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//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: CollisionComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Gary Jesdanun
//* CREATION DATE: 10/31/2002
#include <gel/components/Collisioncomponent.h>
#include <gel/assman/assman.h>
#include <gel/collision/collision.h>
#include <gel/collision/movcollman.h>
#include <gel/components/modelcomponent.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gfx/nx.h>
#include <gfx/nxhierarchy.h>
#include <gfx/nxmesh.h>
#include <gfx/nxmodel.h>
namespace Obj
/* */
/* */
// This static function is what is registered with the component factory
// object, (currently the CCompositeObjectManager)
CBaseComponent* CCollisionComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CCollisionComponent );
/* */
/* */
CCollisionComponent::CCollisionComponent() : CBaseComponent()
/* */
/* */
if ( mp_collision )
Nx::CMovableCollMan::sRemoveCollision( mp_collision );
// We don't want to do this after we start the PIP loading
delete mp_collision;
/* */
/* */
void CCollisionComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
Dbg_MsgAssert( pParams, ( "No node data?" ) );
Dbg_MsgAssert( !mp_collision, ( "Set up collision twice?" ) );
uint32 col_type_checksum = Nx::vCOLL_TYPE_NONE;
pParams->GetChecksum( CRCD(0x2d7e583b,"CollisionMode"), &col_type_checksum );
Nx::CollType col_type = Nx::CCollObj::sConvertTypeChecksum( col_type_checksum );
if ( col_type != Nx::vCOLL_TYPE_NONE )
uint32 class_checksum = 0;
pParams->GetChecksum("class", &class_checksum);
if ( class_checksum == CRCD(0xb7b3bd86,"LevelObject") )
uint32 name;
pParams->GetChecksum(CRCD(0xa1dc81f9,"name"), &name, Script::ASSERT);
Nx::CSector *p_sector = Nx::CEngine::sGetSector(name);
Dbg_MsgAssert( p_sector, ( "WARNING: sGetSector(0x%x) returned NULL (%s)\n", name, Script::FindChecksumName(name) ) );
Nx::CCollObjTriData *p_coll_tri_data = p_sector->GetCollSector()->GetGeometry();
InitCollision(col_type, p_coll_tri_data);
/* */
/* */
void CCollisionComponent::InitCollision( Nx::CollType type, Nx::CCollObjTriData *p_coll_tri_data )
Dbg_Assert( !mp_collision );
if ( p_coll_tri_data )
mp_collision = Nx::CCollObj::sCreateMovableCollision(type, p_coll_tri_data, 1, GetObject());
Obj::CModelComponent* pModelComponent = GetModelComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
Dbg_MsgAssert( pModelComponent, ( "Initing collision on something with no model component" ) );
Nx::CModel* pModel = pModelComponent->GetModel();
Dbg_MsgAssert( pModel, ( "Initing collision on something with no model" ) );
Ass::CAssMan * ass_man = Ass::CAssMan::Instance();
Nx::CMesh* pMesh = (Nx::CMesh*)ass_man->GetAsset(pModel->GetFileName(), false);
if (pMesh)
mp_collision = Nx::CCollObj::sCreateMovableCollision(type, pMesh->GetCollisionTriDataArray(), pMesh->GetCollisionTriDataArraySize(), GetObject());
mp_collision = Nx::CCollObj::sCreateMovableCollision(type, NULL, 0, GetObject());
/* */
/* */
Nx::CCollObj* CCollisionComponent::GetCollision() const
return mp_collision;
/* */
/* */
void CCollisionComponent::Teleport()
// GJ: the collision component's Update()
// function doesn't really require finalization
// right now, but having this assert in here
// might help catch future errors
Dbg_MsgAssert( GetObject()->IsFinalized(), ( "Has not been finalized! Tell Gary!" ) );
/* */
/* */
void CCollisionComponent::Update()
// GJ: On THPS4, we did the following test first before
// updating the collision; I think this will be handled
// by the suspend component, so we shouldn't have to do
// this here...
// if ( (m_object_flags & vINVISIBLE) && !initialize )
// {
// return;
// }
// get the collision object
Nx::CCollObj* p_coll = GetCollision();
// Update collision
// Might be problem with things being LODed off, but still needing collision?
if ( p_coll )
// GJ TODO: Somehow remove the collision object's dependency on the model!
Nx::CModel* p_model = NULL;
Nx::CHierarchyObject* p_hierarchy = NULL;
Obj::CModelComponent* p_model_component = GetModelComponentFromObject( GetObject() );
if ( p_model_component )
p_model = p_model_component->GetModel();
Dbg_MsgAssert( p_model, ( "No model?!?" ) );
p_hierarchy = p_model->GetHierarchy();
if (p_hierarchy)
Mth::Vector translation(p_hierarchy->GetSetupMatrix()[W]);
translation[W] = 0.0f; // turn into vector
p_hierarchy->GetSetupMatrix().Transform(translation); // Re-orients the translation
p_coll->SetWorldPosition( GetObject()->GetPos() + translation );
p_coll->SetOrientation( p_hierarchy->GetSetupMatrix() * GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix() );
p_coll->SetWorldPosition( GetObject()->GetPos() );
p_coll->SetOrientation( GetObject()->GetDisplayMatrix() );
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CCollisionComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
// Dbg_Assert( 0 );
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
/* */
/* */