mirror of git://git.acid.vegas/random.git synced 2025-02-22 20:19:04 +00:00

Added bigshuf and modifed some thangs baby

This commit is contained in:
Dionysus 2023-11-09 20:00:28 -05:00
parent 5e548b817c
commit 9fb326fd8f
Signed by: acidvegas
4 changed files with 144 additions and 0 deletions

bigshuf Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# bigshuf - developed by acidvegas (https://git.acid.vegas/random)
# shuffles the lines in large files, randomizing the order while using a memory-safe approach
# Check if enough arguments are provided
if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 inputfile tempdir outputfile [lines per chunk]" >&2
exit 1
# Parse input arguments
# Check if input file exists
if [ ! -f "$inputfile" ]; then
echo "Error: Input file does not exist" >&2
exit 1
# Calculate required and available space
required_space=$(( $(wc -c < "$inputfile") * 2 ))
available_space=$(df --block-size=1K --output=avail "$tempdir" | tail -n 1)
# Check if there is enough disk space in tempdir
if [ "$available_space" -lt "$required_space" ]; then
echo "Error: Not enough disk space in $tempdir" >&2
exit 1
# Check if tempdir is writable
if [ ! -d "$tempdir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$tempdir" || { echo "Error: Unable to create temp directory" >&2; exit 1; }
elif [ ! -w "$tempdir" ]; then
echo "Error: Temp directory is not writable" >&2
exit 1
# Split the file by lines
split -l "$lines_per_chunk" "$inputfile" "$tempdir/chunk_" || { echo "Error: Failed to split file" >&2; rm -rf "$tempdir"; exit 1; }
# Create a file with a shuffled list of chunk files
find "$tempdir" -name 'chunk_*' | shuf > "$tempdir/chunks_list.txt" || { echo "Error: Failed to create shuffled chunks list" >&2; rm -rf "$tempdir"; exit 1; }
# Shuffle each chunk based on the shuffled list and append to the output file
while read -r chunk; do
shuf "$chunk" >> "$outputfile" || { echo "Error: Failed to shuffle and append chunk $chunk" >&2; break; }
done < "$tempdir/chunks_list.txt"
# Clean up
rm -rf "$tempdir"

certbotset.sh Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
allow all;
root /var/www/html; # This should point to the webroot of your site
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/certbot-renewal.service
Description=Certbot Renewal
ExecStart=/usr/bin/certbot renew --webroot -w /var/www/html --quiet
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/certbot-renewal.timer
Description=Run certbot renewal daily
sudo systemctl enable certbot-renewal.timer
sudo systemctl start certbot-renewal.timer

docs/cloud.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Cloud Provider Reviews
###### BuyVM
The most recommended out of this list in my opinion.
Entire support team is on Discord/IRC & very responsive.
Offers Path.net DDoS protection for 3$ per IP address.
Only issue is streaming shit like Jitsi is TERRIBLE on Path.net
###### OVH
The aboslute WORST provider I have ever used in my entire existence. I was a customer of their for almost 10 years, so I have some merit in what I am about to say.
OVH used to be the KING, half of EFNet would use them, and SuperNETs was ran entirely behind a swarm of OVH boxes, but their services have gone to shit over the years...drastically.
Their entire support team is non-existent and complete shit. You can wait up to 14 days for a retarded reply & calling them on the phone is a nightmare.
I had my account before it split into OVH US and OVH World, their solution? Close ALL of my services & buy new ones. Yeah right.
Their DDoS protection has been getting "bypassed" by skids for YEARS now, only takes about 200MB/s to knock someone offline.
Their have VERY strict anti-fraud policies now, and require a picture of you ID just to get a server.
THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT OVH is that, because they have a non-existent support team, in turn they also have a non-existent abuse team. You can do anythiung you want really & they wont ever get involved. Not only that, but their RBX location is a BEAST at handling DDoS, even better than Path.net it seems.
Lastly, dedishops.com is a recommended reseller of OVH, if you want OVH resources/prtection, do not want to deal with OVH itself, get on dedishops.com & cop a GAME-2 server.
###### Tempest Hosting
They 100% lie about the speeds they offer LOL. Claiming 10gbp/s on a 60$ server. You can google about how fraudulent their claimed speeds really are...
ALSO, when I tried to use them, thye couldnt even spin up a debian box for me. Was stuck on installing for 4 hours and it took them 3 days until I finally said fuckyou, give me my money back.
Terrible first impressins, their infra and dev team is kind fo clueless. Do not use these guys. They are owned by PATH.NET but they are garbage.
###### NFO Servers
Over-priced junk. Servers are all vulnerable to local DOSing, the SuperNETs IRCd was being !smoke flooded and it knocked out 3 nodes from ACK packets recieved from the IRCd.
DDoS protectin is terrible and bypassed easily. Opers had ZERO clue about it on their end...tells you alot right there. Still vulnerable. Refused to delete my information when requiested aswell.
Speeds for unmetered are under 100mpbs and pricey as fuck.
###### DediShops
Their "firewall" limits you to only like 10 rules...so if you have a complex network setup, these guys are USELESS. They re-sell OVH boxes, specifically the RBX ones, which typically have great DDoS protectin...but just like OVH, DediShops ahs zero support team.
My ticket went 2 weeks with no respnose, and then they prevent you from opening any more tickets or replying to your own ticket. Never using them again.

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@ -16,3 +16,21 @@ chmod 700 $HOME/.ssh && chown -R acidvegas $HOME/.ssh && chmod 400 $HOME/.ssh/au
mkdir $HOME/build
mkdir $HOME/.scripts && wget -O $HOME/.scipts/ddosmonit https://github.com/acidvegas/random/blob/master/ddosmonit && screen -S ddosmonit sudo ./.scripts/ddosmonit
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
export TERM=screen-256color
echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen
echo "jump" > /etc/hostname
echo "" >> /etc/profile
echo "export HISTFILE=/dev/null" >> /etc/profile
echo "export LESSHISTFILE=/dev/null" >> /etc/profile
echo "export PYTHONHISTFILE=/dev/null" >> /etc/profile
echo "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/profile
echo "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8" >> /etc/profile
useradd -m -s /bin/bash acidvegas
gpasswd -a acidvegas sudo
passwd acidvegas