mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 23:49:03 +00:00
Increase roar window height to match default canvas size.
{assets/tools,lib{canvas,gui,roar,rtl,tools}}/*.py: remove Vim fold marker remnants.
This commit is contained in:
@ -231,8 +231,6 @@ class IrcMiRCARTBot(IrcClient):
elif serverMessage[1] == "PRIVMSG":
# __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort="6667", clientNick="pngbot", clientIdent="pngbot", clientGecos="pngbot", clientChannel="#MiRCART"): initialisation method
def __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort="6667", clientNick="pngbot", clientIdent="pngbot", clientGecos="pngbot", clientChannel="#MiRCART"):
super().__init__(serverHname, serverPort, clientNick, clientIdent, clientGecos)
self.clientChannel = clientChannel
@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ class Canvas():
and (numCol < len(newCanvas[numRow])):
self._commitPatch([numCol, numRow, *newCanvas[numRow][numCol]])
# __init__(self, size): initialisation method
def __init__(self, size):
self.dirtyCursor, self.map, self.size = False, None, size
self.exportStore, self.importStore, self.journal = CanvasExportStore(), CanvasImportStore(), CanvasJournal()
@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ class CanvasImportStore():
with open(pathName, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as inFile:
return self.importTextBuffer(inFile)
# __init__(self, inFile=None): initialisation method
def __init__(self, inFile=None):
self.inSize, self.outMap = None, None
if inFile != None:
@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ class CanvasJournal():
def __del__(self):
self.resetCursor(); self.resetUndo();
# __init__(self): initialisation method
def __init__(self):
self.patchesCursor, self.patchesUndo, self. patchesUndoLevel = None, None, None
self.resetCursor(); self.resetUndo();
@ -265,8 +265,6 @@ class GuiCanvasWxBackend():
self.canvasBitmap.Destroy(); self.canvasBitmap = None;
# __init__(self, canvasSize, cellSize, fontName="Dejavu Sans Mono", fontPathName=os.path.join("assets", "fonts", "DejaVuSansMono.ttf")): initialisation method
def __init__(self, canvasSize, cellSize, fontName="Dejavu Sans Mono", fontPathName=os.path.join("assets", "fonts", "DejaVuSansMono.ttf")):
self._brushes, self._font, self._lastBrush, self._lastPen, self._pens = None, None, None, None, None
self.canvasBitmap, self.cellSize, self.fontName, self.fontPathName = None, None, fontName, fontPathName
@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ class GuiFrame(wx.Frame):
def onMouseWheel(self, event):
# __init__(self, iconPathName, size, parent=None, title=""): initialisation method
def __init__(self, iconPathName, size, parent=None, title=""):
super().__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, title, size=size)
self.itemsById, self.menuItemsById, self.toolBarItemsById = {}, {}, {}
@ -204,8 +202,6 @@ class GuiFrame(wx.Frame):
self.Bind(event, f)
class GuiMiniFrame(wx.MiniFrame):
# __init__(self, parent, size, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition): initialisation method
def __init__(self, parent, size, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition):
super().__init__(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=pos, size=size, title=title)
@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ class GuiWindow(wx.ScrolledWindow):
while curWindow != None:
curWindow.Layout(); curWindow = curWindow.GetParent();
# __init__(self, parent, pos, scrollStep, style=0): initialisation method
def __init__(self, parent, pos, scrollStep, style=0):
super().__init__(parent, pos=pos, style=style) if style != 0 else super().__init__(parent, pos=pos)
self.parent = parent
@ -5,12 +5,9 @@
class Operator(object):
# apply(self, region)
def apply(self, region):
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ from Operator import Operator
class OperatorFlipHorizontal(Operator):
name = "Flip horizontally"
# apply(self, region)
def apply(self, region):
region.reverse(); return region;
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ class OperatorFlipVertical(Operator):
# apply(self, region)
def apply(self, region):
for numRow in range(len(region)):
@ -27,7 +25,6 @@ class OperatorFlipVertical(Operator):
region[numRow][numCol][3] = self.flipPairs[region[numRow][numCol][3]]
return region
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
@ -9,15 +9,12 @@ from Operator import Operator
class OperatorInvert(Operator):
name = "Invert colours"
# apply(self, region)
def apply(self, region):
for numRow in range(len(region)):
for numCol in range(len(region[numRow])):
region[numRow][numCol][0:2] = [(~r & (16 - 1) if r > 0 else r) for r in region[numRow][numCol][0:2]]
return region
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import math
class OperatorRotate(Operator):
name = "Rotate"
# apply2(self, mapPoint, mousePoint, regionOld, region)
def apply2(self, mapPoint, mousePoint, regionOld, region):
if self.originPoint == None:
self.originPoint = list(mousePoint)
@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ class OperatorRotate(Operator):
return region
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
self.originPoint = None
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import copy
class OperatorTile(Operator):
name = "Tile"
# apply2(self, mapPoint, mousePoint, regionOld, region)
def apply2(self, mapPoint, mousePoint, regionOld, region):
if self.lastPoint == None:
self.lastPoint = list(mapPoint)
@ -32,7 +30,6 @@ class OperatorTile(Operator):
self.lastPoint = list(mapPoint)
return region
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
self.lastPoint, self.tileObject = None, None
@ -291,8 +291,6 @@ class RoarAssetsWindow(GuiMiniFrame):
with wx.MessageDialog(self, "Error: {}".format(error), "", wx.OK | wx.OK_DEFAULT) as dialog:
dialogChoice = dialog.ShowModal()
# __init__(self, backend, cellSize, parent, pos=None, size=(400, 400), title="Assets"): initialisation method
def __init__(self, backend, cellSize, parent, pos=None, size=(400, 400), title="Assets"):
if pos == None:
parentRect = parent.GetScreenRect(); pos = (parentRect.x + parentRect.width, parentRect.y);
@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommands(RoarCanvasCommandsFile, RoarCanvasCommandsEdit, RoarCan
toolBar = self.parentFrame.toolBarItemsById[self.canvasRedo.attrDict["id"]][0]
toolBar.EnableTool(self.canvasRedo.attrDict["id"], False); toolBar.Refresh();
# __init__(self, parentCanvas, parentFrame):
def __init__(self, parentCanvas, parentFrame):
accels, menus, toolBars = [], [], []
self.canvasPathName, self.lastPanelState, self.parentCanvas, self.parentFrame = None, {}, parentCanvas, parentFrame
@ -120,7 +118,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommands(RoarCanvasCommandsFile, RoarCanvasCommandsEdit, RoarCan
toolBars += self.toolBars
[self.canvasNew, self.canvasOpen, self.canvasSave, self.canvasSaveAs, NID_TOOLBAR_HSEP,
self.canvasUndo, self.canvasRedo, NID_TOOLBAR_HSEP,
@ -202,8 +202,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommandsEdit():
self.update(size=self.parentCanvas.canvas.size, undoLevel=self.parentCanvas.canvas.journal.patchesUndoLevel)
# __init__(self)
def __init__(self):
self.accels = (
(self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 0), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 1), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 2), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 3), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 4), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 5), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 6), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 7), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 8), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 9), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 10), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 11), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 12), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 13), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 14), self.canvasColourBackground(self.canvasColourBackground, 15), self.canvasColourAlphaBackground(self.canvasColourAlphaBackground, 0),),
@ -273,8 +273,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommandsFile():
if self.canvasSave(event, newDirty=True):
# __init__(self)
def __init__(self):
self.imgurApiKey, self.lastFiles, self.lastDir = ImgurApiKey.imgurApiKey if haveImgurApiKey else None, [], None
self.accels = ()
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommandsHelp():
def canvasVisitGitHub(self, event):
# __init__(self)
def __init__(self):
self.accels = ()
self.menus, self.toolBars = (("&Help", self.canvasMelp, NID_MENU_SEP, self.canvasNewIssueGitHub, self.canvasVisitGitHub, NID_MENU_SEP, self.canvasAbout,),), ()
@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommandsOperators():
setattr(canvasOperator_, "attrDict", f.attrList[idx])
return canvasOperator_
# __init__(self)
def __init__(self):
self.accels = ()
self.menus = (
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ class RoarCanvasCommandsTools():
setattr(canvasTool_, "isSelect", True)
return canvasTool_
# __init__(self)
def __init__(self):
self.accels = ()
self.menus = (
@ -283,8 +283,6 @@ class RoarCanvasWindow(GuiWindow):
self.backend.onPaint(self.GetClientSize(), self, self.GetViewStart())
# __init__(self, backend, canvas, cellSize, commands, parent, parentFrame, pos, scrollStep, size): initialisation method
def __init__(self, backend, canvas, cellSize, commands, parent, parentFrame, pos, scrollStep, size):
super().__init__(parent, pos, scrollStep)
self.size = size
@ -34,9 +34,7 @@ class RoarClient(GuiFrame):
def onSize(self, event):
self.canvasPanel.SetMinSize(self.GetSize()); self.canvasPanel.SetSize(wx.DefaultCoord, wx.DefaultCoord, *self.GetSize()); event.Skip();
# __init__(self, parent, defaultCanvasPos=(0, 75), defaultCanvasSize=(100, 30), defaultCellSize=(7, 14), size=(840, 630), title=""): initialisation method
def __init__(self, parent, defaultCanvasPos=(0, 75), defaultCanvasSize=(100, 30), defaultCellSize=(7, 14), size=(840, 630), title=""):
def __init__(self, parent, defaultCanvasPos=(0, 75), defaultCanvasSize=(100, 30), defaultCellSize=(7, 14), size=(840, 640), title=""):
super().__init__(self._getIconPathName(), size, parent, title)
self.canvas = Canvas(defaultCanvasSize)
self.canvasPanel = RoarCanvasWindow(GuiCanvasWxBackend, self.canvas, defaultCellSize, RoarCanvasCommands, self.panelSkin, self, defaultCanvasPos, defaultCellSize, defaultCanvasSize)
@ -52,7 +50,6 @@ class RoarClient(GuiFrame):
self.assetsWindow = RoarAssetsWindow(GuiCanvasWxBackend, defaultCellSize, self)
self.canvasPanel.operatorsMenu = wx.Menu()
for menuItem in self.canvasPanel.commands.menus[3][1:]:
menuItemWindow = self.canvasPanel.operatorsMenu.Append(menuItem.attrDict["id"], menuItem.attrDict["label"], menuItem.attrDict["caption"])
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ class RoarWindowAbout(wx.Dialog):
def onButtonRoar(self, event):
# __init__(self, parent, minSize=(320, 300), title="About roar")
def __init__(self, parent, minSize=(320, 300), title="About roar"):
super().__init__(parent, size=minSize, title=title)
self.panel, self.sizer, self.sizerV = wx.Panel(self), wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 2, 4, 4), wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ class RoarWindowMelp(wx.Dialog):
def onButtonRoar(self, event):
# __init__(self, parent, minSize=(320, 300), title="melp?")
def __init__(self, parent, minSize=(320, 300), title="melp?"):
super().__init__(parent, size=minSize, title=title)
self.panel, self.sizer = wx.Panel(self), wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
@ -107,8 +107,6 @@ class IrcClient:
del self.clientQueue[0]
return True
# __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort, clientNick, clientIdent, clientGecos): initialisation method
def __init__(self, serverHname, serverPort, clientNick, clientIdent, clientGecos):
self.clientGecos, self.clientIdent, self.clientNick = clientGecos, clientIdent, clientNick
self.clientNextTimeout, self.clientQueue, self.clientSocket, self.clientSocketFile = None, None, None, None
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ from Tool import Tool
class ToolCircle(Tool):
name = "Circle"
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
brushColours, brushSize, dirty = list(brushColours), [brushSize[0] * 2, brushSize[1]], False
originPoint, radius = (brushSize[0] / 2, brushSize[0] / 2), brushSize[0]
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ from Tool import Tool
class ToolErase(Tool):
name = "Erase"
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
brushColours, brushSize, dirty = list(brushColours), list(brushSize), False
if brushSize[0] > 1:
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import wx
class ToolFill(Tool):
name = "Fill"
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
dirty, pointsDone, pointStack, testChar, testColour = False, [], [list(mapPoint)], canvas.map[mapPoint[1]][mapPoint[0]][3], canvas.map[mapPoint[1]][mapPoint[0]][0:2]
if mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown:
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ class ToolLine(Tool):
def _pointSwap(self, a, b):
return [b, a]
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
brushColours, dirty = brushColours.copy(), False
if mouseLeftDown:
@ -74,7 +72,6 @@ class ToolLine(Tool):
return False, dirty
return True, dirty
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
self.toolOriginPoint, self.toolState = None, self.TS_NONE
@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ class ToolObject(Tool):
self.srcRect = self.targetRect
self.objectMap, self.objectSize = objectMap, objectSize
# __init__(self, *args): initialisation method
def __init__(self, *args):
self.external, self.lastAtPoint, self.srcRect, self.substract, \
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ from Tool import Tool
class ToolPickColour(Tool):
name = "Pick colour"
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
if (mapPoint[0] < canvas.size[0]) \
and (mapPoint[1] < canvas.size[1]):
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ from Tool import Tool
class ToolRect(Tool):
name = "Rectangle"
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
brushColours, brushSize, dirty = list(brushColours), list(brushSize), False
if mouseRightDown:
@ -65,8 +65,6 @@ class ToolText(Tool):
rc, dirty = False, False
return rc, dirty
# onKeyboardEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyChar, keyCode, keyModifiers, mapPoint)
def onKeyboardEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyChar, keyCode, keyModifiers, mapPoint):
if re.match(self.arabicCombiningRegEx, keyChar):
rc, dirty = True, False
@ -121,8 +119,6 @@ class ToolText(Tool):
dispatchFn(eventDc, True, [*brushPos, *brushColours, 0, "_"])
return rc, dirty
# onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown)
def onMouseEvent(self, atPoint, brushColours, brushPos, brushSize, canvas, dispatchFn, eventDc, keyModifiers, mapPoint, mouseDragging, mouseLeftDown, mouseRightDown):
if mouseLeftDown or mouseRightDown:
brushPos[0], brushPos[1] = atPoint[0], atPoint[1]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user