Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz 2592fa9ad8 Tool bug fixes & usability improvements.
1) Circle, rectangle tool: initiate dragging with <Ctrl>, conclude w/ <[LR]MB> release.
2) Circle tool: fix artifacts and radius inference from brush size.
3) Line tool: fix origin point artifacts.
4) Rectangle tool: correctly determine target point.
2019-09-27 14:22:58 +02:00

76 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>
from Tool import Tool
class ToolLine(Tool):
name = "Line"
def _getLine(self, brushColours, brushSize, isCursor, originPoint, targetPoint):
originPoint, patches, targetPoint = originPoint.copy(), [], targetPoint.copy()
pointDelta = self._pointDelta(originPoint, targetPoint)
lineXSign = 1 if pointDelta[0] > 0 else -1; lineYSign = 1 if pointDelta[1] > 0 else -1;
pointDelta = [abs(a) for a in pointDelta]
if pointDelta[0] > pointDelta[1]:
lineXX, lineXY, lineYX, lineYY = lineXSign, 0, 0, lineYSign
lineXX, lineXY, lineYX, lineYY = 0, lineYSign, lineXSign, 0
pointDelta = [pointDelta[1], pointDelta[0]]
lineD = 2 * pointDelta[1] - pointDelta[0]; lineY = 0;
pointsDone = []
for lineX in range(pointDelta[0] + 1):
for brushStep in range(brushSize[0]):
if not ([originPoint[0] + lineX * lineXX + lineY * lineYX + brushStep, originPoint[1] + lineX * lineXY + lineY * lineYY] in pointsDone):
patches += [[ \
originPoint[0] + lineX * lineXX + lineY * lineYX + brushStep, \
originPoint[1] + lineX * lineXY + lineY * lineYY, \
*brushColours, 0, " "]]
pointsDone += [[originPoint[0] + lineX * lineXX + lineY * lineYX + brushStep, originPoint[1] + lineX * lineXY + lineY * lineYY]]
if lineD > 0:
lineD -= pointDelta[0]; lineY += 1;
lineD += pointDelta[1]
return patches
def _pointDelta(self, a, b):
return [a2 - a1 for a1, a2 in zip(a, b)]
def _pointSwap(self, a, b):
return [b, a]
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
brushColours, isCursor, patches, rc = brushColours.copy(), not (mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown), [], False
if mouseLeftDown:
brushColours[1] = brushColours[0]
elif mouseRightDown:
brushColours[0] = brushColours[1]
brushColours[1] = brushColours[0]
if self.toolState == self.TS_NONE:
if mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown:
self.toolOriginPoint, self.toolState = list(mapPoint), self.TS_ORIGIN
isCursor, patches, rc = True, [], True
for brushCol in range(brushSize[0]):
if ((mapPoint[0] + brushCol) < canvas.size[0]) \
and (mapPoint[1] < canvas.size[1]):
patches += [[mapPoint[0] + brushCol, mapPoint[1], *brushColours, 0, " "]]
elif self.toolState == self.TS_ORIGIN:
originPoint, targetPoint = self.toolOriginPoint, list(mapPoint)
if mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown:
patches = self._getLine(brushColours, brushSize, False, originPoint, targetPoint)
self.toolOriginPoint, self.toolState = None, self.TS_NONE
patches = self._getLine(brushColours, brushSize, True, originPoint, targetPoint)
rc = True
return rc, patches if not isCursor else None, patches if isCursor else None
def __init__(self, *args):
self.toolOriginPoint, self.toolState = None, self.TS_NONE
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