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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Residential Proxy Usage Example - Developed by acidvegas in Python (
Residential proxies are typically in a user:pass@host:port format, rotating on every request.
These example below show how to use these proxies with the aiosocks library and the requests library.
import asyncio
import ssl
import aiosocks
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('missing required library \'aiosocks\' (')
import requests
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('missing required library \'requestss\' (')
async def tcp_example(proxy: str, host: str, port: int, use_ssl: bool = False):
Make a connection to a TCP server through a proxy.
:param proxy: the proxy to use in the format of ip:port
:param host: the host to connect to
:param port: the port to connect to
:param use_ssl: whether or not to use SSL
auth = proxy.split('@')[0].split(':') if '@' in proxy else None
proxy_ip, proxy_port = proxy.split('@')[1].split(':') if '@' in proxy else proxy.split(':')
options = {
'proxy' : aiosocks.Socks5Addr(proxy_ip, proxy_port),
'proxy_auth' : aiosocks.Socks5Auth(*auth) if auth else None,
'dst' : (host, port),
'limit' : 1024,
'ssl' : ssl._create_unverified_context() if use_ssl else None,
'family' : 2
reader, writer = await asyncio.wait_for(aiosocks.open_connection(**options), 15) # 15 second timeout
while True:
if reader.at_eof(): # Check if the connection has been closed
data = await asyncio.wait_for(reader.readuntil(b'\r\n'), 300) # 5 minute timeout on no data received
line = data.decode('utf-8').strip()
print(line) # Print the data received from the server
async def http_example(proxy: str, url: str):
Make a HTTP request through a proxy.
:param proxy: the proxy to use in the format of ip:port
:param url: the url to request
response = requests.get(url, proxies={'http': proxy, 'https':proxy}, timeout=15) # 15 second timeout
return response.text