v.x ) * terp ) + m_t0[bone].v.x;
// *pY = ( ( m_t1[bone].v.y - m_t0[bone].v.y ) * terp ) + m_t0[bone].v.y;
// *pZ = ( ( m_t1[bone].v.z - m_t0[bone].v.z ) * terp ) + m_t0[bone].v.z;