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2016-02-13 21:39:12 +00:00
//* MODULE: Gel/Components
//* FILENAME: GunslingerCameraLookAroundComponent.cpp
//* OWNER: Dave
//* CREATION DATE: 5/13/03
#include <gel/components/cameralookaroundcomponent.h>
#include <gel/components/inputcomponent.h>
#include <gel/object/compositeobject.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
#include <gfx/nxviewman.h>
#include <gfx/debuggfx.h>
float spin_modulator = 1.0f;
float tilt_modulator = 1.0f;
float last_heading_change = 0.0f;
float last_tilt_change = 0.0f;
bool gun_fired = false;
bool allow_strafe_locking = false;
float screen_angle = 72.0f; // Test value for setting field of view.
float lookaround_tilt_angular_speed = 0.0f;
float lookaround_heading_angular_speed = 0.0f;
namespace Obj
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent* CCameraLookAroundComponent::s_create()
return static_cast< CBaseComponent* >( new CCameraLookAroundComponent );
/* */
/* */
CCameraLookAroundComponent::CCameraLookAroundComponent() : CBaseComponent()
/* */
/* */
/* */
/* */
void CCameraLookAroundComponent::InitFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
/* */
/* */
void CCameraLookAroundComponent::RefreshFromStructure( Script::CStruct* pParams )
/* */
/* */
void CCameraLookAroundComponent::Finalize ( )
mp_input_component = GetInputComponentFromObject(GetObject());
mLookaroundTilt = 0.0f;
mLookaroundHeading = 0.0f;
mLookaroundZoom = 1.0f;
/* */
/* */
void CCameraLookAroundComponent::Update()
CControlPad * p_control_pad;
if (Script::GetInt(CRCD(0x702247a5,"Viewer_controller"), false))
p_control_pad = &mp_input_component->GetControlPad2();
p_control_pad = &mp_input_component->GetControlPad();
if( p_control_pad->m_up.GetTriggered())
// Unfortunately, pressing up on the left control stick will also cause m_up to be triggered, so check this
// is really the d-pad press.
if( p_control_pad->GetScaledLeftAnalogStickMagnitude() == 0.0f )
// This would be a good place to put the field of view setting code for the sniper rifle.
if( screen_angle == 72.0f )
screen_angle = 25.0f;
else if( screen_angle == 25.0f )
screen_angle = 7.5f;
else if( screen_angle == 7.5f )
screen_angle = 72.0f;
Nx::CViewportManager::sSetScreenAngle( screen_angle );
float frame_length = Tmr::FrameLength();
// Strafe locking is allowed by default.
allow_strafe_locking = true;
// Shouldn't really do this here. Disable strafe locking if not strafing, or if moving forward or backwards.
float fb = p_control_pad->m_scaled_leftY;
float lr = p_control_pad->m_scaled_leftX;
if( Mth::Abs( fb ) > 0.0f )
allow_strafe_locking = false;
if( Mth::Abs( lr ) < 0.2f )
allow_strafe_locking = false;
if (!mLookaroundLock && !mLookaroundOverride)
float target = p_control_pad->m_scaled_rightY;
// Modulate with the variable used to damp cursor movement when aiming at a target.
target = target * tilt_modulator;
# if 1
// if( target != 0.0f )
allow_strafe_locking = false;
if( Script::GetInteger( CRCD( 0x9edfc7af, "GunslingerInvertAiming" )) == 0 )
// Negate value if vertical aiming invert is not enabled.
target = -target;
// Get script values.
float tilt_ka = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xcac0c1d4, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltKa" ), Script::ASSERT );
float tilt_ea = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x5443ec5a, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltEa" ), Script::ASSERT );
float tilt_ks = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x3979b09c, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltKs" ), Script::ASSERT );
float tilt_es = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xa7fa9d12, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltEs" ), Script::ASSERT );
// Calculate acceleration.
float a = tilt_ka * powf( Mth::Abs( target ), tilt_ea ) * (( target > 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 0.0f );
// Calculate max speed.
float s = tilt_ks * powf( Mth::Abs( target ), tilt_es ) * (( target > 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 0.0f );
lookaround_tilt_angular_speed += a;
if( s == 0.0f )
lookaround_tilt_angular_speed = 0.0f;
else if((( s > 0.0f ) && ( lookaround_tilt_angular_speed > s )) || (( s < 0.0f ) && ( lookaround_tilt_angular_speed < s )))
lookaround_tilt_angular_speed = s;
float lookaround_tilt_speed = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x67796648, "GunslingerLookaroundTiltSpeed" ), Script::ASSERT );
mLookaroundTilt += lookaround_tilt_angular_speed * lookaround_tilt_speed * frame_length;
last_tilt_change = lookaround_tilt_angular_speed * lookaround_tilt_speed * frame_length;
if( mLookaroundTilt > 1.1f )
mLookaroundTilt = 1.1f;
else if( mLookaroundTilt < -0.85f )
mLookaroundTilt = -0.85f;
# else
// This calculation is different for Gunslinger, since we want to be able to look up higher.
// target = -1.4f * (target < 0.0f ? (0.7f * target) : (0.4f * target));
target = -1.4f * ( target < 0.0f ? ( 0.7f * target ) : ( 0.7f * target ));
if( Mth::Abs( target - mLookaroundTilt ) > 0.001f )
// Ditto for this calc.
// mLookaroundTilt += (target - mLookaroundTilt) * 3.75f * frame_length;
mLookaroundTilt += (target - mLookaroundTilt) * 6.0f * frame_length;
mLookaroundTilt = target;
# endif
# if 1
target = p_control_pad->m_scaled_rightX;
// Modulate with the variable used to damp cursor movement when aiming at a target.
target = target * spin_modulator;
// if( target != 0.0f )
allow_strafe_locking = false;
// Get script values.
float heading_ka = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x6fd803d9, "GunslingerLookaroundHeadingKa" ), Script::ASSERT );
float heading_ea = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0xf15b2e57, "GunslingerLookaroundHeadingEa" ), Script::ASSERT );
float heading_ks = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x9c617291, "GunslingerLookaroundHeadingKs" ), Script::ASSERT );
float heading_es = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x2e25f1f, "GunslingerLookaroundHeadingEs" ), Script::ASSERT );
// Calculate acceleration.
float a = heading_ka * powf( Mth::Abs( target ), heading_ea ) * (( target > 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 0.0f );
// Calculate max speed.
float s = heading_ks * powf( Mth::Abs( target ), heading_es ) * (( target > 0.0f ) ? 1.0f : ( target < 0.0f ) ? -1.0f : 0.0f );
lookaround_heading_angular_speed += a;
if( s == 0.0f )
lookaround_heading_angular_speed = 0.0f;
else if((( s > 0.0f ) && ( lookaround_heading_angular_speed > s )) || (( s < 0.0f ) && ( lookaround_heading_angular_speed < s )))
lookaround_heading_angular_speed = s;
float lookaround_heading_speed = Script::GetFloat( CRCD( 0x8501d824, "GunslingerLookaroundHeadingSpeed" ), Script::ASSERT );
// Control stick left - reticle should move left.
mLookaroundHeading -= lookaround_heading_angular_speed * lookaround_heading_speed * frame_length;
last_heading_change = lookaround_heading_angular_speed * lookaround_heading_speed * frame_length;
if( mLookaroundHeading > ( 2 * Mth::PI ))
mLookaroundHeading -= ( 2 * Mth::PI );
else if( mLookaroundHeading < 0.0f )
mLookaroundHeading += 2 * Mth::PI;
# else
target = 3.0f * p_control_pad->m_scaled_rightX;
if (Mth::Abs(target - mLookaroundHeading) > 0.001f)
mLookaroundHeading += (target - mLookaroundHeading) * 3.75f * frame_length;
mLookaroundHeading = target;
# endif
float delta_time = Tmr::FrameLength();
if (mLookaroundOverride)
if (mLookaroundDeltaTimer > 0.0f)
if (mLookaroundDeltaTimer > delta_time)
mLookaroundHeading += mLookaroundHeadingDelta * delta_time;
mLookaroundTilt += mLookaroundTiltDelta * delta_time;
mLookaroundDeltaTimer -= delta_time;
mLookaroundHeading = mLookaroundHeadingTarget;
mLookaroundTilt = mLookaroundTiltTarget;
mLookaroundDeltaTimer = 0.0f;
// Total hack to simulate shooting for now.
gun_fired = false;
if( p_control_pad->m_R1.GetTriggered())
gun_fired = true;
/* */
/* */
CBaseComponent::EMemberFunctionResult CCameraLookAroundComponent::CallMemberFunction( uint32 Checksum, Script::CStruct* pParams, Script::CScript* pScript )
switch ( Checksum )
// @script | SC_SetSkaterCamOverride |
// @parm float | heading |
// @parm float | tilt |
// @parm float | time |
// @parm float | zoom |
case 0xb8f23899: // SC_SetSkaterCamOverride
float heading, tilt, time;
float zoom = 1.0f;
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0xfd4bc03e,"heading"), &heading, Script::ASSERT );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0xe3c07609,"tilt"), &tilt, Script::ASSERT );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0x906b67ba,"time"), &time, Script::ASSERT );
pParams->GetFloat( CRCD(0x48d4868b,"zoom"), &zoom );
SetLookaround( heading, tilt, time, zoom );
// @script | SC_ClearSkaterCamOverride |
case 0xe3b327c0: // SC_ClearSkaterCamOverride
return CBaseComponent::MF_NOT_EXECUTED;
return CBaseComponent::MF_TRUE;
/* */
/* */
void CCameraLookAroundComponent::GetDebugInfo(Script::CStruct *p_info)
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_info,("NULL p_info sent to CCameraLookAroundComponent::GetDebugInfo"));
/* */
/* */
void CCameraLookAroundComponent::SetLookaround( float heading, float tilt, float time, float zoom )
mLookaroundOverride = true;
mLookaroundHeadingTarget = heading;
mLookaroundTiltTarget = tilt;
// Calculate delta - the amount to move in 1 second.
if (time > 0.0f)
mLookaroundHeadingDelta = (heading - mLookaroundHeading) / time;
mLookaroundTiltDelta = (tilt - mLookaroundTilt) / time;
mLookaroundDeltaTimer = time;
mLookaroundZoom = zoom;
#if 0 // old control input checking code
char touched[256 * 256 / 8];
bool initialized = false;
void MapInput ( )
if (!initialized)
for (int n = 255 * 255; n--; )
touched[n / 8] = 0;
initialized = true;
CControlPad& pad = mp_input_component->GetControlPad();
int x = static_cast< int >(pad.m_rightX) + 128;
int y = static_cast< int >(pad.m_rightY) + 128;
// printf("x = %i; y = %i\n", x, y);
int index = (x * 256) + y;
// printf("index / 8 = %i\n", index / 8);
// printf("MAX = %i\n", 256 * 256 / 8);
touched[index / 8] |= (1 << (index % 8));
void DrawMap ( )
Mth::Vector pos = GetObject()->GetPos();
Mth::Matrix matrix = GetObject()->GetMatrix();
Mth::Vector center = pos - 300.0f * matrix[Z];
Mth::Vector up = matrix[Y];
Mth::Vector left = -matrix[X];
for (int n = 255 * 255; n--; )
if (!(touched[n / 8] & (1 << (n % 8)))) continue;
int x = n / 256;
int y = n % 256;
Mth::Vector point = center + up * (y - 128) + left * (x - 128);
Gfx::AddDebugLine(point + up + left, point - up - left, MAKE_RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, 1);
Gfx::AddDebugLine(point + up - left, point - up + left, MAKE_RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, 1);