#!/bin/sh PID_FILE="@PIDFILE@" PID_BACKUP="@PIDFILE@.bak" BINDIR="@BINDIR@" UNREALIRCDCTL="$BINDIR/unrealircdctl" IRCD="$BINDIR/unrealircd" BUILDDIR="@BUILDDIR@" CONFDIR="@CONFDIR@" TMPDIR="@TMPDIR@" SCRIPTDIR="@SCRIPTDIR@" MODULESDIR="@MODULESDIR@" # When built with --with-asan, ASan does not dump core by default because # older gcc/clang might dump a 16TB core file. We explicitly enable it here. export ASAN_OPTIONS="abort_on_error=1:disable_coredump=0:unmap_shadow_on_exit=1:log_path=$TMPDIR/unrealircd_asan:detect_leaks=0" if [ ! -f $IRCD ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not find the IRCd binary ($IRCD)" echo "This could mean two things:" echo "1) You forgot to run 'make install' after running 'make'" echo "2) You answered a ./Config question incorrectly" exit fi if [ ! -d "$TMPDIR" ]; then mkdir "$TMPDIR" fi if [ "$1" = "start" ] ; then if [ -r $PID_FILE ] ; then if kill -CHLD `cat $PID_FILE` 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then if $UNREALIRCDCTL status 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "UnrealIRCd is already running (PID `cat $PID_FILE`)." echo "To restart UnrealIRCd, use: $0 restart" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -r $PID_FILE ] ; then mv -f $PID_FILE $PID_BACKUP fi # Check if ~/Unrealxxx/unrealircd.conf exists but the file # ~/unrealircd/conf/unrealircd.conf does not. # If so, then assume a user-build and give the user a nice hint... if [ ! -f $CONFDIR/unrealircd.conf -a -f $BUILDDIR/unrealircd.conf ]; then echo "" echo "There is no unrealircd.conf in $CONFDIR" echo "However I did find an unrealircd.conf in $BUILDDIR" echo "With UnrealIRCd 4 you should no longer run the IRCd from $BUILDDIR." echo "You should 'cd $SCRIPTDIR' and work from there." echo "See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/UnrealIRCd_files_and_directories" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $CONFDIR/unrealircd.conf ]; then echo "" echo "The configuration file does not exist ($CONFDIR/unrealircd.conf)." echo "Create one using the example configuration file, see the documentation:" echo "https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Installing_from_source#Creating_a_configuration_file" exit 1 fi echo "Starting UnrealIRCd" $IRCD if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then if [ -r $PID_BACKUP ] ; then mv -f $PID_BACKUP $PID_FILE fi # Try to be helpful... if ldd $IRCD 2>&1|grep -qF '=> not found'; then echo "========================================================" echo "UnrealIRCd failed to start due to missing libraries." echo "Maybe you need to recompile UnrealIRCd? See" echo "https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ#shared-library-error" echo "========================================================" else echo "=====================================================" echo "UnrealIRCd failed to start. Check above for possible errors." echo "If you don't understand the problem, then have a look at our:" echo "* FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/FAQ" echo "* Documentation: https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/" echo "=====================================================" fi exit 1 fi # Now check if we need to create a crash report. $IRCD -R elif [ "$1" = "stop" ] ; then echo -n "Stopping UnrealIRCd" if [ ! -r $PID_FILE ] ; then echo echo "ERROR: UnrealIRCd is not running" exit 1 fi kill -15 `cat $PID_FILE` if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: UnrealIRCd is not running" exit 1 fi # Wait for UnrealIRCd to terminate, but wait 10 seconds max n="0" while [ "$n" -lt 10 ] do echo -n "." if [ ! -r $PID_FILE ] ; then break fi if ! kill -0 `cat $PID_FILE`; then break fi n=`expr $n + 1` sleep 1 done echo # In case it is still running, kill it for good. if [ -r $PID_FILE ] ; then kill -9 `cat $PID_FILE` 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi elif [ "$1" = "rehash" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "status" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "module-status" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "reloadtls" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "restart" ] ; then echo "Validating configuration..." TMPF="$TMPDIR/configtest.txt" if ! $0 configtest 1>$TMPF 2>&1; then cat $TMPF rm -f $TMPF echo "" echo "Configuration test failed. Server is NOT restarted." exit 1 fi echo "Configuration test OK." $0 stop $0 start elif [ "$1" = "croncheck" ] ; then if [ -r $PID_FILE ] ; then kill -CHLD `cat $PID_FILE` 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = 0 ]; then # IRCd is running, bail out silently. exit 0 fi fi # PID file not found or found but stale echo "UnrealIRCd is not running. Starting now..." $0 start elif [ "$1" = "configtest" ] ; then $IRCD -c elif [ "$1" = "module" ] ; then shift $IRCD -m $* elif [ "$1" = "mkpasswd" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "version" ] ; then $IRCD -v elif [ "$1" = "gencloak" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "backtrace" ] ; then cd $TMPDIR # Find the corefile echo "Core files available:" n="0" for i in `echo *core*` do ls -l $i n=`expr $n + 1` done if [ "$n" -gt 1 ]; then echo "Type the name of the core file you want to research:" read corefile elif [ "$i" = "*core*" -o "$n" -eq 0 ]; then echo 'No core files found... Nothing to do' echo '' echo 'If you are sure UnrealIRCd crashed, then verify that unreal' echo 'has permission to dump core (type "ulimit -c unlimited" and see' echo 'if you get permission denied errors). Also verify that you did' echo 'not run out of quota.' echo 'If all that is ok, then it might be that UnrealIRCd did not crash but' echo 'got killed by the OS (eg: cpu/mem resource limits), the syadmin,' echo 'or an automated process.' exit 1 else corefile="$i" fi if [ ! -f "$corefile" ]; then echo "Core file '$corefile' not found" fi if [ ! -s "$corefile" ]; then echo 'Seems the corefile is 0 bytes' echo 'This usually means you need to relax the core file resource limit' echo '(type "ulimit -c unlimited"), or you might have ran out of quota.' exit 1 fi # This is needed for the script below and is probably also helpful for the # bug report since you usually want to paste this to the development team. export LANG=C export LC_ALL=C # The tmp/*.so files are often already deleted. Here we have some # (ugly) scripting to recreate the tmp/*.so links to the modules *.so files... echo 'info sharedlibrary'|gdb $IRCD $corefile 2>/dev/null|\ grep No|grep tmp/|awk '{ print $2 }'|\ awk -F '.' "{ system(\"[ -f $MODULESDIR/\" \$2 \"/\" \$3 \".so ] && ln -s $MODULESDIR/\" \$2 \"/\" \$3 \".so \" \$0 \" || ln -s $MODULESDIR/\" \$2 \".so \" \$0) }" echo "" echo "=================== START HERE ======================" echo "BACKTRACE:" cat >$TMPDIR/gdb.commands << __EOF__ bt echo \n frame echo \n x/s backupbuf echo \n bt 3 full quit __EOF__ gdb -batch -x $TMPDIR/gdb.commands $IRCD $corefile rm -f $TMPDIR/gdb.commands echo "GCC: `gcc -v 2>&1|tail -n 1`" echo "UNAME: `uname -a`" echo "UNREAL: `$0 version`" echo "CORE: `ls -al $corefile`" echo "=================== STOP HERE ======================" echo "" echo "Copy the parts between the START HERE and STOP HERE marker" echo "and report it on https://bugs.unrealircd.org/" echo "" echo 'But before you do, note the following:' echo '1. We do not support modifications of any unrealircd code' echo ' (except for config.h changes).' echo '2. If you are using 3rd party modules we might request you' echo ' to run without them and verify you still crash. This is' echo ' to eleminate any loss of time due to bugs made by others' echo '3. Use a reasonably recent UnrealIRCd version. We fix (crash)bugs' echo ' all the time so your bug might as well be fixed already.' echo "" echo "Thanks!" elif [ "$1" = "spki" -o "$1" = "spkifp" ] ; then $UNREALIRCDCTL $* elif [ "$1" = "hot-patch" -o "$1" = "cold-patch" ] ; then if [ ! -d "$BUILDDIR" ]; then echo "UnrealIRCd source not found. Sorry, it is not possible to patch." exit 1 fi if [ "$2" = "" ]; then echo "Argument required: ./unrealircd " exit 1 fi if ! wget --help 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "The tool 'wget' is missing, which is used by this script." echo "On Linux consider running 'apt install wget' or a similar command." exit 1 fi cd "$BUILDDIR" || exit 1 # Weird way to get version, but ok. UNREALVER="`./configure --version|head -n1|awk '{ print $3 }'`" wget -O patch "https://www.unrealircd.org/patch?type=$1&patch=$2&version=$UNREALVER" || exit 1 # A patch file of 0 bytes means the patch is not needed if [ -f patch -a ! -s patch ]; then echo "This UnrealIRCd version does not require that patch" fi if patch --dry-run -p1 -R /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Patch already applied. Nothing to do." exit 1 fi if ! patch --dry-run -p1 -N /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Patch failed to apply (no files changed)" exit 1 fi if ! patch -p1