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624 lines
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#ifndef __VIF_H
#define __VIF_H
#include "dma.h"
#include "vu1.h"
namespace NxPs2
// VIF1_MODE settings
#define NORMAL_MODE 0
#define OFFSET_MODE 1
// unpack formats
#define S_32 0x0
#define S_16 0x1
#define S_8 0x2
#define V2_32 0x4
#define V2_16 0x5
#define V2_8 0x6
#define V3_32 0x8
#define V3_16 0x9
#define V3_8 0xA
#define V4_32 0xC
#define V4_16 0xD
#define V4_8 0xE
#define V4_5 0xF
// unpack FLG values
#define ABS 0
#define REL 1
// unpack USN values
#define SIGNED 0
#define UNSIGNED 1
class vif
// S T A T I C F U N C T I O N S
// vifcodes
static void Code(uint8 CMD, uint8 NUM, uint16 IMMEDIATE);
static void BASE(uint16 BASE);
static void DIRECT(uint16 SIZE);
static void DIRECTHL(uint16 SIZE);
static void FLUSH(void);
static void FLUSHA(void);
static void FLUSHE(void);
static void ITOP(uint16 ADDR);
static void MARK(uint16 MARK);
static void MPG(uint8 SIZE, uint16 LOADADDR);
static void MSCAL(uint16 EXECADDR);
static void MSCALF(uint16 EXECADDR);
static void MSCNT(void);
static void MSKPATH3(uint16 MASK);
static void NOP(void);
static void NOPi(void);
static void OFFSET(uint16 OFFSET);
static void STCOL(uint32 C0, uint32 C1, uint32 C2, uint32 C3);
static void STCYCL(uint16 WL, uint16 CL);
static void STMASK(uint32 MASK);
static void STMOD(uint16 MODE);
static void STROW(uint32 R0, uint32 R1, uint32 R2, uint32 R3);
static void UNPACK(uint8 m, uint8 vnvl, uint8 SIZE, uint16 FLG, uint16 USN, uint16 ADDR);
// vifcodes, begin-end style
static void BeginDIRECT(void);
static void EndDIRECT(void);
static void BeginDIRECTHL(void);
static void EndDIRECTHL(void);
static void BeginMPG(uint16 LOADADDR);
static void EndMPG(void);
static void BeginUNPACK(uint8 m, uint8 vnvl, uint16 FLG, uint16 USN, uint16 ADDR);
static void EndUNPACK(void);
// storing data for various unpack formats
static void StoreS_32(uint32 x);
static void StoreS_16(uint16 x);
static void StoreS_8(uint8 x);
static void StoreV2_32(uint32 x, uint32 y);
static void StoreV2_16(uint16 x, uint16 y);
static void StoreV2_8(uint8 x, uint8 y);
static void StoreV3_32(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z);
static void StoreV3_16(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 z);
static void StoreV3_8(uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 z);
static void StoreV4_32F(float x, float y, float z, float w);
static void StoreV4_32(sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 z, sint32 w);
static void StoreV4_16(sint16 x, sint16 y, sint16 z, sint16 w);
static void StoreV4_8(sint8 x, sint8 y, sint8 z, sint8 w);
static void StoreV4_5(uint8 R, uint8 G, uint8 B, uint8 A);
// vifcode parsing
static uint8 *vif::NextCode(uint8 *pVifcode);
// S T A T I C D A T A
static uint UnpackSize;
static uint CycleLength;
static uint BitLength;
static uint Dimension;
static uint8 *pVifCode;
static uint WL;
static uint CL;
}; // class vif
// V I F C O D E S
// generic vifcode
// 31 24 23 16 15 0
// <09> CMD <20> NUM <20> IMMEDIATE <20>
inline void vif::Code(uint8 CMD, uint8 NUM, uint16 IMMEDIATE)
dma::Store32((uint32)CMD<<24 | (uint32)NUM<<16 | (uint32)IMMEDIATE);
// Sets VIF1_BASE to lower 10 bits of BASE.
inline void vif::BASE(uint16 BASE)
vif::Code(0x03, 0, BASE);
// Transfers SIZE 128-bit data via PATH2.
inline void vif::DIRECT(uint16 SIZE)
vif::Code(0x50, 0, SIZE);
// Transfers SIZE 128-bit data via PATH2, stalling till PATH3 IMAGE mode transfer is complete.
inline void vif::DIRECTHL(uint16 SIZE)
vif::Code(0x51, 0, SIZE);
// Waits for PATH1/PATH2 transfers to end, after VU1 microprogram has ended.
inline void vif::FLUSH(void)
vif::Code(0x11, 0, 0);
// Waits till no PATH3 transfer request, after the end of VU1 microprogram and PATH1/PATH2 transfer.
inline void vif::FLUSHA(void)
vif::Code(0x13, 0, 0);
// Waits for VU0/VU1 microprogram to end.
inline void vif::FLUSHE(void)
vif::Code(0x10, 0, 0);
// Sets VIFn_ITOPS to lower to bits of ADDR.
inline void vif::ITOP(uint16 ADDR)
vif::Code(0x04, 0, ADDR);
// Sets VIFn_MARK to MARK.
inline void vif::MARK(uint16 MARK)
vif::Code(0x07, 0, MARK);
// Waits for end of microprogram and transfers SIZE 64-bit data to MicroMem address LOADADDR (low 11 bits).
inline void vif::MPG(uint8 SIZE, uint16 LOADADDR)
vif::Code(0x4A, SIZE, LOADADDR);
// Waits for end of microprogram, and activates microprogram at address EXECADDR (low 11 bits).
inline void vif::MSCAL(uint16 EXECADDR)
vif::Code(0x14, 0, EXECADDR);
vu1::Buffer = vu1::Loc;
// Waits for end of bot microprogram and PATH1/PATH2 transfers,
// and activates microprogram at address EXECADDR (low 11 bits).
inline void vif::MSCALF(uint16 EXECADDR)
vif::Code(0x15, 0, EXECADDR);
// Waits for end of microprogram, and activates microprogram at address held in PC.
inline void vif::MSCNT(void)
vif::Code(0x17, 0, 0);
// MASK==1 => disables transfer via PATH3.
inline void vif::MSKPATH3(uint16 MASK)
vif::Code(0x06, 0, MASK<<15);
// Does nothing.
inline void vif::NOP(void)
vif::Code(0x00, 0, 0);
// Interrupt version.
inline void vif::NOPi(void)
vif::Code(0x80, 0, 0);
// Sets VIF1_OFST to lower 10 bits of OFFSET.
// DBF flag of VIF1_STAT is cleared and VIF1_BASE is copied to VIF1_TOPS.
inline void vif::OFFSET(uint16 OFFSET)
vif::Code(0x02, 0, OFFSET);
// Sets VIFn_C0-VIFn_C3 to C0-C3.
inline void vif::STCOL(uint32 C0, uint32 C1, uint32 C2, uint32 C3)
vif::Code(0x31, 0, 0);
dma::Store32(C0, C1, C2, C3);
// Sets VIFn_CYCLE.
// CL>=WL gives skipping write;
// CL<WL gives filling write.
inline void vif::STCYCL(uint16 WL, uint16 CL)
vif::Code(0x01, 0, WL<<8|CL);
CycleLength = WL>CL?WL:CL;
// Sets VIFn_MASK to MASK = (m15,...,m0) with m0 at the low end of the word.
// W Z Y X
// ---------------
// write cycle=1 m0 m1 m2 m3
// write cycle=2 m4 m5 m6 m7
// write cycle=3 m8 m9 m10 m11
// write cycle>=4 m15 m14 m13 m12
// m[n]=0 => decompressed data written as-is;
// m[n]=1 => row register written;
// m[n]=2 => column register written;
// m[n]=3 => write masked.
inline void vif::STMASK(uint32 MASK)
vif::Code(0x20, 0, 0);
// Sets VIFn_MODE to lower 2 bits of MODE.
inline void vif::STMOD(uint16 MODE)
vif::Code(0x05, 0, MODE);
// Sets VIFn_R0-VIFn_R3 to R0-R3.
inline void vif::STROW(uint32 R0, uint32 R1, uint32 R2, uint32 R3)
vif::Code(0x30, 0, 0);
// Decompresses data to VUMem+ADDR.
// SIZE is the number of decompressed data;
// vnvl is the format of compressed data (S_8, V4_32, etc);
// destination in VUMem is ADDR (if FLG==0 on VU1) or VIF1_TOPS+ADDR (if FLG==1 on VU1);
// USN==0 => sign extension, USN==1 => padding with 0's;
// m==1 => masking write using VIFn_MASK.
inline void vif::UNPACK(uint8 m, uint8 vnvl, uint8 SIZE, uint16 FLG, uint16 USN, uint16 ADDR)
vif::Code(0x60|m<<4|vnvl, SIZE, FLG<<15 | USN<<14 | ((vu1::Loc+ADDR)&0x03FF));
UnpackSize = SIZE;
// V I F C O D E S ( B E G I N - E N D S T Y L E )
// Auto-size version of DIRECT.
// Alignment necessary because data must align to 128-bit boundary.
inline void vif::BeginDIRECT(void)
pVifCode = dma::pLoc;
vif::Code(0x50, 0, 0);
// Patch up the IMMEDIATE field of a DIRECT generated using BeginDIRECT().
// Alignment necessary because vif will interpret till 16-byte boundary as data.
inline void vif::EndDIRECT(void)
((uint16 *)pVifCode)[0] = (dma::pLoc - pVifCode - 4)/16;
// Auto-size version of DIRECTHL.
// Alignment necessary because data must align to 16-byte boundary.
inline void vif::BeginDIRECTHL(void)
pVifCode = dma::pLoc;
vif::Code(0x51, 0, 0);
// Patch up the IMMEDIATE field of a DIRECTHL generated using BeginDIRECTHL().
// Alignment necessary because vif will interpret till 16-byte boundary as data.
inline void vif::EndDIRECTHL(void)
((uint16 *)pVifCode)[0] = (dma::pLoc - pVifCode - 4)/16;
// Auto-size version of MPG.
// Alignment necessary because data must align to 8-byte boundary.
inline void vif::BeginMPG(uint16 LOADADDR)
pVifCode = dma::pLoc;
vif::Code(0x4A, 0, LOADADDR);
// Patch up the NUM field of an MPG generated using BeginMPG().
// Alignment necessary because vif will interpret till 8-byte boundary as data.
inline void vif::EndMPG(void)
pVifCode[2] = (dma::pLoc - pVifCode - 4)/8;
// Auto-size version of UNPACK.
inline void vif::BeginUNPACK(uint8 m, uint8 vnvl, uint16 FLG, uint16 USN, uint16 ADDR)
pVifCode = dma::pLoc;
BitLength = 32 >> (vnvl & 3);
Dimension = (vnvl>>2 & 3) + 1;
vif::Code(0x60 | m<<4 | vnvl, 0, FLG<<15 | USN<<14 | ((vu1::Loc+ADDR)&0x03FF) );
// Patch up the NUM field of an UNPACK generated using BeginUNPACK().
// Alignment is necessary because some data formats won't fill out to a 4-byte boundary.
inline void vif::EndUNPACK(void)
UnpackSize = ((dma::pLoc - pVifCode - 4) << 3) / (Dimension * BitLength);
if (UnpackSize==0)
dma::pLoc -= 4; // no data, rewind over vifcode
else if (UnpackSize < 256)
pVifCode[2] = UnpackSize; // normal usage
else if (UnpackSize == 256)
pVifCode[2] = 0; // 0 represents 256
printf("unpack size greater than 256\n");
#ifdef __PLAT_NGPS__
// S T O R I N G C O M P R E S S E D V I F D A T A
// scalars
inline void vif::StoreS_32(uint32 x)
*(uint32 *)dma::pLoc = x;
dma::pLoc += 4;
inline void vif::StoreS_16(uint16 x)
*(uint16 *)dma::pLoc = x;
dma::pLoc += 2;
inline void vif::StoreS_8(uint8 x)
*dma::pLoc++ = x;
// 2-vectors
inline void vif::StoreV2_32(uint32 x, uint32 y)
((uint32 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((uint32 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
dma::pLoc += 8;
inline void vif::StoreV2_16(uint16 x, uint16 y)
((uint16 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((uint16 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
dma::pLoc += 4;
inline void vif::StoreV2_8(uint8 x, uint8 y)
((uint8 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((uint8 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
dma::pLoc += 2;
// 3-vectors
inline void vif::StoreV3_32(uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 z)
((uint32 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((uint32 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((uint32 *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
dma::pLoc += 12;
inline void vif::StoreV3_16(uint16 x, uint16 y, uint16 z)
((uint16 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((uint16 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((uint16 *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
dma::pLoc += 6;
inline void vif::StoreV3_8(uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 z)
((uint8 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((uint8 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((uint8 *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
dma::pLoc[2] = z;
dma::pLoc += 3;
// 4-vectors
inline void vif::StoreV4_32F(float x, float y, float z, float w)
((float *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((float *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((float *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
((float *)dma::pLoc)[3] = w;
dma::pLoc += 16;
inline void vif::StoreV4_32(sint32 x, sint32 y, sint32 z, sint32 w)
((sint32 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((sint32 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((sint32 *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
((sint32 *)dma::pLoc)[3] = w;
dma::pLoc += 16;
inline void vif::StoreV4_16(sint16 x, sint16 y, sint16 z, sint16 w)
((sint16 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((sint16 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((sint16 *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
((sint16 *)dma::pLoc)[3] = w;
dma::pLoc += 8;
inline void vif::StoreV4_8(sint8 x, sint8 y, sint8 z, sint8 w)
((sint8 *)dma::pLoc)[0] = x;
((sint8 *)dma::pLoc)[1] = y;
((sint8 *)dma::pLoc)[2] = z;
((sint8 *)dma::pLoc)[3] = w;
dma::pLoc += 4;
inline void vif::StoreV4_5(uint8 R, uint8 G, uint8 B, uint8 A)
*(uint16 *)dma::pLoc = (A&0x80)<<8 | (B&0xF8)<<7 | (G&0xF8)<<2 | (R&0xF8)>>3;
dma::pLoc += 2;
} // namespace NxPs2
#endif // __VIF_H