"use strict"; // vendor libraries require("jquery-ui/ui/widgets/sortable"); const $ = require("jquery"); const moment = require("moment"); const URI = require("urijs"); const fuzzy = require("fuzzy"); // our libraries require("./libs/jquery/inputhistory"); require("./libs/jquery/stickyscroll"); const slideoutMenu = require("./libs/slideout"); const templates = require("../views"); const socket = require("./socket"); const render = require("./render"); require("./socket-events"); const storage = require("./localStorage"); const utils = require("./utils"); require("./webpush"); require("./keybinds"); require("./clipboard"); const Changelog = require("./socket-events/changelog"); const JoinChannel = require("./join-channel"); $(function() { const sidebar = $("#sidebar, #footer"); const chat = $("#chat"); $(document.body).data("app-name", document.title); const viewport = $("#viewport"); const sidebarSlide = slideoutMenu(viewport[0], sidebar[0]); const contextMenuContainer = $("#context-menu-container"); const contextMenu = $("#context-menu"); $("#main").on("click", function(e) { if ($(e.target).is(".lt")) { sidebarSlide.toggle(!sidebarSlide.isOpen()); } else if (sidebarSlide.isOpen()) { sidebarSlide.toggle(false); } }); viewport.on("click", ".rt", function(e) { const self = $(this); viewport.toggleClass(self.prop("class")); e.stopPropagation(); chat.find(".chan.active .chat").trigger("msg.sticky"); }); function positionContextMenu(that, e) { let offset; const menuWidth = contextMenu.outerWidth(); const menuHeight = contextMenu.outerHeight(); if (that.hasClass("menu")) { offset = that.offset(); offset.left -= menuWidth - that.outerWidth(); offset.top += that.outerHeight(); return offset; } offset = {left: e.pageX, top: e.pageY}; if ((window.innerWidth - offset.left) < menuWidth) { offset.left = window.innerWidth - menuWidth; } if ((window.innerHeight - offset.top) < menuHeight) { offset.top = window.innerHeight - menuHeight; } return offset; } function showContextMenu(that, e) { const target = $(e.currentTarget); let output = ""; if (target.hasClass("user")) { output = templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "user", action: "whois", text: target.text(), data: target.data("name"), }); output += templates.contextmenu_divider(); output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "action-whois", action: "whois", text: "User information", data: target.data("name"), }); output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "action-query", action: "query", text: "Direct messages", data: target.data("name"), }); const channel = target.closest(".chan"); if (utils.isOpInChannel(channel) && channel.data("type") === "channel") { output += templates.contextmenu_divider(); output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "action-kick", action: "kick", text: "Kick", data: target.data("name"), }); } } else if (target.hasClass("chan")) { let itemClass; if (target.hasClass("lobby")) { itemClass = "network"; } else if (target.hasClass("query")) { itemClass = "query"; } else { itemClass = "chan"; } output = templates.contextmenu_item({ class: itemClass, action: "focusChan", text: target.attr("aria-label"), data: target.data("target"), }); output += templates.contextmenu_divider(); if (target.hasClass("lobby")) { output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "list", action: "list", text: "List all channels", data: target.data("id"), }); output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "join", action: "join", text: "Join a channel…", data: target.data("id"), }); } if (target.hasClass("channel")) { output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "list", action: "banlist", text: "List banned users", data: target.data("id"), }); } output += templates.contextmenu_item({ class: "close", action: "close", text: target.hasClass("lobby") ? "Disconnect" : target.hasClass("channel") ? "Leave" : "Close", data: target.data("target"), }); } contextMenuContainer.show(); contextMenu .html(output) .css(positionContextMenu($(that), e)); return false; } viewport.on("contextmenu", ".network .chan", function(e) { return showContextMenu(this, e); }); viewport.on("click contextmenu", ".user", function(e) { // If user is selecting text, do not open context menu // This primarily only targets mobile devices where selection is performed with touch if (!window.getSelection().isCollapsed) { return true; } return showContextMenu(this, e); }); viewport.on("click", "#chat .menu", function(e) { e.currentTarget = $(`#sidebar .chan[data-id="${$(this).closest(".chan").data("id")}"]`)[0]; return showContextMenu(this, e); }); contextMenuContainer.on("click contextmenu", function() { contextMenuContainer.hide(); return false; }); function resetInputHeight(input) { input.style.height = input.style.minHeight; } const input = $("#input") .history() .on("input", function() { const style = window.getComputedStyle(this); // Start by resetting height before computing as scrollHeight does not // decrease when deleting characters resetInputHeight(this); this.style.height = Math.min( Math.round(window.innerHeight - 100), // prevent overflow this.scrollHeight + Math.round(parseFloat(style.borderTopWidth) || 0) + Math.round(parseFloat(style.borderBottomWidth) || 0) ) + "px"; chat.find(".chan.active .chat").trigger("msg.sticky"); // fix growing }); let focus = $.noop; if (!("ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)) { focus = function() { if (chat.find(".active").hasClass("chan")) { input.trigger("focus"); } }; $(window).on("focus", focus); chat.on("click", ".chat", function() { setTimeout(function() { if (window.getSelection().isCollapsed) { focus(); } }, 2); }); } if (navigator.platform.match(/(Mac|iPhone|iPod|iPad)/i)) { $(document.body).addClass("is-apple"); } $("#form").on("submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); utils.forceFocus(); const text = input.val(); if (text.length === 0) { return; } input.val(""); resetInputHeight(input.get(0)); if (text.charAt(0) === "/") { const args = text.substr(1).split(" "); const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase(); if (typeof utils.inputCommands[cmd] === "function" && utils.inputCommands[cmd](args)) { return; } } socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: text, }); }); $("button#set-nick").on("click", function() { utils.toggleNickEditor(true); // Selects existing nick in the editable text field const element = document.querySelector("#nick-value"); element.focus(); const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); const selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }); $("button#cancel-nick").on("click", cancelNick); $("button#submit-nick").on("click", submitNick); function submitNick() { const newNick = $("#nick-value").text().trim(); if (newNick.length === 0) { cancelNick(); return; } utils.toggleNickEditor(false); socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: "/nick " + newNick, }); } function cancelNick() { utils.setNick(sidebar.find(".chan.active").closest(".network").data("nick")); } $("#nick-value").on("keypress", function(e) { switch (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) { case 13: // Enter // Ensures a new line is not added when pressing Enter e.preventDefault(); break; } }).on("keyup", function(e) { switch (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) { case 13: // Enter submitNick(); break; case 27: // Escape cancelNick(); break; } }); chat.on("click", ".inline-channel", function() { const name = $(this).data("chan"); const chan = utils.findCurrentNetworkChan(name); if (chan.length) { chan.trigger("click"); } else { socket.emit("input", { target: chat.data("id"), text: "/join " + name, }); } }); chat.on("click", ".condensed-summary .content", function() { $(this).closest(".msg.condensed").toggleClass("closed"); }); const openWindow = function openWindow(e, data) { const self = $(this); const target = self.data("target"); if (!target) { return; } // This is a rather gross hack to account for sources that are in the // sidebar specifically. Needs to be done better when window management gets // refactored. const inSidebar = self.parents("#sidebar, #footer").length > 0; if (inSidebar) { chat.data( "id", self.data("id") ); socket.emit( "open", self.data("id") ); sidebar.find(".active") .removeClass("active") .attr("aria-selected", false); self.addClass("active") .attr("aria-selected", true) .find(".badge") .removeClass("highlight") .empty(); if (sidebar.find(".highlight").length === 0) { utils.toggleNotificationMarkers(false); } sidebarSlide.toggle(false); } const lastActive = $("#windows > .active"); lastActive .removeClass("active") .find(".chat") .unsticky(); const lastActiveChan = lastActive.find(".chan.active"); if (lastActiveChan.length > 0) { lastActiveChan .removeClass("active") .find(".unread-marker") .data("unread-id", 0) .appendTo(lastActiveChan.find(".messages")); render.trimMessageInChannel(lastActiveChan, 100); } const chan = $(target) .addClass("active") .trigger("show"); let title = $(document.body).data("app-name"); const chanTitle = chan.attr("aria-label"); if (chanTitle.length > 0) { title = `${chanTitle} — ${title}`; } document.title = title; const type = chan.data("type"); let placeholder = ""; if (type === "channel" || type === "query") { placeholder = `Write to ${chanTitle}`; } input .prop("placeholder", placeholder) .attr("aria-label", placeholder); if (self.hasClass("chan")) { $("#chat-container").addClass("active"); utils.setNick(self.closest(".network").data("nick")); } const chanChat = chan.find(".chat"); if (chanChat.length > 0 && type !== "special") { chanChat.sticky(); } if (chan.data("needsNamesRefresh") === true) { chan.data("needsNamesRefresh", false); socket.emit("names", {target: self.data("id")}); } if (target === "#settings") { $("#session-list").html("<p>Loading…</p>"); socket.emit("sessions:get"); } if (target === "#help" || target === "#changelog") { Changelog.requestIfNeeded(); } focus(); // Pushes states to history web API when clicking elements with a data-target attribute. // States are very trivial and only contain a single `clickTarget` property which // contains a CSS selector that targets elements which takes the user to a different view // when clicked. The `popstate` event listener will trigger synthetic click events using that // selector and thus take the user to a different view/state. if (data && data.pushState === false) { return; } const state = {}; if (self.prop("id")) { state.clickTarget = `#${self.prop("id")}`; } else if (self.hasClass("chan")) { state.clickTarget = `#sidebar .chan[data-id="${self.data("id")}"]`; } else { state.clickTarget = `#footer button[data-target="${target}"]`; } if (history && history.pushState) { if (data && data.replaceHistory && history.replaceState) { history.replaceState(state, null, target); } else { history.pushState(state, null, target); } } return false; }; sidebar.on("click", ".chan, button", openWindow); $("#help").on("click", "#view-changelog, #back-to-help", openWindow); $("#changelog").on("click", "#back-to-help", openWindow); sidebar.on("click", "#sign-out", function() { socket.emit("sign-out"); storage.remove("token"); if (!socket.connected) { location.reload(); } }); function closeChan(chan) { let cmd = "/close"; if (chan.hasClass("lobby")) { cmd = "/quit"; const server = chan.find(".name").html(); if (!confirm("Disconnect from " + server + "?")) { // eslint-disable-line no-alert return false; } } socket.emit("input", { target: chan.data("id"), text: cmd, }); chan.css({ transition: "none", opacity: 0.4, }); return false; } sidebar.on("click", ".close", function() { closeChan($(this).closest(".chan")); }); const contextMenuActions = { join: function(itemData) { const network = $(`#join-channel-${itemData}`).closest(".network"); JoinChannel.openForm(network); }, close: function(itemData) { closeChan($(`.networks .chan[data-target="${itemData}"]`)); }, focusChan: function(itemData) { $(`.networks .chan[data-target="${itemData}"]`).trigger("click"); }, list: function(itemData) { socket.emit("input", { target: itemData, text: "/list", }); }, banlist: function(itemData) { socket.emit("input", { target: itemData, text: "/banlist", }); }, whois: function(itemData) { const chan = utils.findCurrentNetworkChan(itemData); if (chan.length) { chan.trigger("click"); } socket.emit("input", { target: $("#chat").data("id"), text: "/whois " + itemData, }); $(`.channel.active .users .user[data-name="${itemData}"]`).trigger("click"); }, query: function(itemData) { const chan = utils.findCurrentNetworkChan(itemData); if (chan.length) { chan.trigger("click"); } socket.emit("input", { target: $("#chat").data("id"), text: "/query " + itemData, }); }, kick: function(itemData) { socket.emit("input", { target: $("#chat").data("id"), text: "/kick " + itemData, }); }, }; contextMenuActions.execute = (name, ...args) => contextMenuActions[name] && contextMenuActions[name](...args); contextMenu.on("click", ".context-menu-item", function() { const $this = $(this); const itemData = $this.data("data"); const contextAction = $this.data("action"); contextMenuActions.execute(contextAction, itemData); }); chat.on("input", ".search", function() { const value = $(this).val(); const parent = $(this).closest(".users"); const names = parent.find(".names-original"); const container = parent.find(".names-filtered"); if (!value.length) { container.hide(); names.show(); return; } const fuzzyOptions = { pre: "<b>", post: "</b>", extract: (el) => $(el).text(), }; const result = fuzzy.filter( value, names.find(".user").toArray(), fuzzyOptions ); names.hide(); container.html(templates.user_filtered({matches: result})).show(); }); if ($("body").hasClass("public") && (window.location.hash === "#connect" || window.location.hash === "")) { $("#connect").one("show", function() { const params = URI(document.location.search).search(true); // Possible parameters: name, host, port, password, tls, nick, username, realname, join // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for...in#Iterating_over_own_properties_only for (let key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const value = params[key]; // \W searches for non-word characters key = key.replace(/\W/g, ""); const element = $("#connect input[name='" + key + "']"); // if the element exists, it isn't disabled, and it isn't hidden if (element.length > 0 && !element.is(":disabled") && !element.is(":hidden")) { if (element.is(":checkbox")) { element.prop("checked", (value === "1" || value === "true") ? true : false); } else { element.val(value); } } } } }); } $(document).on("visibilitychange focus click", () => { if (sidebar.find(".highlight").length === 0) { utils.toggleNotificationMarkers(false); } }); // Compute how many milliseconds are remaining until the next day starts function msUntilNextDay() { return moment().add(1, "day").startOf("day") - moment(); } // Go through all Today/Yesterday date markers in the DOM and recompute their // labels. When done, restart the timer for the next day. function updateDateMarkers() { $(".date-marker-text[data-label='Today'], .date-marker-text[data-label='Yesterday']") .closest(".date-marker-container") .each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(templates.date_marker({time: $(this).data("time")})); }); // This should always be 24h later but re-computing exact value just in case setTimeout(updateDateMarkers, msUntilNextDay()); } setTimeout(updateDateMarkers, msUntilNextDay()); window.addEventListener("popstate", (e) => { const {state} = e; if (!state) { return; } let {clickTarget} = state; if (clickTarget) { // This will be true when click target corresponds to opening a thumbnail, // browsing to the previous/next thumbnail, or closing the image viewer. const imageViewerRelated = clickTarget.includes(".toggle-thumbnail"); // If the click target is not related to the image viewer but the viewer // is currently opened, we need to close it. if (!imageViewerRelated && $("#image-viewer").hasClass("opened")) { clickTarget += ", #image-viewer"; } // Emit the click to the target, while making sure it is not going to be // added to the state again. $(clickTarget).trigger("click", { pushState: false, }); } }); // Only start opening socket.io connection after all events have been registered socket.open(); });