Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz eff72be6ef Initial FFmpeg & {GIF,MP4,WEBM,...} support for -o. minor cleanup regarding deprecated calls.
2018-07-03 18:17:23 +02:00

45 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ENNTool -- mIRC art animation tool (for EFnet #MiRCART) (WIP)
# Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>
# This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
from OpenGL.GL import *
import numpy, subprocess
class ENNToolGLVideoWriter(object):
# {{{ saveFrame(self): XXX
def saveFrame(self):
frameBuffer = glReadPixels(0, 0, self.videoSize[0], self.videoSize[1], GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
frameBuffer = numpy.frombuffer(frameBuffer, numpy.uint8)
frameBuffer = frameBuffer.reshape((self.videoSize[1], self.videoSize[0], 3))
frameBuffer = numpy.flipud(frameBuffer)
self.videoFrames += [frameBuffer]
# }}}
# {{{ saveVideo(self): XXX
def saveVideo(self):
with subprocess.Popen([
"-pix_fmt", "rgb24",
"-r", str(self.videoFps),
"-s", "x".join([str(r) for r in self.videoSize]),
"-vcodec", "rawvideo",
"-f", "rawvideo",
"-i", "-",
self.videoPath], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) as procObject:
for videoFrame in self.videoFrames:
# }}}
# {{{ __init__(self, videoPath, videoSize, videoFps=25): XXX
def __init__(self, videoPath, videoSize, videoFps=25):
self.videoFps, self.videoPath, self.videoSize = videoFps, videoPath, videoSize
self.videoFrames = []
# }}}
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