soju forked to be LESS SHIT
Go to file
sad b75214f9ea
fuck it up
2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00
auth Move authError to auth package 2023-02-23 22:32:24 +01:00
cmd cmd/sojudb: use User.SetPassword 2023-11-01 00:05:03 +01:00
config Move DefaultUnixAdminPath to config package 2023-03-15 17:47:47 +01:00
contrib contrib/certbot: set -eu in renewal hook 2023-12-08 17:04:17 +01:00
database database: move schema into separate file 2023-12-06 11:39:46 +01:00
doc doc/man: add note that memory message store is basic 2023-11-28 00:26:21 +01:00
identd identd: use UNKNOWN for OS name 2023-02-23 13:27:25 +01:00
msgstore database: batch msg inserts 2023-10-25 16:03:00 +02:00
xirc Use * instead of nick in some numeric replies 2023-08-23 19:50:37 +02:00
.b4-config Add .b4-config 2023-11-28 14:53:07 +01:00
.build.yml ci: switch to alpine/latest 2021-10-15 09:59:53 +02:00
.editorconfig Add .editorconfig 2020-11-30 11:39:41 +01:00
.gitignore gitignore: add doc/sojuctl.1 2023-04-05 10:56:36 +02:00
LICENSE Switch license to AGPLv3 2020-02-07 17:41:51 +01:00
Makefile build: improve readability of Go -ldflags 2023-10-21 18:22:56 +02:00 readme: merge paragraphs about GOFLAGS 2023-02-22 21:12:22 +01:00
certfp.go Split CertFP logic into separate file 2021-10-08 09:47:25 +02:00 Listen on the default unix admin endpoint in the default configuration 2023-02-06 15:15:09 +01:00
conn.go fuck it up 2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00
downstream.go fuck it up 2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00
go.mod Upgrade to go-sqlite3 to fix musl build 2023-12-21 15:36:41 +01:00
go.sum Upgrade to go-sqlite3 to fix musl build 2023-12-21 15:36:41 +01:00
irc.go Introduce 2023-08-03 19:38:31 +02:00
irc_test.go irc: add isHighlight tests 2022-02-25 11:31:41 +01:00
rate.go fuck it up 2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00
server.go fuck it up 2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00
server_test.go database: add NewUser 2023-11-01 00:04:57 +01:00
service.go database: add NewUser 2023-11-01 00:04:57 +01:00
service_test.go Hand-made word splitter for BouncerServ 2021-06-24 19:33:46 +02:00
upstream.go fuck it up 2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00
user.go fuck it up 2024-04-07 14:58:24 -06:00

soju status

soju is a user-friendly IRC bouncer. soju connects to upstream IRC servers on behalf of the user to provide extra functionality. soju supports many features such as multiple users, numerous IRCv3 extensions, chat history playback and detached channels. It is well-suited for both small and large deployments.


Building and installing


  • Go
  • BSD or GNU make
  • a C89 compiler (optional, for SQLite)
  • scdoc (optional, for man pages)

For end users, a Makefile is provided:

sudo make install

For development, you can use go run ./cmd/soju as usual.

To link with the system libsqlite3, set GOFLAGS="-tags=libsqlite3". To disable SQLite support, set GOFLAGS="-tags=nosqlite". To use an alternative SQLite library that does not require CGO, set GOFLAGS="-tags=moderncsqlite". To build with PAM authentication support, set GOFLAGS="-tags=pam".


Send patches on the mailing list or on GitHub, report bugs on the issue tracker. Discuss in #soju on Libera Chat.



Copyright (C) 2020 The soju Contributors