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2023-06-23 10:18:47 -07:00
The Vulcan was naked and erect, very erect. His penis was engorged, flushed
dark green, raised and stiff like a copper bodkin held between his white and
slightly parted legs. A fighting stance.
Kirk met the Vulcan's inscrutable gaze.
"On your knees," Spock growled.
Kirk's mind was numb. How did he get here? Surely he had not walked,
naked and aroused, to this shower stall? Or perhaps he had simply
materialized? Dully, he realized that his knees were obeying involuntarily,
weakened by the rapidly growing arousal between his legs.
When his knees hit the mouldering concrete threshold, reality seemed to
snap back into place. He reached forward with his left hand to touch that
super-heated phallus and started to tongue the head. He tried to suck Spock
"No," Spock commanded, and stepped back out of Kirk's grasp.
The human felt hurt momentarily, as if he had been told that his touch
was unwanted. Wordlessly, he leaned back on his haunches and awaited his
master's direction. Spock stepped forward so his cock was again in front of
the human's face. For Kirk it was a struggle to keep still; the Vulcan only
surveyed him cooly.
"You may touch it like this," he said, holding out a
demonstratory hand, index and middle finger extended.
"Thank you," mumbled Kirk, not quite capable of speaking. He touched
the joined fingers of his right hand to the lightning rod of his erotic
"Stroke it lengthwise. Yes, like that."
The touch seemed to galvanize the human; the blood pounding in his ears
made the shower spray sound very far away indeed. His shaky fingers traced a
line up and down the length of it; he watched the dark ridges swell. He felt
a tremor in his left hand -- he wanted to touch himself -- so he stubbornly
balled that hand into a fist and put it behind his back. He was not going to
give in this time. He was
not going to show Spock any weakness.
"You may circle the head with your thumb," instructed Spock.
"Slowly," he added emphatically. His gaze softened slightly as the human
obeyed him. "I see you have learned some discipline, James."
Kirk was pleased at this unexpected praise and ironically almost lost
his concentration. He felt heat flush through him, felt his cock twinge. He
was hard.
Spock briefly put his hand to Kirk's head, brushing a few dripping
strands of hair back affectionately. Then he pulled his hand back. "Put your
hands on my hips," he ordered. The human complied, leaning on him slightly
for balance as he shifted his aching knees.
The Vulcan waited patiently for his sub's attention to return. "You are to
take it in your mouth. When I tell you, you will swallow it all the way. You
may use your hands as leverage."
"May I suck you?" managed Kirk in a croak.
"Yes," allowed Spock.
Kirk shut his eyes. Spock's voice was low and warm and marvelously
controlled. He could trust Spock; he could let him use him however he liked.
The human took the bone-hard organ into his mouth. He felt the ridges
flex outwards as he tongued them. The sensation was so pleasant, his tongue
could dance around the fleshy ridges forever.
Too soon:
"Swallow it."
Kirk expected a hand at the back of his neck or at his throat, forcing
him to take it, but the hand did not come. There was only a dick in his
mouth and his hands on the owner's hips. Kirk began to brace himself;
Spock's ridges had flared and Kirk's gag reflex was kicking in with the tip
of it nudging his throat. It was going to be a tight fit. Why did Spock
always have to make it so difficult for him? Summoning his courage, Kirk
pushed the engorged phallus inside, nearly choking himself on its length.
Without prompting, he pushed his hands into Spock's buttocks until his lips
were at the base of his penis. It jutted out starkly from his pelvis,
unadorned, for a
Vulcan male carries his testicles in the small of his back.
Kirk had the momentary sensation of not being able to breathe, before
he drew air in through his nostrils. The sound of his own breathing had
become atrociously loud.
Not sufficient, it seemed. "You will service me. Pull back until only
the head is in your mouth, then take it all in again."
Kirk pleaded with his eyes - surely the Vulcan could devise a less
difficult punishment. He wasn't even sure he could --
The Vulcan's eyes narrowed. "You will do it."
The possibility crystallized for the human then. It was difficult, but
he could do it -- he would do it. He felt incredible love for Spock then,
for taking him as far as he could go, and then farther. Eagerly he brought
his head down and up again, uncovering and covering the now slick shaft. He
tore the head, with its wide, flared ridges, through his tight throat and
pushed it back in again until he was sore; doing so had seemed
incomprehensible only a moment before. He was choking, he was asphyxiating;
he shut his eyes and struggled to breathe through his nose, but did not let
up in his motion up and down Spock's unbending hardness. When he heard a
grunt of pleasure from his master, it set his heated blood on fire.
"Ahh, good. Faster." Spock allowed the human to swallow him three more
times, then grabbed his head when he was all the way inside and held him
there. Kirk knew Spock was close from the tension in his muscles; then, with
every nerve in his lips and mouth and tongue and throat, he felt the pulse
along Spock's phallus as his semen shot through the tubes. He felt the
slight jerk as Spock let go of his orgasm and ejaculated. Slowly, Spock
withdrew his still-stiff organ. Kirk was trembling.
"Get up."
Kirk stood up shakily, then stepped back instinctively as the
Vulcan advanced on him. It was hopeless; Spock pinned him vertically against
the tiles.
The sudden assault caused Kirk to flood with adrenaline. He could see
every droplet as it dove from the showerhead onto Spock's back; he could
hear the voices outside, distorted as if under water.
"Spock," he whispered.
"You are mine. I intend to enjoy you and there is nothing you can do
about it," stated the other in his sure voice. Did Kirk imagine he heard a
trace of emotion in it now?
The Vulcan pressed him into the wall. It was fortunate for Kirk that
the hot water had sprayed the tiles all that time, or the ceramic would have
been quite cold. As it was the tiles felt rather cold against Kirk's back as
Spock pressed his very warm body into Kirk's. Pushing the human into place
against the wall, Spock picked up Kirk's legs at the knees and rested Kirk's
thighs on each side just above his pelvic bone. He then thrust into his
suspended prize.
Ridges flattened and sticky with cum, Spock's penis slipped easily into
Kirk's well-fucked ass. The human could only hold on tight to Spock with all
four limbs as Spock's thrusts crushed his spine into the wall. Spock was
angling himself for his own pleasure, but each thrust jostled Kirk's
prostate and rubbed his own organ against Spock's belly. He wanted to cry
out from the intensity, but he feared being heard in this public place. His
anguish keened out past his bit lip anyway.
The Vulcan thrust harder. "Every sound you make inflames me.
Every whimper, every moan."
It was too much. Kirk began to struggle against Spock. His thighs moved
against those unmoveable legs. He pushed back and Spock pushed into him, so
his penis dug hard into Spock's belly and he came.
"Yess," slurred Spock as Kirk's muscles contracted on his shaft.
"Yes," he said, thrusting hard with each contraction.
Kirk's head was swimming with pain. He couldn't feel his legs.
His arms dug in tightly to Spock's shoulders, perched as he was. Then he
felt something large being pulled towards the opening of his anus
-- Spock's ridges had flared again. Kirk tensed suddenly. Right when his
sphincter contracted, Spock ripped his dick out of Kirk's arse.
"Aa! That *hurt*!"
"Does it not hurt to be mastered? But I will have your pain and your
submission." He viciously thrust himself all the way in again and put his
mouth to Kirk's ear. "Your pain arouses me."
Kirk's mind was gone somewhere, transported by pain. In some dark
corner of his mind he knew it would be easier if he just relaxed, but
instead he was tensing up, making his anus hard and tight like Spock wanted,
so he could violate him again and again. He felt pleasure building towards
orgasm and recognized it as Spock's arousal. The Vulcan was allowing -- or
was it forcing -- him to feel the pleasure he was taking.
And giving. Kirk was a lump of heat and raw nerve endings and he was so
hard. He was going to come again, with Spock.
Spock's orgasm surged and broke. He was coming in Kirk's body and in
his mind. Kirk was coming too. His penis was jerking and his mind went
white, but this time he did not ejaculate. Gradually, he became aware of the
sound of Spock's harsh breathing. Carefully, his lover eased his legs down,
so he could stand. They embraced under the relentless spray.
The human nestled his head in the space between Spock's neck and
shoulder. "I love you," he whispered.
Spock gently stroked his shoulders and back. "Jim," he acknowledged
Kirk hugged him tightly. The tremors from his orgasm had not quite
subsided, and he felt soft and weak and vulnerable between his legs.
"Spock," he said, and smiled, although no-one could see it.
"What would I do without you?"
Spock could not answer that question, so he only kissed his rounded
ear. "Perhaps it would be more sensible to ask what I would do without you.
My incredible lover."