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Unless noted, these shaders were written to work on the brush itself.
Make sure "brush" is selected and "animate" is checked.
>> distressed texture brush
Sample use of the "choice" function to get a random color.
var char = choice(" abcdef ")
lex.bg = +choice("0124")
lex.fg = +choice("01234")
lex.char = char
lex.opacity = char == " " ? 0 : 1
>> foggy terrain brush
var char = choice(" abcdef ")
lex.bg = choice([14,15])
lex.fg = choice("367")
lex.char = char
lex.opacity = char == " " ? 0 : 1
>> mirror brush (left-right)
NOTE: Animate this on the canvas, then draw:
if (x > w/2) {
lex.assign( canvas.aa[y][w-x] )
>> mirror brush (up-down)
NOTE: Animate this on the canvas, then draw:
if (x > h/2) {
lex.assign( canvas.aa[h-y][x] )
>> rainbow stardust brush
Uncheck BG and animate this to brush:
lex.fg = hue(t)
lex.char = choice(" ,'.,.','****** ")
>> noise brushes, works on a black background:
lex.bg = max(5, yellow(randint(t)))
lex.opacity = lex.bg == colors.black ? 0 : 1
>> simple rainbow:
if (lex.bg != 1) lex.bg = randint(t)
lex.opacity = lex.bg == colors.black ? 0 : 1
>> self-erasing:
if (lex.bg != 1) lex.bg = yellow(randint(t))
lex.opacity = lex.bg == colors.black ? 0 : 1
>> cycling rainbow brush
if (lex.bg != 1) lex.bg = hue( all_color_hue_order.indexOf( color_names[ lex.bg ] ) + 1 )
lex.opacity = lex.bg == colors.black ? 0 : 1
>> "stars" brush.. set your brush to paint just the character "#"
if (lex.char == "#") {
lex.fg = hue(randint(15))
lex.char = random() > 0.1 ? " " : "+@*.,\"+'*-"[randint(10)]
>> use fg char to mask mask what you're drawing on the bg
if (lex.char != "/") { lex.bg = 1 }
>> sharded glitch brush
Example: http://asdf.us/z/kksnvs.png
Use on a brush:
lex.bg = t/y/x
lex.opacity = lex.bg % 1 ? 0 : 1
>> incremental brush
Set your brush to be the ^ character, square, about 10x10
Draw "char" only
Then animate this shader on the canvas:
if (lex.char=="^") {
lex.bg += 1
lex.char = " "
lex.bg += 1