mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 22:19:07 +00:00
260 lines
8.0 KiB
260 lines
8.0 KiB
var clipboard = (function () {
var exports = {
format: "irssi",
importing: false,
visible: false,
canvas: document.createElement("canvas"),
canvas_r: document.createElement("canvas"),
bind: function () {
// import_ascii.addEventListener("change", exports.setFormat("ascii"))
// import_irssi.addEventListener("change", exports.setFormat("irssi"))
// import_mirc.addEventListener("change", exports.setFormat("mirc"))
import_button.addEventListener("click", exports.import_colorcode)
import_textarea.addEventListener("focus", exports.focus)
import_textarea.addEventListener("blur", exports.blur)
import_textarea.addEventListener('paste', exports.paste)
// import_irssi.setAttribute("checked", true)
setFormat: function (name) {
return function () {
clipboard.format = name
if (! clipboard.importing) { clipboard.export_data() }
show: function () { import_rapper.style.display = "block"; clipboard.visible = true; changed = false },
hide: function () { import_rapper.style.display = "none"; clipboard.visible = false },
focus: function () {
if (! clipboard.importing) {
blur: function () {
import_mode: function () {
clipboard.importing = true
gallery_rapper.style.display = 'none'
format_el.style.display = 'none'
cutoff_warning_el.style.display = 'none'
import_buttons.style.display = "inline"
import_textarea.value = ""
paste: function (e) {
// images will come through as files
var types = toArray(e.clipboardData.types)
import_textarea.value = ""
types.forEach(function(type, i){
// this can be text/plain or text/html..
if (type.match('text/plain')) {
import_textarea.value = e.clipboardData.getData(type)
else {
console.error("unknown type!", item.type)
import_colorcode: function (data, no_undo) {
if (data && data.preventDefault) {
data = import_textarea.value
else {
data = data || import_textarea.value
var irssi_style_regex = /^\s*\/exec -out printf ("%b" )?"/;
// turn irssi style into mirc style
if (data.match(irssi_style_regex)){
data = data.replace(/\\x03/gm, '\x03')
.replace(/(\\x..)+/gm, unicode.unescapeFromEscapedBytes)
.replace(/\\x5C/g, '\\')
.replace(/\\n/gm, '\n')
.replace(/\\`/gm, '`')
.replace(/\\"/gm, '"')
.replace(/\\\$/gm, '$')
.replace(irssi_style_regex, '')
.replace(/"\s*$/, '')
// not a colorcode
if (!data.match(/\x03/))
return exports.import_text();
var to_json = function(string, opts){
var lines_in = string.split(/\r?\n/)
var lines_out = []
var w = 0, h = 0
for (var y = 0; y < lines_in.length; y++) {
var bg = 1, fg = 15
var cells = [], line = lines_in[y]
if (line.length === 0) {
} else {
for (var x = 0; x < line.length; x++) {
switch (line[x]) {
case "\x02": // ^B (unimplemented)
case "\x03": // ^C
var parseColour = function(line, x) {
if (/1[0-5]/.test(line.substr(x, 2))) {
colour = parseInt(line.substr(x, 2))
return [colour, x + 2]
} else if (/0[0-9]/.test(line.substr(x, 2))) {
colour = parseInt(line.substr(x, 2))
return [colour, x + 2]
} else if (/[0-9]/.test(line.substr(x, 1))) {
colour = parseInt(line.substr(x, 1))
return [colour, x + 1]
} else {
return [undefined, x]
var bg_ = undefined, fg_ = undefined, x_ = x + 1;
[fg_, x_] = parseColour(line, x_)
if (line[x_] === ",") {
[bg_, x_] = parseColour(line, x_ + 1)
if ((bg_ == undefined) && (fg_ == undefined)) {
[bg, fg] = [1, 15]
} else {
bg = (bg_ != undefined) ? bg_ : bg;
fg = (fg_ != undefined) ? fg_ : fg;
if (x_ != x) {x = x_ - 1}; break;
case "\x06": // ^F (unimplemented)
case "\x0f": // ^O
[bg, fg] = [1, 15]; break;
case "\x16": // ^V
[bg, fg] = [fg, bg]; break;
case "\x1f": // ^_ (unimplemented)
cells.push({bg: bg, fg: fg, value: line[x]})
if (cells.length > 0) {
if (w < cells.length) {
w = cells.length
lines_out.push(cells); h++;
return {h: h, lines: lines_out, w: w}
var json = to_json(data, {fg:0, bg:1})
if (!no_undo) undo.new()
if (!no_undo) undo.save_rect(0,0, canvas.w, canvas.h)
if (json.w !== canvas.w || json.h !== canvas.h){
if (!no_undo) undo.save_size(canvas.w, canvas.h)
canvas.resize(json.w, json.h, true)
for (var y = 0, line; line = json.lines[y]; y++){
var row = canvas.aa[y]
for (var x = 0, char; char = line[x]; x++){
var lex = row[x]
lex.char = char.value
lex.fg = char.fg
lex.bg = char.bg
lex.opacity = 1
current_filetool && current_filetool.blur()
import_text: function () {
var data = import_textarea.value
var lines = data.split("\n")
var width = lines.reduce(function(a,b){ console.log(a,b); return Math.max(a, b.length) }, 0)
var height = lines.length
if (width > canvas.max) {
return alert("input too wide")
if (height > canvas.max) {
return alert("input too tall")
undo.save_rect(0,0, canvas.w, canvas.h)
lines.forEach(function(line, y){
var row = canvas.aa[y]
if (! row) return
for (var x = 0; x < line.length; x++) {
var lex = row[x]
if (! lex) return
lex.char = line[x]
lex.fg = brush.bg
lex.opacity = 1
// TODO: some notion of a "selected" region which cuts/clones the underlying region
// var pasted_region = new Matrix (width, height, function(x,y){
// var lex = new Lex (x,y)
// lex.char = lines[y][x] || " "
// lex.build()
// return lex
// })
export_data: function () {
var output
// switch (clipboard.format) {
switch (controls.save_format.value) {
case 'ascii':
output = canvas.ascii()
case 'mirc':
output = canvas.mirc({cutoff: 400})
case 'irssi':
output = canvas.irssi({cutoff: 400})
case 'ansi':
output = canvas.ansi()
if (output.cutoff){
cutoff_warning_el.style.display = 'block'
} else {
cutoff_warning_el.style.display = 'none'
import_textarea.value = output
return output
rotate_canvas: function(){
var cr = clipboard.canvas_r, c = clipboard.canvas
cr.width = c.height
cr.height = c.width
var ctx = cr.getContext('2d')
ctx.translate(0, cr.height)
ctx.rotate(-Math.PI / 2)
ctx.drawImage(c, 0, 0)
return cr
return exports