/* * Unreal Internet Relay Chat Daemon, src/auth.c * (C) 2001 Carsten V. Munk (stskeeps@tspre.org) * (C) 2003-2019 Bram Matthys (syzop@vulnscan.org) and the UnrealIRCd team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "unrealircd.h" #include "crypt_blowfish.h" typedef struct AuthTypeList AuthTypeList; struct AuthTypeList { char *name; AuthenticationType type; }; /** The list of authentication types that we support. */ AuthTypeList MODVAR AuthTypeLists[] = { {"plain", AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT}, {"plaintext", AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT}, {"crypt", AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT}, {"unixcrypt", AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT}, {"bcrypt", AUTHTYPE_BCRYPT}, {"cert", AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT}, {"sslclientcert", AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT}, {"tlsclientcert", AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT}, {"certfp", AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP}, {"sslclientcertfp", AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP}, {"tlsclientcertfp", AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP}, {"spkifp", AUTHTYPE_SPKIFP}, {"argon2", AUTHTYPE_ARGON2}, {NULL, 0} }; /* Helper function for Auth_AutoDetectHashType() */ static int parsepass(const char *str, char **salt, char **hash) { static char saltbuf[512], hashbuf[512]; const char *p; int max; /* Syntax: $$ */ if (*str != '$') return 0; p = strchr(str+1, '$'); if (!p || (p == str+1) || !p[1]) return 0; max = p - str; if (max > sizeof(saltbuf)) max = sizeof(saltbuf); strlcpy(saltbuf, str+1, max); strlcpy(hashbuf, p+1, sizeof(hashbuf)); *salt = saltbuf; *hash = hashbuf; return 1; } /** Auto detect hash type for input hash 'hash'. * Will fallback to AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT when not found (or invalid). */ int Auth_AutoDetectHashType(const char *hash) { static char hashbuf[256]; char *saltstr, *hashstr; int bits; if (!strchr(hash, '$')) { /* SHA256 certificate fingerprint perhaps? * These are exactly 64 bytes (00112233..etc..) or 95 bytes (00:11:22:33:etc) in size. */ if ((strlen(hash) == 64) || (strlen(hash) == 95)) { const char *p; char *hexchars = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"; for (p = hash; *p; p++) if ((*p != ':') && !strchr(hexchars, *p)) return AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; /* not hex and not colon */ return AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP; } if (strlen(hash) == 44) { const char *p; char *b64chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; for (p = hash; *p; p++) if (!strchr(b64chars, *p)) return AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; /* not base64 */ return AUTHTYPE_SPKIFP; } } if ((*hash != '$') || !strchr(hash+1, '$')) return AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; if (!strncmp(hash, "$2a$", 4) || !strncmp(hash, "$2b$", 4) || !strncmp(hash, "$2y$", 4)) return AUTHTYPE_BCRYPT; if (!strncmp(hash, "$argon2", 7)) return AUTHTYPE_ARGON2; /* Now handle UnrealIRCd-style password hashes.. */ if (parsepass(hash, &saltstr, &hashstr) == 0) return AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; /* old method (pre-3.2.1) or could not detect, fallback. */ bits = b64_decode(hashstr, hashbuf, sizeof(hashbuf)) * 8; if (bits <= 0) return AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT; /* decode failed. likely some other crypt() type. */ /* else it's likely some other crypt() type */ return AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT; } /** Find authentication type for 'hash' and explicit type 'type'. * @param hash The password hash (may be NULL if you are creating a password) * @param type An explicit type. In that case we will search by this type, rather * than trying to determine the type on the 'hash' parameter. * Or leave NULL, then we use hash autodetection. */ AuthenticationType Auth_FindType(const char *hash, const char *type) { if (type) { AuthTypeList *e = AuthTypeLists; while (e->name) { if (!mycmp(e->name, type)) return e->type; e++; } return AUTHTYPE_INVALID; /* Not found */ } if (hash) return Auth_AutoDetectHashType(hash); return AUTHTYPE_INVALID; /* both 'hash' and 'type' are NULL */ } /** Check the syntax of an authentication block. * This is a block like: password "data" { type; }; * in the configuration file. */ int Auth_CheckError(ConfigEntry *ce) { AuthenticationType type = AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; X509 *x509_filecert = NULL; FILE *x509_f = NULL; if (!ce->value) { config_error("%s:%i: authentication module failure: missing parameter", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number); return -1; } if (ce->items && ce->items->next) { config_error("%s:%i: you may not have multiple authentication methods", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number); return -1; } type = Auth_FindType(ce->value, ce->items ? ce->items->name : NULL); if (type == -1) { config_error("%s:%i: authentication module failure: %s is not an implemented/enabled authentication method", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number, ce->items->name); return -1; } switch (type) { case AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT: /* If our data is like 1 or none, we just let em through .. */ if (strlen(ce->value) < 2) { config_error("%s:%i: authentication module failure: AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT: no salt (crypt strings will always be >2 in length)", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number); return -1; } break; case AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT: convert_to_absolute_path(&ce->value, CONFDIR); if (!(x509_f = fopen(ce->value, "r"))) { config_error("%s:%i: authentication module failure: AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT: error opening file %s: %s", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number, ce->value, strerror(errno)); return -1; } x509_filecert = PEM_read_X509(x509_f, NULL, NULL, NULL); fclose(x509_f); if (!x509_filecert) { config_error("%s:%i: authentication module failure: AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT: PEM_read_X509 errored in file %s (format error?)", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number, ce->value); return -1; } X509_free(x509_filecert); break; default: ; } /* Unix crypt is a bit more complicated: most types are outright 'bad', * while other types have reasonable security similar to 'bcrypt'. * To be honest these people should probably use 'argon2' since it's * a lot better. Then again, warning about this when it's still such * a common hashing method (now, in 2018) may be a bit overzealous. * So: not warning about crypt types $5/$6 which use SHA256/SHA512 * with normally at least 5000 rounds (unless deliberately weakened * by the user). */ if ((type == AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT) && strncmp(ce->value, "$5", 2) && strncmp(ce->value, "$6", 2) && !strstr(ce->value, "$rounds")) { config_warn("%s:%i: Using simple crypt for authentication is not recommended. " "Consider using the more secure auth-type 'argon2' instead. " "See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Authentication_types for the complete list.", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number); /* do not return, not an error. */ } if ((type == AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT) && (strlen(ce->value) > PASSWDLEN)) { config_error("%s:%i: passwords length may not exceed %d", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number, PASSWDLEN); return -1; } return 1; } /** Convert an authentication block from the configuration file * into an AuthConfig structure so it can be used at runtime. */ AuthConfig *AuthBlockToAuthConfig(ConfigEntry *ce) { AuthenticationType type = AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; AuthConfig *as = NULL; type = Auth_FindType(ce->value, ce->items ? ce->items->name : NULL); if (type == AUTHTYPE_INVALID) type = AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT; as = safe_alloc(sizeof(AuthConfig)); safe_strdup(as->data, ce->value); as->type = type; return as; } /** Free an AuthConfig struct */ void Auth_FreeAuthConfig(AuthConfig *as) { if (as) { safe_free(as->data); safe_free(as); } } /* RAW salt length (before b64_encode) to use in /MKPASSWD * and REAL salt length (after b64_encode, including terminating nul), * used for reserving memory. */ #define RAWSALTLEN 6 #define REALSALTLEN 12 static int authcheck_argon2(Client *client, AuthConfig *as, const char *para) { argon2_type hashtype; if (!para) return 0; /* Find out the hashtype. Why do we need to do this, why is this * not in the library or irrelevant by using some generic function? */ if (!strncmp(as->data, "$argon2id", 9)) hashtype = Argon2_id; else if (!strncmp(as->data, "$argon2i", 8)) hashtype = Argon2_i; else if (!strncmp(as->data, "$argon2d", 8)) hashtype = Argon2_d; else return 0; /* unknown argon2 type */ if (argon2_verify(as->data, para, strlen(para), hashtype) == ARGON2_OK) return 1; /* MATCH */ return 0; /* NO MATCH or error */ } static int authcheck_bcrypt(Client *client, AuthConfig *as, const char *para) { char data[512]; /* NOTE: only 64 required by BF_crypt() */ char *str; if (!para) return 0; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); str = _crypt_blowfish_rn(para, as->data, data, sizeof(data)); if (!str) return 0; /* ERROR / INVALID HASH */ if (!strcmp(str, as->data)) return 1; /* MATCH */ return 0; /* NO MATCH */ } static int authcheck_tls_clientcert(Client *client, AuthConfig *as, const char *para) { X509 *x509_clientcert = NULL; X509 *x509_filecert = NULL; FILE *x509_f = NULL; if (!client->local->ssl) return 0; x509_clientcert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(client->local->ssl); if (!x509_clientcert) return 0; if (!(x509_f = fopen(as->data, "r"))) { X509_free(x509_clientcert); return 0; } x509_filecert = PEM_read_X509(x509_f, NULL, NULL, NULL); fclose(x509_f); if (!x509_filecert) { X509_free(x509_clientcert); return 0; } if (X509_cmp(x509_filecert, x509_clientcert) != 0) { X509_free(x509_clientcert); X509_free(x509_filecert); return 0; } X509_free(x509_clientcert); X509_free(x509_filecert); return 1; } static int authcheck_tls_clientcert_fingerprint(Client *client, AuthConfig *as, const char *para) { int i, k; char hexcolon[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 3 + 1]; const char *fp; if (!client->local->ssl) return 0; fp = moddata_client_get(client, "certfp"); if (!fp) return 0; /* Make a colon version so that we keep in line with * previous versions, based on Nath's patch -dboyz */ k=0; for (i=0; idata, hexcolon) && strcasecmp(as->data, fp)) return 0; return 1; } static int authcheck_spkifp(Client *client, AuthConfig *as, const char *para) { const char *fp = spki_fingerprint(client); if (!fp) return 0; /* auth failed: not TLS or some other failure */ if (strcasecmp(as->data, fp)) return 0; /* auth failed: mismatch */ return 1; /* SUCCESS */ } /* * client MUST be a local client * as is what it will be compared with * para will used in coordination with the auth type */ /** Check authentication, such as a password against the * provided AuthConfig (which was parsed from the configuration * file earlier). * @param client The client. * @param as The authentication config. * @param para The provided parameter (NULL allowed) * @returns 1 if passed, 0 if incorrect (eg: invalid password) * @note * - The return value was different in versions before UnrealIRCd 5.0.0! * - In older versions a NULL 'as' was treated as an allow, now it's deny. */ int Auth_Check(Client *client, AuthConfig *as, const char *para) { extern char *crypt(); char *res; if (!as || !as->data) return 0; /* Should not happen, but better be safe.. */ switch (as->type) { case AUTHTYPE_PLAINTEXT: if (!para) return 0; if (!strcmp(as->data, "changemeplease") && !strcmp(para, as->data)) { unreal_log(ULOG_INFO, "auth", "AUTH_REJECT_DEFAULT_PASSWORD", client, "Rejecting default password 'changemeplease'. " "Please change the password in the configuration file."); return 0; } /* plain text compare */ if (!strcmp(para, as->data)) return 1; return 0; case AUTHTYPE_ARGON2: return authcheck_argon2(client, as, para); case AUTHTYPE_BCRYPT: return authcheck_bcrypt(client, as, para); case AUTHTYPE_UNIXCRYPT: if (!para) return 0; res = crypt(para, as->data); if (res && !strcmp(res, as->data)) return 1; return 0; case AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERT: return authcheck_tls_clientcert(client, as, para); case AUTHTYPE_TLS_CLIENTCERTFP: return authcheck_tls_clientcert_fingerprint(client, as, para); case AUTHTYPE_SPKIFP: return authcheck_spkifp(client, as, para); case AUTHTYPE_INVALID: return 0; /* Should never happen */ } return 0; } #define UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_TIME_COST 3 #define UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_MEMORY_COST 8192 #define UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_PARALLELISM_COST 2 #define UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH 32 #define UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH (128/8) static char *mkpass_argon2(const char *para) { static char buf[512]; char salt[UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH]; int ret, i; if (!para) return NULL; /* Initialize salt */ for (i=0; i < sizeof(salt); i++) salt[i] = getrandom8(); *buf = '\0'; ret = argon2id_hash_encoded(UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_TIME_COST, UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_MEMORY_COST, UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_PARALLELISM_COST, para, strlen(para), salt, sizeof(salt), UNREALIRCD_ARGON2_DEFAULT_HASH_LENGTH, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (ret != ARGON2_OK) return NULL; /* internal error */ return buf; } static char *mkpass_bcrypt(const char *para) { static char buf[128]; char data[512]; /* NOTE: only 64 required by BF_crypt() */ char salt[64]; char random_data[32]; char *str; char *saltstr; int i; if (!para) return NULL; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); for (i=0; i