The listed prefixes here and throughout this clients documentation assume the default prefix (`m!`) has been left unchanged. The help command will show information with the correct prefix as per your installation.
-`m!help` - Bring up the clients in-built help menu. Help submenus coming soon.
## The m!feed command
The m!feed command is all inclusive. Majority of you will want to do with this client is done through this command
### URL entry
-`m!feed [URL] [ENTRIES (opt)]` - This brings up the last x amount of entries in an RSS feed of your choosing, you must provide a full valid RSS feed url (example:
### Predefined Feeds
There are some pre-made aliases you can use to easily pull up feeds without requiring a full feed URL. I will be focusing on adding more of these in the future.
#### Twitter
-`m!feed twitter/[USERNAME] [ENTRIES (opt)]` - This one brings up the last x amount of tweets by any user on X/Twitter using Nitter (a privacy focused frontend for X/Twitter)
#### Git
-`m!feed github/[USER]/[REPO]/[MODE (opt)] [ENTRIES (opt)]` - This brings up the last x amount of commits or releases from any repository on GitHub. The mode option is optional, valid entires are `commits` and `releases`, if this option is undefined, it will default to commits.
### Your personalised feed
This client does support personalised feeds, as I presume you might come to expect from an RSS client, however right now while it does show entries chronologically, they are seperated by feed which is not ideal, this will be tweaked soon to exhibit the usual behaviour you might expect from other RSS clients.
-`m!feed me` or `m!feed [NICK]` - This brings up your own (or other) user feeds.
#### Configuring your feed
-`m!opt feed add [URL]` - Adds a RSS URL to your feed, must be valid.
-`m!opt feed list` - Lists all of your set RSS feeds, if you have any.
- At this very moment there is no functionality to remove feeds.
### Aliases
-`m!feed [ALIAS] [ENTRIES (opt)]` - Bring up the feed associated with a set alias (see below on setting aliases)
#### Configuring aliases
-`m!opt alias add [ALIAS] [URL]` - Adds an alias for an associated valid RSS feed.
-`m!opt alias del [ALIAS]` - Deletes an alias.
-`m!opt alias list` - Lists all of your configured aliases
Configuring aliases is known to be buggy right now, so things may not work right. You can set an alias with the same name as any of the predefined feeds but it will not work as of yet.
2. Rename `config/example.default.json` to `config/default.json` and modify it accordingly. A list of variables and their descriptions can be found in this repos wiki. You do not need to do anything with `example.usersettings.json` unless you wish to predefine settings prior to the bots first start, the usersettings file will be made on the first run if it does not exist.