class ProcessFeedService < BaseService # Create local statuses from an Atom feed # @param [String] body Atom feed # @param [Account] account Account this feed belongs to def call(body, account) xml = Nokogiri::XML(body) # If we got a full feed, make sure the account's profile is up to date unless xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:feed').nil? update_remote_profile_service.(xml.at_xpath('/xmlns:feed/xmlns:author'), account) end # Process entries xml.xpath('//xmlns:entry').each do |entry| next unless [:note, :comment, :activity].include? object_type(entry) status = Status.find_by(uri: activity_id(entry)) # If we already have a post and the verb is now "delete", we gotta delete it and move on! if verb(entry) == :delete delete_post!(status) next end next unless status.nil? status = activity_id(entry), url: activity_link(entry), account: account, text: content(entry), created_at: published(entry), updated_at: updated(entry)) if object_type(entry) == :comment && verb(entry) == :post add_reply!(entry, status) elsif verb(entry) == :share add_reblog!(entry, status) elsif verb(entry) == :post add_post!(entry, status) end # If we added a status, go through accounts it mentions and create respective relations unless status.new_record? entry.xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="mentioned"]').each do |mention_link| # Here we have to do a reverse lookup of local accounts by their URL! # It's not pretty at all! I really wish all these protocols sticked to # using acct:username@domain only! It would make things so much easier # and tidier href = Addressable::URI.parse(mention_link.attribute('href').value) if == Rails.configuration.x.local_domain mentioned_account = Account.find_by(username: href.path.gsub('/users/', ''), domain: nil) unless mentioned_account.nil? mentioned_account.mentions.first_or_create(status: status) end end end end end end private def add_post!(_entry, status)! end def add_reblog!(entry, status) status.reblog = find_original_status(entry, target_id(entry)) if status.reblog.nil? status.reblog = fetch_remote_status(entry) end! unless status.reblog.nil? end def add_reply!(entry, status) status.thread = find_original_status(entry, thread_id(entry))! end def delete_post!(status) status.destroy! end def find_original_status(_xml, id) return nil if id.nil? if local_id?(id) Status.find(unique_tag_to_local_id(id, 'Status')) else Status.find_by(uri: id) end end def fetch_remote_status(xml) username = xml.at_xpath('./activity:object/xmlns:author/xmlns:name').content url = xml.at_xpath('./activity:object/xmlns:author/xmlns:uri').content domain = Addressable::URI.parse(url).host account = Account.find_by(username: username, domain: domain) if account.nil? account = follow_remote_account_service.("#{username}@#{domain}", false) return nil if account.nil? end account, uri: target_id(xml), text: target_content(xml), url: target_url(xml)) end def published(xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:published').content end def updated(xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:updated').content end def content(xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:content').content end def thread_id(xml) xml.at_xpath('./thr:in-reply-to').attribute('ref').value rescue nil end def target_id(xml) xml.at_xpath('.//activity:object/xmlns:id').content rescue nil end def activity_id(xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:id').content end def activity_link(xml) xml.at_xpath('./xmlns:link[@rel="alternate"]').attribute('href').value rescue '' end def target_content(xml) xml.at_xpath('.//activity:object/xmlns:content').content end def target_url(xml) xml.at_xpath('.//activity:object/xmlns:link[@rel="alternate"]').attribute('href').value end def object_type(xml) xml.at_xpath('./activity:object-type').content.gsub('', '').to_sym rescue :note end def verb(xml) xml.at_xpath('./activity:verb').content.gsub('', '').to_sym rescue :post end def follow_remote_account_service @follow_remote_account_service ||= end def update_remote_profile_service @update_remote_profile_service ||= end end