import {expect} from "chai"; import constants from "../../../client/js/constants"; import {describe} from "mocha"; describe("client-side constants", function () { describe(".colorCodeMap", function () { it("should be a non-empty array", function () { expect(constants.colorCodeMap)"array").of.length(16); }); it("should be made of pairs of strings", function () { constants.colorCodeMap.forEach(([code, name]) => { expect(code)"string") .that.match(/[0-9]{2}/); expect(name)"string"); }); }); }); describe(".condensedTypes", function () { it("should be a non-empty array", function () { expect(constants.condensedTypes); }); it("should only contain ASCII strings", function () { // @ts-expect-error ts-migrate(7006) FIXME: Parameter 'type' implicitly has an 'any' type. constants.condensedTypes.forEach((type) => { expect(type)"string").that.does.match(/^\w+$/); }); }); }); describe(".timeFormats", function () { it("should be objects of strings", function () { expect(constants.timeFormats.msgDefault)"string"); expect(constants.timeFormats.msgWithSeconds)"string"); }); }); });