2025-02-12 02:55:31 -05:00

293 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# HTTPZ Web Scanner - Developed by acidvegas in Python (
# httpz_scanner/
import asyncio
import random
import urllib.parse
import json
import aiohttp
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('missing aiohttp module (pip install aiohttp)')
import bs4
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('missing bs4 module (pip install beautifulsoup4)')
from .dns import resolve_all_dns, load_resolvers
from .parsers import parse_domain_url, get_cert_info, get_favicon_hash
from .utils import debug, USER_AGENTS, input_generator
class HTTPZScanner:
'''Core scanner class for HTTP domain checking'''
def __init__(self, concurrent_limit = 100, timeout = 5, follow_redirects = False, check_axfr = False, resolver_file = None, output_file = None, show_progress = False, debug_mode = False, jsonl_output = False, show_fields = None, match_codes = None, exclude_codes = None, shard = None, paths = None, custom_headers=None, post_data=None):
Initialize the HTTPZScanner class
:param concurrent_limit: Maximum number of concurrent requests
:param timeout: Request timeout in seconds
:param follow_redirects: Follow redirects
:param check_axfr: Check for AXFR
:param resolver_file: Path to resolver file
:param output_file: Path to output file
:param show_progress: Show progress bar
:param debug_mode: Enable debug mode
:param jsonl_output: Output in JSONL format
:param show_fields: Fields to show
:param match_codes: Status codes to match
:param exclude_codes: Status codes to exclude
:param shard: Tuple of (shard_index, total_shards) for distributed scanning
:param paths: List of additional paths to check on each domain
:param custom_headers: Dictionary of custom headers to send with each request
:param post_data: Data to send with POST requests
self.concurrent_limit = concurrent_limit
self.timeout = timeout
self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
self.check_axfr = check_axfr
self.resolver_file = resolver_file
self.output_file = output_file
self.show_progress = show_progress
self.debug_mode = debug_mode
self.jsonl_output = jsonl_output
self.shard = shard
self.paths = paths or []
self.custom_headers = custom_headers or {}
self.post_data = post_data
self.show_fields = show_fields or {
'status_code' : True,
'content_type' : True,
'content_length' : True,
'title' : True,
'body' : True,
'ip' : True,
'favicon' : True,
'headers' : True,
'follow_redirects' : True,
'cname' : True,
'tls' : True
self.match_codes = match_codes
self.exclude_codes = exclude_codes
self.resolvers = None
self.processed_domains = 0
self.progress_count = 0
async def check_domain(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, domain: str):
'''Check a single domain and return results'''
base_domain, port, protocols = parse_domain_url(domain)
for protocol in protocols:
url = f'{protocol}{base_domain}'
if port:
url += f':{port}'
debug(f'Trying {url}...')
result = await self._check_url(session, url)
debug(f'Got result for {url}: {result}')
if result and (result['status'] != 400 or result.get('redirect_chain')): # Accept redirects
return result
except Exception as e:
debug(f'Error checking {url}: {str(e)}')
return None
async def _check_url(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: str):
'''Check a single URL and return results'''
headers = {'User-Agent': random.choice(USER_AGENTS)}
debug(f'Making request to {url} with headers: {headers}')
async with session.request('GET', url,
allow_redirects=True, # Always follow redirects
ssl=False, # Don't verify SSL
headers=headers) as response:
debug(f'Got response from {url}: status={response.status}, headers={dict(response.headers)}')
result = {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': response.status,
'url': str(response.url),
'response_headers': dict(response.headers)
if response.history:
result['redirect_chain'] = [str(h.url) for h in response.history] + [str(response.url)]
debug(f'Redirect chain for {url}: {result["redirect_chain"]}')
return result
except aiohttp.ClientSSLError as e:
debug(f'SSL Error for {url}: {str(e)}')
return {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': -1,
'error': f'SSL Error: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'https' if url.startswith('https://') else 'http',
'error_type': 'SSL'
except aiohttp.ClientConnectorCertificateError as e:
debug(f'Certificate Error for {url}: {str(e)}')
return {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': -1,
'error': f'Certificate Error: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'https' if url.startswith('https://') else 'http',
'error_type': 'CERT'
except aiohttp.ClientConnectorError as e:
debug(f'Connection Error for {url}: {str(e)}')
return {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': -1,
'error': f'Connection Failed: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'https' if url.startswith('https://') else 'http',
'error_type': 'CONN'
except aiohttp.ClientError as e:
debug(f'HTTP Error for {url}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}')
return {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': -1,
'error': f'HTTP Error: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'https' if url.startswith('https://') else 'http',
'error_type': 'HTTP'
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
debug(f'Timeout for {url}')
return {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': -1,
'error': f'Connection Timed Out after {self.timeout}s',
'protocol': 'https' if url.startswith('https://') else 'http',
'error_type': 'TIMEOUT'
except Exception as e:
debug(f'Unexpected error for {url}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}')
return {
'domain': urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname,
'status': -1,
'error': f'Error: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'https' if url.startswith('https://') else 'http',
'error_type': 'UNKNOWN'
async def scan(self, input_source):
Scan domains from a file, stdin, or async generator
:param input_source: Can be:
- Path to file (str)
- stdin ('-')
- List/tuple of domains
- Async generator yielding domains
:yields: Result dictionary for each domain scanned
if not self.resolvers:
self.resolvers = await load_resolvers(self.resolver_file)
# Just use ssl=False, that's all we need
connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl=False, enable_cleanup_closed=True)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector) as session:
tasks = {} # Change to dict to track domain for each task
domain_queue = asyncio.Queue()
queue_empty = False
async def process_domain(domain):
result = await self.check_domain(session, domain)
if self.show_progress:
self.progress_count += 1
if result:
return domain, result
# Create a proper error result if check_domain returns None
return domain, {
'domain': domain,
'status': -1,
'error': 'No successful response from either HTTP or HTTPS',
'protocol': 'unknown',
'error_type': 'NO_RESPONSE'
except Exception as e:
debug(f'Error processing {domain}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}')
# Return structured error information
return domain, {
'domain': domain,
'status': -1,
'error': f'{e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'unknown',
'error_type': 'PROCESS'
# Queue processor
async def queue_processor():
async for domain in input_generator(input_source, self.shard):
await domain_queue.put(domain)
self.processed_domains += 1
nonlocal queue_empty
queue_empty = True
# Start queue processor
queue_task = asyncio.create_task(queue_processor())
while not (queue_empty and domain_queue.empty() and not tasks):
# Fill up tasks until we hit concurrent limit
while len(tasks) < self.concurrent_limit and not domain_queue.empty():
domain = await domain_queue.get()
task = asyncio.create_task(process_domain(domain))
tasks[task] = domain
if tasks:
# Wait for at least one task to complete
done, _ = await asyncio.wait(
# Process completed tasks
for task in done:
domain = tasks.pop(task)
_, result = await task
if result:
yield result
except Exception as e:
debug(f'Task error for {domain}: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}')
yield {
'domain': domain,
'status': -1,
'error': f'Task Error: {e.__class__.__name__}: {str(e)}',
'protocol': 'unknown',
'error_type': 'TASK'
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # Prevent CPU spin when no tasks
# Clean up
for task in tasks:
await queue_task
except asyncio.CancelledError: