Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz 9eec4f58ab Increase roar window height to match default canvas size.
{assets/tools,lib{canvas,gui,roar,rtl,tools}}/*.py: remove Vim fold marker remnants.
2019-09-24 17:02:02 +02:00

42 lines
1.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>
from Tool import Tool
class ToolRect(Tool):
name = "Rectangle"
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
brushColours, brushSize, dirty = list(brushColours), list(brushSize), False
if mouseRightDown:
brushColours = [brushColours[1], brushColours[0]]
if brushSize[0] > 1:
brushSize[0] *= 2
for brushRow in range(brushSize[1]):
for brushCol in range(brushSize[0]):
if (brushCol in [0, brushSize[0] - 1]) \
or (brushRow in [0, brushSize[1] - 1]):
patchColours = [brushColours[0]] * 2
patch = [mapPoint[0] + brushCol, mapPoint[1] + brushRow, *patchColours, 0, " "]
elif brushColours[1] == -1:
if ((mapPoint[0] + brushCol) < canvas.size[0]) \
and ((mapPoint[1] + brushRow) < canvas.size[1]):
patch = [mapPoint[0] + brushCol, mapPoint[1] + brushRow, *[mapPoint[1] + brushRow][mapPoint[0] + brushCol]]
patch = [mapPoint[0] + brushCol, mapPoint[1] + brushRow, -1, -1, 0, " "]
patchColours = [brushColours[1]] * 2
patch = [mapPoint[0] + brushCol, mapPoint[1] + brushRow, *patchColours, 0, " "]
if mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown:
if not dirty:
dirty = True
dispatchFn(eventDc, False, patch); dispatchFn(eventDc, True, patch);
dispatchFn(eventDc, True, patch)
return True, dirty
# vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120