#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This is stage 1 of the UnrealIRCd upgrade script # It downloads stage 2 online, verifies the integrity, and then # passes control to it to proceed with the rest of the upgrade. # # This is a bash script, so it is less cross-platform than the # rest of UnrealIRCd. We also mostly assume Linux/FreeBSD here. # BUILDDIR="@BUILDDIR@" SCRIPTDIR="@SCRIPTDIR@" DOCDIR="@DOCDIR@" TMPDIR="@TMPDIR@" function warn() { echo echo "WARNING: $*" echo "This is for your information only. It is possible to continue." echo "Press ENTER to continue, or CTRL+C to abort." echo "If in doubt, see https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#upgrade-verify-failed" read xyz } function bigwarn() { echo echo "[!!!] WARNING: $*" echo "Check https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#upgrade-verify-failed !" echo "Type 'IGNORE' in uppercase to continue if you think it is safe." echo "Type anything else to abort." read answer if [ "$answer" != "IGNORE" ]; then exit 1 fi } function fail() { echo echo "ERROR: $*" echo "NOTE: Your existing UnrealIRCd is backed up to $BACKUPDIR" echo "Perhaps check out the FAQ for common problems:" echo "https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#upgrade-failed" echo "Otherwise, follow the manual upgrade procedure from" echo "https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Upgrading" exit 1 } if [ ! -d "$BUILDDIR" ]; then echo "UnrealIRCd source not found at $BUILDDIR." echo "Sorry, then it is not possible to know your existing settings and thus we cannot upgrade." echo "Follow the manual upgrade procedure from https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Upgrading" exit 1 fi FETCHER="wget" if ! wget --help 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then # fetch is a pain: it always returns 1 (false) even for usage info and has no --version fetch 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 1 ]; then echo "The tool 'wget' is missing, which is used by this script." echo "On Linux consider running 'sudo apt install wget' or 'sudo yum install wget'" echo "and run this script again." echo "Or, don't use this script and follow the manual upgrade procedure from" echo "https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Upgrading" exit 1 fi FETCHER="fetch" fi # Weird way to get version, but ok. cd "$BUILDDIR" || fail "Could not cd to builddir" UNREALVER="`./configure --version|head -n1|awk '{ print $3 }'`" cd .. || fail "Could not cd back" # Set and export all variables with settings export UNREALVER BUILDDIR SCRIPTDIR DOCDIR TMPDIR FETCHER # Download the install script if [ "$FETCHER" = "wget" ]; then wget -O unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2 "https://www.unrealircd.org/downloads/unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2?from=$UNREALVER" || fail "Could not download online installer" wget -O unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2.asc "https://www.unrealircd.org/downloads/unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2.asc" || fail "Could not download online installer signature" else fetch -o unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2 "https://www.unrealircd.org/downloads/unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2?from=$UNREALVER" || fail "Could not download online installer" fetch -o unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2.asc "https://www.unrealircd.org/downloads/unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2.asc" || fail "Could not download online installer signature" fi # GPG verification - if available if gpg --version 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -f "$DOCDIR/KEYS" ]; then gpg --import "$DOCDIR/KEYS" echo if gpg --batch --exit-on-status-write-error --verify unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2.asc unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2; then echo "GPG: Verification succeeded. Download is genuine." export NOGPG=0 else bigwarn "GPG/PGP verification failed. This could be a security issue." export NOGPG=1 fi else warn "Unable to check download integrity with GPG/PGP. Missing $DOCDIR/KEYS file." export NOGPG=1 fi else echo "WARNING: The GnuPG (GPG/PGP) verification tool 'gpg' is not installed." if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]] ; then echo "Consider running 'sudo pkg install gnupg'" else echo "Consider running 'sudo apt install gpg' or 'yum install gnupg2'" fi echo "When 'gpg' is installed then the UnrealIRCd upgrade script can" echo "verify the digital signature of the download file." warn "Unable to check download integrity" export NOGPG=1 fi chmod +x unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2 ./unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2 $* SAVERET="$?" rm -f unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2 unrealircd-upgrade-script.stage2.asc exit $SAVERET