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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
//* MODULE: Sk/Components
//* FILENAME: GoalEditorComponent.h
//* OWNER: Kendall Harrison
//* CREATION DATE: 3/21/2003
#include <core/defines.h>
#include <core/support.h>
#include <gel/object/basecomponent.h>
// Replace this with the CRCD of the component you are adding
#define CRC_GOALEDITOR CRCD(0x81f01058,"GoalEditor")
// Standard accessor macros for getting the component either from within an object, or
// given an object
#define GetGoalEditorComponent() ((Obj::CGoalEditorComponent*)GetComponent(CRC_GOALEDITOR))
#define GetGoalEditorComponentFromObject(pObj) ((Obj::CGoalEditorComponent*)(pObj)->GetComponent(CRC_GOALEDITOR))
namespace Script
class CScript;
class CStruct;
namespace Nx
class CModel;
namespace Obj
// The number of nodes used by a goal
// Limited to 20 because a ped will need to be created for each goal
// Note: If this value is changed, it would be a good idea to update VERSION_CREATEDGOALS
// in memcard.q too, to prevent loading old mem card saves that may have more goals than
// the new value allows.
// Note: MAX_POSITIONS_PER_GOAL*MAX_GOALS_PER_LEVEL nodes will get added to the NodeArray
// The total number of goals stored in the GoalEditor composite object.
class CInputComponent;
class CEditorCameraComponent;
class CGoalPos
enum EType
EType mType;
Mth::Vector mPos;
float mHeight;
float mAngle;
struct SPreDefinedKeyComboSet
uint8 mSetIndex; // Index into the cag_skatetris_key_combos array defined in goal_editor.q
// Note: These three are not really used at the moment. They used to be settable from menus,
// but are now all left as zero for simplicity, with only a global spin value settable for the
// whole goal.
// So if it stays this way, there is no need for this structure, could just have a simple array
// of set indices instead.
uint8 mRequirePerfect;
uint8 mSpin; // Actually the spin/180
uint8 mNumTaps;
class CEditGoal
// Identifies which level this goal is for via the level load script name.
uint32 m_level_script;
// These needs to be at least 1 bigger than the max_length value passed to
// the create_onscreen_keyboard script.
char mp_goal_name[GOAL_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
char mp_ped_name[PED_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE];
char mp_goal_description[GOAL_DESCRIPTION_BUFFER_SIZE];
char mp_win_message[GOAL_WIN_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint32 m_goal_type;
CGoalPos mp_item_positions[MAX_POSITIONS_PER_GOAL];
uint8 m_num_positions_required;
uint8 m_num_positions_set;
uint8 m_current_position_index;
uint8 m_placed_last_position;
uint8 m_has_won_goal;
uint8 m_used; // Indicates whether this slot in the array of CEditGoals is used or not.
// m_level_goal_index has a value from 0 to MAX_GOALS_PER_LEVEL-1
// From the level goal index is also derived the goal's id string
// which the goal manager needs when creating the goal ped arrows
// and the goal id, which is just the checksum of the id string.
int m_level_goal_index;
int m_time_limit;
// One of skate, walk, junkercar or rallycar
uint32 m_control_type;
// The following are goal specific params.
// Could have stored these in a CStruct instead, but that would have caused varying
// memory requirements depending on how many goals the user had added, making it harder to test.
// The score value for high-score, high-combo etc.
int m_score;
// Skatetris specific
int m_acceleration_interval;
float m_acceleration_percent;
int m_trick_time;
int m_time_to_stop_adding_tricks;
int m_max_tricks;
int m_spin;
// Combo skatetris specific
bool m_single_combo;
int m_combo_size;
// Tricktris specific
int m_tricktris_block_size;
int m_tricktris_total_to_win;
SPreDefinedKeyComboSet mp_combo_sets[MAX_COMBO_SETS];
int m_num_combo_sets;
// Used for writing/reading the above array to mem card.
void write_combo_sets(Script::CStruct *p_info);
void read_combo_sets(Script::CStruct *p_info);
// Generates the goal_tetris_key_combos array and inserts it into p_info, for sending to
// the goal manager.
void generate_key_combos_array(Script::CStruct *p_info);
uint8 mp_gap_numbers[MAX_GAPS];
uint8 m_num_gaps;
char mp_trick_name[MAX_GAP_TRICK_NAME_CHARS+1];
void write_position_into_node(uint index, uint32 nodeName);
void add_goal_params(Script::CStruct *p_params);
uint32 generate_marker_object_name(int index);
uint32 generate_goal_object_name(int index);
void create_marker(int index);
void delete_marker(int index);
bool position_too_close_to_existing_positions(const Mth::Vector& pos);
bool position_ok_to_place(const Mth::Vector& pos, float height);
void refresh_position_using_collision_check(uint positionIndex);
enum EWriteDest
// The dest parameter determines the format in which the combo sets are written out.
// When generating params for the goal manager, the full goal_tetris_key_combos array is
// generated. When writing to mem card the chosen pre-defined set numbers are written instead,
// so that after loading they can still be edited.
void write_skatetris_params(Script::CStruct *p_info, EWriteDest dest);
void read_skatetris_params(Script::CStruct *p_info);
void Clear();
#ifdef SIZE_TEST
// For testing, this fills the name buffers, eg mp_goal_name, mp_trick_name etc, to their
// max size.
void FillNameBuffers();
uint32 GetSkateGoalMaxSize();
bool Used() {return m_used;}
void SetUsedFlag(bool used) {m_used=used;}
void SetLevelGoalIndex(uint index) {m_level_goal_index=index;}
int GetLevelGoalIndex() {return m_level_goal_index;}
uint32 GetId();
const char *GetIDString();
bool SetPosition(const Mth::Vector& pos, float height, float angle);
bool GetPosition(Mth::Vector *p_pos, float *p_height, float *p_angle);
CGoalPos::EType GetPositionType();
void GetPosition(Mth::Vector *p_pos, int index);
int GetNumPositionsSet() {return m_num_positions_set;}
bool BackUp(const Mth::Vector& pos, float height, float angle);
bool GotAllPositions();
uint GetCurrentLetterIndex();
bool PlacedLastPosition() {return m_placed_last_position;}
void SetGoalDescription(const char *p_text);
void SetWinMessage(const char *p_text);
void SetGoalName(const char *p_name);
void SetPedName(const char *p_name);
bool PositionClashesWithExistingPositions(Mth::Vector& pos);
int GetScore() {return m_score;}
void SetScore(int score) {m_score=score;}
void SetTimeLimit(int timeLimit);
void SetControlType(uint32 controlType);
void EditGoal();
void WriteIntoStructure(Script::CStruct *p_info);
void ReadFromStructure(Script::CStruct *p_info);
void WriteGoalSpecificParams(Script::CStruct *p_info, EWriteDest dest=NOT_WRITING_TO_GOAL_MANAGER);
void ReadGoalSpecificParams(Script::CStruct *p_params);
void RemoveGoalSpecificFlag(Script::CStruct *p_params);
uint32 GetType() {return m_goal_type;}
void SetType(uint32 type);
void SetLevel(uint32 levelScript) {m_level_script=levelScript;}
uint32 GetLevel() {return m_level_script;}
const char *GetGoalName() {return mp_goal_name;}
const char *GetPedName() {return mp_ped_name;}
void FlagAsWon() {m_has_won_goal=true;}
void AddKeyComboSet(int setIndex, bool requirePerfect, int spin, int numTaps);
void RemoveKeyComboSet(int setIndex);
SPreDefinedKeyComboSet *GetKeyComboSet(int setIndex);
void AddGap(uint8 gap_number);
void RemoveGap(uint8 gap_number);
void RemoveGapAndReorder(uint8 gap_number);
bool GotGap(uint8 gap_number);
void AddGoalToGoalManager(bool markUnbeaten=false);
void WriteNodePositions();
bool GoalIsOutsideArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
void RefreshPositionsUsingCollisionCheck();
void GetDebugInfo(Script::CStruct* p_info);
class CGoalEditorComponent : public CBaseComponent
CEditGoal mp_goals[MAX_GOALS_TOTAL];
CEditGoal *mp_current_goal;
CInputComponent *mp_input_component;
CEditorCameraComponent *mp_editor_camera_component;
void get_pointers_to_required_components();
Obj::CCompositeObject *get_cursor();
void refresh_cursor_object();
void get_pos_from_camera_component(Mth::Vector *p_pos, float *p_height, float *p_angle);
void update_cursor_collision_type();
CEditGoal *find_goal(const char *p_name);
CEditGoal *find_goal(uint32 id);
CEditGoal *find_goal(Script::CStruct *p_params);
void update_camera_pos();
void update_cursor_position();
void remove_goal(CEditGoal *p_goal);
bool too_close_to_another_goal_position(const Mth::Vector &pos, float height, uint32 level, int positionIndex);
virtual ~CGoalEditorComponent();
void ClearAllExceptParkGoals();
void ClearOnlyParkGoals();
void CleanOutUnfinishedGoals();
void NewGoal();
void SetGoalType(uint32 type);
void AddGoalsToGoalManager();
void WriteNodePositions();
int GetNumGoals();
bool ThereAreGoalsOutsideArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
void DeleteGoalsOutsideArea(float x0, float z0, float x1, float z1);
int CountGoalsForLevel(uint32 level);
void RefreshGoalPositionsUsingCollisionCheck();
void RefreshGapGoalsAfterGapRemovedFromPark(int gapNumber);
// For reading/writing to memcard
void WriteIntoStructure(Script::CStruct *p_info);
enum EBoolLoadingParkGoals
void ReadFromStructure(Script::CStruct *p_info, EBoolLoadingParkGoals loadingParkGoals=NOT_LOADING_PARK_GOALS);
void WriteIntoStructure(uint32 levelScript, Script::CStruct *p_info);
uint32 WriteToBuffer(uint32 levelScript, uint8 *p_buffer, uint32 bufferSize);
uint8 * ReadFromBuffer(uint32 levelScript, uint8 *p_buffer);
virtual void Finalize();
virtual void Update();
virtual void InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual void RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams );
virtual EMemberFunctionResult CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript );
virtual void GetDebugInfo( Script::CStruct* p_info );
virtual void Hide( bool shouldHide );
static CBaseComponent* s_create();
//char p[sizeof(CGoalEditorComponent)/0];
void InsertGoalEditorNodes();
Obj::CGoalEditorComponent *GetGoalEditor();
} // namespace Obj