# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative './connection_pool/shared_connection_pool' class RequestPool def self.current @current ||= RequestPool.new end class Reaper attr_reader :pool, :frequency def initialize(pool, frequency) @pool = pool @frequency = frequency end def run return unless frequency&.positive? Thread.new(frequency, pool) do |t, p| loop do sleep t p.flush end end end end MAX_IDLE_TIME = 30 MAX_POOL_SIZE = ENV.fetch('MAX_REQUEST_POOL_SIZE', 512).to_i REAPER_FREQUENCY = 30 WAIT_TIMEOUT = 5 class Connection attr_reader :site, :last_used_at, :created_at, :in_use, :dead, :fresh def initialize(site) @site = site @http_client = http_client @last_used_at = nil @created_at = current_time @dead = false @fresh = true end def use @last_used_at = current_time @in_use = true retries = 0 begin yield @http_client rescue HTTP::ConnectionError # It's possible the connection was closed, so let's # try re-opening it once close if @fresh || retries.positive? raise else @http_client = http_client retries += 1 retry end rescue # If this connection raises errors of any kind, it's # better if it gets reaped as soon as possible close @dead = true raise end ensure @fresh = false @in_use = false end def seconds_idle current_time - (@last_used_at || @created_at) end def close @http_client.close end private def http_client Request.http_client.persistent(@site, timeout: MAX_IDLE_TIME) end def current_time Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end end def initialize @pool = ConnectionPool::SharedConnectionPool.new(size: MAX_POOL_SIZE, timeout: WAIT_TIMEOUT) { |site| Connection.new(site) } @reaper = Reaper.new(self, REAPER_FREQUENCY) @reaper.run end def with(site, &block) @pool.with(site) do |connection| ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('with.request_pool', miss: connection.fresh, host: connection.site) do connection.use(&block) end end end delegate :size, :flush, to: :@pool end