391 lines
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391 lines
16 KiB
import asyncio
import json
import ssl
import logging
import argparse
import socket
import base64
import os
import string
import random
def ssl_ctx(verify: bool = False):
ctx = ssl.create_default_context() if verify else ssl._create_unverified_context()
ctx.check_hostname = False
ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
return ctx
def get_ip_type(host, port):
addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, proto=socket.IPPROTO_TCP)
if addrinfo[0][0] == socket.AF_INET6:
return socket.AF_INET6
return socket.AF_INET
except socket.gaierror:
return socket.AF_INET # Default to IPv4 if resolution fails
class SimpleEncryption:
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key
def encrypt(self, data):
encrypted = bytearray()
for i, char in enumerate(data):
encrypted.append(ord(char) ^ self.key[i % len(self.key)])
return base64.b64encode(encrypted).decode()
def decrypt(self, data):
encrypted = base64.b64decode(data)
decrypted = bytearray()
for i, byte in enumerate(encrypted):
decrypted.append(byte ^ self.key[i % len(self.key)])
return decrypted.decode()
class BasePlugin:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def on_command(self, sender, channel, command, args):
async def on_message(self, sender, channel, message):
def commands(self):
return {}
def generate_random_string(length=8):
# Start with a letter (RFC 2812 compliant)
first_char = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
# The rest can be letters, digits, or certain special characters
rest_chars = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_[]{}\\`|', k=length-1))
return first_char + rest_chars
class LeafBot:
def __init__(self, hub_host, hub_port):
self.hub_config = {
"address": hub_host,
"port": hub_port
self.hub_reader = None
self.hub_writer = None
self.irc_reader = None
self.irc_writer = None
self.irc_config = None
self.commands = None
self.nickname = None
self.username = generate_random_string()
self.realname = generate_random_string()
self.encryption = None
self.plugins = []
self.irc_lock = asyncio.Lock()
async def connect_to_hub(self):
while True:
logging.info(f"Attempting to connect to hub at {self.hub_config['address']}:{self.hub_config['port']}")
self.hub_reader, self.hub_writer = await asyncio.open_connection(self.hub_config['address'], self.hub_config['port'])
logging.info("Waiting for encryption key...")
encryption_key = await asyncio.wait_for(self.hub_reader.readexactly(32), timeout=30)
logging.info(f"Received encryption key: {encryption_key.hex()}")
self.encryption = SimpleEncryption(encryption_key)
logging.info("Waiting for encrypted config...")
encrypted_config = await asyncio.wait_for(self.hub_reader.readline(), timeout=30)
if not encrypted_config:
raise ConnectionError("Failed to receive config from hub")
logging.info(f"Received encrypted config: {encrypted_config}")
decrypted_config = self.encryption.decrypt(encrypted_config.decode().strip())
logging.info(f"Decrypted config: {decrypted_config}")
self.irc_config = json.loads(decrypted_config)
logging.info("Waiting for encrypted commands...")
encrypted_commands = await asyncio.wait_for(self.hub_reader.readline(), timeout=30)
if not encrypted_commands:
raise ConnectionError("Failed to receive commands from hub")
logging.info(f"Received encrypted commands: {encrypted_commands}")
decrypted_commands = self.encryption.decrypt(encrypted_commands.decode().strip())
logging.info(f"Decrypted commands: {decrypted_commands}")
self.commands = json.loads(decrypted_commands)
self.nickname = self.irc_config.get('nickname', 'LeafBot')
logging.info(f"Successfully connected to hub at {self.hub_config['address']}:{self.hub_config['port']}")
logging.info(f"Received IRC config: {self.irc_config}")
logging.info(f"Received commands: {self.commands}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to connect to hub: {e}")
await asyncio.sleep(30) # Wait before retry
async def connect_to_irc(self):
if not self.irc_config:
raise ValueError("IRC Configuration not received from hub")
ip_type = get_ip_type(self.irc_config['server'], self.irc_config['port'])
ssl_context = ssl_ctx() if self.irc_config['use_ssl'] else None
self.irc_reader, self.irc_writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
if self.irc_config.get('password'):
await self.raw(f"PASS {self.irc_config['password']}")
await self.raw(f"NICK {self.nickname}")
await self.raw(f"USER {self.username} 0 * :{self.realname}")
while True:
data = await self.irc_reader.readline()
if not data:
raise ConnectionResetError("IRC connection closed")
message = data.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore').strip()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
logging.warning("Ignored a non-UTF-8 character in IRC message")
if message:
await self.handle_irc_message(message)
if "376" in message or "422" in message: # End of MOTD or MOTD is missing
await self.join_channel()
logging.info(f"Connected to IRC server {self.irc_config['server']}:{self.irc_config['port']} and joining {self.irc_config['channel']}")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error in IRC connection: {e}")
async def join_channel(self):
if self.irc_config.get('channel_password'):
await self.raw(f"JOIN {self.irc_config['channel']} {self.irc_config['channel_password']}")
await self.raw(f"JOIN {self.irc_config['channel']}")
async def raw(self, data):
logging.debug(f"Sending to IRC: {data}")
await self.irc_writer.drain()
async def handle_irc_message(self, data):
logging.debug(f"Received IRC message: {data}")
parts = data.split()
if parts[0] == 'PING':
await self.raw(f"PONG {parts[1]}")
elif len(parts) > 1:
if parts[1] == '433': # Nick already in use
await self.request_nick()
await self.raw(f"NICK {self.nickname}")
elif parts[1] == 'PRIVMSG':
await self.handle_privmsg(parts)
elif parts[1] == 'KICK':
await self.handle_kick(parts)
async def request_nick(self):
await self.send_to_hub(json.dumps({
"type": "command",
"sender": "LeafBot",
"channel": "Hub",
"command": "request_nick",
"args": []
response = await self.wait_for_hub_response()
if response['type'] == 'action' and response['action'] == 'set_nick':
self.nickname = response['nickname']
raise ValueError("Unexpected response from hub for nick request")
async def wait_for_hub_response(self):
while True:
encrypted_message = await self.hub_reader.readline()
if not encrypted_message:
raise ConnectionResetError("Hub connection closed")
message = self.encryption.decrypt(encrypted_message.decode().strip())
return json.loads(message)
async def handle_privmsg(self, parts):
sender = parts[0].split('!')[0][1:]
channel = parts[2]
message = ' '.join(parts[3:])[1:]
for plugin in self.plugins:
await plugin.on_message(sender, channel, message)
async def handle_kick(self, parts):
if parts[3] == self.nickname:
self.rejoin_attempts = 0
while self.rejoin_attempts < 3:
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await self.join_channel()
logging.info("Successfully rejoined channel after kick")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Failed to rejoin channel: {e}")
self.rejoin_attempts += 1
logging.error("Max rejoin attempts reached. Possible ban detected.")
await self.send_to_hub(json.dumps({
"type": "alert",
"message": f"Possible ban detected on {self.irc_config['channel']}. Unable to rejoin."
async def send_to_hub(self, message):
encrypted_message = self.encryption.encrypt(message)
await self.hub_writer.drain()
async def handle_hub_message(self, encrypted_message):
message = self.encryption.decrypt(encrypted_message)
data = json.loads(message)
if data['type'] == 'action':
if data['action'] == 'send_message':
await self.raw(f"PRIVMSG {data['channel']} :{data['message']}")
elif data['action'] == 'join_channel':
await self.raw(f"JOIN {data['channel']}")
elif data['action'] == 'leave_channel':
await self.raw(f"PART {data['channel']}")
elif data['action'] in ['change_nick', 'set_nick']:
old_nickname = self.nickname
self.nickname = data['nickname']
await self.raw(f"NICK {self.nickname}")
logging.info(f"Nickname changed from {old_nickname} to {self.nickname}")
elif data['action'] == 'update_hub_config':
await self.update_hub_config(data['config'])
elif data['action'] == 'update_irc_config':
await self.update_irc_config(data['config'])
logging.warning(f"Unknown action: {data['action']}")
elif data['type'] == 'error':
logging.error(f"Error from hub: {data['message']}")
logging.warning(f"Unknown message type from hub: {data['type']}")
async def update_hub_config(self, new_config):
logging.info(f"Updating hub configuration: {new_config}")
old_address = self.hub_config['address']
old_port = self.hub_config['port']
self.hub_config = new_config
if self.hub_config['address'] != old_address or self.hub_config['port'] != old_port:
logging.info("Hub address or port changed. Reconnecting...")
if self.hub_writer:
await self.hub_writer.wait_closed()
await self.connect_to_hub()
async def update_irc_config(self, new_config):
logging.info(f"Updating IRC configuration: {new_config}")
old_server = self.irc_config['server']
old_channel = self.irc_config['channel']
old_nickname = self.nickname
self.irc_config = new_config
if self.irc_config['server'] != old_server:
logging.info("Server changed. Reconnecting...")
if self.irc_writer:
await self.irc_writer.wait_closed()
await self.connect_to_irc()
elif self.irc_config['channel'] != old_channel:
logging.info("Channel changed. Joining new channel...")
if old_channel:
await self.raw(f"PART {old_channel}")
await self.join_channel()
if old_nickname != self.nickname:
await self.send_to_hub(json.dumps({
"type": "nick_update",
"old_nick": old_nickname,
"new_nick": self.nickname
async def run_irc(self):
while True:
data = await self.irc_reader.readline()
if not data:
raise ConnectionResetError("IRC connection closed")
message = data.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore').strip()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
logging.warning("Ignored a non-UTF-8 character in IRC message")
if message:
await self.handle_irc_message(message)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error in IRC connection: {e}")
# Attempt to reconnect
await self.connect_to_irc()
async def run_hub(self):
while True:
encrypted_message = await self.hub_reader.readline()
if not encrypted_message:
raise ConnectionResetError("Hub connection closed")
message = encrypted_message.decode().strip()
if message:
await self.handle_hub_message(message)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error in hub connection: {e}")
await asyncio.sleep(30)
async def run(self):
while True:
# Connect to hub and get configuration
await self.connect_to_hub()
# Now that we have the config, connect to IRC
await self.connect_to_irc()
# Run both IRC and hub connections concurrently
await asyncio.gather(
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Unexpected error: {e}")
await asyncio.sleep(30)
def setup_logger(debug=False):
level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO
format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)8s | %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
async def main(hub_host, hub_port, debug):
while True:
leaf_bot = LeafBot(hub_host, hub_port)
await leaf_bot.run()
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"LeafBot crashed: {e}")
logging.info("Restarting LeafBot in 30 seconds...")
await asyncio.sleep(30)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Leaf Bot for IRC")
parser.add_argument("hub_host", help="Hostname or IP address of the hub bot")
parser.add_argument("hub_port", type=int, help="Port number of the hub bot")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Enable debug logging")
args = parser.parse_args()
asyncio.run(main(args.hub_host, args.hub_port, args.debug))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Leaf bot stopped by user.")
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Fatal error in main loop: {e}")
import traceback