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//* MODULE: Gel/AssMan
//* FILENAME: AssMan.cpp
//* OWNER: Matt Duncan
//* CREATION DATE: 11/17/2000
// start autoduck documentation
// @DOC Assman
// @module Assman | None
// @subindex Scripting Database
// @index script | Assman
Assets are generally binary files that are processed in some way when loaded
(although they might simply be loaded).
They are always referenced by the 32-bit checksum of the name of the file
Design and art guidelines already require that all filenames in the project
are unique names.
The asset manager should handle generic assets... (it shouldn't need
to know anything about texture dictionaries or clumps or anims...)
** Includes **
#include <gel/assman/assman.h>
#include <core/singleton.h>
#include <core/string/stringutils.h>
#include <sys/file/AsyncFilesys.h>
#include <gel/assman/assettypes.h>
#include <gel/assman/animasset.h>
#include <gel/assman/cutsceneasset.h>
#include <gel/assman/skeletonasset.h>
#include <gel/assman/skinasset.h>
#include <gel/assman/refasset.h>
#include <gel/assman/nodearrayasset.h>
#include <gel/scripting/checksum.h>
#include <gel/scripting/script.h>
#include <gel/scripting/struct.h>
#include <gel/scripting/symboltable.h>
** DBG Information **
namespace Ass
DefineSingletonClass( CAssMan, "Shared Asset Manager" );
struct SAssetLookup
char* p_extension;
EAssetType type;
static SAssetLookup s_asset_lookup[] =
{"FAM", ASSET_ANIM}, // facial anims
// Insert new types above this line
{NULL, ASSET_UNKNOWN} // terminator;
** Public Functions **
/* */
/* */
mp_asset_table = new Lst::HashTable<Ass::CAsset>( 10 );
// for debugging
mp_assetlist_head = new CAsset;
mp_assetlist_head->SetText("Asset List Head (Possible error here?)");
mp_assetlist_head->mp_next = mp_assetlist_head;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev = mp_assetlist_head;
/* */
/* */
UnloadAllTables( true );
delete mp_asset_table;
/* */
/* */
EAssetType CAssMan::FindAssetType( const char *p_assetName )
// given a file name, then find the type of asset that this represents
// the asset type is determined by the file extension
// so first, find the last . in the assetName
const char *p_ext = p_assetName + strlen(p_assetName);
while ( p_ext > p_assetName && *p_ext != '.' )
if ( *p_ext != '.' )
// p_ext now points to the extension for the file name
SAssetLookup *p_lookup = &s_asset_lookup[0];
while ( p_lookup->p_extension != NULL )
// note, ignoring case
if ( strcmpi( p_lookup->p_extension, p_ext ) == 0 )
return p_lookup->type;
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::LoadAssetFromStream(uint32 asset_name, uint32 asset_type, uint32* p_data, int data_size, bool permanent, uint32 group)
// Note: There's no reason to support async loads when
// loading an asset from a data stream...
// load an asset, and return a pointer to the asset data
// given an asset name checksum, find the type of the asset, and then load it
Dbg_MsgAssert(!AssetAllocated(asset_name),("Asset %08x already loaded",asset_name));
CAsset* p_asset = NULL;
// based on the asset type, create an asset of the correct type
switch (asset_type)
p_asset = new CAnimAsset;
p_asset = new CSkinAsset;
// right now, the only file type that's supported
// for data streams is the "cutscene model"
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("Asset %08x is of unsupported type %d",asset_name,asset_type));
p_asset->m_permanent = permanent;
p_asset->m_group = group;
p_asset->m_dead = false; // it is not dead
// fake an asset name for debugging
char pDebugAssetString[256];
sprintf( pDebugAssetString, "%08x from data stream", asset_name );
// finally, call the asset's Load member function to load it
int error = p_asset->Load(p_data, data_size);
if ( error != 0 )
if ( Script::GetInteger( CRCD(0x25dc7904,"AssertOnMissingAssets") ) )
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("Loading asset %08x returned error %d",asset_name,error));
delete p_asset;
p_asset = NULL;
return NULL;
// only add it to the table once we're sure there's no error
uint32 checksum = asset_name;
Dbg_MsgAssert(!mp_asset_table->GetItem( checksum ),("Asset %08x already in table",asset_name));
mp_asset_table->PutItem( checksum, p_asset);
// link in at the end, so things are added in order
p_asset->mp_next = mp_assetlist_head;
p_asset->mp_prev = mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev->mp_next = p_asset;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev = p_asset;
Dbg_MsgAssert(mp_asset_table->GetItem( checksum ) == p_asset,("Asset does not match entry in table"));
Dbg_Assert( p_asset );
return p_asset->GetData();
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::LoadAsset(const char *p_assetName, bool async_load, bool use_pip, bool permanent, uint32 group, void* pExtraData, Script::CStruct *pParams)
// load an asset, and return a pointer to the asset data
// given an asset filename, find the type of the asset, and then load it
Dbg_MsgAssert(!AssetAllocated(p_assetName),("Asset %s already loaded",p_assetName));
CAsset * p_asset = NULL;
// Find the asset type
EAssetType asset_type = FindAssetType(p_assetName);
Dbg_MsgAssert(asset_type != ASSET_UNKNOWN,("Asset %s is of unknown type",p_assetName));
// based on that, create an asset of the correct type
switch (asset_type)
p_asset = new CAnimAsset;
p_asset = new CSkeletonAsset;
p_asset = new CSkinAsset;
p_asset = new CCutsceneAsset;
p_asset = new CNodeArrayAsset;
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("Asset %s is of unsupported type %d",p_assetName,asset_type));
p_asset->m_permanent = permanent;
p_asset->m_group = group;
p_asset->m_dead = false; // it is not dead
p_asset->SetText(p_assetName); // record asset name for debugging
// Garrett: Make sure that we only set async on the things that can handle them
if (async_load)
Dbg_MsgAssert(asset_type == ASSET_ANIM, ("Can't load this asset type asynchronously: %d", asset_type));
// finally, call the asset's Load member function to load it
int error = p_asset->Load(p_assetName, async_load, use_pip, pExtraData, pParams);
if ( error != 0 )
if ( Script::GetInteger( CRCD(0x25dc7904,"AssertOnMissingAssets") ) )
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("Loading asset %s returned error %d",p_assetName,error));
delete p_asset;
p_asset = NULL;
return NULL;
// only add it to the table once we're sure there's no error
uint32 checksum = Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName );
Dbg_MsgAssert(!mp_asset_table->GetItem( checksum ),("Asset %s already in table",p_assetName));
mp_asset_table->PutItem( checksum, p_asset);
// link in at the end, so things are added in order
p_asset->mp_next = mp_assetlist_head;
p_asset->mp_prev = mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev->mp_next = p_asset;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev = p_asset;
Dbg_MsgAssert(mp_asset_table->GetItem( Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName )) == p_asset,("Asset does not match entry in table"));
Dbg_Assert( p_asset );
return p_asset->GetData();
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::GetFirstInGroup( uint32 group )
// return the first asset in the asset manager that is in this group
// will return NULL if there are none of teh specified group
return GetNthInGroup(group,0);
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::GetNthInGroup( uint32 group, int n )
// return the nth asset in the asset manager that is in this group
// will return NULL if there are none of the specified group
CAsset* p_asset = mp_assetlist_head->mp_next;
while (p_asset != mp_assetlist_head)
// printf ("%d: Checkingfor %x, group = %x\n",n,group,p_asset->m_group);
CAsset *p_next = p_asset->mp_next;
if (p_asset->m_group == group)
// printf ("%d: GROUP MATCH %x, group = %x\n",n,group,p_asset->m_group);
if (n==0)
// printf ("%d: COUNT MATCH %x, group = %x\n",n,group,p_asset->m_group);
return p_asset->GetData();
p_asset = p_next;
return NULL;
/* */
/* */
int CAssMan::GetGroup(uint32 checksum)
CAsset* p_actual = mp_asset_table->GetItem(checksum);
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_actual, ("GetIndexInGroup with asset not found\n"));
return p_actual->GetGroup();
/* */
/* */
int CAssMan::GetIndexInGroup(uint32 checksum)
// find this entry, and see which number it is in the group
// i.e, returns the intex into the group
CAsset* p_actual = mp_asset_table->GetItem(checksum);
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_actual, ("GetIndexInGroup with asset not found\n"));
int n = 0; // index starts at 0
CAsset* p_asset = mp_assetlist_head->mp_next;
while (p_asset != mp_assetlist_head)
CAsset *p_next = p_asset->mp_next;
if (p_asset == p_actual)
return n; // if we've found it, then return the asset
if (p_asset->m_group == p_actual->m_group) // if in same group
n++; // increment index
p_asset = p_next;
Dbg_MsgAssert(0, ("ERROR IN GetIndexInGroup\n"));
return 0;
/* */
/* */
int CAssMan::CountGroup(uint32 group)
int n = 0; // index starts at 0
CAsset* p_asset = mp_assetlist_head->mp_next;
while (p_asset != mp_assetlist_head)
CAsset *p_next = p_asset->mp_next;
if (p_asset->m_group == group) // if in same group
n++; // increment index
p_asset = p_next;
return n;
/* */
/* */
int CAssMan::CountSameGroup(uint32 checksum)
// a utility function to count the assets in the same group as another asset
return CountGroup(GetGroup(checksum));
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::DestroyReferences( CAsset* pAsset )
// Destroys an asset's references
Dbg_Assert( pAsset );
while (pAsset->mp_ref_asset)
// destroying a reference is similar to an asset, except we
// do not need to call unload
// printf ("Deleting Reference %p of type %d, <%s>, <%s>\n",p_asset->mp_ref_asset,p_asset->mp_ref_asset->GetType(),p_asset->mp_ref_asset->Name(), p_asset->mp_ref_asset->GetText());
uint32 id = pAsset->mp_ref_asset->m_id;
delete pAsset->mp_ref_asset;
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::UnloadAsset( CAsset* pAsset )
// Unload an asset and delete it
// note the current pairing of create/load, and unload/delete
// in the future, we might need to seperate them out into two distinct stages
Dbg_Assert( pAsset );
uint32 id = pAsset->m_id;
Dbg_MsgAssert(pAsset->LoadFinished(), ("UnloadAsset(): Asset not finished loading"));
delete pAsset;
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::ReloadAsset( uint32 assetID, const char* pFileName, bool assertOnFail )
Ass::CAsset* pAsset;
pAsset = this->GetAssetNode( assetID, assertOnFail );
if ( pAsset )
Dbg_MsgAssert(pAsset->LoadFinished(), ("ReloadAsset(): Asset not finished loading"));
return pAsset->Reload( pFileName );
return false;
/* */
/* */
CAsset* CAssMan::GetAssetNode( uint32 assetID, bool assertOnFail )
CAsset *p_asset = mp_asset_table->GetItem(assetID);
if ( assertOnFail )
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset, ("Asset Not found <%s>", Script::FindChecksumName(assetID)));
//Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset->LoadFinished(), ("Asset not finished loading (%s)", Script::FindChecksumName(assetID)));
// Don't return pointer if it isn't done loading
if ( p_asset && !p_asset->LoadFinished() )
//p_asset = NULL;
// Wait if not done loading
while (!p_asset->LoadFinished())
Dbg_Message("Waiting for async asset load to finish...");
return p_asset;
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::GetAsset(uint32 assetID, bool assertOnFail )
// Return a pointer to the asset data, or NULL if not found
CAsset *p_asset = mp_asset_table->GetItem(assetID);
if (p_asset /*&& p_asset->LoadFinished()*/)
// Wait if not done loading
while (!p_asset->LoadFinished())
Dbg_Message("Waiting for async asset load to finish...");
void *p_asset_data = p_asset->GetData();
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset_data,("Asset has no data"));
return p_asset_data;
if ( assertOnFail )
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset, ("Asset 0x%x Not found (%s)",assetID,Script::FindChecksumName(assetID)));
//Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset->LoadFinished(), ("Asset 0x%x not finished loading (%s)",assetID,Script::FindChecksumName(assetID)));
return NULL;
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::GetAsset(const char *p_assetName, bool assertOnFail)
//returns a pointer to the asset data, does not load it if not found
if ( assertOnFail )
Dbg_MsgAssert(AssetAllocated(p_assetName),("asset %s is not loaded in GetAsset",p_assetName));
void *p_asset_data = GetAsset(Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName ), assertOnFail );
if ( assertOnFail )
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset_data,("Asset has NULL data %s",p_assetName));
return p_asset_data;
/* */
/* */
void* CAssMan::LoadOrGetAsset(const char *p_assetName, bool async_load, bool use_pip, bool permanent, uint32 group, void* pExtraData, Script::CStruct * pParams)
//returns a pointer to the asset data, and loads the asset if not found
void *p_asset_data;
CAsset *p_asset = mp_asset_table->GetItem(Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName ));
if (p_asset)
p_asset_data = p_asset->GetData();
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset_data,("Asset has NULL data %s",p_assetName));
//Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset->LoadFinished(), ("Asset not finished loading (%s)", p_assetName));
// Wait if not done loading
while (!p_asset->LoadFinished())
Dbg_Message("Waiting for async asset load to finish...");
p_asset_data = LoadAsset(p_assetName, async_load, use_pip, permanent, 0, pExtraData,pParams);
if ( Script::GetInteger( CRCD(0x25dc7904,"AssertOnMissingAssets") ) )
// do some extra checks here if we're asserting on missing assets
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset_data,("Could not load asset %s",p_assetName));
Dbg_MsgAssert(AssetAllocated(p_assetName),("asset %s is not loaded after LoadOrGetAsset",p_assetName));
return p_asset_data;
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::AssetAllocated(uint32 assetID)
// Return true if the asset has at least started loading
return (NULL != mp_asset_table->GetItem(assetID));
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::AssetAllocated(const char *p_assetName)
// Return true if the asset has at least started loading
return (AssetAllocated(Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName )));
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::AssetLoaded(uint32 assetID)
// Return true if the asset is done loading
CAsset *p_asset = mp_asset_table->GetItem(assetID);
if (p_asset && p_asset->LoadFinished())
return true;
return false;
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::AssetLoaded(const char *p_assetName)
// Return true if the asset is done loading
return (AssetLoaded(Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName )));
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::AddRef(uint32 asset_id, uint32 ref_id, uint32 group)
// Add a reference to an asset, so we can access it via a new id
Dbg_MsgAssert(AssetAllocated(asset_id),("Adding ref to unloaded asset\n"));
CAsset *p_asset = new CRefAsset(mp_asset_table->GetItem(asset_id));
Dbg_MsgAssert(!mp_asset_table->GetItem( ref_id ),("ref already in table/n"));
mp_asset_table->PutItem( ref_id, p_asset);
// link it to the end of the list
p_asset->mp_next = mp_assetlist_head;
p_asset->mp_prev = mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev->mp_next = p_asset;
mp_assetlist_head->mp_prev = p_asset;
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::AddRef(const char *p_assetName, uint32 ref_id, uint32 group)
Dbg_MsgAssert(!mp_asset_table->GetItem( ref_id ),("ref %lx already in table\nwhen adding to %s\n",ref_id,p_assetName));
Dbg_MsgAssert(AssetAllocated(p_assetName),("Adding ref to unloaded asset %s\n",p_assetName));
uint32 checksum = Script::GenerateCRC( p_assetName );
AddRef(checksum,ref_id, group);
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::UnloadAllTables( bool destroy_permanent )
// printf ( "Unloading all tables" );
CAsset* p_asset;
p_asset = mp_assetlist_head->mp_next;
while (p_asset != mp_assetlist_head)
CAsset *p_next = p_asset->mp_next;
if ( destroy_permanent || !p_asset->m_permanent )
// First destroy any references to this asset
DestroyReferences( p_asset );
// Need to update p_next, in case it was change by destroying above code
p_next = p_asset->mp_next;
UnloadAsset( p_asset );
p_asset = p_next;
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::SetDefaultPermanent(bool permanent)
// set the default permanent state of loaded assets
// (generally this will be false)
m_default_permanent = permanent;
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::GetDefaultPermanent() const
return m_default_permanent;
// The following functions are kind of kludge for referencing anims
// Ideally, I'd like to remove these kludges and simplify the
// asset manager
/* */
/* */
bool CAssMan::LoadAnim(const char* pFileName, uint32 animName, uint32 referenceChecksum, bool async_load, bool use_pip)
// If the asset was previously loaded, then we are just creating a reference to it
// so the m_permanent flag should be set based on m_default_permanent, and NOT INHERITED
if (AssetAllocated(pFileName))
// if descChecksum was supplied, then adding a reference
if (animName && !AssetAllocated(animName + referenceChecksum))
// adding a reference
AddRef(pFileName, animName + referenceChecksum, referenceChecksum);
// the m_permanent will have been inherited from the parent asset
// Now get the reference asset, and set the permanent flag to m_defualt_permanet
CAsset *p_asset = mp_asset_table->GetItem(animName + referenceChecksum);
Dbg_MsgAssert(p_asset,("(Mick) Error re-getting asset ref for %s\n",pFileName));
//p_asset->SetPermanent(m_default_permanent); // <<<< this would also set the perm flag on the parent
p_asset->m_permanent = m_default_permanent; // just in the reference!!!
return true;
//Dbg_MsgAssert( 0, ( "This file was already loaded %s", pFileName ) );
return false;
if (!LoadOrGetAsset(pFileName, async_load, use_pip, m_default_permanent, 0))
Dbg_MsgAssert(0,("Failed to load anim %s",pFileName));
return false;
// Now add the reference to it, if one was requested
// this gets combined with the "reference checksum"
if (animName && !AssetAllocated(animName + referenceChecksum))
AddRef(pFileName, animName + referenceChecksum, referenceChecksum);
return true;
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::SetReferenceChecksum(uint32 reference_checksum)
// kind of a kludge for anims
m_reference_checksum = reference_checksum;
/* */
/* */
uint32 CAssMan::GetReferenceChecksum() const
return m_reference_checksum;
/* */
/* */
} // namespace Ass
#if 0
/* */
/* */
void CAssMan::DumpAssets()
CAsset * p_asset = mp_assetlist_head->mp_next;
int i=0;
while (p_asset != mp_assetlist_head)
CAsset *p_next = p_asset->mp_next;
printf ("Asset %3d: perm=%d %s\n",i,p_asset->m_permanent, p_asset->GetText());
p_asset = p_next;