mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 08:29:04 +00:00
MiRCART.py:MiRCARTCanvas: cleaned up.
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,134 +55,101 @@ class MiRCARTCanvas(wx.Panel):
mircBg = mircFg = mircBrushes = mircPens = None
patchesTmp = patchesUndo = patchesUndoLevel = None
# {{{ _drawPatch(self, patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atX, atY): XXX
def _drawPatch(self, patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atX, atY):
patchXabs = (atX + patch[0]) * self.getCellWidth()
patchYabs = (atY + patch[1]) * self.getCellHeight()
brushFg = self.mircBrushes[patch[2]]
brushBg = self.mircBrushes[patch[3]]
# {{{ _drawPatch(self, patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atPoint): XXX
def _drawPatch(self, patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atPoint):
absPoint = self._relMapPointToAbsPoint((patch[0], patch[1]), atPoint)
brushFg = self.mircBrushes[patch[2]]; brushBg = self.mircBrushes[patch[3]];
pen = self.mircPens[patch[2]]
for dc in (eventDc, tmpDc):
dc.SetBrush(brushFg); dc.SetBackground(brushBg); dc.SetPen(pen);
dc.DrawRectangle(patchXabs, patchYabs, \
self.getCellWidth(), self.getCellHeight())
dc.DrawRectangle(absPoint[0], absPoint[1], self.cellSize[0], self.cellSize[1])
# }}}
# {{{ _eventPointToMapX(self, eventPoint): XXX
def _eventPointToMapX(self, eventPoint):
rectX = eventPoint.x - (eventPoint.x % self.getCellWidth())
return int(rectX / self.getCellWidth() if rectX else 0)
# {{{ _eventPointToMapPoint(self, eventPoint): XXX
def _eventPointToMapPoint(self, eventPoint):
rectX = eventPoint.x - (eventPoint.x % self.cellSize[0])
rectY = eventPoint.y - (eventPoint.y % self.cellSize[1])
mapX = int(rectX / self.cellSize[0] if rectX else 0)
mapY = int(rectY / self.cellSize[1] if rectY else 0)
return (mapX, mapY)
# }}}
# {{{ _eventPointToMapY(self, eventPoint): XXX
def _eventPointToMapY(self, eventPoint):
rectY = eventPoint.y - (eventPoint.y % self.getCellHeight())
return int(rectY / self.getCellHeight() if rectY else 0)
# {{{ _getMapCell(self, absMapPoint): XXX
def _getMapCell(self, absMapPoint):
return self.canvasMap[absMapPoint[1]][absMapPoint[0]]
# }}}
# {{{ _onMouseEvent(self, event): XXX
def _onMouseEvent(self, event):
# {{{ _processMapPatches(self, mapPatches, eventDc, tmpDc, atPoint): XXX
def _processMapPatches(self, mapPatches, eventDc, tmpDc, atPoint):
for mapPatch in mapPatches:
mapPatchTmp = mapPatch[0]
if mapPatchTmp and self.patchesTmp:
for patch in self.patchesTmp:
patch[2:] = self._getMapCell([patch[0], patch[1]])
self._drawPatch(patch, eventDc, tmpDc, (0, 0))
self.patchesTmp = []
for patch in mapPatch[1]:
absMapPoint = self._relMapPointToAbsMapPoint(patch[0:2], atPoint)
mapItem = self._getMapCell(absMapPoint)
if mapPatchTmp:
self.patchesTmp.append([*absMapPoint, None, None, None])
self._drawPatch(patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atPoint)
elif mapItem != patch[2:5]:
self._pushUndo(atPoint, patch, mapItem)
self._setMapCell(absMapPoint, *patch[2:5])
self._drawPatch(patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atPoint)
# }}}
# {{{ _pushUndo(self, atPoint, patch): XXXX
def _pushUndo(self, atPoint, patch, mapItem):
if self.patchesUndoLevel > 0:
del self.patchesUndo[0:self.patchesUndoLevel]
self.patchesUndoLevel = 0
absMapPoint = self._relMapPointToAbsMapPoint((patch[0], patch[1]), atPoint)
self.patchesUndo.insert(0, ( \
(absMapPoint[0], absMapPoint[1], mapItem[0], mapItem[1], mapItem[2]), \
(absMapPoint[0], absMapPoint[1], patch[2], patch[3], patch[4])))
# }}}
# {{{ _relMapPointToAbsMapPoint(self, relMapPoint, atPoint): XXX
def _relMapPointToAbsMapPoint(self, relMapPoint, atPoint):
return (atPoint[0] + relMapPoint[0], atPoint[1] + relMapPoint[1])
# }}}
# {{{ _relMapPointToAbsPoint(self, relMapPoint, atPoint): XXX
def _relMapPointToAbsPoint(self, relMapPoint, atPoint):
absX = (atPoint[0] + relMapPoint[0]) * self.cellSize[0]
absY = (atPoint[1] + relMapPoint[1]) * self.cellSize[1]
return (absX, absY)
# }}}
# {{{ _setMapCell(self, absMapPoint, colourFg, colourBg, char): XXX
def _setMapCell(self, absMapPoint, colourFg, colourBg, char):
self.canvasMap[absMapPoint[1]][absMapPoint[0]] = [colourFg, colourBg, char]
# }}}
# {{{ onMouseEvent(self, event): XXX
def onMouseEvent(self, event):
eventObject = event.GetEventObject()
eventDc = wx.ClientDC(self); tmpDc = wx.MemoryDC();
eventPoint = event.GetLogicalPosition(eventDc)
mapX = self._eventPointToMapX(eventPoint)
mapY = self._eventPointToMapY(eventPoint)
mapPoint = self._eventPointToMapPoint(eventPoint)
for tool in self.canvasTools:
if event.Dragging():
mapPatches = tool.onMouseMotion(event, mapX, mapY, event.LeftIsDown(), event.RightIsDown())
mapPatches = tool.onMouseMotion(event, mapPoint, event.LeftIsDown(), event.RightIsDown())
mapPatches = tool.onMouseDown(event, mapX, mapY, event.LeftIsDown(), event.RightIsDown())
self._processMapPatches(mapPatches, eventDc, tmpDc, mapX, mapY)
# }}}
# {{{ _processMapPatches(self, mapPatches, eventDc, tmpDc, atX, atY): XXX
def _processMapPatches(self, mapPatches, eventDc, tmpDc, atX, atY):
for mapPatch in mapPatches:
mapPatchTmp = mapPatch[0]; mapPatchW = mapPatch[1]; mapPatchH = mapPatch[2];
if mapPatchTmp and self.patchesTmp:
for patch in self.patchesTmp:
patch[2] = self.canvasMap[patch[1]][patch[0]][0]
patch[3] = self.canvasMap[patch[1]][patch[0]][1]
patch[4] = self.canvasMap[patch[1]][patch[0]][2]
self._drawPatch(patch, eventDc, tmpDc, 0, 0)
self.patchesTmp = []
for patch in mapPatch[3]:
if mapPatchTmp:
mapItem = self.canvasMap[atY + patch[1]][atX + patch[0]]
self.patchesTmp.append([atX + patch[0], atY + patch[1], None, None, None])
self._drawPatch(patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atX, atY)
mapItem = self.canvasMap[atY + patch[1]][atX + patch[0]]
if mapItem != [patch[2], patch[3], patch[4]]:
if self.patchesUndoLevel > 0:
del self.patchesUndo[0:self.patchesUndoLevel]
self.patchesUndoLevel = 0
self.patchesUndo.insert(0, ( \
(atX + patch[0], atY + patch[1], mapItem[0], mapItem[1], mapItem[2]), \
(atX + patch[0], atY + patch[1], patch[2], patch[3], " ")))
self.canvasMap[atY + patch[1]][atX + patch[0]] = [patch[2], patch[3], " "];
self._drawPatch(patch, eventDc, tmpDc, atX, atY)
if len(mapPatch[3]):
# }}}
# {{{ getBackgroundColour(self): XXX
def getBackgroundColour(self):
return self.mircBg
# }}}
# {{{ getCellHeight(self): XXX
def getCellHeight(self):
return self.cellSize[1]
# }}}
# {{{ getCellWidth(self): XXX
def getCellWidth(self):
return self.cellSize[0]
# }}}
# {{{ getForegroundColour(self): XXX
def getForegroundColour(self):
return self.mircFg
# }}}
# {{{ getHeight(self): XXX
def getHeight(self):
return self.canvasSize[1]
# }}}
# {{{ getMap(self): XXX
def getMap(self):
return self.canvasMap
# }}}
# {{{ getWidth(self): XXX
def getWidth(self):
return self.canvasSize[0]
# }}}
# {{{ onLeftDown(self, event): XXX
def onLeftDown(self, event):
# }}}
# {{{ onMotion(self, event): XXX
def onMotion(self, event):
mapPatches = tool.onMouseDown(event, mapPoint, event.LeftIsDown(), event.RightIsDown())
self._processMapPatches(mapPatches, eventDc, tmpDc, mapPoint)
# }}}
# {{{ onPaint(self, event): XXX
def onPaint(self, event):
eventDc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.canvasBitmap)
# }}}
# {{{ onPaletteEvent(self, leftDown, rightDown, numColour): XXX
def onPaletteEvent(self, leftDown, rightDown, numColour):
if leftDown:
self.mircFg = numColour
elif rightDown:
self.mircBg = numColour
# }}}
# {{{ onRightDown(self, event): XXX
def onRightDown(self, event):
# }}}
# {{{ redo(self): XXX
def redo(self):
if self.patchesUndoLevel > 0:
self.patchesUndoLevel -= 1
redoPatch = self.patchesUndo[self.patchesUndoLevel][1]
self.canvasMap[redoPatch[1]][redoPatch[0]] = \
[redoPatch[2], redoPatch[3], redoPatch[4]]
self._setMapCell([redoPatch[0], redoPatch[1]], \
redoPatch[2], redoPatch[3], redoPatch[4])
eventDc = wx.ClientDC(self); tmpDc = wx.MemoryDC();
self._drawPatch(redoPatch, eventDc, tmpDc, 0, 0)
self._drawPatch(redoPatch, eventDc, tmpDc, (0, 0))
return True
@ -192,11 +159,11 @@ class MiRCARTCanvas(wx.Panel):
def undo(self):
if self.patchesUndo[self.patchesUndoLevel] != None:
undoPatch = self.patchesUndo[self.patchesUndoLevel][0]
self.canvasMap[undoPatch[1]][undoPatch[0]] = \
[undoPatch[2], undoPatch[3], undoPatch[4]]
self._setMapCell([undoPatch[0], undoPatch[1]], \
undoPatch[2], undoPatch[3], undoPatch[4])
eventDc = wx.ClientDC(self); tmpDc = wx.MemoryDC();
self._drawPatch(undoPatch, eventDc, tmpDc, 0, 0)
self._drawPatch(undoPatch, eventDc, tmpDc, (0, 0))
self.patchesUndoLevel += 1
return True
@ -229,22 +196,22 @@ class MiRCARTCanvas(wx.Panel):
self.patchesTmp = []
self.patchesUndo = [None]; self.patchesUndoLevel = 0;
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onLeftDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.onMotion)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onMouseEvent)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.onMouseEvent)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.onPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.onRightDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.onMouseEvent)
# }}}
class MiRCARTTool():
parentCanvas = None
# {{{ onMouseDown(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseDown(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
# {{{ onMouseDown(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseDown(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
# }}}
# {{{ onMouseMotion(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseMotion(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
# {{{ onMouseMotion(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseMotion(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
# }}}
# {{{ __init__(self, parentCanvas): initialisation method
@ -255,34 +222,34 @@ class MiRCARTTool():
class MiRCARTToolRect(MiRCARTTool):
# {{{ _draw(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def _draw(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
# {{{ _draw(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def _draw(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
if isLeftDown:
return [[False, 1, 1, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.getForegroundColour(), \
self.parentCanvas.getForegroundColour(), " "]]],
[True, 1, 1, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.getForegroundColour(), \
self.parentCanvas.getForegroundColour(), " "]]]]
return [[False, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.mircFg, \
self.parentCanvas.mircFg, " "]]],
[True, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.mircFg, \
self.parentCanvas.mircFg, " "]]]]
elif isRightDown:
return [[False, 1, 1, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.getBackgroundColour(), \
self.parentCanvas.getBackgroundColour(), " "]]], \
[True, 1, 1, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.getBackgroundColour(), \
self.parentCanvas.getBackgroundColour(), " "]]]]
return [[False, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.mircBg, \
self.parentCanvas.mircBg, " "]]], \
[True, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.mircBg, \
self.parentCanvas.mircBg, " "]]]]
return [[True, 1, 1, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.getForegroundColour(), \
self.parentCanvas.getForegroundColour(), " "]]]]
return [[True, [[0, 0, \
self.parentCanvas.mircFg, \
self.parentCanvas.mircFg, " "]]]]
# }}}
# {{{ onMouseDown(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseDown(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
return self._draw(event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown)
# {{{ onMouseDown(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseDown(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
return self._draw(event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown)
# }}}
# {{{ onMouseMotion(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseMotion(self, event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
return self._draw(event, mapX, mapY, isLeftDown, isRightDown)
# {{{ onMouseMotion(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown): XXX
def onMouseMotion(self, event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown):
return self._draw(event, mapPoint, isLeftDown, isRightDown)
# }}}
# {{{ __init__(self, parentCanvas): initialisation method
def __init__(self, parentCanvas):
@ -429,9 +396,9 @@ class MiRCARTFrame(wx.Frame):
def _saveAs(self, pathName):
with open(pathName, "w") as file:
canvasMap = self.panelCanvas.getMap()
canvasHeight = self.panelCanvas.getHeight()
canvasWidth = self.panelCanvas.getWidth()
canvasMap = self.panelCanvas.canvasMap
canvasHeight = self.panelCanvas.canvasSize[1]
canvasWidth = self.panelCanvas.canvasSize[0]
for canvasRow in range(0, canvasHeight):
colourLastBg = colourLastFg = None;
for canvasCol in range(0, canvasWidth):
@ -451,10 +418,10 @@ class MiRCARTFrame(wx.Frame):
# {{{ _updateStatusBar(self): XXX
def _updateStatusBar(self):
text = "Foreground colour:"
text += " " + str(self.panelCanvas.getForegroundColour())
text += " " + str(self.panelCanvas.mircFg)
text += " | "
text += "Background colour:"
text += " " + str(self.panelCanvas.getBackgroundColour())
text += " " + str(self.panelCanvas.mircBg)
# }}}
@ -517,12 +484,11 @@ class MiRCARTFrame(wx.Frame):
elif cid >= self.CID_COLOUR00[0] \
and cid <= self.CID_COLOUR15[0]:
if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_TOOL:
leftIsDown = True; rightIsDown = False;
elif event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_TOOL_RCLICKED:
leftIsDown = False; rightIsDown = True;
numColour = cid - self.CID_COLOUR00[0]
self.panelCanvas.onPaletteEvent(leftIsDown, rightIsDown, numColour)
if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_TOOL:
self.panelCanvas.mircFg = numColour
elif event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_TOOL_RCLICKED:
self.panelCanvas.mircBg = numColour
# }}}
# {{{ __init__(self, parent, appSize=(800, 600), canvasPos=(25, 50), cellSize=(7, 14), canvasSize=(80, 25)): initialisation method
Reference in New Issue
Block a user