"use strict"; const $ = require("jquery"); const Mousetrap = require("mousetrap"); const socket = require("./socket"); const utils = require("./utils"); const sidebar = $("#sidebar"); module.exports = { handleKeybinds, openForm, }; function toggleButton(network) { // Transform the + button to a × network.find("button.add-channel").toggleClass("opened"); // Toggle content of tooltip const tooltip = network.find(".add-channel-tooltip"); const altLabel = tooltip.data("alt-label"); tooltip.data("alt-label", tooltip.attr("aria-label")); tooltip.attr("aria-label", altLabel); } function closeForm(network) { const form = network.find(".join-form"); if (form.is(":visible")) { form.find("input[name='channel']").val(""); form.find("input[name='key']").val(""); form.hide(); toggleButton(network); } } function openForm(network) { const form = network.find(".join-form"); if (form.is(":hidden")) { form.show(); toggleButton(network); } // Focus the "Channel" field even if the form was already open form.find(".input[name='channel']").trigger("focus"); } sidebar.on("click", ".add-channel", function(e) { const id = $(e.target).closest(".lobby").data("id"); const joinForm = $(`#join-channel-${id}`); const network = joinForm.closest(".network"); if (joinForm.is(":visible")) { closeForm(network); } else { openForm(network); } return false; }); function handleKeybinds(networks) { for (const network of networks) { const form = $(`.network[data-uuid="${network.uuid}"] .join-form`); form.find("input, button").each(function() { Mousetrap(this).bind("esc", () => { closeForm(form.closest(".network")); return false; }); }); form.on("submit", () => { const networkElement = form.closest(".network"); const channel = form.find("input[name='channel']").val(); const key = form.find("input[name='key']").val(); const existingChannel = utils.findCurrentNetworkChan(channel); if (existingChannel) { $(`#sidebar .chan[data-id="${chan.id}"]`).trigger("click"); } else { socket.emit("input", { text: `/join ${channel} ${key}`, target: networkElement.find(".lobby").data("id"), }); } closeForm(networkElement); return false; }); } }