Started asyncronous implementation of bulk streaming data, altered ERIS defaults, etc

This commit is contained in:
Dionysus 2024-03-04 17:44:09 -05:00
parent 2ff7ddc869
commit c05c48f3fe
Signed by: acidvegas
10 changed files with 523 additions and 99 deletions

View File

@ -56,16 +56,36 @@ python [options] <input>
| `--massdns` | Index massdns records |
| `--zone` | Index zone DNS records |
Using `--batch-threads` as 4 and `--batch-size` as 10000 with 3 nodes would process 120,000 records before indexing 40,000 per node. Take these kind of metrics int account when consider how much records you want to process at once and the memory limitations of your environment, aswell as the networking constraint it may have ono your node(s), depending on the size of your cluster.
Using `--batch-threads` as 4 and `--batch-size` as 10000 with 3 nodes would process 120,000 records before indexing 40,000 per node. Take these kind of metrics into account when consider how much records you want to process at once and the memory limitations of your environment, aswell as the networking constraint it may have ono your node(s), depending on the size of your cluster.
## Operations
This ingestion suite will use the built in node sniffer, so by connecting to a single node, you can load balance across the entire cluster.
It is good to know how much nodes you have in the cluster to determine how to fine tune the arguments for the best performance, based on your environment.
## GeoIP Pipeline
Create & add a geoip pipeline and use the following in your index mappings:
"geoip": {
"city_name": "City",
"continent_name": "Continent",
"country_iso_code": "CC",
"country_name": "Country",
"location": {
"lat": 0.0000,
"lon": 0.0000
"region_iso_code": "RR",
"region_name": "Region"
## Changelog
- The `--watch` feature now uses a FIFO to do live ingestion.
- Isolated into it's own file and seperated the ingestion agents into their own modules.
## Roadmap
- Implement [async elasticsearch]( into the code.
###### Mirrors for this repository: []( • [SuperNETs]( • [GitHub]( • [GitLab]( • [Codeberg](

async_dev/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Elasticsearch Recon Ingestion Scripts (ERIS) - Developed by Acidvegas (
# [asyncronous developement]
import argparse
import logging
import os
import stat
import time
import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch
from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError
from elasticsearch.helpers import async_streaming_bulk
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Missing required \'elasticsearch\' library. (pip install elasticsearch)')
# Setting up logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d %I:%M:%S')
class ElasticIndexer:
def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
Initialize the Elastic Search indexer.
:param args: Parsed arguments from argparse
self.chunk_size = args.chunk_size
self.chunk_threads = args.chunk_threads
self.dry_run = args.dry_run
self.es_index = args.index
if not args.dry_run:
es_config = {
'hosts': [f'{}:{args.port}'],
'verify_certs': args.self_signed,
'ssl_show_warn': args.self_signed,
'request_timeout': args.timeout,
'max_retries': args.retries,
'retry_on_timeout': True,
'sniff_on_start': True, # Is this problematic?
'sniff_on_node_failure': True,
'min_delay_between_sniffing': 60 # Add config option for this?
if args.api_key:
es_config['api_key'] = (args.key, '') # Verify this is correct
es_config['basic_auth'] = (args.user, args.password)
# Patching the Elasticsearch client to fix a bug with sniffing (
import sniff_patch = sniff_patch.init_elasticsearch(**es_config)
# Remove the above and uncomment the below if the bug is fixed in the Elasticsearch client: = AsyncElasticsearch(**es_config)
async def create_index(self, map_body: dict, pipeline: str = '', replicas: int = 1, shards: int = 1, ):
Create the Elasticsearch index with the defined mapping.
:param pipline: Name of the ingest pipeline to use for the index
:param replicas: Number of replicas for the index
:param shards: Number of shards for the index
if await'Index \'{self.es_index}\' already exists.')
mapping = map_body
mapping['settings'] = {
'number_of_shards': shards,
'number_of_replicas': replicas
if pipeline:
await'Using ingest pipeline \'{pipeline}\' for index \'{self.es_index}\'')
mapping['settings']['index.default_pipeline'] = pipeline
except NotFoundError:
raise ValueError(f'Ingest pipeline \'{pipeline}\' does not exist.')
response = await, body=mapping)
if response.get('acknowledged') and response.get('shards_acknowledged'):'Index \'{self.es_index}\' successfully created.')
raise Exception(f'Failed to create index. ({response})')
async def get_cluster_health(self) -> dict:
'''Get the health of the Elasticsearch cluster.'''
return await
async def get_cluster_size(self) -> int:
'''Get the number of nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster.'''
cluster_stats = await
number_of_nodes = cluster_stats['nodes']['count']['total']
return number_of_nodes
async def async_bulk_index_data(self, file_path: str, index_name: str, data_generator: callable):
Index records in chunks to Elasticsearch.
:param file_path: Path to the file
:param index_name: Name of the index
:param data_generator: Generator for the records to index
count = 0
total = 0
async for ok, result in async_streaming_bulk(, index_name=self.es_index, actions=data_generator(file_path), chunk_size=self.chunk_size):
action, result = result.popitem()
if not ok:
logging.error(f'Failed to index document ({result["_id"]}) to {index_name} from {file_path} ({result})')
input('Press Enter to continue...') # Debugging (will possibly remove this since we have retries enabled)
count += 1
total += 1
if count == self.chunk_size:'Successfully indexed {self.chunk_size:,} ({total:,} processed) records to {self.es_index} from {file_path}')
count = 0'Finished indexing {,} records to {self.es_index} from {file_path}')
async def process_file(self, file_path: str, ingest_function: callable):
Read and index records in batches to Elasticsearch.
:param file_path: Path to the file
:param batch_size: Number of records to index per batch
:param ingest_function: Function to process the file
count = 0
async for processed in ingest_function(file_path):
if not processed:
if self.dry_run:
count += 1
yield {'_index': self.es_index, '_source': processed}
def main():
'''Main function when running this script directly.'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Index data into Elasticsearch.')
# General arguments
parser.add_argument('input_path', help='Path to the input file or directory') # Required
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Dry run (do not index records to Elasticsearch)')
parser.add_argument('--watch', action='store_true', help='Create or watch a FIFO for real-time indexing')
# Elasticsearch arguments
parser.add_argument('--host', default='localhost', help='Elasticsearch host')
parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=9200, help='Elasticsearch port')
parser.add_argument('--user', default='elastic', help='Elasticsearch username')
parser.add_argument('--password', default=os.getenv('ES_PASSWORD'), help='Elasticsearch password (if not provided, check environment variable ES_PASSWORD)')
parser.add_argument('--api-key', default=os.getenv('ES_APIKEY'), help='Elasticsearch API Key for authentication (if not provided, check environment variable ES_APIKEY)')
parser.add_argument('--self-signed', action='store_false', help='Elasticsearch is using self-signed certificates')
# Elasticsearch indexing arguments
parser.add_argument('--index', help='Elasticsearch index name')
parser.add_argument('--pipeline', help='Use an ingest pipeline for the index')
parser.add_argument('--replicas', type=int, default=1, help='Number of replicas for the index')
parser.add_argument('--shards', type=int, default=3, help='Number of shards for the index')
# Performance arguments
parser.add_argument('--chunk-size', type=int, default=50000, help='Number of records to index in a chunk')
parser.add_argument('--chunk-threads', type=int, default=3, help='Number of threads to use when indexing in chunks')
parser.add_argument('--retries', type=int, default=60, help='Number of times to retry indexing a chunk before failing')
parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=30, help='Number of seconds to wait before retrying a chunk')
# Ingestion arguments
parser.add_argument('--httpx', action='store_true', help='Index Httpx records')
parser.add_argument('--masscan', action='store_true', help='Index Masscan records')
parser.add_argument('--massdns', action='store_true', help='Index Massdns records')
parser.add_argument('--zone', action='store_true', help='Index Zone records')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.input_path):
elif os.path.exists(args.input_path) and stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(args.input_path).st_mode):
raise ValueError(f'Path {args.input_path} is not a FIFO')
elif not os.path.isdir(args.input_path) and not os.path.isfile(args.input_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Input path {args.input_path} does not exist or is not a file or directory')
edx = ElasticIndexer(args)
if args.httpx:
from ingestors import ingest_httpx as ingestor
elif args.masscan:
from ingestors import ingest_masscan as ingestor
elif args.massdns:
from ingestors import ingest_massdns as ingestor
from ingestors import ingest_zone as ingestor
batch_size = 0
if not args.dry_run:
time.sleep(3) # Delay to allow time for sniffing to complete
nodes = edx.get_cluster_size()'Connected to {nodes:,} Elasticsearch node(s)')
if not edx.es_index:
edx.es_index = ingestor.default_index
map_body = ingestor.construct_map()
edx.create_index(map_body, args.pipeline, args.replicas, args.shards)
batch_size = int(nodes * (args.chunk_size * args.chunk_threads))
if os.path.isfile(args.input_path):'Processing file: {args.input_path}')
edx.process_file(args.input_path, batch_size, ingestor.process_file)
elif stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(args.input_path).st_mode):'Watching FIFO: {args.input_path}')
edx.process_file(args.input_path, batch_size, ingestor.process_file)
elif os.path.isdir(args.input_path):
count = 1
total = len(os.listdir(args.input_path))'Processing {total:,} files in directory: {args.input_path}')
for file in sorted(os.listdir(args.input_path)):
file_path = os.path.join(args.input_path, file)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):'[{count:,}/{total:,}] Processing file: {file_path}')
edx.process_file(file_path, batch_size, ingestor.process_file)
count += 1
logging.warning(f'[{count:,}/{total:,}] Skipping non-file: {file_path}')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Elasticsearch Recon Ingestion Scripts (ERIS) - Developed by Acidvegas (
# [asyncronous developement]
apt-get install iptables masscan libpcap-dev screen
setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /bin/masscan
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 61010 -j DROP
printf "\n10.0.0.0/8\n100.64.0.0/10\n127.0.0.0/8\n169.254.0.0/16\n172.16.0.0/12\n192.0.0.0/24\n192.0.2.0/24\n192.31.196.0/24\n192.52.193.0/24\n192.88.99.0/24\n192.168.0.0/16\n192.175.48.0/24\n198.18.0.0/15\n198.51.100.0/24\n203.0.113.0/24\n224.0.0.0/3\n255.255.255.255/32" > exclude.conf
screen -S scan
masscan -p21,22,23 --banners --http-user-agent "USER_AGENT" --source-port 61010 --open-only --rate 30000 --excludefile exclude.conf -oJ output.json
masscan -p21,22,23 --banners --http-user-agent "USER_AGENT" --source-port 61000-65503 --open-only --rate 30000 --excludefile exclude.conf -oJ output_new.json --shard $i/$TOTAL
Note: The above iptables rule is not persistent and will be removed on reboot.
import json
import logging
import re
import time
default_index = 'masscan-logs'
def construct_map() -> dict:
'''Construct the Elasticsearch index mapping for Masscan records.'''
keyword_mapping = { 'type': 'text', 'fields': { 'keyword': { 'type': 'keyword', 'ignore_above': 256 } } }
mapping = {
'mappings': {
'properties': {
'ip': { 'type': 'ip' },
'port': { 'type': 'integer' },
'proto': { 'type': 'keyword' },
'service': { 'type': 'keyword' },
'banner': keyword_mapping,
'ref_id': { 'type': 'keyword' },
'seen': { 'type': 'date' }
#'geoip': {
# 'properties': {
# 'city_name': keyword_mapping,
# 'continent_name': keyword_mapping,
# 'country_iso_code': keyword_mapping,
# 'country_name': keyword_mapping,
# 'location': { 'type': 'geo_point' },
# 'region_iso_code': keyword_mapping,
# 'region_name': keyword_mapping,
# }
return mapping
def process_file(file_path: str):
Read and process Masscan records from the log file.
:param file_path: Path to the Masscan log file
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if not line or not line.startswith('{'):
if line.endswith(','):
line = line[:-1]
record = json.loads(line)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
logging.error(f'Failed to parse JSON record! ({line})')
input('Press Enter to continue...') # Debugging
for port_info in record['ports']:
struct = {
'ip': record['ip'],
'port': port_info['port'],
'proto': port_info['proto'],
'seen': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime(int(record['timestamp']))),
if 'service' in port_info:
if 'name' in port_info['service']:
if port_info['service']['name'] != 'unknown':
struct['service'] = port_info['service']['name']
if 'banner' in port_info['service']:
banner = ' '.join(port_info['service']['banner'].split()) # Remove extra whitespace
if banner:
match ='\(Ref\.Id: (.*?)\)', banner)
if match:
struct['ref_id'] =
struct['banner'] = banner
yield {'_index': default_index, '_source': struct}
return None # EOF
Example record:
"ip": "",
"timestamp": "1705255468", # Convert to ZULU BABY
"ports": [ # We will create a record for each port opened
"port": 22,
"proto": "tcp",
"service": { # This field is optional
"name": "ssh",
"banner": "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.4"
Will be indexed as:
"ip": "",
"port": 22,
"proto": "tcp",
"service": "ssh",
"banner": "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.4",
"seen": "2021-10-08T02:04:28Z",
"ref_id": "?sKfOvsC4M4a2W8PaC4zF?" # TCP RST Payload, Might be useful..

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Elasticsearch Recon Ingestion Scripts (ERIS) - Developed by Acidvegas (
# [asyncronous developement]
# Note:
# This is a patch for the elasticsearch 8.x client to fix the sniff_* options.
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def _override_async_sniff_callback(basic_auth):
'accept': 'application/vnd.elasticsearch+json; compatible-with=8',
'authorization': f'Basic {auth_str}' # Authorization header
'authorization': f'Basic {auth_str}' # This auth header is missing in 8.x releases of the client, and causes 401s
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ def _override_async_sniff_callback(basic_auth):
if not address or ':' not in address:
# Processing address for host and port
if '/' in address:
# Support 7.x host/ip:port behavior where http.publish_host has been set.
fqdn, ipaddress = address.split('/', 1)
host = fqdn
_, port_str = ipaddress.rsplit(':', 1)
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ def _override_async_sniff_callback(basic_auth):
if sniffed_node is None:
# Use the node which was able to make the request as a base.
if node_configs:

View File

@ -206,13 +206,13 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('--index', help='Elasticsearch index name')
parser.add_argument('--pipeline', help='Use an ingest pipeline for the index')
parser.add_argument('--replicas', type=int, default=1, help='Number of replicas for the index')
parser.add_argument('--shards', type=int, default=1, help='Number of shards for the index')
parser.add_argument('--shards', type=int, default=3, help='Number of shards for the index')
# Performance arguments
parser.add_argument('--chunk-max', type=int, default=10, help='Maximum size in MB of a chunk')
parser.add_argument('--chunk-size', type=int, default=5000, help='Number of records to index in a chunk')
parser.add_argument('--chunk-threads', type=int, default=2, help='Number of threads to use when indexing in chunks')
parser.add_argument('--retries', type=int, default=10, help='Number of times to retry indexing a chunk before failing')
parser.add_argument('--chunk-size', type=int, default=50000, help='Number of records to index in a chunk')
parser.add_argument('--chunk-threads', type=int, default=3, help='Number of threads to use when indexing in chunks')
parser.add_argument('--retries', type=int, default=60, help='Number of times to retry indexing a chunk before failing')
parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=30, help='Number of seconds to wait before retrying a chunk')
# Ingestion arguments

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ def bytes_to_human_readable(num_bytes):
num_bytes /= 1024.0
return f"{num_bytes:.1f}YB"
def main():
'''Main function when running this script directly.'''
@ -43,63 +42,62 @@ def main():
es = Elasticsearch(**es_config)
stats = es.cluster.stats()
while True:
name = stats['cluster_name']
status = stats['status']
indices = {
'total': stats['indices']['count'],
'shards': stats['indices']['shards']['total'],
'docs': stats['indices']['docs']['count'],
'size': bytes_to_human_readable(stats['indices']['store']['size_in_bytes'])
nodes = {
'total': stats['_nodes']['total'],
'successful': stats['_nodes']['successful'],
'failed': stats['_nodes']['failed']
stats = es.cluster.stats()
if status == 'green':
print(f'Cluster {name} (\033[92m{status}\033[0m)')
elif status == 'yellow':
print(f'Cluster {name} (\033[93m{status}\033[0m)')
elif status == 'red':
print(f'Cluster {name} (\033[91m{status}\033[0m)')
print(f'Nodes {nodes["total"]} Total, {nodes["successful"]} Successful, {nodes["failed"]} Failed')
name = stats['cluster_name']
status = stats['status']
indices = {
'total': stats['indices']['count'],
'shards': stats['indices']['shards']['total'],
'docs': stats['indices']['docs']['count'],
'size': bytes_to_human_readable(stats['indices']['store']['size_in_bytes'])
nodes = {
'total': stats['_nodes']['total'],
'successful': stats['_nodes']['successful'],
'failed': stats['_nodes']['failed']
nodes_info =
# Loop through each node and print details
for node_id, node_info in nodes_info['nodes'].items():
node_name = node_info['name']
transport_address = node_info['transport_address']
#node_stats = es.nodes.stats(node_id=node_id)
version = node_info['version']
memory = bytes_to_human_readable(int(node_info['settings']['node']['attr']['ml']['machine_memory']))
print(f" {node_name.ljust(7)} | Host: {transport_address.rjust(21)} | Version: {version.ljust(7)} | Processors: {node_info['os']['available_processors']} | Memory: {memory}")
if status == 'green':
print(f'Cluster {name} (\033[92m{status}\033[0m)')
elif status == 'yellow':
print(f'Cluster {name} (\033[93m{status}\033[0m)')
elif status == 'red':
print(f'Cluster {name} (\033[91m{status}\033[0m)')
print(f'\nNodes {nodes["total"]} Total, {nodes["successful"]} Successful, {nodes["failed"]} Failed')
indices_stats ="json")
nodes_info =
#print(' |')
print(f'Indices {indices["total"]:,} Total {indices["shards"]:,}, Shards')
for index in indices_stats:
index_name = index['index']
document_count = f'{int(index['docs.count']):,}'
store_size = index['store.size']
number_of_shards = int(index['pri']) # primary shards
number_of_replicas = int(index['rep']) # replicas
for node_id, node_info in nodes_info['nodes'].items():
node_name = node_info['name']
transport_address = node_info['transport_address']
#node_stats = es.nodes.stats(node_id=node_id)
version = node_info['version']
memory = bytes_to_human_readable(int(node_info['settings']['node']['attr']['ml']['machine_memory']))
print(f" {node_name.ljust(7)} | Host: {transport_address.rjust(21)} | Version: {version.ljust(7)} | Processors: {node_info['os']['available_processors']} | Memory: {memory}")
if index_name.startswith('.') or document_count == '0':
indices_stats ="json")
print(f'\nIndices {indices["total"]:,} Total {indices["shards"]:,}, Shards')
for index in indices_stats:
index_name = index['index']
document_count = f'{int(index['docs.count']):,}'
store_size = index['store.size']
number_of_shards = int(index['pri']) # primary shards
number_of_replicas = int(index['rep']) # replicas
print(f" {index_name.ljust(15)} | Documents: {document_count.rjust(15)} | {store_size.rjust(7)} [Shards: {number_of_shards:,}, Replicas: {number_of_replicas:,}]")
if index_name.startswith('.') or document_count == '0':
dox = f'{indices["docs"]:,}'
print(f'Total {dox.rjust(48)} {indices["size"].rjust(9)}')
print(f" {index_name.ljust(15)} | Documents: {document_count.rjust(15)} | {store_size.rjust(7)} [Shards: {number_of_shards:,}, Replicas: {number_of_replicas:,}]")
dox = f'{indices["docs"]:,}'
print(f'\nTotal {dox.rjust(48)} {indices["size"].rjust(9)}')
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ BATCH_SIZE=10000
SCROLL_ID=$(curl -s -XGET "$ES_HOST/$ES_INDEX/_search?scroll=1m" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{ "size": $BATCH_SIZE, "query": { "match_all": {} } }' | jq -r '._scroll_id')
SCROLL_ID=$(curl -s -XGET "$ES_HOST/$ES_INDEX/_search?scroll=1m" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"{ \"size\": $BATCH_SIZE, \"query\": { \"match_all\": {} } }" | jq -r '._scroll_id')
while true; do
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -XGET "$ES_HOST/_search/scroll" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"scroll": "1m", "scroll_id": "'$SCROLL_ID'"}')
RESPONSE=$(curl -s -XGET "$ES_HOST/_search/scroll" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d"{\"scroll\": \"1m\", \"scroll_id\": \"$SCROLL_ID\"}")
HITS=$(echo $RESPONSE | jq -c '.hits.hits[]')
if [ -z "$HITS" ] || [ "$HITS" = "null" ]; then

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def process_file(file_path: str):
Example record:
"timestamp":"2024-01-14T13:08:15.117348474-05:00", # Rename to seen and remove milliseconds and offset
"hash": {
"hash": { # Do we need all of these ?
@ -64,19 +64,19 @@ Example record:
"url":"", # Remove this and only use the input field as "domain" maybe
"input":"", # rename to domain
"body_preview":"SUPERNETS Home About Contact Donate Docs Network IRC Git Invidious Jitsi LibreX Mastodon Matrix Sup",
"method":"GET", # Do we need this ?
"time":"592.907689ms", # Do we need this ?
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ Example record:
"words":436, # Do we need this ?
"lines":79, # Do we need this ?
"failed":false, # Do we need this ?
"knowledgebase":{ # Do we need this ?

View File

@ -2,6 +2,18 @@
# Elasticsearch Recon Ingestion Scripts (ERIS) - Developed by Acidvegas (
apt-get install iptables masscan libpcap-dev screen
setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /bin/masscan
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 61010 -j DROP
printf "\n10.0.0.0/8\n100.64.0.0/10\n127.0.0.0/8\n169.254.0.0/16\n172.16.0.0/12\n192.0.0.0/24\n192.0.2.0/24\n192.31.196.0/24\n192.52.193.0/24\n192.88.99.0/24\n192.168.0.0/16\n192.175.48.0/24\n198.18.0.0/15\n198.51.100.0/24\n203.0.113.0/24\n224.0.0.0/3\n255.255.255.255/32" > exclude.conf
screen -S scan
masscan -p21,22,23 --banners --http-user-agent "USER_AGENT" --source-port 61010 --open-only --rate 30000 --excludefile exclude.conf -oJ output.json
masscan -p21,22,23 --banners --http-user-agent "USER_AGENT" --source-port 61000-65503 --open-only --rate 30000 --excludefile exclude.conf -oJ output_new.json --shard $i/$TOTAL
Note: The above iptables rule is not persistent and will be removed on reboot.
import json
import logging
import re
@ -23,18 +35,18 @@ def construct_map() -> dict:
'service': { 'type': 'keyword' },
'banner': keyword_mapping,
'ref_id': { 'type': 'keyword' },
'seen': { 'type': 'date' },
'geoip': {
'properties': {
'city_name': keyword_mapping,
'continent_name': keyword_mapping,
'country_iso_code': keyword_mapping,
'country_name': keyword_mapping,
'location': { 'type': 'geo_point' },
'region_iso_code': keyword_mapping,
'region_name': keyword_mapping,
'seen': { 'type': 'date' }
#'geoip': {
# 'properties': {
# 'city_name': keyword_mapping,
# 'continent_name': keyword_mapping,
# 'country_iso_code': keyword_mapping,
# 'country_name': keyword_mapping,
# 'location': { 'type': 'geo_point' },
# 'region_iso_code': keyword_mapping,
# 'region_name': keyword_mapping,
# }
@ -56,6 +68,9 @@ def process_file(file_path: str):
if not line or not line.startswith('{'):
if line.endswith(','):
line = line[:-1]
record = json.loads(line)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
@ -116,20 +131,6 @@ Will be indexed as:
"service": "ssh",
"banner": "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.4",
"seen": "2021-10-08T02:04:28Z",
"ref_id": "?sKfOvsC4M4a2W8PaC4zF?", # TCP RST Payload, Might be useful..
# GeoIP ingestion pipeline fields
"geoip": {
"city_name": "City",
"continent_name": "Continent",
"country_iso_code": "CC",
"country_name": "Country",
"location": {
"lat": 0.0000,
"lon": 0.0000
"region_iso_code": "RR",
"region_name": "Region"
"ref_id": "?sKfOvsC4M4a2W8PaC4zF?" # TCP RST Payload (Do we need this?)

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ def process_file(file_path: str):
# Let's not index the PTR record if it's the same as the domain
if data == name:
ip = '.'.join(name.replace('', '').split('.')[::-1])
struct = {