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//* MODULE: Sk/Components
//* FILENAME: ProjectileCollisionComponent.cpp
//* CREATION DATE: 7/10/03
// The CEmptyComponent class is an skeletal version of a component
// It is intended that you use this as the basis for creating new
// components.
// To create a new component called "Watch", (CWatchComponent):
// - copy emptycomponent.cpp/.h to watchcomponent.cpp/.h
// - in both files, search and replace "Empty" with "Watch", preserving the case
// - in WatchComponent.h, update the CRCD value of CRC_WATCH
// - in CompositeObjectManager.cpp, in the CCompositeObjectManager constructor, add:
// RegisterComponent(CRC_WATCH, CWatchComponent::s_create);
// - and add the include of the header
// #include <gel/components/watchcomponent.h>
// - Add it to build\gel.mkf, like:
// $(NGEL)/components/WatchComponent.cpp\
// - Fill in the OWNER (yourself) and the CREATION DATE (today's date) in the .cpp and the .h files
// - Insert code as needed and remove generic comments
// - remove these comments
// - add comments specfic to the component, explaining its usage
#include <sk/components/ProjectileCollisionComponent.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/array.h>
#include <gel/net/client/netclnt.h>
#include <gel/net/server/netserv.h>
#include <sk/modules/skate/skate.h>
#include <sk/modules/skate/gamemode.h>
#include <sk/objects/skater.h>
#include <sk/components/skaterscorecomponent.h>
#include <sk/gamenet/gamenet.h>
#define vSKATER_RADIUS FEET( 4 )
namespace Obj
/* */
/* */
// s_create is what is registered with the component factory
// object, (currently the CCompositeObjectManager)
// s_create returns a CBaseComponent*, as it is to be used
// by factor creation schemes that do not care what type of
// component is being created
// ** after you've finished creating this component, be sure to
// ** add it to the list of registered functions in the
// ** CCompositeObjectManager constructor
CBaseComponent* CProjectileCollisionComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CProjectileCollisionComponent );
/* */
/* */
// All components set their type, which is a unique 32-bit number
// (the CRC of their name), which is used to identify the component
CProjectileCollisionComponent::CProjectileCollisionComponent() : CBaseComponent()
m_radius = 0.0f;
m_owner_id = 0;
m_death_script = 0;
m_scale = 0;
m_dying = false;
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::SetCollisionRadius( float radius )
m_radius = radius;
/* */
/* */
// InitFromStructure is passed a Script::CStruct that contains a
// number of parameters to initialize this component
// this currently is the contents of a node
// but you can pass in anything you like.
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0xc48391a5,"radius"), &m_radius, Script::ASSERT);
pParams->GetFloat(CRCD(0x13b9da7b,"scale"), &m_scale, Script::ASSERT);
pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0x81c39e06,"owner_id"), &m_owner_id, Script::ASSERT);
pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0x6647adc3,"death_script"), &m_death_script, Script::ASSERT);
m_vel.Set( 0, 0, 1 );
pParams->GetVector(CRCD(0xc4c809e, "vel"), &m_vel, Script::ASSERT);
/* */
/* */
// RefreshFromStructure is passed a Script::CStruct that contains a
// number of parameters to initialize this component
// this currently is the contents of a node
// but you can pass in anything you like.
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
// Default to just calline InitFromStructure()
// but if that does not handle it, then will need to write a specific
// function here.
// The user might only want to update a single field in the structure
// and we don't want to be asserting becasue everything is missing
/* */
/* */
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::Finalize()
mp_suspend_component = GetSuspendComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
/* */
/* */
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::Hide( bool should_hide )
/* */
/* */
// The component's Update() function is called from the CCompositeObject's
// Update() function. That is called every game frame by the CCompositeObjectManager
// from the s_logic_code function that the CCompositeObjectManager registers
// with the task manger.
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::Update()
float radii;
radii = m_radius + vSKATER_RADIUS;
if (!mp_suspend_component->SkipLogic() && !m_dying )
float dist;
bool team_game;
Mdl::Skate* skate_mod = Mdl::Skate::Instance();
GameNet::Manager* gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
uint32 NumSkaters = skate_mod->GetNumSkaters();
GameNet::PlayerInfo* target_player, *src_player;
team_game = skate_mod->GetGameMode()->IsTeamGame();
for( uint32 i = 0; i < NumSkaters; i++ )
Obj::CSkater *pSkater = skate_mod->GetSkater(i);
Obj::CSkaterScoreComponent* p_score_comp;
Mdl::Score* score;
// Can't hit yourself with your own projectile
if( pSkater->GetID() == m_owner_id )
src_player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( m_owner_id );
target_player = gamenet_man->GetPlayerByObjectID( pSkater->GetID());
// Allow players to get up after being knocked down
if( target_player->IsVulnerable() == false )
p_score_comp = GetSkaterScoreComponentFromObject( pSkater );
score = p_score_comp->GetScore();
// Don't target dead players
if( score->GetTotalScore() <= 0 )
if( team_game )
if( src_player->m_Team == target_player->m_Team )
uint32 enabled;
enabled = gamenet_man->GetNetworkPreferences()->GetPreferenceChecksum( CRCD(0xe959c43a,"friendly_fire"), CRCD(0x21902065,"checksum"));
if( enabled != CRCD(0xf81bc89b,"boolean_true"))
dist = (pSkater->GetPos() - GetObject()->GetPos()).Length();
if( dist < radii )
GameNet::MsgProjectileHit hit_msg;
Net::MsgDesc msg_desc;
Net::Server* server;
GameNet::Manager * gamenet_man = GameNet::Manager::Instance();
server = gamenet_man->GetServer();
//Dbg_Printf( "COLLISION: Skater %d: owner: %d\n", pSkater->GetID(), m_owner_id);
if( m_death_script != 0 )
Script::CStruct* params;
Mth::Vector pos;
pos = GetObject()->GetPos();
params = new Script::CStruct;
params->AddVector( CRCD(0x7f261953,"pos"), pos );
params->AddVector( CRCD(0xc4c809e,"vel"), m_vel );
params->AddFloat( CRCD(0x13b9da7b,"scale"), m_scale );
Script::RunScript( m_death_script, params );
delete params;
// a message explaining "You've been hit down by ID for N damage"
hit_msg.m_Id = m_owner_id;
hit_msg.m_Damage = get_damage_amount();
/*if (CInputComponent* p_input_component = GetInputComponentFromObject(GetObject()))
msg_desc.m_Data = &hit_msg;
msg_desc.m_Length = sizeof(GameNet::MsgProjectileHit);
msg_desc.m_Queue = Net::QUEUE_SEQUENCED;
msg_desc.m_GroupId = GameNet::vSEQ_GROUP_PLAYER_MSGS;
target_player->SetHitTime( Tmr::GetTime());
server->EnqueueMessage( target_player->GetConnHandle(), &msg_desc );
// basically a message explaining "You hit someone"
hit_msg.m_Id = pSkater->GetID();
server->EnqueueMessage( src_player->GetConnHandle(), &msg_desc );
if(( score->GetTotalScore() - get_damage_amount() ) <= 0 )
// If this shot is killing them...
if( score->GetTotalScore() > 0 )
if( target_player->IsLocalPlayer() == false )
Script::CStruct* params;
Dbg_Printf( "*** Elimination\n" );
params = new Script::CStruct;
params->AddString( CRCD(0xa1dc81f9,"name"), pSkater->GetDisplayName());
Script::RunScript( CRCD(0x9b043179,"announce_elimination"), params );
delete params;
skate_mod->HideSkater( pSkater, true );
score->SetTotalScore( 0 );
score->SetTotalScore( score->GetTotalScore() - get_damage_amount());
/* */
/* */
// Given the "Checksum" of a script command, then possibly handle it
// if it's a command that this component will handle
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CProjectileCollisionComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch ( Checksum )
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
// the "default" case of the switch statement handles
// unrecognized functions; if we make it down here,
// that means that the component already handled it
// somehow
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::GetDebugInfo(Script::CStruct *p_info)
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_info,("NULL p_info sent to CProjectileCollisionComponent::GetDebugInfo"));
// Add any script components to the p_info structure,
// and they will be displayed in the script debugger (qdebug.exe)
// you will need to add the names to debugger_names.q, if they are not existing checksums
// we call the base component's GetDebugInfo, so we can add info from the common base component
/* */
/* */
int CProjectileCollisionComponent::get_damage_amount( void )
return (int) m_scale * 10;
/* */
/* */
void CProjectileCollisionComponent::MarkAsDying( void )
m_dying = true;
/* */
/* */