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i pump in the car on the way to work
the looks on peoples face
when they see my big HUGE cock in my pants
but the other day
i was like walking with my big huge cock
in my pants
and some woman came up to me
and im liek
and shes like
so i stabbed her in the face
and i also cut her up badly
with my penis pump stabber all-in one combination
its pretty awesome
i think everyone should do it
offcourse you get shit from the police
but you just have to lie some things
and you can move on with your daily business
but anyway
i just recommend a penis pump to everyone
everyone should use a penis pump
i used it once
and i can't live without it
i have this mantra
so when things get hard in life
i just say
penis pump
to myself
and god
when i say that
i feel like i can take on the world
its pretty awesome using a penis pump
all of my friends are using one
they are still newbies when it comes to pumpin
im a real pro pumper
ive even got propz from the megapumper
hes a big name in the penis pumpin scene
i also have a big name
but his is just legendary
but anyway
i just thought i would inform you guys about pumpin
penis pump the best thing that can happen to you!
do i feel some stubborness
you just have to give in to penis pumps
they are godly things
just buy one on the internet
for like bucks
and your on your way
its the best thing since jeans
you've gotta try it