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** **
** Neversoft Entertainment **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1999 - All Rights Reserved **
** **
** **
** Project: Core Library **
** **
** Module: Vector (MTH) **
** **
** File name: vector.cpp **
** **
** Created by: 11/24/99 - Mick **
** **
** Description: Math Library code **
** **
** Includes **
#include <core/math.h>
#include <core/defines.h>
//#include <core/math.h>
#include <core/math/math.h>
#include <core/math/vector.h>
#include <core/math/matrix.h>
#include <core/macros.h>
#include <core/math/quat.h>
#include <core/math/vector.inl>
** DBG Information **
namespace Mth
** DBG Information **
** Externals **
** Defines **
** Private Types **
** Private Data **
** Public Data **
** Private Prototypes **
** Private Functions **
** Public Functions **
Vector& Vector::RotateY90( ERot90 angle )
float temp;
switch (angle)
case ROT_0:
case ROT_90:
temp = col[X];
col[X] = col[Z];
col[Z] = -temp;
case ROT_180:
col[X] = -col[X];
col[Z] = -col[Z];
case ROT_270:
temp = col[X];
col[X] = -col[Z];
col[Z] = temp;
Dbg_MsgAssert(0, ("Vector::RotateY90() out of range: %d", angle));
return *this;
// Project the vector onto the plane define by a normal
Vector& Vector::ProjectToPlane(const Vector& normal)
float perp_component = Mth::DotProduct(*this,normal);
*this -= normal * perp_component;
return *this;
Vector& Vector::RotateToPlane(const Vector& normal)
// get the length of the vector
float length = Length();
// Project the vector onto the plane
// now we've projected it ontot he plane
// we need to handle the case where it dissapears into a point
// which would indicate that we were perpendicular to the plane
// so need to get an arbitary vector in the plane
float projected_length = Length();
if (projected_length == 0.0f) // is this a valid comparision?
// Rotate vector through -90 degrees about Y then +90 about X
col[X] = -normal[Z];
col[Y] = normal[X];
col[Z] = -normal[Y];
// get unit vector in this direction
// multiply by original speed to rotate velocity onto plane
*this *= length;
col[W] = 0.0f; // clean up W, otherwise multilications will accumelate over time...
return *this;
Vector& Vector::RotateToNormal(const Vector& normal)
*this = normal*Length();
return *this;
Vector& Vector::ProjectToNormal(const Vector& normal)
float dot = Mth::DotProduct(*this,normal);
*this = normal * dot;
return *this;
/* Finds the largest contributor to the length of the vector...
If you pass in whichAxis, it will fill it in with which axis
is the max...
float Vector::GetMaxAxis( int *whichAxis )
int which_axis;
if ( !whichAxis )
whichAxis = &which_axis;
*whichAxis = X;
if ( Abs( this->col[ Y ] ) > Abs( this->col[ X ] ) )
if ( Abs( this->col[ Z ] ) > Abs( this->col[ Y ] ) )
*whichAxis = Z;
*whichAxis = Y;
else if ( Abs( this->col[ Z ] ) > Abs( this->col[ X ] ) )
*whichAxis = Z;
return ( this->col[ *whichAxis ] );
void Vector::DegreesToRadians( void )
this->col[ X ] = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( this->col[ X ] );
this->col[ Y ] = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( this->col[ Y ] );
this->col[ Z ] = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( this->col[ Z ] );
void Vector::RadiansToDegrees( void )
this->col[ X ] = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES( this->col[ X ] );
this->col[ Y ] = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES( this->col[ Y ] );
this->col[ Z ] = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES( this->col[ Z ] );
void Vector::FeetToInches( void )
this->col[ X ] = FEET_TO_INCHES( this->col[ X ] );
this->col[ Y ] = FEET_TO_INCHES( this->col[ Y ] );
this->col[ Z ] = FEET_TO_INCHES( this->col[ Z ] );
// convert to 3d studio max coords ( Z+ up, Y- forward, X to the right... )
void Vector::ConvertToMaxCoords( void )
this->col[ X ] = -this->col[ X ];
float temp = this->col[ Y ];
this->col[ Y ] = -this->col[ Z ];
this->col[ Z ] = temp;
// convert to 3d studio max coords ( Z+ up, Y- forward, X to the right... )
void Vector::ConvertFromMaxCoords( void )
this->col[ X ] = -this->col[ X ];
float temp = this->col[ Y ];
this->col[ Y ] = this->col[ Z ];
this->col[ Z ] = -temp;
float GetAngle( const Matrix ¤tOrientation, const Vector &desiredHeading, int headingAxis, int rotAxis )
Dbg_MsgAssert( headingAxis == X || headingAxis == Y || headingAxis == Z,( "Improper heading axis." ));
Dbg_MsgAssert( rotAxis == X || rotAxis == Y || rotAxis == Z,( "Improper rot axis." ));
Dbg_MsgAssert( rotAxis != headingAxis,( "Can't use heading axis as rot axis." ));
Mth::Vector tempHeading = desiredHeading;
tempHeading.ProjectToPlane( currentOrientation[ rotAxis ] );
if ( !tempHeading.Length( ) )
// If our rot axis is along Y, for example, the
// target heading is right above us... Can't pick
// a rotation!
return ( 0.0f );
tempHeading.Normalize( );
// while we have these two vectors, find the angle between them...
float angCos = DotProduct( currentOrientation[ headingAxis ], tempHeading );
// Mick: contrain Dot product to range -1.0f to +1.0f, since FP innacuracies might
// make it go outside this range
// (previously this was done only on NGC. Not sure why it has started failing now
// but it seems logical that it would fail occasionally, so this check is necessary)
float ang = angCos;
if ( ang > 1.0f ) ang = 1.0f;
if ( ang < -1.0f ) ang = -1.0f;
float retVal = -acosf( ang );
Mth::Vector temp = Mth::CrossProduct( currentOrientation[ headingAxis ], tempHeading );
// check to see if the cross product is in the same quatrant as our rot axis...
// if so, gots to rotate the other way and shit like that...
int whichAxis;
float tempMax = temp.GetMaxAxis( &whichAxis );
if ( ( tempMax > 0 ) == ( currentOrientation[ rotAxis ][ whichAxis ] > 0 ) )
return ( -retVal );
return ( retVal );
float GetAngle(Vector &v1, Vector &v2)
Vector a=v1;
Vector b=v2;
float dot = Mth::DotProduct(a,b);
if ( dot > 1.0f ) dot = 1.0f;
if ( dot < -1.0f ) dot = -1.0f;
return Mth::RadToDeg(acosf(dot));
// Returns true if the angle between a and b is greater than the passed Angle.
bool AngleBetweenGreaterThan(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, float Angle)
float dot=Mth::DotProduct(a,b);
float len=a.Length();
if (len<0.5f)
return false;
if (len<0.5f)
return false;
float TestAngleCosine=cosf(Mth::DegToRad(Angle));
if (dot>=0.0f)
return dot<TestAngleCosine;
if (TestAngleCosine>=0.0f)
return true;
return dot<TestAngleCosine;
// Mick:
// Given two vectors, v1 and v2 and an Axis vector
// return the amount that v1 would have to rotate about the Axis
// in order to be pointing in the same direction as v2
// when viewed along the Axis
// Typically, "Axis" will be the Y axis of the object (Like the skater)
// and v1 will be the Z direction
// which we want to rotate toward v2 (about Y)
// retunr value will be in the range -PI .. PI (-180 to 180 degrees)
float GetAngleAbout(Vector &v1, Vector &v2, Vector &Axis)
Vector v3 = Mth::CrossProduct(Axis,v1);
float v1_dot = Mth::DotProduct(v1,v2);
float v3_dot = Mth::DotProduct(v3,v2);
float angle = acosf(Mth::Clamp(v1_dot, -1.0f, 1.0f));
if (v3_dot < 0.0f)
angle = -angle;
return angle;
const float& Vector::operator[] ( sint i ) const
// Dbg_MsgAssert (Abs(col[i]) < 1000000000.0f || col[i]==1.0e+30f,("vector component (%f) over a billion!!!",col[i]));
Dbg_MsgAssert (!isnanf(col[i]),("vector component [%d] (%f) not a number!!!!",i,col[i]));
// Dbg_MsgAssert (!isinff(col[i]),("vector component [%d] (%f) infinite!!!!",i,col[i]));
return col[i];
const float& Vector::operator[] ( sint i ) const
// This assertion will catch any of the predefined NaN values that we initilize the vectors and matrix to
// when DEBUG_UNINIT_VECTORS is defined.
Dbg_MsgAssert ( (*(uint32*)(&col[i]) & 0xffffff00) != 0x7F800000,("uninitialized vector[%d] = 0x%x",i,(*(uint32*)(&col[i]))));
return col[i];
// for debugging purposes, this function is not inline when we want the
// uninitialized vector debugging
// as it makes it easier to track down wehre the problem is
Vector& Vector::operator= ( const Vector& v )
col[X] = v[X];
col[Y] = v[Y];
col[Z] = v[Z];
col[W] = v[W];
return *this;
/* */
/* */
void Vector::PrintContents() const
// printf( "-----------------\n" );
printf( "[%f %f %f %f]\n", col[X], col[Y], col[Z], col[W] );
// printf( "-----------------\n" );