🔒 Secure remote connections with Dropbear 🐻
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2024-07-16 19:36:59 -04:00
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dbc Initial commit 2024-07-16 19:36:59 -04:00


Dropbear Connect

A secure & efficient way to manage your remote connections with Dropbear!

DBC is a simple script to manage your SSH connections with Dropbear , which is an alternative to OpenSSH for remote connections.


Dropbear does not have built-in support for an .ssh/config file, and even with OpenSSH, storing all your remote infrastructure in plain-text might not be a good idea.

Dropbear does not have support for encrypted SSH private keys, and even with OpenSSH, storing your private keys (even if encrypted) in the default .ssh directory might not be a good idea.

DBC is really simple & meant to run side-by-side with pass securely store your .ssh/config & your SSH private keys.

You can securely manage & organize your SSH connections now. Your SSH private key is temporarily decrypted in RAM & used to connect. Once connected, the key is wiped.


  1. Store your Dropbear configurations in your password store under the name dropbear in the following format:

JUMP is optional and can be used to specify a host that should use your jump host.

If JUMP is set to x, the script will use the jump host to connect to the end host.

There should only be one jump host in the config file and it should be named jump.

jump    acidvegas   5902
hatebox acidvegas 2023 x
aws     admin 22
  1. Store your Dropbear private key in your password store under the name dropbear_key.

  2. Run the script with the name of the host you want to connect to:

./dbc hatebox

Useful Commands

  • Git usage: git config core.sshCommand "dbclient -i ~/.ssh/key"
  • Generate private key: dropbearkey -t ed25519 -f ~/.dropbear/key | grep "ssh-ed25519"
  • Get public key: dropbearkey -y -f ~/.dropbear/key | head -n 2 | tail -n 1

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