admin { ""; } alias botserv { type services; } alias bs { target botserv; type services; } alias chanserv { type services; } alias cs { target chanserv; type services; } alias hostserv { type services; } alias hs { target hostserv; type services; } alias nickserv { type services; } alias ns { target nickserv; type services; } alias operserv { type services; } alias os { target operserv; type services; } class clients { pingfreq 120; maxclients 100; sendq 1M; options { nofakelag; } } class servers { pingfreq 120; maxclients 10; sendq 1M; connfreq 30; } allow { ip *; class clients; maxperip 2; } #require authentication { # mask *@*; # reason "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; #} listen { ip *; port 6667; options { clientsonly; } } listen { ip *; port 6697; options { clientsonly; tls; } } listen { ip *; port REDACTED; options { serversonly; tls; } } link { incoming { mask REDACTED; } outgoing { bind-ip *; hostname REDACTED; port REDACTED; options { tls; autoconnect; } } password "REDACTED" { spkifp; } class servers; } log "errors.log" { flags { errors; } maxsize 10K; } tld { mask *@*; motd remote.motd; rules remote.motd; options { remote; } } ulines {; } blacklist dronebl { dns { name; type record; reply { 3; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; } } action gzline; ban-time 30d; reason "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; } blacklist efnetrbl { dns { name; type record; reply { 1; 4; 5; } } action gzline; ban-time 30d; reason "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; } blacklist torbl { dns { name; type record; reply { 100; } } action gzline; ban-time 30d; reason "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; } webirc { mask; password "REDACTED"; } # KiwiIRC webirc { mask; password "REDACTED"; } webirc { mask; password "REDACTED"; } webirc { mask; password "REDACTED"; } # Mibbit webirc { mask; password "REDACTED"; } webirc { mask; password "REDACTED"; } webirc { mask ; password "REDACTED"; } set { #auto-join "#superbowl"; kline-address ""; gline-address ""; modes-on-connect "+ipTx"; modes-on-oper "+HIq"; snomask-on-oper "+bcFfkGsSo"; modes-on-join "+Cns"; level-on-join "op"; restrict-usermodes "ips"; restrict-channelmodes "CnLpPs"; restrict-commands { channel-message { connect-delay 60; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 100; } invite { connect-delay 3600; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 100; } join { connect-delay 60; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 100; } list { connect-delay 120; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 100; } private-message { connect-delay 300; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 100; } private-notice { connect-delay 3600; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 100; } } oper-auto-join "#help"; static-quit "EMO-QUIT"; static-part "EMO-PART"; who-limit 100; nick-length 20; maxchannelsperuser 10; channel-command-prefix "`!@$."; options { hide-ulines; flat-map; identd-check; } network-name "SuperNETs"; default-server ""; services-server ""; sasl-server ""; help-channel "#help"; cloak-method ip; cloak-keys { "REDACTED"; "REDACTED"; "REDACTED"; } hiddenhost-prefix "SUPER"; plaintext-policy { user warn; oper deny; server deny; user-message "4WARNING: You are not using a secure connection with SSL/TLS"; oper-message "Network operators must connect using SSL/TLS"; } outdated-tls-policy { user warn; oper deny; server deny; user-message "4WARNING: You are using an outdated SSL/TLS protocol or cipher"; oper-message "Network operators must connect using an up-to-date SSL/TLS protocol or cipher"; } #handshake-timeout 60s; # Enable for authprompt anti-flood { away-flood 3:300; connect-flood 3:300; invite-flood 3:300; join-flood 3:300; knock-flood 3:300; nick-flood 3:300; max-concurrent-conversations { users 5; new-user-every 60s; } #target-flood { # channel-privmsg 45:5; # channel-notice 15:5; # channel-tagmsg 15:5; # private-privmsg 30:5; # private-notice 10:5; # private-tagmsg 10:5; #} unknown-flood-amount 2048; unknown-flood-bantime 1h; } default-bantime 30d; modef-default-unsettime 5; spamfilter { ban-time 1d; ban-reason "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; except "#anythinggoes"; } max-targets-per-command { kick 1; notice 1; part 1; privmsg 1; } hide-ban-reason yes; reject-message { gline "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; kline "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; password-mismatch "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; server-full "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; too-many-connections "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; unauthorized "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; } antimixedutf8 { score 10; ban-action block; ban-reason "8,4 E N T E R T H E V O I D "; } #authentication-prompt { # enabled yes; # message "The server requires clients from this IP address to authenticate with a registered nickname and password."; # message "Please reconnect using SASL, or authenticate now by typing: /QUOTE AUTH nick:password"; # fail-message "Authentication failed"; #} connthrottle { known-users { minimum-reputation-score 24; sasl-bypass yes; } new-users { local-throttle 20:60; global-throttle 30:60; } disabled-when { reputation-gathering 1w; start-delay 3m; } } history { channel { playback-on-join { lines 100; time 1d; } max-storage-per-channel { lines 100; time 1d; } } } hide-idle-time { policy usermode; } } hideserver { disable-map yes; disable-links yes; map-deny-message "Denied"; links-deny-message "Denied"; }