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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
//* MODULE: Sk/Components
//* FILENAME: SkaterCorePhysicsComponent.h
//* OWNER: Dan
//* CREATION DATE: 3/21/3
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <core/support.h>
#include <core/math/slerp.h>
#include <gel/object/basecomponent.h>
#include <sk/engine/feeler.h>
#include <sk/objects/skater.h>
#include <sk/objects/skaterflags.h>
#include <sk/objects/manual.h>
#include <sk/objects/rail.h>
#include <sk/components/skaterstatecomponent.h>
#include <sk/components/skatersoundcomponent.h>
#include <sk/components/skaterphysicscontrolcomponent.h>
#define CRC_SKATERCOREPHYSICS CRCD(0x5bd63b29, "SkaterCorePhysics")
#define GetSkaterCorePhysicsComponent() ((Obj::CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent*)GetComponent(CRC_SKATERCOREPHYSICS))
#define GetSkaterCorePhysicsComponentFromObject(pObj) ((Obj::CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent*)(pObj)->GetComponent(CRC_SKATERCOREPHYSICS))
namespace Script
class CScript;
class CStruct;
namespace Nx
class CCollCache;
namespace Obj
class CInputComponent;
class CTriggerComponent;
class CSkaterLoopingSoundComponent;
class CTrickComponent;
class CSkaterRotateComponent;
class CSkaterScoreComponent;
class CMovableContactComponent;
struct SRailData;
class CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent : public CBaseComponent
friend Mdl::Skate;
friend CSkater;
friend CSkaterCam;
friend CManual;
friend CSkaterCameraComponent;
friend CSkaterAdjustPhysicsComponent;
friend CSkaterFinalizePhysicsComponent;
friend CSkaterNonLocalNetLogicComponent;
friend CSkaterRotateComponent;
friend CSkaterPhysicsControlComponent;
friend CSkaterMatrixQueriesComponent;
friend CSkaterStateHistoryComponent;
friend CWalkComponent;
virtual ~CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent();
virtual void Update();
virtual void InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual void RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual void Finalize();
virtual EMemberFunctionResult CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript );
virtual void GetDebugInfo( Script::CStruct* p_info );
static CBaseComponent* s_create();
CSkater* GetSkater() { return static_cast< CSkater* >(GetObject()); }
void Reset ( );
void ReadySkateState ( bool to_ground_state, const SRailData* p_rail_data, const SAcidDropData* p_acid_drop_data );
void CleanUpSkateState ( );
EStateType GetState ( );
void SetState ( EStateType state );
bool GetFlag ( ESkaterFlag flag );
void SetFlag ( ESkaterFlag flag, bool state = true );
void SetFlagTrue ( ESkaterFlag flag );
void SetFlagFalse ( ESkaterFlag flag );
void ToggleFlag ( ESkaterFlag flag );
Tmr::Time GetFlagTime ( ESkaterFlag flag );
Tmr::Time GetFlagElapsedTime ( ESkaterFlag flag );
void ResetFlags ( );
void ResetSpecialFrictionIndex ( );
void ReverseFacing ( );
bool HaveLandedThisFrame ( );
ETerrainType GetTerrain ( );
ETerrainType GetLastGroundTerrain ( );
uint32 GetLastNodeChecksum ( );
bool GetTrueLandedFromVert ( );
void ResetLerpingMatrix ( );
void StopSkitch ( );
bool IsSwitched ( );
void ResetGrindTweak ( );
sint16 GetRailNode( void );
void CollideWithOtherSkaterLost ( CCompositeObject* p_other_skater );
Mth::Vector& GetPos ( ) { return GetObject()->m_pos; }
Mth::Vector& GetOldPos ( ) { return GetObject()->m_old_pos; }
Mth::Matrix& GetMatrix ( ) { return GetObject()->m_matrix; }
Mth::Vector& GetVel ( ) { return GetObject()->m_vel; }
void do_on_ground_physics ( );
void do_in_air_physics ( );
void do_wallride_physics ( );
void do_wallplant_physics ( );
void do_lip_physics ( );
void do_rail_physics ( );
void limit_speed ( );
bool is_trying_to_brake ( );
bool is_braking ( );
void do_brake ( );
bool on_steep_slow_slope ( );
bool can_kick ( );
void do_kick ( );
void handle_ground_friction ( );
void handle_wind_resistance ( );
void handle_rolling_resistance ( );
bool slide_off_slow_steep_slope ( );
void apply_wind_resistance ( float friction );
void apply_rolling_friction ( );
void push_away_from_walls ( );
void bounce_off_wall ( const Mth::Vector& normal );
void check_for_wall_push ( const Mth::Vector& start, const Mth::Vector& end, int index );
void snap_to_ground ( );
void maybe_straight_up ( );
void maybe_break_vert ( );
bool maybe_spine_transfer ( );
bool look_for_transfer_target ( const Mth::Vector& search_dir, const Mth::Vector& start_normal, bool& hip_transfer, Mth::Vector& target, Mth::Vector& target_normal );
bool maybe_acid_drop ( bool skated_off_edge, const Mth::Vector &pos, const Mth::Vector& old_pos, Mth::Vector& vel, SAcidDropData& acid_drop_data );
void enter_acid_drop ( const SAcidDropData& acid_drop_data );
void handle_post_transfer_limit_overrides ( );
void handle_ground_rotation ( );
void handle_air_rotation ( );
void remove_sideways_velocity ( Mth::Vector& vel );
void check_side_collisions ( );
bool check_side ( float Side, float SideCol );
void handle_forward_collision ( );
float rotate_away_from_wall ( const Mth::Vector& normal, float& turn_angle, float lerp = 1.0f );
float get_air_gravity ( );
void check_leaning_into_wall ( );
float calculate_time_to_reach_height ( float target_height, float pos_Y, float vel_Y );
void flip_if_skating_backwards ( );
bool maybe_flag_ollie_exception ( );
void handle_air_lean ( );
void handle_transfer_slerping ( );
void handle_air_vert_recovery ( );
void rotate_upright ( );
bool handle_forward_collision_in_air ( const Mth::Vector& start_pos );
bool check_for_air_snap_up ( const Mth::Vector& start_pos );
bool handle_upward_collision_in_air ( );
bool handle_upward_collision_in_wallride ( );
void ollie_off_rail_rotate ( );
void skate_off_rail ( const Mth::Vector& off_point );
bool check_for_wallpush ( );
bool check_for_wallplant ( );
bool check_for_wallride ( );
void maybe_skitch ( );
void move_to_skitch_point ( );
void check_movable_contact ( );
void new_normal ( Mth::Vector normal );
void adjust_normal ( );
void maybe_trip_rail_trigger ( uint32 type );
void handle_tensing ( );
void maybe_stick_to_rail ( bool override_air = false );
bool will_take_rail ( const CRailNode* pNode, CRailManager* p_rail_man, bool from_walk = false );
void got_rail ( const Mth::Vector& rail_pos, const CRailNode* pNode, CRailManager* p_rail_man, bool no_lip_tricks = false, bool from_walk = false );
bool get_member_feeler_collision ( uint16 ignore_1 = mFD_NON_COLLIDABLE, uint16 ignore_0 = 0 );
void start_skitch ( );
void do_grind_trick ( uint Direction, bool Right, bool Parallel, bool Backwards, bool Regular );
void set_terrain ( ETerrainType terrain );
void set_last_ground_feeler ( CFeeler& feeler );
void setup_default_collision_cache ( );
bool is_vert_for_transfers ( const Mth::Vector& normal );
void update_special_friction_index ( );
void do_jump ( Script::CStruct *pParams );
Mth::Matrix m_lerping_display_matrix;
Mth::Vector m_display_normal; // current normal the skater is oriented to
Mth::Vector m_current_normal; // normal of current polygon
Mth::Vector m_last_display_normal; // last value of m_display_normal
float m_normal_lerp; // counter 1 to 0 for amount of normal lerp
float m_frame_length;
Tmr::Time m_state_change_timestamp; // timestamp of the latest state change
EStateType m_previous_state; // the skater's state previous to the current state
Mth::Vector m_safe_pos; // Safe world position, to which we can be moved in an emergency
CFeeler m_feeler; // collision data from last collision check
CFeeler m_last_ground_feeler; // and from last time we were in valid contact with ground
Mth::Vector m_col_start, m_col_end; // start and end of collision line segment
bool m_col_flag_skatable; // true is last face was skatable
bool m_col_flag_vert; // true if last face was flagged vert
bool m_col_flag_wallable; // true if last face was flagged wall-ridable
// Mth::Vector m_movement; // distance we want to move this frame
// used when moving over ground so we don't travel short distances
// when we hit a concave surface which causes collisions
const CRailNode* mp_rail_node; // pointer to current rail node
CRailManager* mp_rail_man; // pointer to manager of this rail
Tmr::Time m_rail_time; // last time we were on a rail
Tmr::Time m_lip_time; // last time we were on a lip
Tmr::Time m_rerail_time; // time that must elapse before we can get back on the same rail
uint32 m_last_rail_node_name;
uint32 m_last_rail_trigger_node_name;
bool mLedge; // Whether it's a ledge. Calculated in MaybeStickToRail.
bool mBadLedge; // Whether this is a bad ledge. Calculated in MaybeStickToRail, and
// used by the BadLedge script command.
bool m_moving_to_skitch; // true if in initial movment to skitch
int m_skitch_index; // index of the node number on the object we are skitching
float m_skitch_dir; // direction (-1.0f or 1.0f) we are moving in
bool m_landed_this_frame; // true if we just landed this frame
bool m_began_frame_in_transfer;
bool m_began_frame_in_lip_state;
Mth::Vector m_pre_lip_pos; // position we were at before we snapped to a lip
Mth::Vector m_vert_pos; // point below us on a vert face
Mth::Vector m_vert_normal; // normal of that face
Mth::Vector m_fall_line; // unit vector that points "down" the plane
float m_vert_upstep; // amount we try to move up each frame when tracking vert
Mth::Vector m_extra_ground_push; // extra vector to apply to next "ground" movement
Mth::Vector m_wall_push; // direction to push away from wall
float m_wall_dist; // shortest distance from wall
float m_wall_push_radius; // radius to check
float m_wall_push_speed; // speed at which to push out
float m_wall_rotate_speed; // speed at which we rotate away
float m_last_time; // time at last frame
bool m_auto_kick; // true if auto kick on
bool m_spin_taps; // true when 180 spin taps are enabled.
float m_tap_turns; // How much tap-turn rotation remains.
bool m_force_cankick_off; // Set by the CanKickOff script command, so that Scott can
// force CanKick to return false;
bool m_pressing_down_brakes; // Set/Reset by the CanBrakeOn and CanBrakeOff
// commands.
float m_rolling_friction; // Friction, set by SetRollingFriction script command.
int m_special_friction_index; // Index into an array of special friction values, set by the
// SetSpecialFriction command (used by reverts)
Tmr::Time m_special_friction_decrement_time_stamp;
float m_special_friction_duration; // When m_rolling_friction is set via special friction, it must be given a duration;
// after which it reverts to default. Calls to set m_rolling_friction to default
// are ignored during this duration.
bool m_braking; // true if currently braking
Tmr::Time m_push_time[4]; // time of last side push
Mth::Vector m_last_ground_pos; // Set in DoJump(), & used when calculating which side of rail skater is on.
bool mRail_Backwards;
// Flags and value to override the speed limits set on the skater
float m_override_limits_time; // 0.0f if not overriding, else time in seconds to override for
float m_override_max; // override value for max_speed
float m_override_max_max; // override value for max_max_speed
float m_override_air_friction; // override value for air friction
float m_override_down_gravity; // override value for ground gravity (only applied when not going down)
Obj::CSmtPtr<Obj::CCompositeObject> mp_skitch_object;
bool mNoSpin; // Gets set and reset by NoSpin and CanSpin.
// Disables left-right pad control of the spin.
bool m_bail; // Set by BailOn, reset by BailOff and tested using BailIsOn
bool m_front_truck_sparks; // True if sparks come from the front trucks; false if from the rear
bool mLandedFromSpine; // True if landed from a transfer.
bool mLandedFromVert; // True if landed from vert. Can be set & reset by script commands.
bool m_true_landed_from_vert; // This is the 'true' landed from vert flag, which only gets set by the C-code on landing. Scripts
// cannot change its value.
// Used by the Clearpanel_Landed C-code to determine whether or not to count an ollie as a trick.
// 180 Ollies are not counted as tricks if you landed from vert, only spins of at least 360 count.
// mLandedFromVert can't be used because the scripts have already cleared it by the time the
// Clearpanel_Landed command is executed.
bool mAllowLipNoGrind; // When this is set, then lip tricks will always happen when sticking to a rail,
// and grinds will not be allowed.
// Only gets set or reset by script commands, AllowLipNoGrind and ClearAllowLipNoGrind
int m_tense_time; // The time that the player was tensed for. Gets recorded by MaybeFlagOllieException,
// and used by the DoJump function.
float m_transfer_target_height; // target point for transfer
// These next two needed by the AirTimeLessThan and AirTimeGreaterThan script functions.
Tmr::Time m_went_airborne_time; // The time when the state change to AIR
Tmr::Time m_landed_time; // The time when the state changed from AIR to something else.
bool m_lock_velocity_direction; // Ken: Switched on/off by the LockVelocityDirection command.
// This is a way to allow the skater to be able to cross a gap in a loop whilst
// inverted and technically being on the ground (on an invisible poly) but such that he
// looks he's in the air. He will be able to be rotated, but his velocity will not turn
// with his rotation.
Mth::Vector mWallNormal;
uint32 mWallrideTime; // The time the wall-ride was triggered. Used to stop the player triggering
// another one too soon after the last.
bool mNoRailTricks; // K: No grinds or lip tricks are allowed if this flag is set. This is switched on and off by
// the NoGrind and AllowGrind script commands. These are used when jumping out of
// a lip trick to disallow going straight into a grind.
bool mYAngleIncreased; // Keeps track of whether the y angle last increased or decreased.
// Used by the LastSpinWas command.
int mGrindTweak;
float m_transfer_overrides_factor; // Control the overriding of speed limits after an acid drop.
Mth::Matrix m_acid_drop_camera_matrix;
Mth::SlerpInterpolator m_transfer_slerper; // Variables controlling the slerping of the skater's matrix during an acid drop
float m_transfer_slerp_timer;
float m_transfer_slerp_duration;
Mth::Vector m_transfer_goal_facing;
Mth::Matrix m_transfer_slerp_previous_matrix;
Tmr::Time m_last_wallplant_time_stamp; // Timestamps wallplants in order to not allow a second one for a short duration.
Tmr::Time m_last_wallpush_time_stamp; // Timestamps wallpushes in order to not allow a second one for a short duration.
Tmr::Time m_last_jump_time_stamp; // Timestamps jumps
bool m_vert_air_last_frame; // Used to broadcast vert air enter and exit events
Nx::CCollCache* mp_coll_cache;
// peer components
CInputComponent* mp_input_component;
CTriggerComponent* mp_trigger_component;
CSkaterSoundComponent* mp_sound_component;
CTrickComponent* mp_trick_component;
CSkaterRotateComponent* mp_rotate_component;
CSkaterScoreComponent* mp_score_component;
CSkaterBalanceTrickComponent* mp_balance_trick_component;
CSkaterStateComponent* mp_state_component;
CMovableContactComponent* mp_movable_contact_component;
CSkaterPhysicsControlComponent* mp_physics_control_component;
CWalkComponent* mp_walk_component;
/* */
/* */
inline bool CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::is_braking ( )
return m_braking;
/* */
/* */
inline bool CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::is_vert_for_transfers ( const Mth::Vector& normal )
// cull out non-vert vert polys when looking for spine transfer and acid drop triggers; allows designers to be a little sloppier
return Mth::Abs(normal[Y]) < 0.707f;
/* */
/* */
inline EStateType CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetState ( )
return mp_state_component->m_state;
/* */
/* */
inline Tmr::Time CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetFlagTime ( ESkaterFlag flag )
return mp_state_component->m_skater_flags[flag].GetTime();
/* */
/* */
inline Tmr::Time CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetFlagElapsedTime ( ESkaterFlag flag )
return mp_state_component->m_skater_flags[flag].GetElapsedTime();
/* */
/* */
inline bool CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetFlag ( ESkaterFlag flag )
return mp_state_component->m_skater_flags[flag].Get();
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::SetFlag ( ESkaterFlag flag, bool state )
if (flag == RAIL_SLIDING)
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::SetFlagTrue ( ESkaterFlag flag )
SetFlag(flag, true);
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::SetFlagFalse ( ESkaterFlag flag )
SetFlag(flag, false);
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::ToggleFlag ( ESkaterFlag flag )
SetFlag(flag, !GetFlag(flag));
/* */
/* */
inline bool CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::IsSwitched ( )
return GetSkater()->m_isGoofy ? GetFlag(FLIPPED) : !GetFlag(FLIPPED);
/* */
/* */
inline bool CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::HaveLandedThisFrame ( )
return m_landed_this_frame;
/* */
/* */
inline ETerrainType CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetLastGroundTerrain ( )
return m_last_ground_feeler.GetTerrain();
/* */
/* */
inline uint32 CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetLastNodeChecksum ( )
return m_last_ground_feeler.GetNodeChecksum();
/* */
/* */
inline bool CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetTrueLandedFromVert ( )
return m_true_landed_from_vert;
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::ResetSpecialFrictionIndex ( )
m_special_friction_index = 0;
/* */
/* */
inline ETerrainType CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetTerrain ( )
return mp_state_component->m_terrain;
/* */
/* */
inline sint16 CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::GetRailNode( void )
if( mp_rail_node )
return mp_rail_node->GetNode();
return -1;
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::ResetGrindTweak ( )
mGrindTweak = 0;
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::ResetLerpingMatrix ( )
m_lerping_display_matrix = GetObject()->m_matrix;
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::set_terrain ( ETerrainType terrain )
mp_state_component->m_terrain = terrain;
/* */
/* */
inline void CSkaterCorePhysicsComponent::set_last_ground_feeler ( CFeeler& feeler )
m_last_ground_feeler = feeler;