libgui/ merged from libcanvas/

libgui/ split from libgui/
libcanvas/, libgui/ updated.
assets/text/TODO: updated.
This commit is contained in:
Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz 2019-09-04 11:47:09 +02:00
parent e03cf65028
commit 84126f5d4e
5 changed files with 136 additions and 137 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
1) Scrollbar
2) Allow {un,re}doing resizing
3) Don't use ^C,<colour> encoding
4) {Copy to,Paste from} clipboard
5) Incremental auto{load,save} & {backup,restore}
6) Open and toggle a reference image in the background
7) Client-Server or Peer-to-Peer realtime collaboration
8) Arbitrary {format,palette}s ({4,8} bit ANSI/mIRC, etc.)
9) Hotkey & graphical interfaces to {composed,parametrised} tools
10) Layer, layout (e.g. for comics, zines, etc.) & {re,un}do canvas traits
11) Im- and exporting from/to ANSI, Blender, GIF, HTML, mIRC, Pastebin/..., PNG, printer, SAUCE, WEBM, etc.
12) Asset management (e.g. kade, lion, etc.) & traits w/ simple linking & synchronised editing respecting layers
13) Sprites & scripted (Python?) animation on the basis of asset traits and {composable,parametrised} patterns (metric flow, particle system, rigging, ...)
14) Composition and parametrisation of tools from higher-order operators (brushes, filters, outlines, patterns & shaders) and unit tools; unit tools:
3) {Copy to,Paste from} clipboard
4) Incremental auto{load,save} & {backup,restore}
5) Open and toggle a reference image in the background
6) Client-Server or Peer-to-Peer realtime collaboration
7) Arbitrary {format,palette}s ({4,8} bit ANSI/mIRC, etc.)
8) Hotkey & graphical interfaces to {composed,parametrised} tools
9) Layer, layout (e.g. for comics, zines, etc.) & {re,un}do canvas traits
10) Im- and exporting from/to ANSI, Blender, GIF, HTML, mIRC, Pastebin/..., PNG, printer, SAUCE, WEBM, etc.
11) Asset management (e.g. kade, lion, etc.) & traits w/ simple linking & synchronised editing respecting layers
12) Sprites & scripted (Python?) animation on the basis of asset traits and {composable,parametrised} patterns (metric flow, particle system, rigging, ...)
13) Composition and parametrisation of tools from higher-order operators (brushes, filters, outlines, patterns & shaders) and unit tools; unit tools:
a) geometric primitives (arrow, circle, cloud/speech bubble, curve, heart, hexagon, line, pentagon, polygon, rhombus, triangle, square, star)
b) regions (crop, duplicate, erase, fill, invert, measure, pick, rotate, scale, select, shift, slice, tile, translate)
c) text (edit, Unicode sets)

View File

@ -8,19 +8,11 @@ from CanvasBackend import CanvasBackend
from CanvasJournal import CanvasJournal
from CanvasExportStore import CanvasExportStore, haveToPngFile, haveUrllib
from CanvasImportStore import CanvasImportStore
from CanvasInterface import CanvasInterface
from ImgurApiKey import ImgurApiKey
import wx
class Canvas(wx.Panel):
parentFrame = None
defaultCanvasPos = defaultCanvasSize = defaultCellSize = None
canvasMap = canvasPos = canvasSize = None
brushColours = brushPos = brushSize = None
canvasBackend = canvasJournal = None
canvasExportStore = canvasImportStore = None
canvasInterface = None
imgurApiKey = ImgurApiKey.imgurApiKey
# {{{ _commitPatch(self, patch): XXX
@ -172,31 +164,28 @@ class Canvas(wx.Panel):
# }}}
# __init__(self, parent, parentFrame, defaultCanvasPos, defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize): initialisation method
def __init__(self, parent, parentFrame, defaultCanvasPos, defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize):
super().__init__(parent, pos=defaultCanvasPos, \
size=[w * h for w, h in zip(defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize)])
# __init__(self, parent, parentFrame, canvasInterface, defaultCanvasPos, defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize): initialisation method
def __init__(self, parent, parentFrame, canvasInterface, defaultCanvasPos, defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize):
super().__init__(parent, pos=defaultCanvasPos, size=[w * h for w, h in zip(defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize)])
self.brushColours, self.brushPos, self.brushSize = [4, 1], [0, 0], [1, 1]
self.canvasMap, self.canvasPos, self.canvasSize, = None, defaultCanvasPos, defaultCanvasSize
self.defaultCanvasPos, self.defaultCanvasSize, self.defaultCellSize = defaultCanvasPos, defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize
self.parentFrame = parentFrame
self.canvasMap = None
self.canvasPos = defaultCanvasPos; self.canvasSize = defaultCanvasSize;
self.defaultCanvasPos = defaultCanvasPos; self.defaultCanvasSize = defaultCanvasSize;
self.brushColours = [4, 1]; self.brushPos = [0, 0]; self.brushSize = [1, 1];
self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate( \
brushSize=self.brushSize, colours=self.brushColours)
self.parentFrame.onCanvasUpdate(brushSize=self.brushSize, colours=self.brushColours)
self.canvasBackend = CanvasBackend(defaultCanvasSize, defaultCellSize)
self.canvasJournal = CanvasJournal()
self.canvasExportStore = CanvasExportStore(parentCanvas=self)
self.canvasImportStore = CanvasImportStore(parentCanvas=self)
self.canvasInterface = CanvasInterface(self, parentFrame)
self.canvasInterface = canvasInterface(self, parentFrame)
# Bind event handlers
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onPanelClose)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.onPanelEnterWindow)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.onPanelLeaveWindow)
self.parentFrame.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onPanelInput)
for eventType in( \
for eventType in (wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, wx.EVT_MOTION, wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN):
self.Bind(eventType, self.onPanelInput)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPanelPaint)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -- XXX
# -- XXX
# Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>
@ -13,54 +13,12 @@ from ToolRect import ToolRect
from ToolText import ToolText
from glob import glob
from GuiCanvasInterfaceAbout import GuiCanvasInterfaceAbout
import os, random, wx, wx.adv
class CanvasInterfaceAbout(wx.Dialog):
class GuiCanvasInterface():
# {{{ onButtonRoar(self, event): XXX
def onButtonRoar(self, event):
# }}}
# {{{ __init__(self, parent, size=(320, 240), title="About roar"): XXX
def __init__(self, parent, size=(320, 240), title="About roar"):
super(CanvasInterfaceAbout, self).__init__(parent, size=size, title=title)
self.panel, self.sizer, self.sizerH1, self.sizerH2 = wx.Panel(self), wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL), wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL), wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
logoPathNames = glob(os.path.join("assets", "images", "logo*.bmp"))
logoPathName = logoPathNames[random.randint(0, len(logoPathNames) - 1)]
self.logo = wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, wx.Bitmap(logoPathName))
self.sizerH1.Add(self.logo, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.title = wx.StaticText(self.panel, label="roar -- mIRC art editor for Windows & Linux (Git revision __ROAR_RELEASE_GIT_SHORT_REV__)\n\nCopyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.title.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, underline=False))
labelsText = ["roar!", "ROAR!", "roaaaaaaar!", "ROAROARAOR", "_ROAR_"]
labelText = labelsText[random.randint(0, len(labelsText) - 1)]
self.buttonRoar = wx.Button(self.panel, label=labelText, pos=(75, 10))
self.buttonRoar.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButtonRoar)
self.sizerH2.Add(self.buttonRoar, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.sizer.Add(self.sizerH1, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.sizer.Add(self.sizerH2, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.SetSizer(self.sizer); self.sizer.Fit(self.panel);
self.SetSize(size); self.SetTitle(title); self.Center();
soundBitePathNames = glob(os.path.join("assets", "audio", "roar*.wav"))
soundBitePathName = soundBitePathNames[random.randint(0, len(logoPathNames) - 1)]
self.soundBite = wx.adv.Sound(soundBitePathName)
if self.soundBite.IsOk():
# }}}
class CanvasInterface():
imgurApiKey = None
parentCanvas = parentFrame = canvasPathName = canvasTool = None
# {{{ _dialogSaveChanges(self)
def _dialogSaveChanges(self):
with wx.MessageDialog(self.parentCanvas, \
@ -73,7 +31,7 @@ class CanvasInterface():
# {{{ canvasAbout(self, event): XXX
def canvasAbout(self, event):
# }}}
# {{{ canvasBrushSolid(self, event): XXX
def canvasBrushSolid(self, event):
@ -374,8 +332,8 @@ class CanvasInterface():
# __init__(self, parentCanvas, parentFrame):
def __init__(self, parentCanvas, parentFrame):
self.parentCanvas = parentCanvas; self.parentFrame = parentFrame;
self.canvasPathName = None
self.canvasPathName, self.imgurApiKey = None, None
self.parentCanvas, self.parentFrame = parentCanvas, parentFrame
# vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -- XXX
# Copyright (c) 2018 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>
from glob import glob
import os, random, wx, wx.adv
class GuiCanvasInterfaceAbout(wx.Dialog):
# {{{ onButtonRoar(self, event): XXX
def onButtonRoar(self, event):
# }}}
# __init__(self, parent, size=(320, 240), title="About roar"): XXX
def __init__(self, parent, size=(320, 240), title="About roar"):
super(GuiCanvasInterfaceAbout, self).__init__(parent, size=size, title=title)
self.panel, self.sizer, self.sizerH1, self.sizerH2 = wx.Panel(self), wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL), wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL), wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
logoPathNames = glob(os.path.join("assets", "images", "logo*.bmp"))
logoPathName = logoPathNames[random.randint(0, len(logoPathNames) - 1)]
self.logo = wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, wx.Bitmap(logoPathName))
self.sizerH1.Add(self.logo, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.title = wx.StaticText(self.panel, label="roar -- mIRC art editor for Windows & Linux (Git revision __ROAR_RELEASE_GIT_SHORT_REV__)\n\nCopyright (c) 2018, 2019 Lucio Andrés Illanes Albornoz <>", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.title.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, underline=False))
labelsText = ["roar!", "ROAR!", "roaaaaaaar!", "ROAROARAOR", "_ROAR_"]
labelText = labelsText[random.randint(0, len(labelsText) - 1)]
self.buttonRoar = wx.Button(self.panel, label=labelText, pos=(75, 10))
self.buttonRoar.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onButtonRoar)
self.sizerH2.Add(self.buttonRoar, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.sizer.Add(self.sizerH1, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.sizer.Add(self.sizerH2, 0, wx.CENTER)
self.SetSizer(self.sizer); self.sizer.Fit(self.panel);
self.SetSize(size); self.SetTitle(title); self.Center();
soundBitePathNames = glob(os.path.join("assets", "audio", "roar*.wav"))
soundBitePathName = soundBitePathNames[random.randint(0, len(logoPathNames) - 1)]
self.soundBite = wx.adv.Sound(soundBitePathName)
if self.soundBite.IsOk():
# vim:expandtab foldmethod=marker sw=4 ts=4 tw=120

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
from Canvas import Canvas, haveUrllib
from CanvasInterface import CanvasInterface
from Colours import Colours
from GuiCanvasInterface import GuiCanvasInterface
from GuiGeneralFrame import GuiGeneralFrame, \
@ -20,75 +20,75 @@ class GuiFrame(GuiGeneralFrame):
# {{{ Commands
# Id Type Id Labels Icon bitmap Accelerator [Initial state]
CID_NEW = [0x100, TID_COMMAND, "New", "&New", ["", wx.ART_NEW], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("N")], None, CanvasInterface.canvasNew]
CID_OPEN = [0x101, TID_COMMAND, "Open", "&Open", ["", wx.ART_FILE_OPEN], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("O")], None, CanvasInterface.canvasOpen]
CID_SAVE = [0x102, TID_COMMAND, "Save", "&Save", ["", wx.ART_FILE_SAVE], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("S")], None, CanvasInterface.canvasSave]
CID_SAVEAS = [0x103, TID_COMMAND, "Save As...", "Save &As...", ["", wx.ART_FILE_SAVE_AS], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasSaveAs]
CID_NEW = [0x100, TID_COMMAND, "New", "&New", ["", wx.ART_NEW], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("N")], None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasNew]
CID_OPEN = [0x101, TID_COMMAND, "Open", "&Open", ["", wx.ART_FILE_OPEN], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("O")], None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasOpen]
CID_SAVE = [0x102, TID_COMMAND, "Save", "&Save", ["", wx.ART_FILE_SAVE], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("S")], None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasSave]
CID_SAVEAS = [0x103, TID_COMMAND, "Save As...", "Save &As...", ["", wx.ART_FILE_SAVE_AS], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasSaveAs]
CID_EXPORT_AS_PNG = [0x104, TID_COMMAND, "Export as PNG...", \
"Export as PN&G...", None, None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasExportAsPng]
"Export as PN&G...", None, None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasExportAsPng]
CID_EXPORT_IMGUR = [0x105, TID_COMMAND, "Export to Imgur...", \
"Export to I&mgur...", None, None, haveUrllib, CanvasInterface.canvasExportImgur]
"Export to I&mgur...", None, None, haveUrllib, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasExportImgur]
CID_EXPORT_PASTEBIN = [0x106, TID_COMMAND, "Export to Pastebin...", \
"Export to Pasteb&in...", None, None, haveUrllib, CanvasInterface.canvasExportPastebin]
CID_EXIT = [0x107, TID_COMMAND, "Exit", "E&xit", None, [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("X")], None, CanvasInterface.canvasExit]
CID_UNDO = [0x108, TID_COMMAND, "Undo", "&Undo", ["", wx.ART_UNDO], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("Z")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasUndo]
CID_REDO = [0x109, TID_COMMAND, "Redo", "&Redo", ["", wx.ART_REDO], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("Y")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasRedo]
CID_CUT = [0x10a, TID_COMMAND, "Cut", "Cu&t", ["", wx.ART_CUT], None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasCut]
CID_COPY = [0x10b, TID_COMMAND, "Copy", "&Copy", ["", wx.ART_COPY], None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasCopy]
CID_PASTE = [0x10c, TID_COMMAND, "Paste", "&Paste", ["", wx.ART_PASTE], None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasPaste]
CID_DELETE = [0x10d, TID_COMMAND, "Delete", "De&lete", ["", wx.ART_DELETE], None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasDelete]
"Export to Pasteb&in...", None, None, haveUrllib, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasExportPastebin]
CID_EXIT = [0x107, TID_COMMAND, "Exit", "E&xit", None, [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("X")], None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasExit]
CID_UNDO = [0x108, TID_COMMAND, "Undo", "&Undo", ["", wx.ART_UNDO], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("Z")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasUndo]
CID_REDO = [0x109, TID_COMMAND, "Redo", "&Redo", ["", wx.ART_REDO], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("Y")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasRedo]
CID_CUT = [0x10a, TID_COMMAND, "Cut", "Cu&t", ["", wx.ART_CUT], None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasCut]
CID_COPY = [0x10b, TID_COMMAND, "Copy", "&Copy", ["", wx.ART_COPY], None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasCopy]
CID_PASTE = [0x10c, TID_COMMAND, "Paste", "&Paste", ["", wx.ART_PASTE], None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasPaste]
CID_DELETE = [0x10d, TID_COMMAND, "Delete", "De&lete", ["", wx.ART_DELETE], None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDelete]
CID_INCRW_CANVAS = [0x10e, TID_COMMAND, "Increase canvas width", \
"Increase canvas width", ["toolIncrCanvasW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasIncrCanvasWidth]
"Increase canvas width", ["toolIncrCanvasW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasIncrCanvasWidth]
CID_DECRW_CANVAS = [0x10f, TID_COMMAND, "Decrease canvas width", \
"Decrease canvas width", ["toolDecrCanvasW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasDecrCanvasWidth]
"Decrease canvas width", ["toolDecrCanvasW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDecrCanvasWidth]
CID_INCRH_CANVAS = [0x110, TID_COMMAND, "Increase canvas height", \
"Increase canvas height", ["toolIncrCanvasH.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasIncrCanvasHeight]
"Increase canvas height", ["toolIncrCanvasH.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasIncrCanvasHeight]
CID_DECRH_CANVAS = [0x111, TID_COMMAND, "Decrease canvas height", \
"Decrease canvas height", ["toolDecrCanvasH.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasDecrCanvasHeight]
"Decrease canvas height", ["toolDecrCanvasH.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDecrCanvasHeight]
CID_INCRHW_CANVAS = [0x112, TID_COMMAND, "Increase canvas size", \
"Increase canvas size", ["toolIncrCanvasHW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasIncrCanvasHeightWidth]
"Increase canvas size", ["toolIncrCanvasHW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasIncrCanvasHeightWidth]
CID_DECRHW_CANVAS = [0x113, TID_COMMAND, "Decrease canvas size", \
"Decrease canvas size", ["toolDecrCanvasHW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasDecrCanvasHeightWidth]
"Decrease canvas size", ["toolDecrCanvasHW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDecrCanvasHeightWidth]
CID_INCRW_BRUSH = [0x114, TID_COMMAND, "Increase brush width", \
"Increase brush width", ["toolIncrBrushW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasIncrBrushWidth]
"Increase brush width", ["toolIncrBrushW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasIncrBrushWidth]
CID_DECRW_BRUSH = [0x115, TID_COMMAND, "Decrease brush width", \
"Decrease brush width", ["toolDecrBrushW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasDecrBrushWidth]
"Decrease brush width", ["toolDecrBrushW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDecrBrushWidth]
CID_INCRH_BRUSH = [0x116, TID_COMMAND, "Increase brush height", \
"Increase brush height", ["toolIncrBrushH.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasIncrBrushHeight]
"Increase brush height", ["toolIncrBrushH.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasIncrBrushHeight]
CID_DECRH_BRUSH = [0x117, TID_COMMAND, "Decrease brush height", \
"Decrease brush height", ["toolDecrBrushH.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasDecrBrushHeight]
"Decrease brush height", ["toolDecrBrushH.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDecrBrushHeight]
CID_INCRHW_BRUSH = [0x118, TID_COMMAND, "Increase brush size", \
"Increase brush size", ["toolIncrBrushHW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasIncrBrushHeightWidth]
"Increase brush size", ["toolIncrBrushHW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasIncrBrushHeightWidth]
CID_DECRHW_BRUSH = [0x119, TID_COMMAND, "Decrease brush size", \
"Decrease brush size", ["toolDecrBrushHW.png"], None, None, CanvasInterface.canvasDecrBrushHeightWidth]
CID_SOLID_BRUSH = [0x11a, TID_SELECT, "Solid brush", "Solid brush", None, None, True, CanvasInterface.canvasBrushSolid]
"Decrease brush size", ["toolDecrBrushHW.png"], None, None, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasDecrBrushHeightWidth]
CID_SOLID_BRUSH = [0x11a, TID_SELECT, "Solid brush", "Solid brush", None, None, True, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasBrushSolid]
CID_RECT = [0x150, TID_SELECT, "Rectangle", "&Rectangle", ["toolRect.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("R")], True, CanvasInterface.canvasToolRect]
CID_CIRCLE = [0x151, TID_SELECT, "Circle", "&Circle", ["toolCircle.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("C")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasToolCircle]
CID_FILL = [0x152, TID_SELECT, "Fill", "&Fill", ["toolFill.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("F")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasToolFill]
CID_LINE = [0x153, TID_SELECT, "Line", "&Line", ["toolLine.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("L")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasToolLine]
CID_TEXT = [0x154, TID_SELECT, "Text", "&Text", ["toolText.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("T")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasToolText]
CID_CLONE_SELECT = [0x155, TID_SELECT, "Clone", "Cl&one", ["toolClone.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("E")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasToolSelectClone]
CID_MOVE_SELECT = [0x156, TID_SELECT, "Move", "&Move", ["toolMove.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("M")], False, CanvasInterface.canvasToolSelectMove]
CID_RECT = [0x150, TID_SELECT, "Rectangle", "&Rectangle", ["toolRect.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("R")], True, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolRect]
CID_CIRCLE = [0x151, TID_SELECT, "Circle", "&Circle", ["toolCircle.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("C")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolCircle]
CID_FILL = [0x152, TID_SELECT, "Fill", "&Fill", ["toolFill.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("F")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolFill]
CID_LINE = [0x153, TID_SELECT, "Line", "&Line", ["toolLine.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("L")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolLine]
CID_TEXT = [0x154, TID_SELECT, "Text", "&Text", ["toolText.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("T")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolText]
CID_CLONE_SELECT = [0x155, TID_SELECT, "Clone", "Cl&one", ["toolClone.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("E")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolSelectClone]
CID_MOVE_SELECT = [0x156, TID_SELECT, "Move", "&Move", ["toolMove.png"], [wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord("M")], False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasToolSelectMove]
CID_COLOUR00 = [0x1a0, TID_SELECT, "Colour #00", "Colour #00", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR01 = [0x1a1, TID_SELECT, "Colour #01", "Colour #01", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR02 = [0x1a2, TID_SELECT, "Colour #02", "Colour #02", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR03 = [0x1a3, TID_SELECT, "Colour #03", "Colour #03", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR04 = [0x1a4, TID_SELECT, "Colour #04", "Colour #04", None, None, True, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR05 = [0x1a5, TID_SELECT, "Colour #05", "Colour #05", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR06 = [0x1a6, TID_SELECT, "Colour #06", "Colour #06", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR07 = [0x1a7, TID_SELECT, "Colour #07", "Colour #07", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR08 = [0x1a8, TID_SELECT, "Colour #08", "Colour #08", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR09 = [0x1a9, TID_SELECT, "Colour #09", "Colour #09", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR10 = [0x1aa, TID_SELECT, "Colour #10", "Colour #10", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR11 = [0x1ab, TID_SELECT, "Colour #11", "Colour #11", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR12 = [0x1ac, TID_SELECT, "Colour #12", "Colour #12", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR13 = [0x1ad, TID_SELECT, "Colour #13", "Colour #13", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR14 = [0x1ae, TID_SELECT, "Colour #14", "Colour #14", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR15 = [0x1af, TID_SELECT, "Colour #15", "Colour #15", None, None, False, CanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR00 = [0x1a0, TID_SELECT, "Colour #00", "Colour #00", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR01 = [0x1a1, TID_SELECT, "Colour #01", "Colour #01", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR02 = [0x1a2, TID_SELECT, "Colour #02", "Colour #02", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR03 = [0x1a3, TID_SELECT, "Colour #03", "Colour #03", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR04 = [0x1a4, TID_SELECT, "Colour #04", "Colour #04", None, None, True, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR05 = [0x1a5, TID_SELECT, "Colour #05", "Colour #05", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR06 = [0x1a6, TID_SELECT, "Colour #06", "Colour #06", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR07 = [0x1a7, TID_SELECT, "Colour #07", "Colour #07", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR08 = [0x1a8, TID_SELECT, "Colour #08", "Colour #08", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR09 = [0x1a9, TID_SELECT, "Colour #09", "Colour #09", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR10 = [0x1aa, TID_SELECT, "Colour #10", "Colour #10", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR11 = [0x1ab, TID_SELECT, "Colour #11", "Colour #11", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR12 = [0x1ac, TID_SELECT, "Colour #12", "Colour #12", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR13 = [0x1ad, TID_SELECT, "Colour #13", "Colour #13", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR14 = [0x1ae, TID_SELECT, "Colour #14", "Colour #14", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_COLOUR15 = [0x1af, TID_SELECT, "Colour #15", "Colour #15", None, None, False, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasColour]
CID_ABOUT = [0x1b0, TID_COMMAND, "About", "&About", None, None, True, CanvasInterface.canvasAbout]
CID_ABOUT = [0x1b0, TID_COMMAND, "About", "&About", None, None, True, GuiCanvasInterface.canvasAbout]
# }}}
# {{{ Menus
MID_FILE = (0x300, TID_MENU, "File", "&File", ( \
@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ class GuiFrame(GuiGeneralFrame):
self.panelSkin = super().__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, "", size=appSize)
self.panelCanvas = Canvas(self.panelSkin, parentFrame=self, \
canvasInterface=GuiCanvasInterface, \
defaultCanvasPos=defaultCanvasPos, \
defaultCanvasSize=defaultCanvasSize, \