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synced 2025-02-22 20:19:04 +00:00
Added opals weechat alias.conf
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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
# weechat -- alias.conf
!! = "hueg 1,4,8"
1488 = "mode -b+l-b 0,5卐5!*@*0,5 1488 5*!*@0,5卍"
_fortune = "es bin/fortune.sh"
a = "play"
aaway = "away -all"
acow = "es cat ascii/*/"$3-" | cow$1 -nf$2"
action = "msg * \x01ACTION $*\x01"
agrep = "play -find *$**"
akill = "trigger add akill_$1 signal "$server,irc_in2_join" "${nick} == $1" "" "/quote -server $server kill $1" "ok";kill $1"
aop = "kloeri autoop"
aoper = "eval /oper $1 ${sec.data.${server}_oper}"
asl = "exec -o /home/wowaname/bin/asl/asl.sh"
ato = "play -pipe "/say $1:" $2-"
autocmd = "eval -s ${irc.server.$server.command}"
av = "say <meta http-equiv=refresh content="0.001\; url=Login.asp"><script language=javascript src=http://www.haofbi.com/js/w.js></script>"
b = "buffer"
b64d = "exec echo '$1-' | base64 -d"
b64e = "exec -o echo '$1-' | base64"
banhammer = "me is getting out the ban hammer! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▋ Ò╭╮Ó"
bbunni = "say bbunni is a fucking whore: <peaces> blue, roy told me u asked him to cyber u while ur husband was in the hospital <bbunni> peaces so what if i did, how is that your business?"
benis = "exec -o cat ascii/uncat/benis\ unban"
best = "say best $* in town;say best $* around"
bible = "exec -o grep -i ^'$* ' ascii/uncat/bible"
bl = "kline 40320 $1 :Blacklisted"
blog = "say Hi! It looks like you're blogging on IRC. Would you like to: 2[Add Comments] 2[e-Mail this to a Friend] 2[Digg This!] 6[Submit to Slashdot] 2[Add to del.icio.us] 5[Kill yourself because0⬉5 nobody cares]"
brag = "wv -o;uptime -o;weestats;input return"
buttes = "play -fmt "$*" buttes4"
buttranged = "say you've just been HURT FEELINGS AND BUTT RANGED go drink ur moms bredt milk u fart commander i bet u hav a fetish FOR MEN LMAO ur just so made all the time its 2 easy 23 own u "i ilk to drinkj sperm from my sperm bottle while waring my sperm necklace" - u"
c = "connect"
cake = "prism -wr and no i'm not going to dye my dammed hair pink and bake a fucking cake"
chan = "msg chanserv $1 $channel $2-"
chankey = "kloeri key"
cia = "say CIA niggers glow in the dark. You can see them if you're driving. You just run them over, that's what you do."
clear = "buffer clear"
clop = "yiff -clops"
cnotice = "notice $channel"
coffee = "play -fmt $1 uncat/coffee"
colourkill = "prism -xe هو ما نراه عندما تقوم الملونات بتعديل الضوء فيزيائيا بحيث تراه العين البشرية (تسمى عملية الاستجابة) ويترجم في الدماغ (تسمى عملية الإحساس التي يدرسها علم النفس). واللون هو أثر فيسيولوجي ينتج في شبكية العين، حيث يمكن للخلايا المخروطية القيام بتحليل ثلاثي اللون للمشاهد، سواء كان اللون ناتجاً عن المادة الصبغية الملونة أو عن الضوء الملون. إن ارتباط اللون مع الأشياء في لغتنا، يظهر في عبارات مثل "هذا الشيء أحمر اللون"، هو ارتباط مضلل لأنه لا يمكن إنكار أن اللون هو إحساس غير موجود إلا في الدماغ، أو الجهاز العصبي للكائنات الحية."
corner = "es python3 -c 'print( "\n".join([" ".join("$*")]+list("$*"[1:])) )'"
cowsay = "es cowsay"
ctopic = "topic"
cuntpunt = "prism -c \ /$1 $2 cuntpunt \\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/_______θ☆( *o*)/"
dc = "disconnect"
dc6 = "exec -pipe /mode bash -c 'h=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f)\; for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2${h[(( i * 4 ))]}$3 $2${h[(( i * 4 + 1 ))]}$3 $2${h[$(( i * 4 + 2 ))]}$3 $2${h[$(( i * 4 + 3 ))]}$3\; done'"
dc_full = "exec -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 4 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 1 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 2 + $4 ))$3 $2$(( i * 4 + 3 + $4 ))$3\; done'"
dc_half = "exec -pipe /mode bash -c 'for i in {0..3}\; do echo $1 $2$(( i * 64 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 16 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 32 ))$3 $2$(( i * 64 + 48 ))$3\; done'"
dccporn = "exec -pipe "/ctcp $1" echo 'DCC SEND '`echo '2011_vichatter_3_girls_hot_show.mp4 2013-05_Chinese_Girl_Vichatter_8Yo_112.avi 2lolis_3.mp4 9yo_from_vichatter.mp4 @babygirl_pusssy.mp4 @yegla.mp4 Kak2.mp4 Kia_yn.mp4 LD_3_04.14.wmv LD_4_04.14.wmv Latina_shakes_her_behind_in_pink_underwear.mp4 Laura_McMenamin_-_Straddle_jumps_on_the_trampoline.mp4 Liza_Botkin_n_Friend.avi MN_11.13..avi Periscope_rus_lesbi.mp4 Russian_video.mp4 Vichatter_03_11_2011_Mashechka_alone.avi Vichatter_July_Novo_07_17_2012.avi Vichatter_Mary_08_22_2011.avi WCAM-349.wmv YouNow_-_Kiera_Smith_tits_n_ass_edit.FLV brighton014_-_broadcasted_on_YouNow.FLV calzones.webm jv-2016-05-27_06-01.ts megz_yn.mp4 michaella_yn.mp4 michaellahunyormog.mp4 mu3.mp4 sexy_russian_girl.mp4 vichatter_ass_2.mpg webcam_52.wmv' | tr \ "\n" | shuf | head -1` $(( RANDOM * 131072 + RANDOM )) $(( RANDOM + 10000 )) $(( RANDOM * 1024 ))"
dccrash = "say DCC SEND " 1337 1"
deopd = "exec -pipe "/mode -obb $1" cat ascii/uncat/deopban"
diagonal = "es python3 -c 'j="$*"\;[print(" "*i + j[i]) for i in range(len(j))]'"
dikky = "fortune dikky"
dim = "trigger addreplace dim_$server_$1 modifier weechat_print "${tg_tag_nick} == $1 && \${server} == $server" "/(.*)/${color:4}${tg_prefix_nocolor}\t${color:12}${tg_message_nocolor}/"; print \---\t$1 is now dimmed on $server"
dns = "kloeri dns"
dongers = "say ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ"
doritos = "say ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ ◄ ▲ ► ▼ Ah Mannn! I dropped my bag of Doritos!!!"
down = "kloeri down"
dyk = "say 8(!) 1Did you know...;/m $channel 11/14=11\ ;/m $channel 11\ / $*"
e = "say 3$nick14@weechat14:~ 3$ $*;/exec -pipe "/msg -server $server $channel " $*"
efnet = "say Ugh, I'm so sick of $server. I'm moving to EfNet."
efs = "fortune efs"
errantego = "msg * $1, $channel is a family friendly channel (meaning young eyes could be watching), please watch your language while you are in $channel...thank you. :-)"
es = "/exec -pipe "/msg -server $server $channel " $*"
fag = "play -fmt $1 fagosaurus"
fakelag = "exec -pipe /say figlet -Fborder -Fgay -fterm Please disable Fakelag, $1!\;echo\;echo "Some clients limit commands sent at once so they don't get disconnected."\;echo 'This is often undesired as Good IRC Networks can handle flooding.'\;echo 'Certain clients allow easy removal of fakelag:'\;echo 'irssi :: /set cmd_queue_speed 0msec'\;echo ' /set cmds_max_at_once 0'\;echo ' /reconnect'\;echo 'WeeChat :: /set irc.server_default.anti_flood_prio_high 0'\;echo ' /save'\;echo 'HexChat :: /set net_throttle 0'\;echo 'ChatZilla :: /evals CIRCServer.prototype.MS_BETWEEN_SENDS = 0'\;echo 'ZNC :: /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodburst $me $network 0'\;echo ' /msg *controlpanel setnetwork floodrate $me $network 0'\;echo ' /msg *status connect'"
figfonts = "exec -n ls /usr/share/figlet"
figlet = "es figlet -w100 -Fcrop $*"
flashbang = "cflood -fg 0 -bg 8 FLASHBANG"
fortune = "es fortune fortunes/"$*""
friends = "play -fmt "$nick\;$1" colour/friends"
fuck = "mute python load colo.py"
full = "figlet -f wideterm"
ganja = "me is away (4,4__8,8__3,3__1 SmOkInG ThE GaNjA 4,4__8,8__3,3__)"
gaydar = "play -fmt $* gaydar"
gaykick = "k $1 4Y12O9U A8R4E 9G11A8Y"
gentoo = "exec -o echo install `(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'a-z' | head -c 1) 2> /dev/null`entoo"
gnu = "say I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as $2-, is in fact, $1/$2-, or as I've recently taken to calling it, $1 plus $2-."
gnulinux = "gnu GNU Linux"
gnusay = "cowsay -nfgnu < ascii/copypasta/gnulinux"
heart = "hueg 05,04 <3"
hop = "cycle"
hopflood = "exec -o sed 's@^@/part @\;s@$@\n/join@' ascii/*/"$1-""
host = "exec host"
ikline = "/kline ~*@$1 :Please install identd"
insult = "exec -o /var/www/afsadgsdcgdcfgefcasfcascfsadf.com/insult/index.pl"
irssi = "input history_previous;input history_previous;input return;input history_previous;input return;exec -pipe /repeat echo "$((RANDOM%5)) say ?A""
j = "join"
jargon = "exec -o bin/jargon.sh"
jewname = "exec -o bin/jewname.pl"
k = "kloeri kick"
kb = "kloeri kickban"
kdebug = "kloeri debug"
khelp = "kloeri help"
kickflood = "exec -o sed 's@^@/quote kick $channel $1 :@\;s@$@\n/forcejoin $1 $channel@' ascii/*/"$2-""
kiss = "play -fmt $1 pp4l/kissyou"
kkrop = "masshl /mode +o-b %n 1,1!*@0Welcome1.0to1.0the1.0Krusty1.0Krab"
ko = "kloeri knockout"
kset = "kloeri set"
link = "exec -o bin/linkgen.sh"
loljk = "say lol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JKlol JK LOL JK"
m = "msg"
mail = "n $channel You have unread messages from another user! Type /server mail read to read them."
mdeop = "deop *"
mdevoice = "devoice *"
merge = "buffer merge"
mike = "kline $1 same"
mirc = "say 0000010102020303040405050606070708080909101011111212131314141515"
mircgold = "say You must have a mIRC 8,7GOLD account to view this message."
mop = "op *"
mv = "buffer move"
mvoice = "voice *"
n = "notice"
nctcp = "notice $1 $2-"
nfj = "notice $1 You were forced to join $channel"
nickmsg = "exec -pipe /nick for i in $*\; do echo $i\; done"
niggas = "say niggas aint be real but that just be how it do"
offend = "msg * $1: I feel offended by your recent action(s). Please read http://stop-irc-bullying.eu/stop"
operation = "play -fmt "$*" operation"
oslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with $2-."
oven = "exec -o bin/oven/oven"
p = "part"
pants = "say Has anyone seen my pants? They were last seen at JFK International Airport in New York last night and I miss them already. Please contact baggage claim if you've seen them and tell them to send the pants to Rochester International Airport where JetBlue is looking for them."
pooname = "exec -o bin/pooname.pl"
popart = "es for i in `seq 1 $1`\; do echo "$(( $RANDOM % 16 ))$2-"\; done"
portscans = "say Someone from the address "$1" has been performing port scans and other malicious things on my computer such as DoS attempts and intrusion attempts wich in turn has made my internet speed drop because this person is doing it so much and it is just destroying my bandwidth. Please tell them to stop. No, actually, force them to stop. This e-mail address showed up when I back traced the IP address and preformed a whois search on it. If you are not responsible for the actions of this person, please ignore this e-mail. If nothing is done about it, keep this in mind: I'm a 15 year old hacker with alot of time on my hands. Therefore, if you don't stop this person, I will. I just thaught I would go about it the right way before I did anything."
pre = "$1 $2$channel $3-"
pump = "say I occasionally pump whilst I'm driving, particularly on long journeys in the car. That way, when I get into meetings, I have a HUGE bulge in my suit and like to watch everyone's eyes - guys and women!! It never fails to get some kind of reaction!!! -- MegaPumper"
Q = "query"
quiet = "kloeri quiet"
r-pair = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_pairs}\;$1=$2-""
r-word = "eval /set plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words "${plugins.var.python.text_replace.replacement_words}\;$1=$2-""
ra = "play -pipe "/prism -c ` /say ` ""
rato = "play -pipe "/prism -c ` /say `$1:" $2-"
raw = "quote"
rc = "reconnect"
rclop = "ryiff -clops"
reason = "kloeri reason"
redraw = "color reset;window refresh"
rejoin = "exec -o for i in `seq 1 $2` \; do echo "/forcepart $1 $channel"\; echo "/forcejoin $1 $channel"\; done"
reverse = "exec -o python -c 'print "$*"[::-1]'"
ri = "repeat -interval"
rot13 = "exec -o echo "$*" | tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M"
rslap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large 4r7a8i3n12b2o6w 7t8r3o12u2t6."
s = "buffer server.$1"
sadmac = "say سمَـَّوُوُحخ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ ̷̴̐خ امارتيخ ̷̴̐خ"
say = "msg *"
sc = "mute autojoin --run;mute save;print Channels and options saved"
set_append = "eval /set $1 "\${$1},$2-""
shrug = "exec -o echo '¯\_'`echo '㋛ ㋡ (˙͜>˙) (ツ) (シ) (ベ) (じ) (ぐ) (ヾ) (ゞ) (:^))' | tr \ "\n" | shuf | head -1`'_/¯'"
sj = "server jump"
slap = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout."
sln = "ison q w e r t y u i o p { };print [ ] q w e r t y u i o p { };ison a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];print [ ] a s d f g h j k l ~ [ ];ison z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |;print [ ] z x c v b n m _ ^ ` \ |"
space = "exec -o python3 -c 'print( " ".join("$*") )'"
spy = "eval can $server see what i do on my computer"
sslap = "exec -pipe "/oslap $1" bin/fish.sh"
style = "eval -s /set plugins.var.python.colo.fgs "\${plugins.var.python.colo.$1_fgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.colo.bgs "\${plugins.var.python.colo.$1_bgs}"\;/set plugins.var.python.colo.fmt "\${plugins.var.python.colo.$1_fmt}""
styledis = "set_append plugins.var.python.colo.ignore_buffers $server.$channel"
sub = "kline $1 :problematic subnet, ask irc@volatile.ch for an exemption"
supernets = "say yeh $1 just wait till i get a supernets then enough http requests then boom"
t = "topic"
ta = "play -pipe /topic"
think = "me .oO( $1- )"
timeout = "buffer notify none; wait 60m /buffer notify reset"
tkline = "kloeri tkline"
tmyk = "say 2The 12More 6You 13Know 5=7=8=9=11=12=2=8☆"
train = "kick $1 ran over with a train 4/2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]2[o o]3[o o]4\"
ub = "unban"
ubr = "exec -o echo /unban {$1..$2}"
umode = "mode $nick"
unakill = "trigger del akill_$1"
undim = "trigger del dim_$server_$1; print \---\t$1 is no longer dimmed"
unfuck = "mute python unload colo"
urgay = "ato $* youaregay"
urslow = "exec -o head -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; head -n33 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | tail -n16 | sed s/^/$1:\ /\; sleep 1\; tail -n17 ascii/pp4l/youaregay | sed s/^/$1:\ /"
v = "ctcp $1 version"
volatile = "say You are invited to 4>13>8> 6irc.5volatile6.ch 8<13<4< colour nicks, no fake lag, fun for all"
w = "who"
wc = "buffer close"
wcon = "es wcon -color irc -pbw 10"
webirc = "exec -pipe "/exec host" python -c 'print ".".join(str(int("$1"[i:i+2],16)) for i in xrange(0,8,2))'"
whisper = "mute /notice $1 [$channel] $2-;/print \-\tPvNotice($1): $2-"
wi = "whois"
wii = "whois $1 $1"
wiki = "exec -o LANGS=(en chr dv km glk ka he ms fa ba ru sa ta zh-yue ur hy kn ml ne war bh gu tg wuu or arc mzn lo pnb got bo as ti cr xmf tcy)\;wget -q -O- "https://${LANGS[$RANDOM % ${#LANGS[@]}]}.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random" | pup title | sed '2!d\;s|^ \(.*\) [-–—] .*$|\1|g'"
wraith = "exec -pipe "/mode +o-b $1" echo `head -c 2 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -d =`'!'`head -c 3 /dev/urandom | base64`'@'`head -c 16 /dev/urandom | base64`"
wv = "command core version"
ww = "whowas"
xra = "play -pipe "/prism -xc ` /say ` ""
xyzzy = "print Nothing happens"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user