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102 lines
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import irc3
from irc3.plugins.command import command
from irc3.compat import Queue
import asyncio
def strip_nick_prefix(nick):
"""Remove IRC mode prefixes from a nickname"""
return nick.lstrip('@+%&~!') if nick else ''
class MassMessagePlugin:
"""Mass messaging plugin using async queue system"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.delay = 0.0001 # Delay between messages in seconds
self.queue = Queue() # Using irc3's compatibility Queue
self.count = 0 # Counter for successfully sent messages
async def _worker(self, message, total):
"""Worker task to process messages from the queue"""
while True:
nick = await self.queue.get()
if nick == "FUCKYOU":
nick = "Zodiac"
self.bot.privmsg(nick, message)
self.count += 1
self.bot.log.info(f"Sent to {nick} ({self.count}/{total})")
except Exception as e:
self.bot.log.error(f"Failed to message {nick}: {e}")
self.queue.task_done() # Mark the task as done after processing
if self.delay > 0:
await asyncio.sleep(self.delay)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
# Exit silently on cancellation
except Exception as e:
self.bot.log.error(f"Worker error: {e}")
@command(permission="admin", options_first=True)
async def msgall(self, mask, target, args):
"""Send a message to all users in the channel using async queue
%%msgall <message>...
if not target.is_channel:
return "This command can only be used in a channel"
message = ' '.join(args['<message>'])
workers = [] # Ensure workers is defined in the scope of the try block
# Fetch the list of users in the channel
result = await self.bot.async_cmds.names(target)
nicknames = [strip_nick_prefix(n) for n in result['names']]
recipients = [n for n in nicknames if n != self.bot.nick]
if not recipients:
return "No valid recipients found"
total = len(recipients)
self.count = 0 # Reset the counter for this run
# Add all recipients to the queue
for nick in recipients:
await self.queue.put(nick)
# Create worker tasks
workers = [asyncio.create_task(self._worker(message, total)) for _ in range(1)]
# Send initial confirmation
self.bot.privmsg(target, f"Starting mass message to {total} users...")
# Wait for the queue to be fully processed
await self.queue.join()
# Cancel worker tasks after the queue is empty
for task in workers:
# Wait for workers to finish cancellation
await asyncio.gather(*workers, return_exceptions=True)
return f"Mass message completed. Sent to {self.count}/{total} users."
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self.bot.log.info("Mass message command cancelled. Cleaning up workers.")
# Cancel any existing worker tasks
for task in workers:
# Allow workers to handle cancellation
await asyncio.gather(*workers, return_exceptions=True)
# Re-raise the cancellation to inform the bot framework
except Exception as e:
self.bot.log.error(f"Error in msgall: {e}")
return f"Mass message failed: {str(e)}"