# frozen_string_literal: true module Account::Counters extend ActiveSupport::Concern ALLOWED_COUNTER_KEYS = %i(statuses_count following_count followers_count).freeze included do has_one :account_stat, inverse_of: :account, dependent: nil after_save :save_account_stat end delegate :statuses_count, :statuses_count=, :following_count, :following_count=, :followers_count, :followers_count=, :last_status_at, to: :account_stat # @param [Symbol] key def increment_count!(key) update_count!(key, 1) end # @param [Symbol] key def decrement_count!(key) update_count!(key, -1) end # @param [Symbol] key # @param [Integer] value def update_count!(key, value) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid key #{key}" unless ALLOWED_COUNTER_KEYS.include?(key) raise ArgumentError, 'Do not call update_count! on dirty objects' if association(:account_stat).loaded? && account_stat&.changed? && account_stat.changed_attribute_names_to_save == %w(id) value = value.to_i default_value = value.positive? ? value : 0 # We do an upsert using manually written SQL, as Rails' upsert method does # not seem to support writing expressions in the UPDATE clause, but only # re-insert the provided values instead. # Even ARel seem to be missing proper handling of upserts. sql = if value.positive? && key == :statuses_count <<-SQL.squish INSERT INTO account_stats(account_id, #{key}, created_at, updated_at, last_status_at) VALUES (:account_id, :default_value, now(), now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (account_id) DO UPDATE SET #{key} = account_stats.#{key} + :value, last_status_at = now(), updated_at = now() RETURNING id; SQL else <<-SQL.squish INSERT INTO account_stats(account_id, #{key}, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (:account_id, :default_value, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (account_id) DO UPDATE SET #{key} = account_stats.#{key} + :value, updated_at = now() RETURNING id; SQL end sql = AccountStat.sanitize_sql([sql, account_id: id, default_value: default_value, value: value]) account_stat_id = AccountStat.connection.exec_query(sql)[0]['id'] # Reload account_stat if it was loaded, taking into account newly-created unsaved records if association(:account_stat).loaded? account_stat.id = account_stat_id if account_stat.new_record? account_stat.reload end end def account_stat super || build_account_stat end private def save_account_stat return unless association(:account_stat).loaded? && account_stat&.changed? account_stat.save end end