# frozen_string_literal: true class Importer::BaseImporter # @param [Integer] batch_size # @param [Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor] executor def initialize(batch_size:, executor:) @batch_size = batch_size @executor = executor @wait_for = Concurrent::Set.new end # Callback to run when a concurrent work unit completes # @param [Proc] def on_progress(&block) @on_progress = block end # Callback to run when a concurrent work unit fails # @param [Proc] def on_failure(&block) @on_failure = block end # Reduce resource usage during and improve speed of indexing def optimize_for_import! Chewy.client.indices.put_settings index: index.index_name, body: { index: { refresh_interval: -1 } } end # Restore original index settings def optimize_for_search! Chewy.client.indices.put_settings index: index.index_name, body: { index: { refresh_interval: index.settings_hash[:settings][:index][:refresh_interval] } } end # Estimate the amount of documents that would be indexed. Not exact! # @returns [Integer] def estimate! ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection { |connection| connection.select_one("SELECT reltuples AS estimate FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '#{index.adapter.target.table_name}'")['estimate'].to_i } end # Import data from the database into the index def import! raise NotImplementedError end # Remove documents from the index that no longer exist in the database def clean_up! index.scroll_batches do |documents| primary_key = index.adapter.target.primary_key raise ActiveRecord::UnknownPrimaryKey, index.adapter.target if primary_key.nil? ids = documents.pluck('_id') existence_map = index.adapter.target.where(primary_key => ids).pluck(primary_key).each_with_object({}) { |id, map| map[id.to_s] = true } tmp = ids.reject { |id| existence_map[id] } next if tmp.empty? in_work_unit(tmp) do |deleted_ids| bulk = Chewy::Index::Import::BulkBuilder.new(index, delete: deleted_ids).bulk_body Chewy::Index::Import::BulkRequest.new(index).perform(bulk) [0, bulk.size] end end wait! end protected def in_work_unit(*args, &block) work_unit = Concurrent::Promises.future_on(@executor, *args, &block) work_unit.on_fulfillment!(&@on_progress) work_unit.on_rejection!(&@on_failure) work_unit.on_resolution! { @wait_for.delete(work_unit) } @wait_for << work_unit rescue Concurrent::RejectedExecutionError sleep(0.1) && retry # Backpressure end def wait! Concurrent::Promises.zip(*@wait_for).wait end def index raise NotImplementedError end end