
799 lines
25 KiB

use strict; use warnings;
require Encode;
use utf8;
# multiline.pl is written by Nei <anti.teamidiot.de>
# and licensed under the under GNU General Public License v3
# or any later version
# to read the following docs, you can use "perldoc multiline.pl"
=head1 NAME
multiline - Multi-line edit box for WeeChat (weechat edition)
multiline will draw a multi-line edit box to your WeeChat window so
that when you hit the return key, you can first compose a complete
multi-line message before sending it all at once.
Furthermore, if you have multi-line pastes then you can edit them
before sending out all the lines.
=head1 USAGE
make a key binding to send the finished message:
/key bind meta-s /input return
then you can send the multi-line message with Alt+S
the settings are usually found in the
namespace, that is, type
/set plugins.var.perl.multiline.*
to see them and
/set plugins.var.perl.multiline.SETTINGNAME VALUE
to change a setting C<SETTINGNAME> to a new value C<VALUE>. Finally,
/unset plugins.var.perl.multiline.SETTINGNAME
will reset a setting to its default value.
the following settings are available:
=head2 char
character(s) which should be displayed to indicate end of line
=head2 tab
character(s) which should be displayed instead of Tab key character
=head2 lead_linebreak
if turned on, multi-line messages always start on a new line
=head2 modify_keys
if turned on, cursor keys are modified so that they respect line
boundaries instead of treating the whole multi-line message as a
single line
=head2 magic
indicator displayed when message will be sent soon
=head2 magic_enter_time
delay after pressing enter before sending automatically (in ms), or 0
to disable
=head2 magic_paste_only
only use multi-line messages for multi-line pastes (multi-line on
enter is disabled by this)
=head2 paste_lock
time-out to detect pastes (disable the weechat built-in paste
detection if you want to use this)
=head2 send_empty
set to on to automatically disregard enter key on empty line
=head2 hide_magic_nl
whether the new line inserted by magic enter key will be hidden
=head2 weechat_paste_fix
disable ctrl-j binding when paste is detected to stop silly weechat
sending out pastes without allowing to edit them
=head2 ipl
this setting controls override of ctrl-m (enter key) by script. Turn
it off if you don't want multiline.pl to set and re-set the key binding.
for full pod documentation, filter this script with
perl -pE'
(s/^## (.*?) -- (.*)/=head2 $1\n\n$2\n\n=over\n/ and $o=1) or
s/^## (.*?) - (.*)/=item I<$1>\n\n$2\n/ or
(s/^## (.*)/=back\n\n$1\n\n=cut\n/ and $o=0,1) or
($o and $o=0,1 and s/^sub /=back\n\n=cut\n\nsub /)'
use constant SCRIPT_NAME => 'multiline';
our $VERSION = '0.6.4';
'Nei <anti.teamidiot.de>', # Author
'GPL3', # License
'Multi-line edit box', # Description
'stop_multiline', '') || return;
my $infolistptr = weechat::infolist_get('perl_script', '', SCRIPT_NAME);
my $filename = weechat::infolist_string($infolistptr, 'filename') if weechat::infolist_next($infolistptr);
return $filename unless @_;
package Nlib;
# this is a weechat perl library
use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'redefine';
## get_key_name -- get key name valid for any weechat version
## $key_name - name of key as valid in weechat 4.0.0; note: only supports keys used in this file, not any key
## $secondary_code - for keys with multiple codes, set to 1 to return the second code instead of the first
## returns key name unchanged if weechat >= 4.0.0; key name translated to old name if weechat < 4.0.0
sub get_key_name {
my $key_name = shift;
my $secondary_code = shift;
return $key_name if (weechat::info_get('version_number', '') || 0) >= 0x04000000;
return "ctrl-H" if $key_name eq "backspace" && $secondary_code;
return "ctrl-?" if $key_name eq "backspace" && !$secondary_code;
return "meta2-A" if $key_name eq "up";
return "meta2-B" if $key_name eq "down";
$key_name =~ s/ctrl-(\w+)/ctrl-\U$1/;
return $key_name;
## i2h -- copy weechat infolist content into perl hash
## $infolist - name of the infolist in weechat
## $ptr - pointer argument (infolist dependend)
## @args - arguments to the infolist (list dependend)
## $fields - string of ref type "fields" if only certain keys are needed (optional)
## returns perl list with perl hashes for each infolist entry
sub i2h {
my %i2htm = (i => 'integer', s => 'string', p => 'pointer', b => 'buffer', t => 'time');
local *weechat::infolist_buffer = sub { '(not implemented)' };
my ($infolist, $ptr, @args) = @_;
$ptr ||= "";
my $fields = ref $args[-1] eq 'fields' ? ${ pop @args } : undef;
my $infptr = weechat::infolist_get($infolist, $ptr, do { local $" = ','; "@args" });
my @infolist;
while (weechat::infolist_next($infptr)) {
my @fields = map {
my ($t, $v) = split ':', $_, 2;
bless \$v, $i2htm{$t};
split ',',
($fields || weechat::infolist_fields($infptr));
push @infolist, +{ do {
my (%list, %local, @local);
map {
my $fn = 'weechat::infolist_'.ref $_;
my $r = do { no strict 'refs'; &$fn($infptr, $$_) };
if ($$_ =~ /^localvar_name_(\d+)$/) {
$local[$1] = $r;
elsif ($$_ =~ /^(localvar)_value_(\d+)$/) {
$local{$local[$2]} = $r;
$1 => \%local
elsif ($$_ =~ /(.*?)((?:_\d+)+)$/) {
my ($key, $idx) = ($1, $2);
my @idx = split '_', $idx; shift @idx;
my $target = \$list{$key};
for my $x (@idx) {
my $o = 1;
if ($key eq 'key' or $key eq 'key_command') {
$o = 0;
if ($x-$o < 0) {
local $" = '|';
weechat::print('',"list error: $target/$$_/$key/$x/$idx/@idx(@_)");
$o = 0;
$target = \$$target->[$x-$o]
$$target = $r;
$key => $list{$key}
else {
$$_ => $r
} @fields
} };
!wantarray && @infolist ? \@infolist : @infolist
## hdh -- hdata helper
## $_[0] - arg pointer or hdata list name
## $_[1] - hdata name
## $_[2..$#_] - hdata variable name
## $_[-1] - hashref with key/value to update (optional)
## returns value of hdata, and hdata name in list ctx, or number of variables updated
sub hdh {
if (@_ > 1 && $_[0] !~ /^0x/ && $_[0] !~ /^\d+$/) {
my $arg = shift;
unshift @_, weechat::hdata_get_list(weechat::hdata_get($_[0]), $arg);
while (@_ > 2) {
my ($arg, $name, $var) = splice @_, 0, 3;
my $hdata = weechat::hdata_get($name);
unless (ref $var eq 'HASH') {
$var =~ s/!(.*)/weechat::hdata_get_string($hdata, $1)/e;
(my $plain_var = $var) =~ s/^\d+\|//;
my $type = weechat::hdata_get_var_type_string($hdata, $plain_var);
if ($type eq 'pointer') {
my $name = weechat::hdata_get_var_hdata($hdata, $var);
unshift @_, $name if $name;
my $fn = "weechat::hdata_$type";
unshift @_, do { no strict 'refs';
&$fn($hdata, $arg, $var) };
else {
return weechat::hdata_update($hdata, $arg, $var);
wantarray ? @_ : $_[0]
use Pod::Select qw();
use Pod::Simple::TextContent;
## get_desc_from_pod -- return setting description from pod documentation
## $file - filename with pod
## $setting - name of setting
## returns description as text
sub get_desc_from_pod {
my $file = shift;
return unless -s $file;
my $setting = shift;
open my $pod_sel, '>', \my $ss;
-output => $pod_sel,
-sections => ["SETTINGS/$setting"]}, $file);
my $pt = new Pod::Simple::TextContent;
$pt->output_string(\my $ss_f);
my ($res) = $ss_f =~ /^\s*\Q$setting\E\s+(.*)\s*/;
## get_settings_from_pod -- retrieve all settings in settings section of pod
## $file - file with pod
## returns list of all settings
sub get_settings_from_pod {
my $file = shift;
return unless -s $file;
open my $pod_sel, '>', \my $ss;
-output => $pod_sel,
-sections => ["SETTINGS//!.+"]}, $file);
$ss =~ /^=head2\s+(.*)\s*$/mg
## mangle_man_for_wee -- turn man output into weechat codes
## @_ - list of grotty lines that should be turned into weechat attributes
## returns modified lines and modifies lines in-place
sub mangle_man_for_wee {
for (@_) {
wantarray ? @_ : $_[0]
## read_manpage -- read a man page in weechat window
## $file - file with pod
## $name - buffer name
sub read_manpage {
my $caller_package = (caller)[0];
my $file = shift;
my $name = shift;
if (my $obuf = weechat::buffer_search('perl', "man $name")) {
eval qq{
package $caller_package;
my @wee_keys = Nlib::i2h('key');
my @keys;
my $winptr = weechat::current_window();
my ($wininfo) = Nlib::i2h('window', $winptr);
my $buf = weechat::buffer_new("man $name", '', '', '', '');
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK unless $buf;
my $width = $wininfo->{chat_width};
--$width if $wininfo->{chat_width} < $wininfo->{width} || ($wininfo->{width_pct} < 100 && (grep { $_->{y} == $wininfo->{y} } Nlib::i2h('window'))[-1]{x} > $wininfo->{x});
$width -= 2; # when prefix is shown
weechat::buffer_set($buf, 'time_for_each_line', 0);
eval qq{
package $caller_package;
weechat::buffer_set(\$buf, 'display', 'auto');
die $@ if $@;
@keys = map { $_->{key} }
grep { $_->{command} eq '/input history_previous' ||
$_->{command} eq '/input history_global_previous' } @wee_keys;
@keys = Nlib::get_key_name('up') unless @keys;
weechat::buffer_set($buf, "key_bind_$_", '/window scroll -1') for @keys;
@keys = map { $_->{key} }
grep { $_->{command} eq '/input history_next' ||
$_->{command} eq '/input history_global_next' } @wee_keys;
@keys = Nlib::get_key_name('down') unless @keys;
weechat::buffer_set($buf, "key_bind_$_", '/window scroll +1') for @keys;
weechat::buffer_set($buf, 'key_bind_ ', '/window page_down');
@keys = map { $_->{key} }
grep { $_->{command} eq '/input delete_previous_char' } @wee_keys;
@keys = (Nlib::get_key_name('backspace'), Nlib::get_key_name('backspace', 1)) unless @keys;
weechat::buffer_set($buf, "key_bind_$_", '/window page_up') for @keys;
weechat::buffer_set($buf, 'key_bind_g', '/window scroll_top');
weechat::buffer_set($buf, 'key_bind_G', '/window scroll_bottom');
weechat::buffer_set($buf, 'key_bind_q', '/buffer close');
weechat::print($buf, " \t".mangle_man_for_wee($_)) # weird bug with \t\t showing nothing?
for `pod2man \Q$file\E 2>/dev/null | GROFF_NO_SGR=1 nroff -mandoc -rLL=${width}n -rLT=${width}n -Tutf8 2>/dev/null`;
weechat::command($buf, '/window scroll_top');
unless (hdh($buf, 'buffer', 'lines', 'lines_count') > 0) {
weechat::print($buf, weechat::prefix('error').$_)
for "Unfortunately, your @{[weechat::color('underline')]}nroff".
"@{[weechat::color('-underline')]} command did not produce".
" any output.",
"Working pod2man and nroff commands are required for the ".
"help viewer to work.",
"In the meantime, please use the command ", '',
"\tperldoc $file", '',
"on your shell instead in order to read the manual.",
"Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience."
use constant INPUT_NL => '/input insert \x0a';
use constant INPUT_MAGIC => '/input magic_enter';
our $KEY_RET = Nlib::get_key_name('ctrl-m');
our $NL = "\x0a";
my $magic_enter_cancel_dynamic = 1;
my $paste_undo_start_ignore_dynamic = 0;
my $input_changed_eater_dynamic = 0;
my $multiline_complete_fix_dynamic = 1;
sub magic_enter_cancel_dynamic { $magic_enter_cancel_dynamic ? &magic_enter_cancel : weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK }
sub paste_undo_start_ignore_dynamic { $paste_undo_start_ignore_dynamic ? &paste_undo_start_ignore : weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK }
sub input_changed_eater_dynamic { $input_changed_eater_dynamic ? &input_changed_eater : weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK }
sub multiline_complete_fix_dynamic { $multiline_complete_fix_dynamic ? &multiline_complete_fix : weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK }
weechat::hook_config('plugins.var.perl.'.SCRIPT_NAME.'.*', 'default_options', '');
weechat::hook_modifier('input_text_display_with_cursor', 'multiline_display', '');
weechat::hook_command_run('/help '.SCRIPT_NAME, 'help_cmd', '');
weechat::hook_command_run(INPUT_MAGIC, 'magic_enter', '');
weechat::hook_signal('input_text_*', 'magic_enter_cancel_dynamic', '');
weechat::hook_command_run('/input *', 'paste_undo_start_ignore_dynamic', '');
weechat::hook_signal('2000|input_text_changed', 'input_changed_eater_dynamic', '');
weechat::hook_signal('key_pressed', 'magic_lock_hatch', '');
# we need lower than default priority here or the first character is separated
weechat::hook_signal('500|input_text_changed', 'paste_undo_hack', '')
# can only do this on weechat 0.4.0
if (weechat::info_get('version_number', '') || 0) >= 0x00040000;
weechat::hook_command_run("1500|/input complete*", 'multiline_complete_fix_dynamic', 'complete*');
weechat::hook_command_run("1500|/input delete_*", 'multiline_complete_fix_dynamic', 'delete_*');
weechat::hook_command_run("1500|/input move_*", 'multiline_complete_fix_dynamic', 'move_*');
sub _stack_depth {
my $depth = -1;
1 while caller(++$depth);
## multiline_display -- show multi-lines on display of input string
## () - modifier handler
## $_[2] - buffer pointer
## $_[3] - input string
## returns modified input string
sub multiline_display {
Encode::_utf8_on(my $nl = weechat::config_get_plugin('char') || ' ');
Encode::_utf8_on(my $tab = weechat::config_get_plugin('tab'));
my $cb = weechat::current_buffer() eq $_[2] && $MAGIC_ENTER_TIMER;
if ($cb) {
$_[3] =~ s/$NL\x19b#/\x19b#/ if weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('hide_magic_nl'));
if ($_[3] =~ s/$NL/$nl\x0d/g) {
$_[3] =~ s/\A/ \x0d/ if weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('lead_linebreak'));
$_[3] =~ s/\x09/$tab/g if $tab;
if ($cb) {
Encode::_utf8_on(my $magic = weechat::config_get_plugin('magic'));
$_[3] =~ s/\Z/$magic/ if $magic;
## lock_timer_exp -- expire the magic lock timer
sub lock_timer_exp {
## paste_undo_stop_ignore -- unset ignore2 flag
sub paste_undo_stop_ignore {
## paste_undo_start_ignore -- set ignore2 flag when /input is received so to allow /input undo/redo
## () - command_run handler
## $_[2] - command that was called
sub paste_undo_start_ignore {
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if $_[2] =~ /insert/;
## paste_undo_hack -- fix up undo stack when paste is detected by calling /input undo
## () - signal handler
## $_[2] - buffer pointer
sub paste_undo_hack {
return paste_undo_stop_ignore() if $IGNORE_INPUT_CHANGED2;
if ($MAGIC_LOCK > 0 && get_lock_enabled()) {
$paste_undo_start_ignore_dynamic = 1;
Encode::_utf8_on(my $input = weechat::buffer_get_string($_[2], 'input'));
my $pos = weechat::buffer_get_integer($_[2], 'input_pos');
weechat::command($_[2], '/input undo') for 1..2;
weechat::buffer_set($_[2], 'input', $input);
weechat::buffer_set($_[2], 'input_pos', $pos);
$paste_undo_start_ignore_dynamic = 0;
## input_changed_eater -- suppress input_text_changed signal on new weechats
## () - signal handler
sub input_changed_eater {
## signall_ignore_input_changed -- use various methods to "ignore" input_text_changed signal
## $_[0] - start ignore or stop ignore
sub signall_ignore_input_changed {
if ($_[0]) {
weechat::hook_signal_send('input_flow_free', weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_INT, 1);
$input_changed_eater_dynamic = 1;
weechat::buffer_set('', 'completion_freeze', '1');
else {
weechat::buffer_set('', 'completion_freeze', '0');
$input_changed_eater_dynamic = 0;
weechat::hook_signal_send('input_flow_free', weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_INT, 0);
## multiline_complete_fix -- add per line /input handling for completion, movement and deletion
## () - command_run handler
## $_[0] - original bound data
## $_[1] - buffer pointer
## $_[2] - original command
sub multiline_complete_fix {
$magic_enter_cancel_dynamic = 0;
$multiline_complete_fix_dynamic = 0;
if ($_[2] =~ s/_message$/_line/ || !weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('modify_keys'))) {
weechat::command($_[1], $_[2]);
else {
Encode::_utf8_on(my $input = weechat::buffer_get_string($_[1], 'input'));
my $pos = weechat::buffer_get_integer($_[1], 'input_pos');
if ($pos && $_[2] =~ /(?:previous|beginning_of)_/ && (substr $input, $pos-1, 1) eq $NL) {
substr $input, $pos-1, 1, "\0"
elsif ($pos < length $input && $_[2] =~ /(?:next|end_of)_/ && (substr $input, $pos, 1) eq $NL) {
substr $input, $pos, 1, "\0"
my @lines = $pos ? (split /$NL/, (substr $input, 0, $pos), -1) : '';
my @after = $pos < length $input ? (split /$NL/, (substr $input, $pos), -1) : '';
$lines[-1] =~ s/\0$/$NL/;
$after[0] =~ s/^\0/$NL/;
my ($p1, $p2) = (pop @lines, shift @after);
weechat::buffer_set($_[1], 'input', $p1.$p2);
weechat::buffer_set($_[1], 'input_pos', length $p1);
$magic_enter_cancel_dynamic = 1;
weechat::command($_[1], $_[2]);
my $changed_later = !$INPUT_CHANGED_EATER_FLAG;
magic_enter_cancel() if $changed_later;
$magic_enter_cancel_dynamic = 0;
Encode::_utf8_on(my $p = weechat::buffer_get_string($_[1], 'input'));
$pos = weechat::buffer_get_integer($_[1], 'input_pos');
weechat::command($_[1], '/input undo') if @lines || @after;
weechat::command($_[1], '/input undo');
weechat::buffer_set($_[1], 'input', join $NL, @lines, $p, @after);
weechat::buffer_set($_[1], 'input_pos', $pos+length join $NL, @lines, '');
weechat::hook_signal_send('input_text_changed', weechat::WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, $_[1]) if $changed_later;
$multiline_complete_fix_dynamic = 1;
$magic_enter_cancel_dynamic = 1;
## help_cmd -- show multi-line script documentation
## () - command_run handler
sub help_cmd {
Nlib::read_manpage(SCRIPT_FILE, SCRIPT_NAME);
## get_lock_time -- gets timeout for paste detection according to setting
## returns timeout (at least 1)
sub get_lock_time {
my $lock_time = weechat::config_get_plugin('paste_lock');
$lock_time = 1 unless $lock_time =~ /^\d+$/ && $lock_time;
## get_lock_enabled -- checks whether the paste detection lock is enabled
## returns bool
sub get_lock_enabled {
my $lock = weechat::config_get_plugin('paste_lock');
$lock = weechat::config_string_to_boolean($lock)
unless $lock =~ /^\d+$/;
## magic_lock_hatch -- set a timer for paste detection
## () - signal handler
sub magic_lock_hatch {
$MAGIC_LOCK_TIMER = weechat::hook_timer(get_lock_time(), 0, 1, 'lock_timer_exp', '');
## magic_unlock -- reduce the lock added by paste detection
## () - timer handler
sub magic_unlock {
weechat::hook_timer(get_lock_time(), 0, 1, 'magic_unlock', '');
else {
do_key_bind(Nlib::get_key_name('ctrl-j'), $WEECHAT_PASTE_FIX_CTRLJ_CMD);
## get_magic_enter_time -- get timeout for auto-sending messages according to config
## returns timeout
sub get_magic_enter_time {
my $magic_enter = weechat::config_get_plugin('magic_enter_time');
$magic_enter = 1000 * weechat::config_string_to_boolean($magic_enter)
unless $magic_enter =~ /^\d+$/;
## magic_enter -- receive enter key and do magic things: set up a timer for sending the message, add newline
## () - command_run handler
## $_[1] - buffer pointer
sub magic_enter {
Encode::_utf8_on(my $input = weechat::buffer_get_string($_[1], 'input'));
if (!length $input && weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('send_empty'))) {
weechat::command($_[1], '/input return');
else {
weechat::command($_[1], INPUT_NL);
unless (get_lock_enabled() && $MAGIC_LOCK) {
if (weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('magic_paste_only')) &&
$input !~ /$NL/) {
elsif (my $magic_enter = get_magic_enter_time()) {
$MAGIC_ENTER_TIMER = weechat::hook_timer($magic_enter, 0, 1, 'magic_enter_send', $_[1]);
## magic_enter_send -- actually send enter key when triggered by magic_enter, remove preceding newline
## $_[0] - buffer pointer
## sending is delayed by 1ms to circumvent crash bug in api
sub magic_enter_send {
weechat::command($_[0], '/input delete_previous_char');
weechat::command($_[0], '/wait 1ms /input return');
## magic_enter_cancel -- cancel the timer for automatic sending of message, for example when more text was added, increase the paste lock for paste detection when used as signal handler
## () - signal handler when @_ is set
sub magic_enter_cancel {
if ($MAGIC_LOCK_TIMER && @_) {
weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('weechat_paste_fix'))) {
($WEECHAT_PASTE_FIX_CTRLJ_CMD) = get_key_command(Nlib::get_key_name('ctrl-j'));
do_key_bind(Nlib::get_key_name('ctrl-j'), '-');
if ($MAGIC_LOCK < 1) {
my $lock_time = get_lock_time();
weechat::hook_timer(get_lock_time(), 0, 1, 'magic_unlock', '');
## need_magic_enter -- check if magic enter keybinding is needed according to config settings
## returns bool
sub need_magic_enter {
weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('send_empty')) || get_magic_enter_time() ||
## do_key_bind -- mute execute a key binding, or unbind if $_[-1] is '-'
## @_ - arguments to /key bind
sub do_key_bind {
if ($_[-1] eq '-') {
weechat::command('', "/mute /key unbind @_");
elsif ($_[-1] eq '!') {
weechat::command('', "/mute /key reset @_");
else {
weechat::command('', "/mute /key bind @_");
{ my %keys;
## get_key_command -- get the command bound to a key
## $_[0] - key in weechat syntax
## returns the command
sub get_key_command {
unless (exists $keys{$_[0]}) {
($keys{$_[0]}) =
map { $_->{command} } grep { $_->{key} eq $_[0] }
## default_options -- set up default option values on start and when unset
## () - config handler if @_ is set
sub default_options {
my %defaults = (
char => '↩',
tab => '──▶▏',
magic => '‼',
ipl => 'on',
lead_linebreak => 'on',
modify_keys => 'on',
send_empty => 'on',
magic_enter_time => '1000',
paste_lock => '1',
magic_paste_only => 'off',
hide_magic_nl => 'on',
weechat_paste_fix => 'on',
unless (weechat::config_is_set_plugin('ipl')) {
if (my $bar = weechat::bar_search('input')) {
weechat::bar_set($bar, $_, '0') for 'size', 'size_max';
for (keys %defaults) {
weechat::config_set_plugin($_, $defaults{$_})
unless weechat::config_is_set_plugin($_);
do_key_bind($KEY_RET, INPUT_NL)
if weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('ipl'));
my ($enter_key) = get_key_command($KEY_RET);
if (need_magic_enter()) {
do_key_bind($KEY_RET, INPUT_MAGIC)
if defined $enter_key && $enter_key eq INPUT_NL;
else {
do_key_bind($KEY_RET, INPUT_NL)
if defined $enter_key && $enter_key eq INPUT_MAGIC;
sub init_multiline {
my $sf = SCRIPT_FILE;
for (Nlib::get_settings_from_pod($sf)) {
weechat::config_set_desc_plugin($_, Nlib::get_desc_from_pod($sf, $_));
sub stop_multiline {
if (need_magic_enter()) {
my ($enter_key) = get_key_command($KEY_RET);
do_key_bind($KEY_RET, INPUT_NL)
if defined $enter_key && $enter_key eq INPUT_MAGIC;
do_key_bind(Nlib::get_key_name('ctrl-j'), $WEECHAT_PASTE_FIX_CTRLJ_CMD);
if (weechat::config_string_to_boolean(weechat::config_get_plugin('ipl'))) {
do_key_bind($KEY_RET, '!');