desc = _("Automatic channel operator status upon join")
rank = 210
level = 5
flag = "O"
xop = "AOP"
name = "AUTOOWNER"
desc = _("Automatic owner upon join")
rank = 330
level = 9999
flag = "Q"
xop = "QOP"
desc = _("Automatic protect upon join")
rank = 240
level = 10
flag = "A"
xop = "SOP"
name = "AUTOVOICE"
desc = _("Automatic voice on join")
rank = 50
level = 3
flag = "V"
xop = "VOP"
name = "BADWORDS"
desc = _("Allowed to modify channel badwords list")
rank = 260
level = 10
flag = "K"
xop = "SOP"
name = "BAN"
desc = _("Allowed to ban users")
rank = 150
level = 4
flag = "b"
xop = "HOP"
name = "FANTASY"
desc = _("Allowed to use fantasy commands")
rank = 30
level = 3
flag = "c"
xop = "VOP"
name = "FOUNDER"
desc = _("Allowed to issue commands restricted to channel founders")
rank = 360
level = 10000
flag = "F"
xop = "QOP"
name = "GETKEY"
desc = _("Allowed to use GETKEY command")
rank = 180
level = 5
flag = "G"
xop = "AOP"
name = "HALFOP"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)halfop users")
rank = 120
level = 5
flag = "h"
xop = "AOP"
name = "HALFOPME"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)halfop themself")
rank = 110
level = 4
flag = "h"
xop = "HOP"
name = "INFO"
desc = _("Allowed to get full INFO output")
rank = 80
level = 9999
flag = "I"
xop = "QOP"
name = "INVITE"
desc = _("Allowed to use the INVITE command")
rank = 190
level = 5
flag = "i"
xop = "AOP"
name = "KICK"
desc = _("Allowed to use the KICK command")
rank = 130
level = 4
flag = "k"
xop = "HOP"
name = "MEMO"
desc = _("Allowed to read channel memos")
rank = 280
level = 10
flag = "m"
xop = "SOP"
name = "MODE"
desc = _("Allowed to use the MODE command")
rank = 170
level = 9999
flag = "s"
xop = "QOP"
name = "NOKICK"
desc = _("Prevents users being kicked by services")
rank = 20
level = 1
flag = "N"
xop = "VOP"
name = "OP"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)op users")
rank = 230
level = 5
flag = "o"
xop = "SOP"
name = "OPME"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)op themself")
rank = 220
level = 5
flag = "o"
xop = "AOP"
name = "OWNER"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)owner users")
rank = 350
level = "founder"
flag = "q"
xop = "QOP"
name = "OWNERME"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)owner themself")
rank = 340
level = 9999
flag = "q"
xop = "QOP"
name = "PROTECT"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)protect users")
rank = 310
level = 9999
flag = "a"
xop = "QOP"
name = "PROTECTME"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)protect themself")
rank = 300
level = 10
flag = "a"
xop = "SOP"
name = "SAY"
desc = _("Allowed to use SAY and ACT commands")
rank = 90
level = 5
flag = "B"
xop = "AOP"
name = "SET"
desc = _("Allowed to set channel settings")
rank = 320
level = 9999
flag = "s"
xop = "QOP"
name = "SIGNKICK"
desc = _("No signed kick when SIGNKICK LEVEL is used")
rank = 140
level = 9999
flag = "K"
xop = "QOP"
name = "TOPIC"
desc = _("Allowed to change channel topics")
rank = 160
level = 5
flag = "t"
xop = "AOP"
name = "UNBAN"
desc = _("Allowed to unban users")
rank = 200
level = 4
flag = "u"
xop = "HOP"
name = "UNBANME"
desc = _("Allowed to unban themself")
rank = 200
level = 4
flag = "U"
xop = "HOP"
name = "VOICE"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)voice users")
rank = 70
level = 4
flag = "v"
xop = "HOP"
name = "VOICEME"
desc = _("Allowed to (de)voice themself")
rank = 60
level = 3
flag = "v"
xop = "VOP"
name = "chanserv/access"
description = _("Used to manage the list of privileged users")
name = "chanserv/status"
description = _("Used to modify the channel status of you or other users")
name = "chanserv/management"
description = _("Used to manage channels")
name = "chanserv/admin"
description = _("Services Operator commands")
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
module { name = "cs_access" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "ACCESS"; command = "chanserv/access"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "LEVELS"; command = "chanserv/levels"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
name = "cs_akick"
autokickmax = 50
autokickreason = "User has been banned from the channel"
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "AKICK"; command = "chanserv/akick"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
module { name = "cs_ban" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "BAN"; command = "chanserv/ban"; }
module { name = "cs_clone" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "CLONE"; command = "chanserv/clone"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
module { name = "cs_drop" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DROP"; command = "chanserv/drop"; }
module { name = "cs_enforce" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "ENFORCE"; command = "chanserv/enforce"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
name = "cs_entrymsg"
maxentries = 32
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "ENTRYMSG"; command = "chanserv/entrymsg"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
module { name = "cs_flags" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "FLAGS"; command = "chanserv/flags"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
module { name = "cs_getkey" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "GETKEY"; command = "chanserv/getkey"; }
module { name = "cs_info" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "INFO"; command = "chanserv/info"; }
module { name = "cs_invite" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "INVITE"; command = "chanserv/invite"; }
module { name = "cs_kick" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "KICK"; command = "chanserv/kick"; }
name = "cs_list"
listmax = 50
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "LIST"; command = "chanserv/list"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET PRIVATE"; command = "chanserv/set/private"; }
name = "cs_log"
command = "chanserv/modes"
method = "MESSAGE @"
service = "CHANSERV"
command = "ACCESS"
method = "MESSAGE @"
command = "chanserv/xop"
method = "MESSAGE @"
service = "CHANSERV"
command = "FLAGS"
method = "MESSAGE @"
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "LOG"; command = "chanserv/log"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
name = "cs_mode"
mlock = "+nt"
max = 50
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "MODE"; command = "chanserv/mode"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "OWNER"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; set = "OWNER" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DEOWNER"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; unset = "OWNER" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "PROTECT"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; set = "PROTECT" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DEPROTECT"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; unset = "PROTECT" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "OP"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; set = "OP" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DEOP"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; unset = "OP" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "HALFOP"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; set = "HALFOP" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DEHALFOP"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; unset = "HALFOP" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "VOICE"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; set = "VOICE" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DEVOICE"; command = "chanserv/modes"; group = "chanserv/status"; unset = "VOICE" }
module { name = "cs_register" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "REGISTER"; command = "chanserv/register"; }
name = "cs_seen"
simple = false
purgetime = "30d"
command { service = "OPERSERV"; name = "SEEN"; command = "operserv/seen"; permission = "operserv/seen"; }
fantasy { name = "SEEN"; command = "operserv/seen"; prepend_channel = false; }
name = "cs_set"
defbantype = 2
persist_lower_ts = true
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET"; command = "chanserv/set"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET AUTOOP"; command = "chanserv/set/autoop"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET BANTYPE"; command = "chanserv/set/bantype"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET DESCRIPTION"; command = "chanserv/set/description"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET DESC"; command = "chanserv/set/description"; hide = yes; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET FOUNDER"; command = "chanserv/set/founder"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET KEEPMODES"; command = "chanserv/set/keepmodes"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET PEACE"; command = "chanserv/set/peace"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET PERSIST"; command = "chanserv/set/persist"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET RESTRICTED"; command = "chanserv/set/restricted"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET SECURE"; command = "chanserv/set/secure"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET SECUREFOUNDER"; command = "chanserv/set/securefounder"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET SECUREOPS"; command = "chanserv/set/secureops"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET SIGNKICK"; command = "chanserv/set/signkick"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET SUCCESSOR"; command = "chanserv/set/successor"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET NOEXPIRE"; command = "chanserv/saset/noexpire"; permission = "chanserv/saset/noexpire"; }
module { name = "cs_set_misc" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET URL"; command = "chanserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a URL with the channel"); }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET EMAIL"; command = "chanserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate an email address with the channel"); }
module { name = "cs_status" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "STATUS"; command = "chanserv/status"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "WHY"; command = "chanserv/status"; hide = true; }
name = "cs_suspend"
suspendexpire = 90d
show = "suspended, by, reason, on, expires"
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SUSPEND"; command = "chanserv/suspend"; permission = "chanserv/suspend"; group = "chanserv/admin"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "UNSUSPEND"; command = "chanserv/unsuspend"; permission = "chanserv/suspend"; group = "chanserv/admin"; }
module { name = "cs_sync" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SYNC"; command = "chanserv/sync"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
module { name = "cs_topic" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "TOPIC"; command = "chanserv/topic"; group = "chanserv/management"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SET KEEPTOPIC"; command = "chanserv/set/keeptopic"; }
module { name = "cs_unban" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "UNBAN"; command = "chanserv/unban"; }
module { name = "cs_updown" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "DOWN"; command = "chanserv/down"; group = "chanserv/status"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "UP"; command = "chanserv/up"; group = "chanserv/status"; }
module { name = "cs_xop" }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "QOP"; command = "chanserv/xop"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "SOP"; command = "chanserv/xop"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "AOP"; command = "chanserv/xop"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "HOP"; command = "chanserv/xop"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
command { service = "CHANSERV"; name = "VOP"; command = "chanserv/xop"; group = "chanserv/access"; }
module { name = "cs_statusupdate" }
nick = "GLOBAL"
user = "_"
host = "services/_"
gecos = "Global Noticer"
channels = "@#services"
name = "global"
client = "GLOBAL"
globaloncycledown = "Services are restarting, they will be back shortly - please be good while they're gone"
globaloncycleup = "Services are now back online - have a nice day"
anonymousglobal = no
command { service = "GLOBAL"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
module { name = "gl_global" }
command { service = "GLOBAL"; name = "GLOBAL"; command = "global/global"; permission = "global/global"; }
fantasy { name = "GLOBAL"; command = "global/global"; prepend_channel = false; }
name = "gl_queue"
maxqueue = 10
command { service = "GLOBAL"; name = "QUEUE"; command = "global/queue"; permission = "global/queue"; }
module { name = "gl_server" }
command { service = "GLOBAL"; name = "SERVER"; command = "global/server"; permission = "global/server"; }
nick = "HOSTSERV"
user = "_"
host = "services/_"
gecos = "vHost Service"
channels = "@#services"
name = "hostserv"
client = "HOSTSERV"
activate_on_set = false
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
module { name = "hs_del" }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "DEL"; command = "hostserv/del"; permission = "hostserv/del"; }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "DELALL"; command = "hostserv/delall"; permission = "hostserv/del"; }
name = "hs_group"
syncongroup = true
synconset = true
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "GROUP"; command = "hostserv/group"; }
module { name = "hs_list" }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "LIST"; command = "hostserv/list"; permission = "hostserv/list"; }
module { name = "hs_off" }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "OFF"; command = "hostserv/off"; }
module { name = "hs_on" }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "ON"; command = "hostserv/on"; }
name = "hs_request"
memouser = yes
memooper = yes
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "REQUEST"; command = "hostserv/request"; }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "ACTIVATE"; command = "hostserv/activate"; permission = "hostserv/set"; }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "REJECT"; command = "hostserv/reject"; permission = "hostserv/set"; }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "WAITING"; command = "hostserv/waiting"; permission = "hostserv/set"; }
module { name = "hs_set" }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "SET"; command = "hostserv/set"; permission = "hostserv/set"; }
command { service = "HOSTSERV"; name = "SETALL"; command = "hostserv/setall"; permission = "hostserv/set"; }
nick = "MEMOSERV"
user = "_"
host = "services/_"
gecos = "Memo Service"
channels = "@#services"
name = "memoserv"
client = "MEMOSERV"
maxmemos = 20
senddelay = 30s
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
module { name = "ms_cancel" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "CANCEL"; command = "memoserv/cancel"; }
module { name = "ms_check" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "CHECK"; command = "memoserv/check"; }
module { name = "ms_del" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "DEL"; command = "memoserv/del"; }
name = "ms_ignore"
max = 50
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "IGNORE"; command = "memoserv/ignore"; }
module { name = "ms_info" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "INFO"; command = "memoserv/info"; }
module { name = "ms_list" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "LIST"; command = "memoserv/list"; }
module { name = "ms_read" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "READ"; command = "memoserv/read"; }
name = "ms_rsend"
operonly = false
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "RSEND"; command = "memoserv/rsend"; }
module { name = "ms_send" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "SEND"; command = "memoserv/send"; }
module { name = "ms_sendall" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "SENDALL"; command = "memoserv/sendall"; permission = "memoserv/sendall"; }
module { name = "ms_set" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "SET"; command = "memoserv/set"; }
module { name = "ms_staff" }
command { service = "MEMOSERV"; name = "STAFF"; command = "memoserv/staff"; permission = "memoserv/staff"; }
nick = "NICKSERV"
user = "_"
host = "services/_"
gecos = "Nickname Registration Service"
channels = "@#services"
name = "nickserv"
client = "NICKSERV"
forceemail = no
confirmemailchanges = no
unregistered_notice = "Your nickname is not registered. To register it, use: /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER"
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
name = "ns_ajoin"
ajoinmax = 10
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "AJOIN"; command = "nickserv/ajoin"; }
module { name = "ns_alist" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "ALIST"; command = "nickserv/alist"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "ACCESS"; command = "nickserv/alist"; hide = true; }
name = "ns_cert"
automatic = yes
max = 5
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "CERT"; command = "nickserv/cert"; }
module { name = "ns_drop" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "DROP"; command = "nickserv/drop"; }
module { name = "ns_getemail" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "GETEMAIL"; command = "nickserv/getemail"; permission = "nickserv/getemail"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
name = "ns_group"
maxaliases = 10
nogroupchange = yes
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "GLIST"; command = "nickserv/glist"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "GROUP"; command = "nickserv/group"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "UNGROUP"; command = "nickserv/ungroup"; }
name = "ns_identify"
maxlogins = 10
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "ID"; command = "nickserv/identify"; hide = true; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "IDENTIFY"; command = "nickserv/identify"; }
module { name = "ns_info" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "INFO"; command = "nickserv/info"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET HIDE"; command = "nickserv/set/hide"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET HIDE"; command = "nickserv/saset/hide"; permission = "nickserv/saset/hide"; }
name = "ns_list"
listmax = 50
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "LIST"; command = "nickserv/list"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET PRIVATE"; command = "nickserv/set/private"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET PRIVATE"; command = "nickserv/saset/private"; permission = "nickserv/saset/private"; }
module { name = "ns_logout" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "LOGOUT"; command = "nickserv/logout"; }
name = "ns_recover"
restoreonrecover = yes
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "RECOVER"; command = "nickserv/recover"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "GHOST"; command = "nickserv/recover"; hide = true; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "RELEASE"; command = "nickserv/recover"; hide = true; }
name = "ns_register"
registration = "none"
resenddelay = 90s
nickregdelay = 15s
unconfirmedexpire = 8m
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "CONFIRM"; command = "nickserv/confirm"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "REGISTER"; command = "nickserv/register"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "RESEND"; command = "nickserv/resend"; }
module { name = "ns_resetpass" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "RESETPASS"; command = "nickserv/resetpass"; }
name = "ns_set"
allowkillimmed = yes
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET"; command = "nickserv/set"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET"; command = "nickserv/saset"; permission = "nickserv/saset/"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET AUTOOP"; command = "nickserv/set/autoop"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET AUTOOP"; command = "nickserv/saset/autoop"; permission = "nickserv/saset/autoop"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET DISPLAY"; command = "nickserv/set/display"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET DISPLAY"; command = "nickserv/saset/display"; permission = "nickserv/saset/display"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET EMAIL"; command = "nickserv/set/email"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET EMAIL"; command = "nickserv/saset/email"; permission = "nickserv/saset/email"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET KEEPMODES"; command = "nickserv/set/keepmodes"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET KEEPMODES"; command = "nickserv/saset/keepmodes"; permission = "nickserv/saset/keepmodes"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET KILL"; command = "nickserv/set/kill"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET KILL"; command = "nickserv/saset/kill"; permission = "nickserv/saset/kill"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET PASSWORD"; command = "nickserv/set/password"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET PASSWORD"; command = "nickserv/saset/password"; permission = "nickserv/saset/password"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET NEVEROP"; command = "nickserv/set/neverop"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET NEVEROP"; command = "nickserv/saset/neverop"; permission = "nickserv/saset/neverop"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET NOEXPIRE"; command = "nickserv/saset/noexpire"; permission = "nickserv/saset/noexpire"; }
module { name = "ns_set_language" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET LANGUAGE"; command = "nickserv/set/language"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET LANGUAGE"; command = "nickserv/saset/language"; permission = "nickserv/saset/language"; }
module { name = "ns_set_message" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET MESSAGE"; command = "nickserv/set/message"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET MESSAGE"; command = "nickserv/saset/message"; permission = "nickserv/saset/message"; }
module { name = "ns_set_misc" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET URL"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a URL with your account"); }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET URL"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a URL with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/url"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET DISCORD"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Discord account with your account"); }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET DISCORD"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Discord account with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/discord"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET MASTODON"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Mastodon account with your account"); }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET MASTODON"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a Mastodon account with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/mastodon"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SET TIMEZONE"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a time zone with your account"); }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SASET TIMEZONE"; command = "nickserv/saset/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a time zone with this account"); permission = "nickserv/saset/timezone"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
name = "ns_suspend"
suspendexpire = 90d
show = "suspended, by, reason, on, expires"
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "SUSPEND"; command = "nickserv/suspend"; permission = "nickserv/suspend"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "UNSUSPEND"; command = "nickserv/unsuspend"; permission = "nickserv/suspend"; group = "nickserv/admin"; }
module { name = "ns_update" }
command { service = "NICKSERV"; name = "UPDATE"; command = "nickserv/update"; }
name = "ns_maxemail"
maxemails = 1
nick = "OPERSERV"
user = "_"
host = "services/_"
gecos = "Operator Service"
channels = "@#services"
name = "operserv"
client = "OPERSERV"
autokillexpiry = 30d
chankillexpiry = 30d
snlineexpiry = 30d
sqlineexpiry = 30d
akillonadd = yes
killonsnline = yes
killonsqline = yes
addakiller = yes
akillids = yes
opersonly = yes
command { service = "OPERSERV"; name = "HELP"; command = "generic/help"; }
module { name = "os_akill" }
command { service = "OPERSERV"; name = "AKILL"; command = "operserv/akill"; permission = "operserv/akill"; }
fantasy { name = "AKILL"; command = "operserv/akill"; prepend_channel = false; }
module { name = "os_chankill" }
command { service = "OPERSERV"; name = "CHANKILL"; command = "operserv/chankill"; permission = "operserv/chankill"; }