2025-02-12 20:55:42 -08:00

167 lines
5.9 KiB

from irc3.plugins.command import command
from irc3.plugins.cron import cron
import irc3
from irc3 import utils
import re
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import time
from asynchronous import AsyncEvents
class AntiSpam:
"""IRC3 Anti-Spam Plugin with Auto-Ban for Repeat Offenders"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.config = bot.config.get('antispam', {})
self.user_data = defaultdict(lambda: {
'messages': deque(maxlen=int(self.config.get('repeat_limit', 3))),
'timestamps': deque(maxlen=int(self.config.get('spam_limit', 5))),
'mentions': deque(maxlen=int(self.config.get('mention_limit', 2)))
self.kick_history = defaultdict(deque) # Track kick timestamps per user
self.exclude_list = ['ZodBot']
self.service_name = self.config.get('service_name', 'ChanServ')
self.who_channel = WhoChannel(bot) # Initialize WHO channel handler
async def get_user_modes(self, nick, channel):
"""Dynamically fetch user modes using WHO command."""
result = await self.who_channel(channel=channel)
if result['success']:
for user in result['users']:
if user['nick'].lower() == nick.lower():
return user['modes']
except Exception as e:
self.bot.log.error(f"Error fetching user modes: {e}")
return ""
def is_spam(self, nick, message, channel):
"""Check if message meets spam criteria"""
user = self.user_data[nick.lower()]
now = time.time()
if len(message) > int(self.config.get('max_length', 300)):
return True
if message in user['messages']:
if len(user['messages']) == user['messages'].maxlen - 1:
return True
if len(user['timestamps']) == user['timestamps'].maxlen:
if (now - user['timestamps'][0]) < 60:
return True
if self.bot.nick.lower() in message.lower():
if len(user['mentions']) == user['mentions'].maxlen:
if (now - user['mentions'][0]) < 60:
return True
return False
async def monitor_messages(self, mask, event, target, data):
"""Handle incoming messages and check for spam"""
if target.startswith("#"):
nick = mask.nick
message = data
channel_name = target.lower()
if nick in self.exclude_list:
user_modes = await self.get_user_modes(nick, channel_name)
if user_modes:
if {'o', '%', 'h', '@'} & set(user_modes):
if self.is_spam(nick, message, channel_name):
print(f"SPAM {nick} - {user_modes}")
self.handle_spam(mask, message, channel_name)
def handle_spam(self, mask, message, channel):
"""Take action against spam, escalating to ban if kicked twice in 5 minutes"""
nick = mask.nick
current_time = time.time()
cutoff = current_time - 300 # 5 minutes ago
nick_lower = nick.lower()
user_kicks = self.kick_history[nick_lower]
# Filter recent kicks within the last 5 minutes
recent_kicks = [ts for ts in user_kicks if ts >= cutoff]
if len(recent_kicks) >= 2:
# Ban the user using hostmask
ban_mask = f'*!{mask.host}'
self.bot.send(f"MODE {channel} +b {ban_mask}")
f"KICK {channel} {nick} Banned for repeated spamming"
# Clear history and data
del self.kick_history[nick_lower]
self.user_data.pop(nick_lower, None)
# Kick and record timestamp
f"KICK {channel} {nick} :stop spamming"
self.user_data.pop(nick_lower, None)
@cron('* * * * *')
def clean_old_records(self):
"""Cleanup inactive users every minute"""
cutoff = time.time() - 300
to_remove = [
nick for nick, data in self.user_data.items()
if len(data['timestamps']) > 0 and data['timestamps'][-1] < cutoff
for nick in to_remove:
del self.user_data[nick]
def connection_made(self):
"""Initialize when bot connects"""
self.bot.log.info("Enhanced AntiSpam plugin loaded with kick-to-ban escalation")
class WhoChannel(AsyncEvents):
"""Handle WHO responses for a channel."""
send_line = 'WHO {channel}'
events = (
'match': (
r"(?i)^:\S+ 352 \S+ {channel} (?P<user>\S+) "
r"(?P<host>\S+) (?P<server>\S+) (?P<nick>\S+) "
r"(?P<modes>\S+) :(?P<hopcount>\S+) (?P<realname>.*)"
'multi': True
'match': r"(?i)^:\S+ (?P<retcode>(315|401)) \S+ {channel} :.*",
'final': True
def process_results(self, results=None, **value):
"""Process WHO channel results into a user list."""
users = []
for res in results:
if 'retcode' in res:
res['mask'] = utils.IrcString('{nick}!{user}@{host}'.format(**res))
value['users'] = users
value['success'] = value.get('retcode') == '315'
return value