Numeric 005 Documentation (c) 2002-2005 codemastr (Dominick Meglio) [] (c) 2005-2009 syzop (Bram Matthys) [] Numeric 005 allows the server to inform the client of any protocol specific features in the IRCd. The numeric is sent at connection time immediately after numeric 004. Additionally the numeric is sent when a /version request is made by a local user, for remote users numeric 105 is used but contains the same information. Due to the limit imposed by RFC1459 on both the buffer size (512) and the amount of parameters that can be sent in a single command (15) a total of 13 parameters may be specified in each 005. Because of this, a client must be able to accept multiple 005s consecutively. The format for the 005 message is as follows: ":" <servername> "005" SPACE <nickname> SPACE <token[=value]> SPACE ... ":are supported by this server" Currently UnrealIRCd supports several tokens that are included in numeric 005. A list of all tokens, their respective value and a brief description are listed below. UnrealIRCd attempts to follow the proposed ISupport standard as much as possible. UnrealIRCd only ignores the standard in one regard, the TARGMAX token. This token is believed to be impractical and technically impossible to correctly implement due to existing limitations in the standard. Therefore, this token is not currently supported. UnrealIRCd does additionally provide a few tokens which are not specified in the standard, these include: HCN, AWAYLEN, WATCH, SILENCE, EXTBAN, ELIST, CMDS, NAMESX, UHNAMES, and WATCHOPTS. UnrealIRCd also maintains a few legacy tokens such as MAXCHANNELS and WALLCHOPS to ensure compatibility until the ISupport standard is more widely accepted by clients. Token Value Default Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAP none none Informs the client that the /map command is present. [Obsolete] KNOCK none none Informs the client that the /knock command is present. [Obsolete] SAFELIST none none The LIST command is sent in multiple iterations so that the client's queue does not get filled causing the user to be killed. HCN none none The server supports the HCN (Hybrid Connect Notice) protocol. MAXCHANNELS number 10 The maximum number of channels a user may join. [Deprecated] MAXBANS number 60 The maximum number of bans that may be placed for a channel. [Obsolete] NICKLEN number 30 Maximum length of a user's nickname. TOPICLEN number 307 Maximum length of a channel's topic. KICKLEN number 307 Maximum length of a kick reason. MAXTARGETS number 20 Maximum targets for the PRIVMSG command. AWAYLEN number 307 Maximum length of an away message. WALLCHOPS none none Indicates that you may use NOTICE/PRIVMSG to send to +ohv by using PRIVMSG/NOTICE [@|%|+]#channel. [Deprecated] WATCH number 128 Indicates the presence of the WATCH command and specifies the maximum number of watch entries. SILENCE number 15 Indicates the maximum number of entries on the silence list. MODES number 13 Indicates the number of channel modes with parameters that may be sent at one time. CHANTYPES chars # Indicates the prefixes available for channels. PREFIX (modes)prefixes (qaohv)~&@%+ Indicates the modes on a channel that corespond to the given nickname prefixes. CHANMODES A,B,C,D be,kfL,lj, Specifies how each channel mode is psmntirRcOAQKVHGCuzNSMT set/unset. The A section specifies modes that add a nick/mask to a list. The B section specifies modes that require a parameter to be both set and unset. The C section specifies modes that only require a parameter to be set, and the D section specifies modes that require no parameters. NETWORK string no default value Specifies the name of the network that the server is connected to. CASEMAPPING string ascii Specifies what definition the server uses when determining if characters are upper/lowercase of eachother. EXTBAN prefix,types ~,cqnr Specifies what extbans are supported by the server. The prefix defines which character indicates an extban and the types defines which extbans the server supports. ELIST flags MNUCT Specifies the set of extended LIST options supported. The M flag indicates mask based searching, the N flag indicates negative mask based searching. The U flag means support for user count searching. The C flag allows channel creation time searching, and the T flag allows topic set time searching. CMDS commands MAP,KNOCK,DCCALLOW,USERIP Specifies a series of commands that can be useful for the client to know exist as they may provide a more efficient means for the client to accomplish a specific task. This token replaces the MAP and KNOCK tokens. STATUSMSG flags ~&@%+ Specifies the mode flags that may prefix a channel name in a PRIVMSG or NOTICE to limit who receives the message to only those with a certain level of access. This token will replace the WALLCHOPS token. EXCEPTS none none Indicates that channel ban exceptions (+e) are supported by the server. INVEX none none Indicates that channel invite exceptions (+I) are supported by the server. MAXLIST mode:num,... b:60,e:60,I:60 Specifies the maximum number of entries that may be added to a particular mode list (type A modes). This token replaces MAXBANS. CHANLIMIT pfx:num,... #:10 Specifies the maximum number of channels with the specified prefix that a user may join at one time. This token will replace MAXCHANNELS. CHANNELLEN number 32 Provides the maximum length of a channel name that a user can create. NAMESX none none Indicates that extended /NAMES info is available on this server. If the client sends "PROTOCTL NAMESX" then the server will, from then on, send all channel rights in a NAMES reply instead of only the highest right (eg: @+Person instead of @Person). UHNAMES none none Indicates that (other) extended /NAMES info is available on the server. If the client sends "PROTOCTL UHNAMES" then the server will, from then on, send user@host information in a NAMES reply (eg: @nick!ident@hostname). WATCHOPTS flags A WATCH options supported. 'A' means Away Notification is available.