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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
** **
** Neversoft Entertainment **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1999 - All Rights Reserved **
** **
** **
** Project: GFX (Graphics Library) **
** **
** Module: Graphics (GFX) **
** **
** File name: p_gfxman.cpp **
** **
** Created: 07/26/99 - mjb **
** **
** Description: Graphics device manager **
** **
** Includes **
extern "C"
#include <sifdev.h>
#include <libgraph.h>
#include <libpkt.h>
#include <gfx/gfxman.h>
#include <gfx/nxviewport.h>
#include <sys/file/filesys.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
** DBG Information **
#define NUMPIXELS ( width * height )
#define HEADSIZE 54
// Macro to store 32-bit data to unaligned address.
#define SET_UINT32( addr, x ) ( \
*(( uint16 * )( addr )) = ( x ), \
*(( uint16 * )(( addr ) + 2 )) = (( x ) >> 16 ) \
void SetupBMPHeader(uint8 *bmp, int width, int height)
// Initialize the BMP header structure.
// Bitmapfileheader
*bmp = 'B'; // Type
*( bmp + 1 ) = 'M';
SET_UINT32( bmp + 2, BITMAPSIZE ); // Size
*( uint16 * )( bmp + 6 ) = 0; // Reserved
SET_UINT32( bmp + 10, HEADSIZE ); // Offset
// Bitmapinfoheader
SET_UINT32( bmp + 14, 40 ); // Bitmapinfoheader size
SET_UINT32( bmp + 18, width ); // Width
SET_UINT32( bmp + 22, height ); // Height
*( uint16 * )( bmp + 26 ) = 1; // Planes
*( uint16 * )( bmp + 28 ) = 24; // Bitcount
SET_UINT32( bmp + 30, 0 ); // Compression
SET_UINT32( bmp + 34, IMAGESIZE ); // Image size in bytes
SET_UINT32( bmp + 38, 4740 ); // X Pels per metre
SET_UINT32( bmp + 42, 4740 ); // Y Pels per metre
SET_UINT32( bmp + 46, 0 ); // ClrUsed
SET_UINT32( bmp + 50, 0 ); // ClrImportant
// File: main.c
// Date: August 19, 2000
// Author: George Bain @ Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
// Description: Store GS local memory -> Main/SPR memory
// Notes: - read StoreTextureVIF1() and DumpImage() for more information
// - pause screen using "square + cross buttons" to avoid blur
// I N C L U D E S
#include <eekernel.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <libdev.h>
#include <eeregs.h>
#include <libgraph.h>
#include <libdma.h>
#include <libvu0.h>
#include <sifdev.h>
#include <libpkt.h>
#include <sifdev.h>
#include <sifrpc.h>
#include <libpad.h>
#include <gfx\ngps\nx\dma.h>
// D E F I N E S
#define SCRN_W (640)
#define SCRN_H (224)
#define SCRN_CENTER_X (2048.0f)
#define SCRN_CENTER_Y (2048.0f)
#define SCRN_Z (512.0f)
#define ZBUF_MAX (16777000.0f)
#define ZBUF_MIN (1.0f)
#define ZCLIP_MAX (16777216.0f)
#define ZCLIP_MIN (1.0f)
#define ASPECT_X (1.0f)
#define ASPECT_Y (((float)SCRN_H*4.0f)/((float)SCRN_W*3.0f))
#define STRING_SIZE (64)
#define OFFX (((4096-SCRN_W)/2)<<4)
#define OFFY (((4096-SCRN_H)/2)<<4)
#define PI (3.141592f)
#define RAD_TO_DEG(x) (x * 180.0f / PI)
#define DEG_TO_RAD(x) (x * PI / 180.0f)
#define ROT_SPEED (1.0f)
#define SET_VECTOR(_p,_x,_y,_z,_w) ((_p)[0] = _x, (_p)[1] = _y, (_p)[2] = _z, (_p)[3] = _w)
#define TRANS (10.0f)
#define SPR_MEM (0x70000000)
#define UNCACHED_MEM (0x20000000)
#define DMA_SPR (0x80000000)
#define DMA_MEM (0x0FFFFFFF)
#define CUBE_VERT (36)
#define GS_PRIM_SHADED (1)
#define GS_PRIM_ALPHA (1)
#define GIFTAG_EOP (1)
#define GIFTAG_PRE (1)
#define GS_PRIM_TEX (1)
#define RGB_FRAME (1)
#define GIFTAG_MAX_NLOOP (32767)
#define IMAGE_W (256)
#define IMAGE_H (256)
#define IMAGE_ADDR ( ((SCRN_W*SCRN_H*4)*3) / 256 )
#define CLUT_CSM1_MODE (0)
#define CLUT_CSM2_MODE (1)
// S T R U C T U R E S
typedef struct rect_tag
short x, y;
short w, h;
typedef struct timimage_tag
u_int mode;
u_int id;
u_int flag;
u_int cbnum;
RECT crect;
u_int *caddr;
u_int pbnum;
RECT prect;
u_int *paddr;
// G L O B A L S
sceVu0FVECTOR camera_p = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -300.0f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR camera_zd = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR camera_yd = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR light0 = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR light1 = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR light2 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR color0 = { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR color1 = { 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR color2 = { 0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR ambient = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR obj_trans = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FVECTOR obj_rot = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
sceVu0FMATRIX local_world;
sceVu0FMATRIX world_view;
sceVu0FMATRIX view_screen;
sceVu0FMATRIX local_screen;
sceVu0FMATRIX normal_light;
sceVu0FMATRIX light_color;
sceVu0FMATRIX local_light;
sceVu0FMATRIX work;
sceGsDBuff db;
sceDmaChan *dmaGIF = NULL;
sceDmaChan *dmaVIF1 = NULL;
float delta = ROT_SPEED;
u_int paddata;
u_char rdata[32];
u_long128 pad_dma_buf[scePadDmaBufferMax] __attribute__ ( ( aligned( 64 ) ) );
TIM_IMAGE texture;
// P R O T O T Y P E S
void InitPad( void );
void InitSystem( void );
void InitGraphics( void );
void ControlInput( void );
void SetAlphaBlend( void );
void SetTexFilter( void );
void SetTextureInfo( void );
void LoadTexture( u_long128 * base_addr, short pixel_mode, short addr, short w, short h,
short dest_x, short dest_y );
void ClearVRAM( u_char r, u_char g, u_char b, u_char a );
void CubePacket( sceVu0FVECTOR * vertex, sceVu0FVECTOR * normal, sceVu0FVECTOR * color,
sceVu0FVECTOR * st );
void sceVu0NormalColorVector( sceVu0IVECTOR c0, sceVu0FMATRIX local_light,
sceVu0FMATRIX light_color, sceVu0FVECTOR v0, sceVu0FVECTOR c1 );
void ReadTIM( u_char * file, TIM_IMAGE * tim, short clut_store_mode );
void StoreTextureVIF1( u_long128 * base_addr, short start_addr, short pixel_mode, short x,
short y, short w, short h, short frame_width );
void DumpImage( int frame_cnt, int oddeven );
// Function: DumpImage()
// Description: Uses StoreTextureVIF1() to grab both the odd and even frame buffers in GS local
// memory. A 24-bit TIM image is written to a file called "image.tim".
// Paramaters: int frame_cnt: odd or even frame
// int oddeven: odd or even frame (Vsync)
// Returns: none
// Notes: N/A
void DumpImage( int frame_cnt, int oddeven )
u_long128 *dst1 = NULL, *dst2 = NULL;
int fd;
int cnt = 0;
int index = 0;
u_int bnum __attribute__ ( ( aligned( 16 ) ) );
u_short pixel_head[4] __attribute__ ( ( aligned( 16 ) ) );
u_int header[3] __attribute__ ( ( aligned( 16 ) ) );
// create image file
fd = sceOpen( "host:image.tim", SCE_WRONLY | SCE_TRUNC | SCE_CREAT );
header[0] = 0x10; // id
header[1] = 0x03; // flag 2= 16bit 3 = 24bit
// write header
sceWrite( fd, &header[0], 4 );
sceWrite( fd, &header[1], 4 );
bnum = ( ( STORE_IMAGE_W * STORE_IMAGE_H * 3 ) * 2 ) + 12; // BNUM
pixel_head[0] = 0; //x
pixel_head[1] = 0; //y
pixel_head[2] = 960; //w
pixel_head[3] = 448; //h
// write pixel header information
sceWrite( fd, &bnum, 4 );
sceWrite( fd, &pixel_head[0], 2 );
sceWrite( fd, &pixel_head[1], 2 );
sceWrite( fd, &pixel_head[2], 2 );
sceWrite( fd, &pixel_head[3], 2 );
// allocate some memory
dst1 = ( u_long128 * ) memalign( 64, STORE_IMAGE_W * STORE_IMAGE_H * 3 );
dst2 = ( u_long128 * ) memalign( 64, STORE_IMAGE_W * STORE_IMAGE_H * 3 );
StoreTextureVIF1( dst1, 0, SCE_GS_PSMCT24, 0, 0, STORE_IMAGE_W, STORE_IMAGE_H, SCRN_W );
StoreTextureVIF1( dst2, 2240, SCE_GS_PSMCT24, 0, 0, STORE_IMAGE_W, STORE_IMAGE_H, SCRN_W );
index = 0;
for ( cnt = 0; cnt < STORE_IMAGE_H; cnt++ )
if ( ( ( frame_cnt == NULL ) && ( oddeven == NULL ) )
|| ( ( frame_cnt ) && ( oddeven ) ) )
sceWrite( fd, dst1 + index, STORE_IMAGE_W * 3 );
sceWrite( fd, dst2 + index, STORE_IMAGE_W * 3 );
sceWrite( fd, dst2 + index, STORE_IMAGE_W * 3 );
sceWrite( fd, dst1 + index, STORE_IMAGE_W * 3 );
index += 120; // (STORE_IMAGE_W * 3)/16;
printf( "written line:%d\n", cnt );
free( dst1 );
free( dst2 );
sceClose( fd );
} // end DumpImage
// Function: StoreTextureVIF1()
// Description: Stores texture data from GS to main memory or scratchpad memory. See notes on
// data flow
// Paramaters: u_long128* base_addr: base address of stored texture data in MAIN/SPR memory
// short start_addr: start address in GS memory to transfer from
// short pixel_mode: pixel mode of stored data
// short x: x location in GS memory
// short y: y location in GS memory
// short w: width of stored image
// short h: height of stored image
// short frame_width: width of frame buffer
// Returns: N/A
// Notes: - data flow of store image
// - wait for all 3 PATHS to GIF to be complete (FLUSHA vif code)
// - disable PATH3 transfer using MSKPATH3 vifcode (mask)
// - set BITBLTBUF register (source parameters)
// - set TRXPOS register (x,y postion)
// - set TRXREG register (width and height)
// - set FINISH register (set event)
// - set TRXDIR register (LOCAL->HOST)
// - get previous Interrupt Mask Control (IMR)
// - enable the FINISH event
// - send GIF packet to GS
// - wait for DMA to be complete
// - wait for FINISH event to be generated (all drawing is complete)
// - change direction of the GS bus
// - change direction of VIF1-FIFO (VIF1_STAT.FDR)
// - DMA GS data to main/spr memory
// - wait for DMA to be complete
// - restore direction of the GS bus
// - restore direction of VIF1-FIFO
// - restore previous Interrupt Mask Control (IMR)
// - enable the FINISH event
// - enable PATH3 transfer using MSKPATH3 vifcode
void StoreTextureVIF1( u_long128 * base_addr, short start_addr, short pixel_mode, short x,
short y, short w, short h, short frame_width )
int texture_qwc;
sceVif1Packet vif1_pkt;
u_long128 settup_base[10];
int buff_width;
static u_int enable_path3[4] __attribute__ ( ( aligned( 16 ) ) ) = {
// get quad word count for image
if ( pixel_mode == SCE_GS_PSMCT32 )
texture_qwc = ( w * h * 32 ) >> 7;
else if ( pixel_mode == SCE_GS_PSMCT24 )
texture_qwc = ( w * h * 24 ) >> 7;
else if ( pixel_mode == SCE_GS_PSMCT16 )
texture_qwc = ( w * h * 16 ) >> 7;
else if ( pixel_mode == SCE_GS_PSMT8 )
texture_qwc = ( w * h * 8 ) >> 7;
texture_qwc = ( w * h * 4 ) >> 7;
if ( texture_qwc > GIFTAG_MAX_NLOOP )
printf( "ERROR: Texture QWC is greater then GIFTAG_NLOOP! line:(%d), file:(%s)\n", __LINE__,
__FILE__ );
exit( 0 );
buff_width = frame_width >> 6;
if ( buff_width <= 0 )
buff_width = 1;
// set base address of GIF packet
sceVif1PkInit( &vif1_pkt, &settup_base[0] );
sceVif1PkReset( &vif1_pkt );
// will start transfer with VIF code and GS data will follow
sceVif1PkAddCode( &vif1_pkt, SCE_VIF1_SET_NOP( 0 ) );
// disable PATH 3 transfer
sceVif1PkAddCode( &vif1_pkt, SCE_VIF1_SET_MSKPATH3( 0x8000, 0 ) );
// wait for all 3 PATHS to GS to be complete
sceVif1PkAddCode( &vif1_pkt, SCE_VIF1_SET_FLUSHA( 0 ) );
// transfer 6 QW's to GS
sceVif1PkAddCode( &vif1_pkt, SCE_VIF1_SET_DIRECT( 6, 0 ) );
// GIF tag for texture settings
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GIF_SET_TAG( 5, GIFTAG_EOP, NULL, NULL, SCE_GIF_PACKED, 1 ) );
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, 0xEL );
// set transmission between buffers
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_SET_BITBLTBUF( start_addr, buff_width, pixel_mode, // SRC
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_BITBLTBUF );
// set transmission area between buffers ( source x,y dest x,y and direction )
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_SET_TRXPOS( x, y, 0, 0, 0 ) );
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_TRXPOS );
// set size of transmission area
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_SET_TRXREG( w, h ) );
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_TRXREG );
// set FINISH event occurrence request
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, ( u_long ) ( 0x0 ) );
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_FINISH );
// set transmission direction ( LOCAL -> HOST Transmission )
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_SET_TRXDIR( 1 ) );
sceVif1PkAddGsData( &vif1_pkt, SCE_GS_TRXDIR );
// get packet size in quad words
sceVif1PkTerminate( &vif1_pkt );
// get current IMR status
// u_long prev_imr = 0;
// prev_imr = sceGsPutIMR( sceGsGetIMR( ) | 0x0200 ); // <<<<< Mick, removed.
// set the FINISH event
// DMA from memory and start DMA transfer
DPUT_D1_QWC( 0x7 );
DPUT_D1_MADR( ( u_int ) vif1_pkt.pBase & DMA_MEM );
DPUT_D1_CHCR( 1 | ( 1 << 8 ) );
asm __volatile__( " sync.l " );
// check if DMA is complete (STR=0)
while ( DGET_D1_CHCR( ) & 0x0100 );
// printf( " 5 GS registers set\n" );
// check if FINISH event occured
while ( ( DGET_GS_CSR( ) & GS_CSR_FINISH_M ) == 0 );
// printf( " Finish event complete\n" );
// change VIF1-FIFO transfer direction (VIF1 -> MAIN MEM or SPR)
*VIF1_STAT = 0x00800000;
// change GS bus direction (LOCAL->HOST)
DPUT_GS_BUSDIR( ( u_long ) 0x00000001 );
// printf( " Changed VIF1 and GS direction complete\n" );
// DMA to memory and start DMA transfer
DPUT_D1_QWC( texture_qwc );
DPUT_D1_MADR( ( u_int ) base_addr & DMA_MEM );
DPUT_D1_CHCR( 0 | ( 1 << 8 ) );
asm __volatile__( " sync.l " );
// check if DMA is complete (STR=0)
while ( DGET_D1_CHCR( ) & 0x0100 );
// printf( " Transferred:(%d) QW from GS -> MEM complete\n", texture_qwc );
// change VIF1-FIFO transfer direction (MAIN MEM or SPR -> VIF1)
*VIF1_STAT = 0;
// change GS bus direction (HOST->LOCAL)
DPUT_GS_BUSDIR( ( u_long ) 0 );
// restore previous IMR status
// sceGsPutIMR( prev_imr ); // <<<<< Mick, removed.
// set the FINISH event
// printf( " Restore VIF1 and GS direction complete\n" );
// MSKPATH3 is now enabled to allow transfer via PATH3
DPUT_VIF1_FIFO( *( u_long128 * ) enable_path3 );
// printf( " Restore PATH3 direction complete\n" );
} // end StoreTextureVIF1
** Externals **
namespace NxPs2
void WaitForRendering();
namespace Gfx
** Defines **
** Private Types **
** Private Data **
** Public Data **
** Private Prototypes **
** Private Functions **
/* */
/* */
** Public Functions **
void Manager::DumpVRAMUsage( void )
printf ("ERROR: DumpVRAMUsage is no longer supported, due to dynamic textures\n");
void save_to_pc(const char *fileroot,uint8* pixelBuffer)
// Try to find a good filename of the format filebasexxx.bmp. "Good" is
// defined here as one that isn't already used.
char fileName[ 132 ];
int i = 0;
while ( TRUE ) {
sprintf( fileName, "Screens\\%s%03d.bmp", fileroot, i );
// Found an unused one! Yay!
if ( FALSE == File::Exist( fileName ))
printf ("Saving Screenshot %s\n",fileName);
// Write out the file.
void *rwfd;
rwfd = File::Open( fileName, "wb" );
Dbg_MsgAssert(rwfd, ("Couldn't open %s for writing on the PC.", fileName));
File::Close( rwfd );
/* */
/* */
void Manager::ScreenShot( const char *fileroot )
#if 1
bool compact = true;
FlushCache( 0 );
sceGsSyncPath( 0, 0 );
NxPs2::WaitForRendering(); // This will also ensure the DMA buffers are free
sceGsSyncPath( 0, 0 );
uint8 *pixelBuffer;
// Get a huge chunk of memory and dump the video buffer into it.
pixelBuffer = NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer + HEADSIZE + 10;
// for compact mode, we need 640*448*31/32*3 + 640*448/32*4 + 54 bytes = 833280 + 35840 + 54 = 869174 bytes
int lines=32; // lines per StoreImage (we need to do it in at last two)
for (int i=0;i<448/lines;i++)
// not got that much memory, so we convert the buffer in place
uint32 *p_pixel4 = (uint32*)( pixelBuffer +i*640*3*lines );
(u_long128*)( p_pixel4 ),
0, // offset....
640 );
uint8 *p_pixel3 = (uint8*) p_pixel4;
uint8 r, g, b;
for (int x = 0;x < 640*lines;x++)
r = ((( *p_pixel4 ) >> 16 ) & 0xff ) ;
g = ((( *p_pixel4 ) >> 8 ) & 0xff ) ;
b = ((( *p_pixel4++ ) ) & 0xff ) ;
*p_pixel3++ = r;
*p_pixel3++ = g;
*p_pixel3++ = b;
// flip the buffer upside down in place
uint8* top_line = pixelBuffer;
uint8* bot_line = pixelBuffer + 640*3*447;
for (int line = 0;line <224; line++)
for (int b = 0;b<640*3;b++)
uint8 t = top_line[b];
top_line[b] = bot_line[b];
bot_line[b] = t;
top_line += 640*3;
bot_line -= 640*3;
// and insert the header
// Finally, I'm going to copy the whole pile of crap down 10 bytes
// in case anything that saves it relies on it being 16 byte aligned
uint8 *p1 = (uint8*)NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer+10;
uint8 *p2 = (uint8*)NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer;
for (int i=0;i<640*448*3+HEADSIZE;i++)
*p2++ = *p1++;
pixelBuffer = (uint8*)NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer;
if (Script::GetInt("memcard_screenshots"))
printf ("STUBBED!!! Saving Screenshot to TH4MC???\n");
// CFuncs::SaveDataFile("TH4MC", NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer, 640*448*3+HEADSIZE);
if (!compact)
// Release the memory for the video buffer.
delete( pixelBuffer );
printf ("Screenshot functionality stubbed out\n");
// Called byte dumpshots
void Manager::DumpMemcardScreeenshots()
char name[100];
for (int i=0;i<12;i++)
printf ("Checking for %s \n",name);
if (CFuncs::LoadDataFile(name, NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer, 640*448*3+HEADSIZE))
save_to_pc("MemCard", NxPs2::dma::pRuntimeBuffer);
printf ("not there\n");
printf ("DumpMemcardScreeenshots STUBBED\n");
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
} // namespace Gfx