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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# RoarCanvasWindow.py
# Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <lucio@lucioillanes.de>
from GuiWindow import GuiWindow
from Rtl import natural_sort
from RtlPlatform import getLocalConfPathName
from ToolObject import ToolObject
from ToolText import ToolText
import copy, hashlib, json, os, pdb, re, time, wx, sys
class RoarCanvasWindowDropTarget(wx.TextDropTarget):
def done(self):
self.inProgress = False
def OnDropText(self, x, y, data):
rc = False
if ((self.parent.commands.currentTool.__class__ != ToolObject) \
or (self.parent.commands.currentTool.toolState == self.parent.commands.currentTool.TS_NONE)) \
and (not self.inProgress):
dropMap, dropSize = json.loads(data)
rectX, rectY = x - (x % self.parent.backend.cellSize[0]), y - (y % self.parent.backend.cellSize[1])
mapX, mapY = int(rectX / self.parent.backend.cellSize[0] if rectX else 0), int(rectY / self.parent.backend.cellSize[1] if rectY else 0)
viewRect = self.parent.GetViewStart(); mapPoint = [m + n for m, n in zip((mapX, mapY), viewRect)];
self.parent.commands.lastTool, self.parent.commands.currentTool = self.parent.commands.currentTool, ToolObject()
self.parent.commands.currentTool.setRegion(self.parent.canvas, mapPoint, dropMap, dropSize, external=True)
self.parent.commands.update(currentTool=self.parent.commands.currentTool, currentToolIdx=5)
eventDc = self.parent.backend.getDeviceContext(self.parent.GetClientSize(), self.parent, viewRect)
eventDcOrigin = eventDc.GetDeviceOrigin(); eventDc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
self.parent.applyTool(eventDc, True, None, None, None, self.parent.brushPos, False, False, False, self.parent.commands.currentTool, viewRect)
rc = True; self.inProgress = True;
with wx.MessageDialog(self.parent, "Error: {}".format(sys.exc_info()[1]), "", wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog:
dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal()
return rc
def __init__(self, parent):
super().__init__(); self.inProgress, self.parent = False, parent;
class RoarCanvasWindow(GuiWindow):
def _applyPatches(self, eventDc, patches, patchesCursor, rc, commitUndo=True, dirty=True, eventDcResetOrigin=True, hideCursor=True):
if rc:
if eventDc == None:
eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self, self.GetViewStart())
if eventDcResetOrigin:
eventDcOrigin = eventDc.GetDeviceOrigin(); eventDc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
if hideCursor and (((patches != None) and (len(patches) > 0)) or ((patchesCursor != None) and (len(patchesCursor) > 0))):
self.cursorHide(eventDc, False, True)
if (patches != None) and (len(patches) > 0):
self.backend.drawPatches(self.canvas, eventDc, patches, isCursor=False)
if dirty and not self.dirty:
self.dirty = True
if commitUndo:
for patch in patches if patches != None else []:
self.canvas.applyPatch(patch, commitUndo=commitUndo)
if commitUndo:
if hideCursor and (patchesCursor != None):
self.cursorShow(eventDc, False, patchesCursor=patchesCursor)
if eventDcResetOrigin:
self.commands.update(cellPos=self.brushPos, dirty=self.dirty, undoLevel=self.canvas.patchesUndoLevel)
return eventDc
def _snapshotsReset(self):
self._snapshotFiles, self._snapshotsUpdateLast = [], time.time()
if self.commands.canvasPathName != None:
canvasPathName = os.path.abspath(self.commands.canvasPathName)
canvasFileName = os.path.basename(canvasPathName)
canvasPathNameHash = hashlib.sha1(canvasPathName.encode()).hexdigest()
self._snapshotsDirName = os.path.join(getLocalConfPathName(), "{}_{}".format(canvasFileName, canvasPathNameHash))
if os.path.exists(self._snapshotsDirName):
for snapshotFile in natural_sort([f for f in os.listdir(self._snapshotsDirName) \
if (re.match(r'snapshot\d+\.txt$', f)) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._snapshotsDirName, f))]):
self.commands._snapshotsPush(os.path.join(self._snapshotsDirName, snapshotFile))
self._snapshotsDirName = None
def _snapshotsUpdate(self):
if self._snapshotsDirName != None:
t = time.time()
if (t > self._snapshotsUpdateLast) and ((t - self._snapshotsUpdateLast) >= (5 * 60)):
if not os.path.exists(self._snapshotsDirName):
self._snapshotFiles = natural_sort([f for f in os.listdir(self._snapshotsDirName)
if (re.match(r'snapshot\d+\.txt$', f)) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._snapshotsDirName, f))])
if self._snapshotFiles != []:
snapshotsCount, snapshotIndex = len(self._snapshotFiles), abs(int(re.match(r'snapshot(\d+)\.txt$', self._snapshotFiles[-1])[1])) + 1
snapshotsCount, snapshotIndex = 0, 1
snapshotPathName = os.path.join(self._snapshotsDirName, "snapshot{}.txt".format(snapshotIndex));
with open(snapshotPathName, "w", encoding="utf-8") as outFile:
self.canvas.exportStore.exportTextFile(self.canvas.map, self.canvas.size, outFile)
self.commands.update(snapshotStatus=False); self._snapshotsUpdateLast = time.time();
self._snapshotFiles += [os.path.basename(snapshotPathName)];
if len(self._snapshotFiles) > 72:
for snapshotFile in self._snapshotFiles[:len(self._snapshotFiles) - 8]:
self.commands._snapshotsPop(os.path.join(self._snapshotsDirName, snapshotFile))
os.remove(os.path.join(self._snapshotsDirName, snapshotFile)); snapshotsCount -= 1;
print("Exception during _snapshotsUpdate(): {}".format(sys.exc_info()[1]))
def _windowEraseBackground(self, eventDc):
viewRect = self.GetViewStart()
canvasSize, panelSize = [a * b for a, b in zip(self.backend.canvasSize, self.backend.cellSize)], self.GetSize()
if viewRect != (0, 0):
viewRect = [a * b for a, b in zip(self.backend.cellSize, viewRect)]
canvasSize = [a - b for a, b in zip(canvasSize, viewRect)]
rectangles, pens, brushes = [], [], []
if panelSize[0] > canvasSize[0]:
brushes += [self.bgBrush]; pens += [self.bgPen];
rectangles += [[canvasSize[0], 0, panelSize[0] - canvasSize[0], panelSize[1]]]
if panelSize[1] > canvasSize[1]:
brushes += [self.bgBrush]; pens += [self.bgPen];
rectangles += [[0, canvasSize[1], panelSize[0], panelSize[1] - canvasSize[1]]]
if len(rectangles) > 0:
eventDc.DrawRectangleList(rectangles, pens, brushes)
def applyOperator(self, currentTool, mapPoint, mouseLeftDown, mousePoint, operator, viewRect):
eventDc, patches, patchesCursor, rc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self), None, None, True
if (currentTool.__class__ == ToolObject) and (currentTool.toolState >= currentTool.TS_SELECT):
region = currentTool.getRegion(self.canvas)
region = self.canvas.map
if hasattr(operator, "apply2"):
if mouseLeftDown:
self.commands.operatorState = True if self.commands.operatorState == None else self.commands.operatorState
region = operator.apply2(mapPoint, mousePoint, region, copy.deepcopy(region))
elif self.commands.operatorState != None:
self.commands.currentOperator = None; self.commands.update(operator=None); rc = False;
region = operator.apply(copy.deepcopy(region)); self.commands.currentOperator = None;
if rc:
if (currentTool.__class__ == ToolObject) and (currentTool.toolState >= currentTool.TS_SELECT):
currentTool.setRegion(self.canvas, None, region, [len(region[0]), len(region)], currentTool.external)
rc, patches, patchesCursor = currentTool.onSelectEvent(self.canvas, (0, 0), True, wx.MOD_NONE, None, currentTool.targetRect)
patchesCursor = [] if patchesCursor == None else patchesCursor
patchesCursor += currentTool._drawSelectRect(currentTool.targetRect)
self._applyPatches(eventDc, patches, patchesCursor, rc)
patches = []
for numRow in range(len(region)):
for numCol in range(len(region[numRow])):
patches += [[numCol, numRow, *region[numRow][numCol]]]
self._applyPatches(eventDc, patches, patchesCursor, rc)
if (patches != None) and (len(patches) > 0):
return rc
def applyTool(self, eventDc, eventMouse, keyChar, keyCode, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown, tool, viewRect, force=False):
patches, patchesCursor, rc = None, None, False
if viewRect == None:
viewRect = self.GetViewStart()
if eventDc == None:
eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self, viewRect)
if eventMouse:
self.lastCellState = None if force else self.lastCellState
if ((mapPoint[0] < self.canvas.size[0]) and (mapPoint[1] < self.canvas.size[1])) \
and ((self.lastCellState == None) or (self.lastCellState != [list(mapPoint), mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown, list(viewRect)])):
self.brushPos = list(mapPoint) if tool.__class__ != ToolText else self.brushPos
if tool != None:
rc, patches, patchesCursor = tool.onMouseEvent(mapPoint, self.brushColours, self.brushPos, self.brushSize, self.canvas, keyModifiers, self.brushPos, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
rc, patches, patchesCursor = True, None, [[*mapPoint, self.brushColours[0], self.brushColours[0], 0, " "]]
self.lastCellState = [list(mapPoint), mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown, list(viewRect)]
if tool != None:
rc, patches, patchesCursor = tool.onKeyboardEvent(mapPoint, self.brushColours, self.brushPos, self.brushSize, self.canvas, keyChar, keyCode, keyModifiers, self.brushPos)
elif mapPoint != None:
rc, patches, patchesCursor = True, None, [[*mapPoint, self.brushColours[0], self.brushColours[0], 0, " "]]
if rc:
for patch in patches if patches != None else []:
if ((patch[2] == -1) and (patch[3] == -1)) \
and (patch[0] < self.canvas.size[0]) \
and (patch[1] < self.canvas.size[1]):
patch[2:] = self.canvas.map[patch[1]][patch[0]]
self._applyPatches(eventDc, patches, patchesCursor, rc)
if (tool.__class__ == ToolObject) and (tool.external, tool.toolState) == (True, tool.TS_NONE):
self.dropTarget.done(); self.commands.currentTool, self.commands.lastTool = self.commands.lastTool, self.commands.currentTool;
if (patches != None) and (len(patches) > 0):
return rc
def cursorHide(self, eventDc=None, eventDcResetOrigin=True, reset=False):
if eventDc == None:
eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self)
if eventDcResetOrigin:
eventDcOrigin = eventDc.GetDeviceOrigin(); eventDc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
patchesCursor = self.canvas.popCursor(reset=reset); patchesCursor_ = [];
for cursorCell in [p[:2] for p in patchesCursor]:
if (cursorCell[0] < self.canvas.size[0]) and (cursorCell[1] < self.canvas.size[1]):
patchesCursor_ += [[*cursorCell, *self.canvas.map[cursorCell[1]][cursorCell[0]]]]
if len(patchesCursor_) > 0:
self.backend.drawPatches(self.canvas, eventDc, patchesCursor_, False)
if eventDcResetOrigin:
return eventDc
def cursorShow(self, eventDc=None, eventDcResetOrigin=True, patchesCursor=None):
if eventDc == None:
eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self)
if eventDcResetOrigin:
eventDcOrigin = eventDc.GetDeviceOrigin(); eventDc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
if patchesCursor == None:
patchesCursor = self.canvas.popCursor(reset=False)
elif len(patchesCursor) > 0:
if (patchesCursor != None) and (len(patchesCursor) > 0):
self.backend.drawPatches(self.canvas, eventDc, patchesCursor, isCursor=True)
if eventDcResetOrigin:
def onEnterWindow(self, event):
self.lastCellState = None
def onKeyboardInput(self, event):
keyCode, keyModifiers = event.GetKeyCode(), event.GetModifiers()
viewRect = self.GetViewStart(); eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self, viewRect);
if (keyCode, keyModifiers,) == (wx.WXK_PAUSE, wx.MOD_SHIFT,):
elif keyCode in (wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_LEFT, wx.WXK_RIGHT, wx.WXK_UP):
if keyCode == wx.WXK_DOWN:
self.brushPos[1] = (self.brushPos[1] + 1) % self.canvas.size[1]
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_LEFT:
self.brushPos[0] = (self.brushPos[0] - 1) if (self.brushPos[0] > 0) else (self.canvas.size[0] - 1)
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
self.brushPos[0] = (self.brushPos[0] + 1) % self.canvas.size[0]
elif keyCode == wx.WXK_UP:
self.brushPos[1] = (self.brushPos[1] - 1) if (self.brushPos[1] > 0) else (self.canvas.size[1] - 1)
self.applyTool(eventDc, True, None, None, None, self.brushPos, False, False, False, self.commands.currentTool, viewRect)
elif (chr(event.GetUnicodeKey()) == " ") and (self.commands.currentTool.__class__ != ToolText):
if not self.applyTool(eventDc, True, None, None, event.GetModifiers(), self.brushPos, False, True, False, self.commands.currentTool, viewRect):
self.brushPos[0] = (self.brushPos[0] + 1) if (self.brushPos[0] < (self.canvas.size[0] - 1)) else 0
self.applyTool(eventDc, True, None, None, None, self.brushPos, False, False, False, self.commands.currentTool, viewRect)
elif not self.applyTool(eventDc, False, chr(event.GetUnicodeKey()), keyCode, keyModifiers, None, None, None, None, self.commands.currentTool, viewRect):
def onLeaveWindow(self, event):
if False:
self.lastCellState = None
def onMouseInput(self, event):
viewRect = self.GetViewStart(); eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self, viewRect);
mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown = event.Dragging(), event.LeftIsDown(), event.RightIsDown()
self.lastMouseState = [mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown]
mapPoint = self.backend.xlateEventPoint(event, eventDc, viewRect)
if viewRect != (0, 0):
mapPoint = [a + b for a, b in zip(mapPoint, viewRect)]
if self.commands.currentOperator != None:
self.applyOperator(self.commands.currentTool, mapPoint, mouseLeftDown, event.GetLogicalPosition(eventDc), self.commands.currentOperator, viewRect)
elif mouseRightDown \
and (self.commands.currentTool.__class__ == ToolObject) \
and (self.commands.currentTool.toolState >= self.commands.currentTool.TS_SELECT):
self.popupEventDc = eventDc; self.PopupMenu(self.operatorsMenu); self.popupEventDc = None;
elif not self.applyTool(eventDc, True, None, None, event.GetModifiers(), mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown, self.commands.currentTool, viewRect):
def onMouseWheel(self, event):
delta, modifiers = +1 if event.GetWheelRotation() >= event.GetWheelDelta() else -1, event.GetModifiers()
if modifiers == (wx.MOD_CONTROL | wx.MOD_ALT):
newFontSize = self.backend.fontSize + delta
if newFontSize > 0:
self.backend.fontSize = newFontSize; self.backend.resize(self.canvas.size); self.scrollStep = self.backend.cellSize;
super().resize([a * b for a, b in zip(self.canvas.size, self.backend.cellSize)])
patches = []
for numRow in range(self.canvas.size[1]):
for numCol in range(len(self.canvas.map[numRow])):
patches += [[numCol, numRow, *self.canvas.map[numRow][numCol]]]
eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self, self.GetViewStart())
eventDcOrigin = eventDc.GetDeviceOrigin(); eventDc.SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
self.cursorHide(eventDc, False, False)
self.backend.drawPatches(self.canvas, eventDc, patches, isCursor=False)
self.cursorShow(eventDc, False)
self.Thaw(); self._windowEraseBackground(wx.ClientDC(self));
elif modifiers == (wx.MOD_CONTROL | wx.MOD_SHIFT):
self.commands.canvasCanvasSize(self.commands.canvasCanvasSize, 2, 1 if delta > 0 else 0)(None)
elif modifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL:
self.commands.canvasBrushSize(self.commands.canvasBrushSize, 2, 1 if delta > 0 else 0)(None)
def onPaint(self, event):
viewRect = self.GetViewStart()
eventDc = self.backend.getDeviceContext(self.GetClientSize(), self)
self.backend.onPaint(self.GetClientSize(), self, viewRect)
del eventDc; self._windowEraseBackground(wx.PaintDC(self));
def resize(self, newSize, commitUndo=True, dirty=True, freeze=True):
if freeze:
viewRect = self.GetViewStart()
oldSize = [0, 0] if self.canvas.map == None else self.canvas.size
deltaSize = [b - a for a, b in zip(oldSize, newSize)]
rc, newCells = self.canvas.resize(self.brushColours, newSize, commitUndo)
if rc:
self.backend.resize(newSize); self.scrollStep = self.backend.cellSize;
super().resize([a * b for a, b in zip(newSize, self.backend.cellSize)])
self._applyPatches(None, newCells, None, True, commitUndo=False, dirty=True, hideCursor=False)
self.Scroll(*viewRect); self.dirty = dirty;
self.commands.update(dirty=self.dirty, size=newSize, undoLevel=self.canvas.patchesUndoLevel)
if commitUndo:
if freeze:
self.cursorShow(); self.Thaw(); self._windowEraseBackground(wx.ClientDC(self));
def undo(self, redo=False):
freezeFlag, patches, patchesDelta = False, [], self.canvas.popUndo(redo)
for patch in [p for p in patchesDelta if p != None]:
if patch[0] == "resize":
if not freezeFlag:
self.Freeze(); freezeFlag = True;
self.resize(patch[1:], False, freeze=False)
patches += [patch]
eventDc = self._applyPatches(None, patches, None, True, commitUndo=False, hideCursor=False)
self.cursorShow(eventDc, True, None)
if freezeFlag:
self.Thaw(); self._windowEraseBackground(wx.ClientDC(self));
def update(self, newSize, commitUndo=True, newCanvas=None, dirty=True):
self.resize(newSize, commitUndo, dirty); self.canvas.update(newSize, newCanvas);
patches = []
for numRow in range(newSize[1]):
for numCol in range(newSize[0]):
patches += [[numCol, numRow, *self.canvas.map[numRow][numCol]]]
self._applyPatches(None, patches, None, True, dirty=False)
def __init__(self, backend, canvas, commands, parent, pos, size):
super().__init__(parent, pos); self.parent, self.size = parent, size;
self.backend, self.canvas, self.commands = backend(self.size), canvas, commands(self, parent)
self.bgBrush, self.bgPen = wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour(), wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID), wx.Pen(self.GetBackgroundColour(), 1)
self.brushColours, self.brushPos, self.brushSize, = [3, -1], [0, 0], [1, 1]
self.dirty, self.lastCellState, self.lastMouseState = False, None, [False, False, False]
self.dropTarget, self.popupEventDc = RoarCanvasWindowDropTarget(self), None
for event, handler in ((wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda event: None,), (wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.onMouseWheel,),):
self.Bind(event, handler)
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