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synced 2024-11-04 23:06:39 +00:00
Switch from fixed-function pipeline to shaders.
146 lines
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Executable File
146 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ENNTool -- mIRC art animation tool (for EFnet #MiRCART) (WIP)
# Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <lucio@lucioillanes.de>
# This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# 1) -A: render frame #1, render frame #2, ...
# 2) -o: support at least {GIF,MP4,WEBM}
# 3) -s: effects: rotate, smash into bricks, swirl, wave, ...
# 4) XXX autodetect video width from widest mircart
# 5) XXX convert TTF to texture PNG & coords TXT, render accordingly
# 6) XXX dont stall GPU w/ glReadPixels(), switch to asynchronous model w/ FBO or PBO (http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_fbo.html, http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_pbo.html)
# 7) XXX render mircart as 3D blocks vs flat surface
from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
from glob import glob
from OpenGL.GL import *
import os, sys, time
import wx
from ENNToolGLCanvasPanel import ENNToolGLCanvasPanel
from ENNToolMiRCARTImporter import ENNToolMiRCARTImporter
class ENNToolApp(object):
# {{{ parseArgv(self, argv): XXX
def parseArgv(self, argv):
def usage(argv0):
print("usage: {}".format(os.path.basename(argv0)), file=sys.stderr)
print(" [-A] [-f fps] [-h] [-o pname]".format(os.path.basename(argv0)), file=sys.stderr)
print(" [-p] [-r WxH] [-R WxH] [-s pname]", file=sys.stderr)
print(" [-S] [-t pname] [-v] [--] pname..", file=sys.stderr)
print("", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -a........: select animation mode", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -f fps....: set video FPS; defaults to 25", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -h........: show this screen", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -o pname..: output video pathname", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -p........: play video after rendering", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -r WxH....: set video resolution; defaults to 1152x864", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -R WxH....: set MiRCART cube resolution; defaults to 0.1x0.2", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -s pname..: input script pathname", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -S........: select scrolling mode", file=sys.stderr)
print(" -t pname..: set MiRCART texture pathname; defaults to {}".format(os.path.join("assets", "texture.png")), file=sys.stderr)
print(" -v........: be verbose", file=sys.stderr)
optlist, argv = getopt(argv[1:], "Af:ho:pr:R:s:St:v")
optdict = dict(optlist)
if "-h" in optdict:
usage(sys.argv[0]); exit(0);
elif not "-o" in optdict:
raise GetoptError("-o pname must be specified")
elif not len(argv):
raise GetoptError("at least one MiRCART input pname must be specified")
if not "-f" in optdict:
optdict["-f"] = "25"
if not "-r" in optdict:
optdict["-r"] = "1152x864"
if not "-R" in optdict:
optdict["-R"] = "0.1x0.2"
if not "-t" in optdict:
optdict["-t"] = os.path.join("assets", "texture.png")
if "-r" in optdict:
optdict["-r"] = [int(r) for r in optdict["-r"].split("x")][0:2]
if "-R" in optdict:
optdict["-R"] = [float(r) for r in optdict["-R"].split("x")][0:2]
except GetoptError as e:
print(e.msg); usage(sys.argv[0]); exit(1);
return argv, optdict
# }}}
# {{{ printProgress(self, progressCur, progressMax): XXX
def printProgress(self, progressCur, progressMax):
progressDiv = float(progressCur / progressMax)
if progressDiv >= 1:
progressDiv = 1; endChar = "\n";
endChar = ""
print("\r[{:<50}] {}%".format(
("=" * int(progressDiv * 50)), int(progressDiv * 100)), end=endChar)
# }}}
# {{{ modeScroll(self, argv, optdict, panelGLCanvas, texturePathName, fps=25, scrollRate=0.25): XXX
def modeScroll(self, argv, optdict, panelGLCanvas, texturePathName, fps=25, scrollRate=0.25):
MiRCART = []
for inFileArg in argv:
for inFile in sorted(glob(inFileArg)):
MiRCART += ENNToolMiRCARTImporter(inFile).outMap
curY, rotateX, rotateY, translateY = 0, 0, 0, scrollRate
artTextureId, artInfo = panelGLCanvas.initTexture(texturePathName)
artVbo, artVboLen, lastY, numVertices = panelGLCanvas.renderMiRCART(artInfo, MiRCART, cubeSize=optdict["-R"])
if "-v" in optdict:
print("{} vertices".format(numVertices))
w, h = panelGLCanvas.GetClientSize(); w, h = max(w, 1.0), max(h, 1.0);
while True:
self.printProgress(curY, lastY)
for numFrame in range(fps):
panelGLCanvas.renderFrame(artTextureId, artVbo, artVboLen)
if translateY:
glTranslatef(0, translateY, 0); curY += translateY
if rotateX:
glRotatef(rotateX * (180.0/w), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
if rotateY:
glRotatef(rotateY * (180.0/h), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
if curY >= lastY:
self.printProgress(curY, lastY); break;
# }}}
# {{{ __init__(self, argv): XXX
def __init__(self, argv):
argv, optdict = self.parseArgv(argv)
wxApp = wx.App(False)
appFrameSize = optdict["-r"]
appFrame = wx.Frame(None, size=appFrameSize); appFrame.Hide();
appPanelSkin = wx.Panel(appFrame, wx.ID_ANY)
videoFps, videoPath = int(optdict["-f"]), optdict["-o"]
panelGLCanvas = ENNToolGLCanvasPanel(appPanelSkin, size=appFrameSize, videoPath=videoPath)
if "-v" in optdict:
time0 = time.time()
self.modeScroll(argv, optdict, panelGLCanvas, fps=videoFps, texturePathName=optdict["-t"])
if "-v" in optdict:
print("delta {}s".format(time.time() - time0))
if "-p" in optdict:
# }}}
# Entry point
def main(*argv):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120