/* * IRC - Internet Relay Chat, src/modules/topic.c * (C) 2004-present The UnrealIRCd Team * * See file AUTHORS in IRC package for additional names of * the programmers. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "unrealircd.h" CMD_FUNC(cmd_topic); #define MSG_TOPIC "TOPIC" ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER = { "topic", "5.0", "command /topic", "UnrealIRCd Team", "unrealircd-6", }; /* Forward declarations */ void _set_channel_topic(Client *client, Channel *channel, MessageTag *recv_mtags, const char *topic, const char *set_by, time_t set_at); MOD_TEST() { MARK_AS_OFFICIAL_MODULE(modinfo); EfunctionAddVoid(modinfo->handle, EFUNC_SET_CHANNEL_TOPIC, _set_channel_topic); return MOD_SUCCESS; } MOD_INIT() { CommandAdd(modinfo->handle, MSG_TOPIC, cmd_topic, 4, CMD_USER|CMD_SERVER); MARK_AS_OFFICIAL_MODULE(modinfo); return MOD_SUCCESS; } MOD_LOAD() { return MOD_SUCCESS; } MOD_UNLOAD() { return MOD_SUCCESS; } void topic_operoverride_msg(Client *client, Channel *channel, const char *topic) { unreal_log(ULOG_INFO, "operoverride", "OPEROVERRIDE_TOPIC", client, "OperOverride: $client.details changed the topic of $channel to '$topic'", log_data_string("override_type", "topic"), log_data_string("topic", topic), log_data_channel("channel", channel)); } /** Query or change the channel topic. * * Syntax for clients: * parv[1] = channel * parv[2] = new topic * * Syntax for server to server traffic: * parv[1] = channel name * parv[2] = topic nickname * parv[3] = topic time * parv[4] = topic text */ CMD_FUNC(cmd_topic) { Channel *channel = NULL; const char *topic = NULL; const char *name, *tnick = client->name; const char *errmsg = NULL; time_t ttime = 0; int i = 0; Hook *h; MessageTag *mtags = NULL; if ((parc < 2) || BadPtr(parv[1])) { sendnumeric(client, ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS, "TOPIC"); return; } name = parv[1]; channel = find_channel(parv[1]); if (!channel) { sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, name); return; } if (parc > 2 || SecretChannel(channel)) { if (!IsMember(client, channel) && !IsServer(client) && !ValidatePermissionsForPath("channel:see:list:secret",client,NULL,channel,NULL) && !IsULine(client)) { sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, name); return; } if (parc > 2) topic = parv[2]; } if (parc > 4) { if (MyUser(client)) { sendnumeric(client, ERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND, "TOPIC", "Invalid parameters. Usage is TOPIC #channel :topic here"); return; } tnick = parv[2]; ttime = atol(parv[3]); topic = parv[4]; } /* Only asking for the topic */ if (!topic) { if (IsServer(client)) return; /* Servers must maintain state, not ask */ for (h = Hooks[HOOKTYPE_VIEW_TOPIC_OUTSIDE_CHANNEL]; h; h = h->next) { i = (*(h->func.intfunc))(client,channel); if (i != HOOK_CONTINUE) break; } /* If you're not a member, and you can't view outside channel, deny */ if ((!IsMember(client, channel) && i == HOOK_DENY) || (is_banned(client,channel,BANCHK_JOIN,NULL,NULL) && !ValidatePermissionsForPath("channel:see:topic",client,NULL,channel,NULL))) { sendnumeric(client, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, name); return; } if (!channel->topic) sendnumeric(client, RPL_NOTOPIC, channel->name); else { sendnumeric(client, RPL_TOPIC, channel->name, channel->topic); sendnumeric(client, RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, channel->name, channel->topic_nick, (long long)channel->topic_time); } return; } if (ttime && topic && (IsServer(client) || IsULine(client))) { if (!channel->topic_time || ttime > channel->topic_time || IsULine(client)) /* The IsUline is to allow services to use an old TS. Apparently * some services do this in their topic enforcement -- codemastr */ { /* Set the topic */ safe_strldup(channel->topic, topic, iConf.topic_length+1); safe_strldup(channel->topic_nick, tnick, NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+5); channel->topic_time = ttime; new_message(client, recv_mtags, &mtags); RunHook(HOOKTYPE_TOPIC, client, channel, mtags, topic); sendto_server(client, 0, 0, mtags, ":%s TOPIC %s %s %lld :%s", client->id, channel->name, channel->topic_nick, (long long)channel->topic_time, channel->topic); sendto_channel(channel, client, NULL, 0, 0, SEND_LOCAL, mtags, ":%s TOPIC %s :%s", client->name, channel->name, channel->topic); free_message_tags(mtags); } return; } /* Topic change. Either locally (check permissions!) or remote, check permissions: */ if (IsUser(client)) { const char *newtopic = NULL; const char *errmsg = NULL; int ret = EX_ALLOW; int operoverride = 0; for (h = Hooks[HOOKTYPE_CAN_SET_TOPIC]; h; h = h->next) { int n = (*(h->func.intfunc))(client, channel, topic, &errmsg); if (n == EX_DENY) { ret = n; } else if (n == EX_ALWAYS_DENY) { ret = n; break; } } if (ret == EX_ALWAYS_DENY) { if (MyUser(client) && errmsg) sendto_one(client, NULL, "%s", errmsg); /* send error, if any */ if (MyUser(client)) return; /* reject the topic set (note: we never block remote sets) */ } if (ret == EX_DENY) { if (MyUser(client) && !ValidatePermissionsForPath("channel:override:topic", client, NULL, channel, NULL)) { if (errmsg) sendto_one(client, NULL, "%s", errmsg); return; /* reject */ } else { operoverride = 1; /* allow */ } } /* banned? */ newtopic = topic; if (!check_channel_access(client, channel, "hoaq") && is_banned(client, channel, BANCHK_MSG, &newtopic, &errmsg)) { char buf[512]; if (MyUser(client) && !ValidatePermissionsForPath("channel:override:topic", client, NULL, channel, NULL)) { ircsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "You cannot change the topic on %s while being banned", channel->name); sendnumeric(client, ERR_CANNOTDOCOMMAND, "TOPIC", buf); return; } operoverride = 1; } if (MyUser(client) && newtopic) topic = newtopic; /* process is_banned() changes of topic (eg: text replacement), but only for local clients */ if (operoverride) topic_operoverride_msg(client, channel, topic); /* For local users, run spamfilters and hooks.. */ if (MyUser(client)) { Hook *tmphook; int n; if (match_spamfilter(client, topic, SPAMF_TOPIC, "TOPIC", channel->name, 0, NULL)) return; for (tmphook = Hooks[HOOKTYPE_PRE_LOCAL_TOPIC]; tmphook; tmphook = tmphook->next) { topic = (*(tmphook->func.stringfunc))(client, channel, topic); if (!topic) return; } } /* At this point 'tnick' is set to client->name. * If set::topic-setter nick-user-host; is set * then we update it here to nick!user@host. */ if (iConf.topic_setter == SETTER_NICK_USER_HOST) tnick = make_nick_user_host(client->name, client->user->username, GetHost(client)); } _set_channel_topic(client, channel, recv_mtags, topic, tnick, ttime); } /** Set topic on a channel. * @param client The client setting the topic * @param channel The channel * @param recv_mtags Message tags * @param topic The new topic (TODO: this function does not support unsetting yet) * @param set_by Who set the topic (can be NULL, means client->name) * @param set_at When the topic was set (can be 0, means now) */ void _set_channel_topic(Client *client, Channel *channel, MessageTag *recv_mtags, const char *topic, const char *set_by, time_t set_at) { MessageTag *mtags = NULL; /* Set default values when needed */ if (set_by == NULL) set_by = client->name; if (set_at == 0) set_at = TStime(); /* Set the topic */ safe_strldup(channel->topic, topic, iConf.topic_length+1); safe_strldup(channel->topic_nick, set_by, NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+5); channel->topic_time = set_at; /* And broadcast the change - locally and remote */ new_message(client, recv_mtags, &mtags); RunHook(HOOKTYPE_TOPIC, client, channel, mtags, topic); sendto_server(client, 0, 0, mtags, ":%s TOPIC %s %s %lld :%s", client->id, channel->name, channel->topic_nick, (long long)channel->topic_time, channel->topic); sendto_channel(channel, client, NULL, 0, 0, SEND_LOCAL, mtags, ":%s TOPIC %s :%s", client->name, channel->name, channel->topic); free_message_tags(mtags); }