/* src/modules/history_backend_mem.c - History Backend: memory * (C) Copyright 2019-2021 Bram Matthys (Syzop) and the UnrealIRCd team * License: GPLv2 or later */ #include "unrealircd.h" /* This is the memory type backend. It is optimized for speed. * For example, per-channel, it caches the field "number of lines" * and "oldest record", so frequent cleaning operations such as * "delete any record older than time T" or "keep only N lines" * are executed as fast as possible. */ ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER = { "history_backend_mem", "2.0", "History backend: memory", "UnrealIRCd Team", "unrealircd-6", }; /* Defines */ #define OBJECTLEN ((NICKLEN > CHANNELLEN) ? NICKLEN : CHANNELLEN) #define HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 1019 /* The regular history cleaning (by timer) is spread out * a bit, rather than doing ALL channels every T time. * HISTORY_SPREAD: how much to spread the "cleaning", eg 1 would be * to clean everything in 1 go, 2 would mean the first event would * clean half of the channels, and the 2nd event would clean the rest. * Obviously more = better to spread the load, but doing a reasonable * amount of work is also benefitial for performance (think: CPU cache). * HISTORY_MAX_OFF_SECS: how many seconds may the history be 'off', * that is: how much may we store the history longer than required. * The other 2 macros are calculated based on that target. * * Update April 2021: these values are now also used for saving the * history if the persistent option is enabled. Therefore changed the * values to spread it even more out: from 16/128 to 60/300 so * in case of persistent it will save every 5 minutes. */ #if 0 //was: DEBUGMODE #define HISTORY_CLEAN_PER_LOOP HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE #define HISTORY_TIMER_EVERY 5 #else #define HISTORY_SPREAD 60 #define HISTORY_MAX_OFF_SECS 300 #define HISTORY_CLEAN_PER_LOOP (HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE/HISTORY_SPREAD) #define HISTORY_TIMER_EVERY (HISTORY_MAX_OFF_SECS/HISTORY_SPREAD) #endif /* Some magic numbers used in the database format */ #define HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_START 0xFEFEFEFE #define HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_END 0xEFEFEFEF #define HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_START 0xFFFFFFFF #define HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_END 0xEEEEEEEE /* Definitions (structs, etc.) -- all for persistent history */ struct cfgstruct { int persist; char *directory; char *masterdb; /* Autogenerated for convenience, not a real config item */ char *db_secret; }; typedef struct HistoryLogObject HistoryLogObject; struct HistoryLogObject { HistoryLogObject *prev, *next; HistoryLogLine *head; /**< Start of the log (the earliest entry) */ HistoryLogLine *tail; /**< End of the log (the latest entry) */ int num_lines; /**< Number of lines of log */ time_t oldest_t; /**< Oldest time in log */ int max_lines; /**< Maximum number of lines permitted */ long max_time; /**< Maximum number of seconds to retain history */ int dirty; /**< Dirty flag, used for disk writing */ char name[OBJECTLEN+1]; }; /* Global variables */ struct cfgstruct cfg; struct cfgstruct test; static char *siphashkey_history_backend_mem = NULL; HistoryLogObject **history_hash_table; static long already_loaded = 0; static char *hbm_prehash = NULL; static char *hbm_posthash = NULL; /* Forward declarations */ int hbm_config_test(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type, int *errs); int hbm_config_posttest(int *errs); int hbm_config_run(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type); int hbm_rehash(void); int hbm_rehash_complete(void); static void setcfg(struct cfgstruct *cfg); static void freecfg(struct cfgstruct *cfg); static void hbm_init_hashes(ModuleInfo *m); static void init_history_storage(ModuleInfo *modinfo); int hbm_modechar_del(Channel *channel, int modechar); int hbm_history_add(const char *object, MessageTag *mtags, const char *line); int hbm_history_cleanup(HistoryLogObject *h); HistoryResult *hbm_history_request(const char *object, HistoryFilter *filter); int hbm_history_destroy(const char *object); int hbm_history_set_limit(const char *object, int max_lines, long max_time); EVENT(history_mem_clean); EVENT(history_mem_init); static int hbm_read_masterdb(void); static void hbm_read_dbs(void); static int hbm_read_db(const char *fname); static int hbm_write_masterdb(void); static int hbm_write_db(HistoryLogObject *h); static void hbm_delete_db(HistoryLogObject *h); static void hbm_flush(void); void hbm_generic_free(ModData *m); void hbm_free_all_history(ModData *m); MOD_TEST() { hbm_init_hashes(modinfo); memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); memset(&test, 0, sizeof(test)); setcfg(&test); HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGTEST, 0, hbm_config_test); HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGPOSTTEST, 0, hbm_config_posttest); return MOD_SUCCESS; } MOD_INIT() { HistoryBackendInfo hbi; MARK_AS_OFFICIAL_MODULE(modinfo); /* We must unload early, when all channel modes and such are still in place: */ ModuleSetOptions(modinfo->handle, MOD_OPT_UNLOAD_PRIORITY, -99999999); setcfg(&cfg); LoadPersistentLong(modinfo, already_loaded); LoadPersistentPointer(modinfo, siphashkey_history_backend_mem, hbm_generic_free); LoadPersistentPointer(modinfo, history_hash_table, hbm_free_all_history); if (history_hash_table == NULL) history_hash_table = safe_alloc(sizeof(HistoryLogObject *) * HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE); /* hbm_prehash & hbm_posthash already loaded in MOD_TEST through hbm_init_hashes() */ HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_CONFIGRUN, 0, hbm_config_run); HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_MODECHAR_DEL, 0, hbm_modechar_del); HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_REHASH, 0, hbm_rehash); HookAdd(modinfo->handle, HOOKTYPE_REHASH_COMPLETE, 0, hbm_rehash_complete); if (siphashkey_history_backend_mem == NULL) { siphashkey_history_backend_mem = safe_alloc(SIPHASH_KEY_LENGTH); siphash_generate_key(siphashkey_history_backend_mem); } memset(&hbi, 0, sizeof(hbi)); hbi.name = "mem"; hbi.history_add = hbm_history_add; hbi.history_request = hbm_history_request; hbi.history_destroy = hbm_history_destroy; hbi.history_set_limit = hbm_history_set_limit; if (!HistoryBackendAdd(modinfo->handle, &hbi)) return MOD_FAILED; return MOD_SUCCESS; } MOD_LOAD() { /* Need to save these here already (after conf reading these are set), * as on next round the module reads it in TEST which happens before * the saving in MOD_UNLOAD: */ SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, hbm_prehash); SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, hbm_posthash); EventAdd(modinfo->handle, "history_mem_init", history_mem_init, NULL, 1, 1); EventAdd(modinfo->handle, "history_mem_clean", history_mem_clean, NULL, HISTORY_TIMER_EVERY*1000, 0); init_history_storage(modinfo); return MOD_SUCCESS; } /* Read the .db if 'persist' mode is enabled. * Normally this would be in MOD_LOAD, but the load order always * must be: channeldb first, this module second, and since we * cannot influence the load order we do this silly trick * with a one-time 1msec event. */ EVENT(history_mem_init) { if (!already_loaded) { /* Initial boot / load of the module... */ already_loaded = 1; if (cfg.persist) hbm_read_dbs(); } } MOD_UNLOAD() { if (loop.terminating) hbm_flush(); freecfg(&test); freecfg(&cfg); SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, hbm_prehash); SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, hbm_posthash); SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, history_hash_table); SavePersistentPointer(modinfo, siphashkey_history_backend_mem); SavePersistentLong(modinfo, already_loaded); return MOD_SUCCESS; } /** Set cfg->masterdb based on cfg->directory, for convenience */ static void hbm_set_masterdb_filename(struct cfgstruct *cfg) { char buf[512]; safe_free(cfg->masterdb); if (cfg->directory) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/master.db", cfg->directory); safe_strdup(cfg->masterdb, buf); } } /** Default configuration for set::history::channel */ static void setcfg(struct cfgstruct *cfg) { safe_strdup(cfg->directory, "history"); convert_to_absolute_path(&cfg->directory, PERMDATADIR); hbm_set_masterdb_filename(cfg); } static void freecfg(struct cfgstruct *cfg) { safe_free(cfg->masterdb); safe_free(cfg->directory); safe_free(cfg->db_secret); } static void hbm_init_hashes(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { char buf[256]; LoadPersistentPointer(modinfo, hbm_prehash, hbm_generic_free); LoadPersistentPointer(modinfo, hbm_posthash, hbm_generic_free); if (!hbm_prehash) { gen_random_alnum(buf, 128); safe_strdup(hbm_prehash, buf); } if (!hbm_posthash) { gen_random_alnum(buf, 128); safe_strdup(hbm_posthash, buf); } } /** Test the set::history::channel configuration */ int hbm_config_test(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type, int *errs) { int errors = 0; if ((type != CONFIG_SET_HISTORY_CHANNEL) || !ce || !ce->name) return 0; if (!strcmp(ce->name, "persist")) { if (!ce->value) { config_error("%s:%i: missing parameter", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number); errors++; } else { test.persist = config_checkval(ce->value, CFG_YESNO); } } else if (!strcmp(ce->name, "db-secret")) { const char *err; if ((err = unrealdb_test_secret(ce->value))) { config_error("%s:%i: set::history::channel::db-secret: %s", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number, err); errors++; } safe_strdup(test.db_secret, ce->value); } else if (!strcmp(ce->name, "directory")) // or "path" ? { if (!ce->value) { config_error("%s:%i: missing parameter", ce->file->filename, ce->line_number); errors++; } else { safe_strdup(test.directory, ce->value); hbm_set_masterdb_filename(&test); } } else { return 0; /* unknown option to us, let another module handle it */ } *errs = errors; return errors ? -1 : 1; } /** Post-configuration test on set::history::channel */ int hbm_config_posttest(int *errs) { int errors = 0; if (test.db_secret && !test.persist) { config_error("set::history::channel::db-secret is set but set::history::channel::persist is disabled, this makes no sense. " "Either use 'persist yes' or comment out / delete 'db-secret'."); errors++; } else if (!test.db_secret && test.persist) { config_error("set::history::channel::db-secret needs to be set."); errors++; } else if (test.db_secret && test.persist) { /* Configuration is good, now check if the password is correct * (if we can check at all, that is)... */ char *errstr = NULL; if (test.masterdb && ((errstr = unrealdb_test_db(test.masterdb, test.db_secret)))) { config_error("[history] %s", errstr); errors++; goto hbm_config_posttest_end; } /* Ensure directory exists and is writable */ #ifdef _WIN32 (void)mkdir(test.directory); /* (errors ignored) */ #else (void)mkdir(test.directory, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR); /* (errors ignored) */ #endif if (!file_exists(test.directory)) { config_error("[history] Directory %s does not exist and could not be created", test.directory); errors++; } else { /* Only do this if directory actually exists, hence in the 'else' block */ if (!hbm_read_masterdb()) errors++; } } hbm_config_posttest_end: freecfg(&test); setcfg(&test); *errs = errors; return errors ? -1 : 1; } /** Configure ourselves based on the set::history::channel settings */ int hbm_config_run(ConfigFile *cf, ConfigEntry *ce, int type) { if ((type != CONFIG_SET_HISTORY_CHANNEL) || !ce || !ce->name) return 0; if (!strcmp(ce->name, "persist")) { cfg.persist = config_checkval(ce->value, CFG_YESNO); } else if (!strcmp(ce->name, "directory")) // or "path" ? { safe_strdup(cfg.directory, ce->value); convert_to_absolute_path(&cfg.directory, PERMDATADIR); hbm_set_masterdb_filename(&cfg); } else if (!strcmp(ce->name, "db-secret")) { safe_strdup(cfg.db_secret, ce->value); } else { return 0; /* unknown option to us, let another module handle it */ } return 1; /* handled by us */ } int hbm_rehash(void) { freecfg(&cfg); setcfg(&cfg); return 0; } int hbm_rehash_complete(void) { return 0; } const char *history_storage_capability_parameter(Client *client) { static char buf[128]; if (cfg.persist) strlcpy(buf, "memory,disk=encrypted", sizeof(buf)); else strlcpy(buf, "memory", sizeof(buf)); return buf; } static void init_history_storage(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { ClientCapabilityInfo cap; memset(&cap, 0, sizeof(cap)); cap.name = "unrealircd.org/history-storage"; cap.flags = CLICAP_FLAGS_ADVERTISE_ONLY; cap.parameter = history_storage_capability_parameter; ClientCapabilityAdd(modinfo->handle, &cap, NULL); } uint64_t hbm_hash(const char *object) { return siphash_nocase(object, siphashkey_history_backend_mem) % HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; } HistoryLogObject *hbm_find_object(const char *object) { int hashv = hbm_hash(object); HistoryLogObject *h; for (h = history_hash_table[hashv]; h; h = h->next) { if (!strcasecmp(object, h->name)) return h; } return NULL; } HistoryLogObject *hbm_find_or_add_object(const char *object) { int hashv = hbm_hash(object); HistoryLogObject *h; for (h = history_hash_table[hashv]; h; h = h->next) { if (!strcasecmp(object, h->name)) return h; } /* Create new one */ h = safe_alloc(sizeof(HistoryLogObject)); strlcpy(h->name, object, sizeof(h->name)); AddListItem(h, history_hash_table[hashv]); return h; } void hbm_delete_object_hlo(HistoryLogObject *h) { int hashv; if (cfg.persist) hbm_delete_db(h); hashv = hbm_hash(h->name); DelListItem(h, history_hash_table[hashv]); safe_free(h); } int hbm_modechar_del(Channel *channel, int modechar) { HistoryLogObject *h; if (!cfg.persist) return 0; if ((modechar == 'P') && ((h = hbm_find_object(channel->name)))) { /* Channel went from +P to -P and also has channel history: delete the history file */ hbm_delete_db(h); h->dirty = 1; /* The reason for marking the entry as 'dirty' is that someone may later * set the channel +P again. If we would not set the h->dirty=1 then this * would mean the history log would not get rewritten until someone speaks. */ } return 0; } void hbm_duplicate_mtags(HistoryLogLine *l, MessageTag *m) { MessageTag *n; /* Duplicate all message tags */ for (; m; m = m->next) { n = duplicate_mtag(m); AppendListItem(n, l->mtags); } n = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"); if (!n) { /* This is duplicate code from src/modules/server-time.c * which seems silly. */ struct timeval t; struct tm *tm; time_t sec; char buf[64]; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); sec = t.tv_sec; tm = gmtime(&sec); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ", tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, (int)(t.tv_usec / 1000)); n = safe_alloc(sizeof(MessageTag)); safe_strdup(n->name, "time"); safe_strdup(n->value, buf); AddListItem(n, l->mtags); } /* Now convert the "time" message tag to something we can use in l->t */ l->t = server_time_to_unix_time(n->value); } /** Add a line to a history object */ void hbm_history_add_line(HistoryLogObject *h, MessageTag *mtags, const char *line) { HistoryLogLine *l = safe_alloc(sizeof(HistoryLogLine) + strlen(line)); strcpy(l->line, line); /* safe, see memory allocation above ^ */ hbm_duplicate_mtags(l, mtags); if (h->tail) { /* append to tail */ h->tail->next = l; l->prev = h->tail; h->tail = l; } else { /* no tail, no head */ h->head = h->tail = l; } h->dirty = 1; h->num_lines++; if ((l->t < h->oldest_t) || (h->oldest_t == 0)) h->oldest_t = l->t; } /** Delete a line from a history object */ void hbm_history_del_line(HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryLogLine *l) { if (l->prev) l->prev->next = l->next; if (l->next) l->next->prev = l->prev; if (h->head == l) { /* New head */ h->head = l->next; } if (h->tail == l) { /* New tail */ h->tail = l->prev; /* could be NULL now */ } free_message_tags(l->mtags); safe_free(l); h->dirty = 1; h->num_lines--; /* IMPORTANT: updating h->oldest_t takes place at the caller * because it is in a better position to optimize the process */ } /** Add history entry */ int hbm_history_add(const char *object, MessageTag *mtags, const char *line) { HistoryLogObject *h = hbm_find_or_add_object(object); if (!h->max_lines) { unreal_log(ULOG_WARNING, "history", "BUG_HISTORY_ADD_NO_LIMIT", NULL, "[BUG] hbm_history_add() called for $object, which has no limit set", log_data_string("object", h->name)); #ifdef DEBUGMODE abort(); #else h->max_lines = 50; h->max_time = 86400; #endif } if (h->num_lines >= h->max_lines) { /* Delete previous line */ hbm_history_del_line(h, h->head); } hbm_history_add_line(h, mtags, line); return 0; } HistoryLogLine *duplicate_log_line(HistoryLogLine *l) { HistoryLogLine *n = safe_alloc(sizeof(HistoryLogLine) + strlen(l->line)); strcpy(n->line, l->line); /* safe, see memory allocation above ^ */ hbm_duplicate_mtags(n, l->mtags); return n; } /** Quickly append a new line 'n' to result 'r' */ static void hbm_result_append_line(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogLine *n) { if (!r->log) { /* First item */ r->log = r->log_tail = n; } else { /* Quick append to tail */ r->log_tail->next = n; n->prev = r->log_tail; r->log_tail = n; /* we are the new tail */ } } /** Quickly prepend a new line 'n' to result 'r' */ static void hbm_result_prepend_line(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogLine *n) { if (!r->log) r->log_tail = n; AddListItem(n, r->log); } /** Put lines in HistoryResult that are after a certain msgid or * timestamp (excluding said msgid/timestamp). * @param r The history result set that we will use * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns Number of lines written, note that this could be zero, * which is a perfectly valid result. */ static int hbm_return_after(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { HistoryLogLine *l, *n; int written = 0; int started = 0; MessageTag *m; for (l = h->head; l; l = l->next) { /* Not started yet? Check if this is the starting point... */ if (!started) { if (filter->timestamp_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_a) > 0)) { started = 1; } else if (filter->msgid_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_a)) { started = 1; continue; } } if (started) { /* Check if we need to stop */ if (filter->timestamp_b && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_b) >= 0)) { break; } else if (filter->msgid_b && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_b)) { break; } /* Add line to the return buffer */ n = duplicate_log_line(l); hbm_result_append_line(r, n); if (++written >= filter->limit) break; } } return written; } /** Put lines in HistoryResult that before after a certain msgid or * timestamp (excluding said msgid/timestamp). * @param r The history result set that we will use * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns Number of lines written, note that this could be zero, * which is a perfectly valid result. */ static int hbm_return_before(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { HistoryLogLine *l, *n; int written = 0; int started = 0; MessageTag *m; for (l = h->tail; l; l = l->prev) { /* Not started yet? Check if this is the starting point... */ if (!started) { if (filter->timestamp_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_a) < 0)) { started = 1; } else if (filter->msgid_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_a)) { started = 1; continue; } } if (started) { /* Check if we need to stop */ if (filter->timestamp_b && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_b) < 0)) { break; } else if (filter->msgid_b && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_b)) { break; } /* Add line to the return buffer */ n = duplicate_log_line(l); hbm_result_prepend_line(r, n); if (++written >= filter->limit) break; } } return written; } /** Put lines in HistoryResult that are 'latest' * @param r The history result set that we will use * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns Number of lines written, note that this could be zero, * which is a perfectly valid result. */ static int hbm_return_latest(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { HistoryLogLine *l, *n; int written = 0; MessageTag *m; for (l = h->tail; l; l = l->prev) { if (filter->timestamp_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_a) <= 0)) break; /* Stop now */ else if (filter->msgid_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_a)) break; /* Stop now */ n = duplicate_log_line(l); hbm_result_prepend_line(r, n); if (++written >= filter->limit) break; } return written; } /** Put lines in HistoryResult based on a 'simple' request, that is: maximum lines or time * @param r The history result set that we will use * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns Number of lines written, note that this could be zero, * which is a perfectly valid result. */ static int hbm_return_simple(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { HistoryLogLine *l; int lines_sendable = 0, lines_to_skip = 0, cnt = 0; long redline; int written = 0; /* Decide on red line, under this the history is too old. * Filter can be more strict than history object (but not the other way around): */ if (filter && filter->last_seconds && (filter->last_seconds < h->max_time)) redline = TStime() - filter->last_seconds; else redline = TStime() - h->max_time; /* Once the filter API expands, the following will change too. * For now, this is sufficient, since requests are only about lines: */ lines_sendable = 0; for (l = h->head; l; l = l->next) if (l->t >= redline) lines_sendable++; if (filter && (lines_sendable > filter->last_lines)) lines_to_skip = lines_sendable - filter->last_lines; for (l = h->head; l; l = l->next) { /* Make sure we don't send too old entries: * We only have to check for time here, as line count is already * taken into account in hbm_history_add. */ if (l->t >= redline && (++cnt > lines_to_skip)) { /* Add to result */ HistoryLogLine *n = duplicate_log_line(l); hbm_result_append_line(r, n); written++; } } return written; } /** Put lines in HistoryResult that are 'around' a certain point. * @param r The history result set that we will use * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns Number of lines written, note that this could be zero, * which is a perfectly valid result. */ static int hbm_return_around(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { int n = 0; int orig_limit = filter->limit; /* First request 50% above the search term */ if (filter->limit > 1) filter->limit = filter->limit / 2; n = hbm_return_before(r, h, filter); /* Then the remainder (50% or more) below the search term. * * Ok, well, unless the original limit was 1 and we already * sent 1 line, then we may not send anything anymore.. */ filter->limit = orig_limit - n; if (filter->limit > 0) n += hbm_return_after(r, h, filter); return n; } /** Figure out the direction (forwards or backwards) for CHATHISTORY BETWEEN request * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns 0 for backward searching, 1 for forward searching, -1 for invalid / not found */ static int hbm_return_between_figure_out_direction(HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { HistoryLogLine *l; int found_a = 0; int found_b = 0; MessageTag *m; /* Two timestamps? Then we can easily tell the direction. */ if (filter->timestamp_a && filter->timestamp_b) return (strcmp(filter->timestamp_a, filter->timestamp_b) <= 0) ? 1 : 0; for (l = h->head; l; l = l->next) { if (!found_a) { if (filter->timestamp_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_a) >= 0)) { found_a = 1; } else if (filter->msgid_a && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_a)) { found_a = 1; } if (found_a) { if (found_b) { /* B was found before A? Then the result is: backwards */ return 0; } if (filter->timestamp_b && (m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time")) && m->value) { /* We can already resolve the direction now: */ char *timestamp_a = m->value; return (strcmp(timestamp_a, filter->timestamp_b) <= 0) ? 1 : 0; } } } if (!found_b) { if (filter->timestamp_b && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time"))) && (strcmp(m->value, filter->timestamp_b) >= 0)) { found_b = 1; } else if (filter->msgid_b && ((m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "msgid"))) && !strcmp(m->value, filter->msgid_b)) { found_b = 1; } if (found_b) { if (found_a) { /* A was found before B? Then the result is: forwards */ return 1; } if (filter->timestamp_a && (m = find_mtag(l->mtags, "time")) && m->value) { /* We can already resolve the direction now: */ char *timestamp_b = m->value; return (strcmp(filter->timestamp_a, timestamp_b) <= 0) ? 1 : 0; } } } } /* Neither points were found OR * one of the point is a msgid that could not be found. */ return -1; /* Result: invalid */ } /** Put lines in HistoryResult that are 'between' two points. * @param r The history result set that we will use * @param h The history log object * @param filter The filter that applies * @returns Number of lines written, note that this could be zero, * which is a perfectly valid result. */ static int hbm_return_between(HistoryResult *r, HistoryLogObject *h, HistoryFilter *filter) { int direction; direction = hbm_return_between_figure_out_direction(h, filter); if (direction == 1) return hbm_return_after(r, h, filter); else if (direction == 0) return hbm_return_before(r, h, filter); /* else direction is -1 which means not found / invalid */ return 0; } HistoryResult *hbm_history_request(const char *object, HistoryFilter *filter) { HistoryResult *r; HistoryLogObject *h = hbm_find_object(object); HistoryLogLine *l; int lines_sendable = 0, lines_to_skip = 0, cnt = 0; long redline; if (!h) return NULL; /* nothing found */ /* Check if we need to remove some history entries due to 'time'. * No need to worry about 'count' as that is being taken care off * by hbm_history_add(). */ if (h->oldest_t < TStime() - h->max_time) hbm_history_cleanup(h); r = safe_alloc(sizeof(HistoryResult)); safe_strdup(r->object, object); switch(filter->cmd) { case HFC_BEFORE: hbm_return_before(r, h, filter); break; case HFC_AFTER: hbm_return_after(r, h, filter); break; case HFC_LATEST: hbm_return_latest(r, h, filter); break; case HFC_AROUND: hbm_return_around(r, h, filter); break; case HFC_BETWEEN: hbm_return_between(r, h, filter); break; case HFC_SIMPLE: hbm_return_simple(r, h, filter); break; default: // unhandled break; } return r; } /** Clean up expired entries */ int hbm_history_cleanup(HistoryLogObject *h) { HistoryLogLine *l, *l_next = NULL; long redline = TStime() - h->max_time; /* First enforce 'h->max_time', after that enforce 'h->max_lines' */ /* Checking for time */ if (h->oldest_t < redline) { h->oldest_t = 0; /* recalculate in next loop */ for (l = h->head; l; l = l_next) { l_next = l->next; if (l->t < redline) { hbm_history_del_line(h, l); /* too old, delete it */ continue; } if ((h->oldest_t == 0) || (l->t < h->oldest_t)) h->oldest_t = l->t; } } if (h->num_lines > h->max_lines) { h->oldest_t = 0; /* recalculate in next loop */ for (l = h->head; l; l = l_next) { l_next = l->next; if (h->num_lines > h->max_lines) { hbm_history_del_line(h, l); continue; } if ((h->oldest_t == 0) || (l->t < h->oldest_t)) h->oldest_t = l->t; } } return 1; } int hbm_history_destroy(const char *object) { HistoryLogObject *h = hbm_find_object(object); HistoryLogLine *l, *l_next; if (!h) return 0; for (l = h->head; l; l = l_next) { l_next = l->next; /* We could use hbm_history_del_line() here but * it does unnecessary work, this is quicker. * The only danger is that we may forget to free some * fields that are added later there but not here. */ free_message_tags(l->mtags); safe_free(l); } hbm_delete_object_hlo(h); return 1; } /** Set new limit on history object */ int hbm_history_set_limit(const char *object, int max_lines, long max_time) { HistoryLogObject *h = hbm_find_or_add_object(object); h->max_lines = max_lines; h->max_time = max_time; hbm_history_cleanup(h); /* impose new restrictions */ return 1; } /** Read the master.db file, this is done at the INIT stage so we can still * reject the configuration / boot attempt. * * IMPORTANT: Because we run at INIT you must use test.xyz values and not cfg.xyz! */ static int hbm_read_masterdb(void) { UnrealDB *db; uint32_t mdb_version; char *prehash = NULL; char *posthash = NULL; db = unrealdb_open(test.masterdb, UNREALDB_MODE_READ, test.db_secret); if (!db) { if (unrealdb_get_error_code() == UNREALDB_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND) { /* Database does not exist. Could be first boot */ config_warn("[history] No database present at '%s', will start a new one", test.masterdb); if (!hbm_write_masterdb()) return 0; /* fatal error */ return 1; } else { config_warn("[history] Unable to open the database file '%s' for reading: %s", test.masterdb, unrealdb_get_error_string()); return 0; } } /* Master db has an easy format: * 64 bits: version number * string: pre hash * string: post hash */ if (!unrealdb_read_int32(db, &mdb_version) || !unrealdb_read_str(db, &prehash) || !unrealdb_read_str(db, &posthash)) { config_error("[history] Read error from database file '%s': %s", test.masterdb, unrealdb_get_error_string()); safe_free(prehash); safe_free(posthash); unrealdb_close(db); return 0; } unrealdb_close(db); if (!prehash || !posthash) { config_error("[history] Read error from database file '%s': unexpected values encountered", test.masterdb); safe_free(prehash); safe_free(posthash); return 0; } /* Now, safely switch over.. */ if (hbm_prehash && !strcmp(hbm_prehash, prehash) && hbm_posthash && !strcmp(hbm_posthash, posthash)) { /* Identical sets */ safe_free(prehash); safe_free(posthash); } else { /* Diffferent */ safe_free(hbm_prehash); safe_free(hbm_posthash); hbm_prehash = prehash; hbm_posthash = posthash; } return 1; } /** Write the master.db file. Only call this if it does not exist yet! */ static int hbm_write_masterdb(void) { UnrealDB *db; uint32_t mdb_version; if (!test.db_secret) abort(); db = unrealdb_open(test.masterdb, UNREALDB_MODE_WRITE, test.db_secret); if (!db) { config_error("[history] Unable to write to '%s': %s", test.masterdb, unrealdb_get_error_string()); return 0; } if (!hbm_prehash || !hbm_posthash) abort(); /* impossible */ mdb_version = 5000; if (!unrealdb_write_int32(db, mdb_version) || !unrealdb_write_str(db, hbm_prehash) || !unrealdb_write_str(db, hbm_posthash)) { config_error("[history] Unable to write to '%s': %s", test.masterdb, unrealdb_get_error_string()); return 0; } unrealdb_close(db); return 1; } /** Read all database files (except master.db, which is already loaded) */ static void hbm_read_dbs(void) { char buf[512]; #ifndef _WIN32 struct dirent *dir; DIR *fd = opendir(cfg.directory); if (!fd) return; while ((dir = readdir(fd))) { char *fname = dir->d_name; #else /* Windows */ WIN32_FIND_DATA hData; HANDLE hFile; char xbuf[512]; snprintf(xbuf, sizeof(xbuf), "%s/*.db", cfg.directory); hFile = FindFirstFile(xbuf, &hData); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; do { char *fname = hData.cFileName; #endif /* Common section for both *NIX and Windows */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", cfg.directory, fname); if (filename_has_suffix(fname, ".db") && strcmp(fname, "master.db")) { if (!hbm_read_db(buf)) { /* On error, we move the file to the 'bad' subdirectory, * eg data/history/bad/xyz.db */ char buf2[512]; snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/bad", cfg.directory); #ifdef _WIN32 (void)mkdir(buf2); /* (errors ignored) */ #else (void)mkdir(buf2, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR); /* (errors ignored) */ #endif snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/bad/%s", cfg.directory, fname); unlink(buf2); (void)rename(buf, buf2); } } /* End of common section */ #ifndef _WIN32 } closedir(fd); #else } while (FindNextFile(hFile, &hData)); FindClose(hFile); #endif } #define RESET_VALUES_LOOP() do { \ safe_free(mtag_name); \ safe_free(mtag_value); \ safe_free(line); \ free_message_tags(mtags); \ mtags = NULL; \ magic = 0; \ line_ts = 0; \ } while(0) #define R_SAFE_CLEANUP() do { \ unrealdb_close(db); \ RESET_VALUES_LOOP(); \ safe_free(prehash); \ safe_free(posthash); \ safe_free(object); \ } while(0) #define R_SAFE(x) \ do { \ if (!(x)) { \ config_warn("[history] Read error from database file '%s' (possible corruption): %s", fname, unrealdb_get_error_string()); \ R_SAFE_CLEANUP(); \ return 0; \ } \ } while(0) /** Read a channel history db file */ static int hbm_read_db(const char *fname) { UnrealDB *db = NULL; // header uint32_t magic = 0; uint32_t version = 0; char *prehash = NULL; char *posthash = NULL; char *object = NULL; uint64_t max_lines = 0; uint64_t max_time = 0; // then, for each entry: // (magic) uint64_t line_ts; char *mtag_name = NULL; char *mtag_value = NULL; MessageTag *mtags = NULL, *m; char *line = NULL; HistoryLogObject *h; db = unrealdb_open(fname, UNREALDB_MODE_READ, cfg.db_secret); if (!db) { config_warn("[history] Unable to open the database file '%s' for reading: %s", fname, unrealdb_get_error_string()); return 0; } R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int32(db, &magic)); if (magic != HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_START) { config_warn("[history] Database '%s' has wrong magic value, possibly corrupt (0x%lx), expected HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_START.", fname, (long)magic); unrealdb_close(db); return 0; } /* Now do a version check */ R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int32(db, &version)); if (version < 4999) { config_warn("[history] Database '%s' uses an unsupported - possibly old - format (%ld).", fname, (long)version); unrealdb_close(db); return 0; } if (version > 5000) { config_warn("[history] Database '%s' has version %lu while we only support %lu. Did you just downgrade UnrealIRCd? Sorry this is not suported", fname, (unsigned long)version, (unsigned long)5000); unrealdb_close(db); return 0; } R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_str(db, &prehash)); R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_str(db, &posthash)); if (!prehash || !posthash || strcmp(prehash, hbm_prehash) || strcmp(posthash, hbm_posthash)) { config_warn("[history] Database '%s' does not belong to our 'master.db'. Are you mixing old with new .db files perhaps? This is not supported. File ignored.", fname); R_SAFE_CLEANUP(); return 0; } R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_str(db, &object)); R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int64(db, &max_lines)); R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int64(db, &max_time)); h = hbm_find_object(object); if (!h) { config_warn("Channel %s does not have +H set, deleting history", object); R_SAFE_CLEANUP(); unlink(fname); return 1; /* No problem */ } while(1) { RESET_VALUES_LOOP(); R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int32(db, &magic)); if (magic == HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_END) break; /* We're done, end gracefully */ if (magic != HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_START) { config_warn("[history] Read error from database file '%s': wrong magic value in entry (0x%lx), expected HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_START", fname, (long)magic); R_SAFE_CLEANUP(); return 0; } R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int64(db, &line_ts)); while(1) { R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_str(db, &mtag_name)); R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_str(db, &mtag_value)); if (!mtag_name && !mtag_value) break; /* We're done reading mtags for this particular line */ m = safe_alloc(sizeof(MessageTag)); safe_strdup(m->name, mtag_name); safe_strdup(m->value, mtag_value); AppendListItem(m, mtags); safe_free(mtag_name); safe_free(mtag_value); } R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_str(db, &line)); R_SAFE(unrealdb_read_int32(db, &magic)); if (magic != HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_END) { config_warn("[history] Read error from database file '%s': wrong magic value in entry (0x%lx), expected HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_END", fname, (long)magic); R_SAFE_CLEANUP(); return 0; } hbm_history_add(object, mtags, line); } /* Prevent directly rewriting the channel, now that we have just read it. * This could cause things not to fire in case of corner issues like * hot-loading but that should be acceptable. The alternative is that * all log files are written again with identical contents for no reason, * which is a waste of resources. */ h->dirty = 0; R_SAFE_CLEANUP(); return 1; } /** Flush all dirty logs to disk on UnrealIRCd stop */ static void hbm_flush(void) { int hashnum; HistoryLogObject *h; if (!cfg.persist) return; /* nothing to flush anyway */ for (hashnum = 0; hashnum < HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; hashnum++) { for (h = history_hash_table[hashnum]; h; h = h->next) { hbm_history_cleanup(h); if (cfg.persist && h->dirty) hbm_write_db(h); } } } /** Free all history. * This is only called when the module is unloaded for good, so * when UnrealIRCd is terminating or someone comments the module out * and/or switches history backends. */ void hbm_free_all_history(ModData *m) { int hashnum; HistoryLogObject *h, *h_next; for (hashnum = 0; hashnum < HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; hashnum++) { for (h = history_hash_table[hashnum]; h; h = h_next) { h_next = h->next; hbm_history_destroy(h->name); } } /* And free the hash table pointer */ safe_free(m->ptr); } /** Periodically clean the history. * Instead of doing all channels in 1 go, we do a limited number * of channels each call, hence the 'static int' and the do { } while * rather than a regular for loop. * Note that we already impose the line limit in hbm_history_add, * so this history_mem_clean is for removals due to max_time limits. */ EVENT(history_mem_clean) { static int hashnum = 0; int loopcnt = 0; Channel *channel; HistoryLogObject *h; do { for (h = history_hash_table[hashnum]; h; h = h->next) { hbm_history_cleanup(h); if (cfg.persist && h->dirty) hbm_write_db(h); } hashnum++; if (hashnum >= HISTORY_BACKEND_MEM_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) hashnum = 0; } while(loopcnt++ < HISTORY_CLEAN_PER_LOOP); } const char *hbm_history_filename(HistoryLogObject *h) { static char fname[512]; char oname[OBJECTLEN+1]; char hashdata[512]; char hash[128]; if (!hbm_prehash || !hbm_posthash) abort(); /* impossible */ strtolower_safe(oname, h->name, sizeof(oname)); snprintf(hashdata, sizeof(hashdata), "%s %s %s", hbm_prehash, oname, hbm_posthash); sha256hash(hash, hashdata, strlen(hashdata)); snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/%s.db", cfg.directory, hash); return fname; } #define WARN_WRITE_ERROR(fname) \ do { \ unreal_log(ULOG_ERROR, "history", "HISTORYDB_FILE_WRITE_ERROR", NULL, \ "[historydb] Error writing to temporary database file $filename: $system_error", \ log_data_string("filename", fname), \ log_data_string("system_error", unrealdb_get_error_string())); \ } while(0) #define W_SAFE(x) \ do { \ if (!(x)) { \ WARN_WRITE_ERROR(tmpfname); \ unrealdb_close(db); \ return 0; \ } \ } while(0) // FIXME: the code below will cause massive floods on disk or I/O errors if hundreds of // channel logs fail to write... fun. static int hbm_write_db(HistoryLogObject *h) { UnrealDB *db; const char *realfname; char tmpfname[512]; HistoryLogLine *l; MessageTag *m; Channel *channel; if (!cfg.db_secret) abort(); channel = find_channel(h->name); if (!channel || !has_channel_mode(channel, 'P')) return 1; /* Don't save this channel, pretend success */ realfname = hbm_history_filename(h); snprintf(tmpfname, sizeof(tmpfname), "%s.tmp", realfname); db = unrealdb_open(tmpfname, UNREALDB_MODE_WRITE, cfg.db_secret); if (!db) { WARN_WRITE_ERROR(tmpfname); return 0; } W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int32(db, HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_START)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int32(db, 5000)); /* VERSION */ W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, hbm_prehash)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, hbm_posthash)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, h->name)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int64(db, h->max_lines)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int64(db, h->max_time)); for (l = h->head; l; l = l->next) { W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int32(db, HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_START)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int64(db, l->t)); for (m = l->mtags; m; m = m->next) { W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, m->name)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, m->value)); /* can be NULL */ } W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, NULL)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, NULL)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_str(db, l->line)); W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int32(db, HISTORYDB_MAGIC_ENTRY_END)); } W_SAFE(unrealdb_write_int32(db, HISTORYDB_MAGIC_FILE_END)); if (!unrealdb_close(db)) { WARN_WRITE_ERROR(tmpfname); return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 /* The rename operation cannot be atomic on Windows as it will cause a "file exists" error */ unlink(realfname); #endif if (rename(tmpfname, realfname) < 0) { config_error("[history] Error renaming '%s' to '%s': %s (HISTORY NOT SAVED)", tmpfname, realfname, strerror(errno)); return 0; } /* Now that everything was successful, clear the dirty flag */ h->dirty = 0; return 1; } static void hbm_delete_db(HistoryLogObject *h) { UnrealDB *db; const char *fname; if (!cfg.persist || !hbm_prehash || !hbm_posthash) { #ifdef DEBUGMODE abort(); /* we should not be called, so debug this */ #endif return; } fname = hbm_history_filename(h); unlink(fname); } void hbm_generic_free(ModData *m) { safe_free(m->ptr); }